
Chapter 0 - Introduction

Gu Luo Chen - The President of Gu Corporation, the most powerful person in City B. A guy every girl wants to marry. Cold-hearted, bad tempered and a man that easily gets jealous.

Xia Zhan Xiao - A goddess that every guy would want to marry. Has a bad temper. Has a very mysterious background.

Drugged with aphrodisiac, Luo Chen entered the wrong room and forced the poor girl *laying* on the bed that was also drugged. The next morning, he woke up to find out the girl already ran away. He tried to search for her but there was no results. After 4 years, she comes back to City B with twins.

What would be the fate of the two leads? Was it fate that brought them together? And was it really a coincidence that both of them was drugged..... or was it planned?