

The following day Wang Zunyan was in a good mood, his face plastered with an unfamiliar expression, a smiling face.

His father was happy to see him like this.

"Wang Zunyan, you seem happy these days, did your wife give birth?"

Wang Jing swatted his arm playfully.

"Stop teasing him, Ah Zun, we have to tell you something"

Seeing their sudden serious faces, he sat down along with them, Wang Jun sighed.

"We decided to go on a three week night hunt"

"What? Is it necessary?"

Wang Jing nodded.

"The sects will come together for the annual WangShi jaizu banquet at the end of the month so we should go practice our cultivation, we hope you will stand in for us"

He sighed.

"Okay, when are you leaving?"





Li Xiwang walked around the Xiangyun Pavilion with a serious face, the closed fan in his hand making him look like a ferocious sect leader, the soft blue and pink robe however telling a different story.

"You should command respect with your walk, head up, chest out" Li Na instructed from behind.

Li Jun and Liu Yang laughed at him as they watched from afar.

"Your hair should be pulled back, to help you see your enemies from behind"

Li Xiwang sighed and nodded, it seems his low ponytail will not be an option. He walked around with his mother behind him, the disciples bowing as he passed by.

"Mother I'm tired, let's take a break"

Li Na sighed, her son is powerful yet lazy.

"Fine, I'll be here in an hour"

Li Xiwang nodded and walked up to his friends.

"Aiya I'm so tired, my feet a hurting"

Li Jun smirked and poked his feet with the sheath of her sword making him wince in pain.

"We should chop them off maybe you'll feel better"

"Ha-ha" he said with an eye roll. Liu Yang patted his shoulder.

"You will be fine, when you become sect leader you won't have to suffer through this"

"If you say so"

Just then Li Qiang walked up to them, his face cold as ice.

"Your father demands to see you, follow me"

Li Xiwang turned to Li Jun who shrugged in response. He sighed and followed the guard.

Li Jie was inside the pavilion, the Xiangyun chair polished looking new. Li Xiwang closed the doors behind him.

"Father, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, this is the chair you will be sitting on, sit on it"

Li Xiwang sat on the chair delicately, as if he was afraid it will break. Li Jie smiled.

"No look around, what do you see?"

"I see....an empty Pavilion"

Li Jie laughed and nodded.

"That's how it was when your mother formed the sect, look how sixteen years later things turned around....what I'm trying to say is, the sect and it's people, should be your first priority son"


"Let me finish, i know we might be pressuring you but it's the only thing we can do, out there the sect leaders are ruthless, you have to conduct yourself in a way that no one will dare to challenge you for your chair, understand?"

"Yes....i will not disappoint"

Li Jie smiled at him, he patted his head softly and bowed.

"Sect leader Li Xiwang, what should we do now?"

"We hold a banquet!"

They both laughed.



Wang Zunyan was in the palace, the inner disciples were kneeling in front of them. One of them stood up, it was Feng Qiao.

"Sect leader Wang Zunyan, you called us?"

"Yes, we seem to have a problem in the sect, someone has been stealing from the bursary"

They gasped and looked at each other. Feng Qiao spoke up again.

"What made you think this?"

"Earlier this morning i passed by and heard the market sellers saying they deposited almost ten thousand taels and now they have five thousand...sounds fishy to me"

"Maybe they were lying to get a raise"

Wang Zunyan smirked.

"It seems Sect elder Feng Qiao knows everything about the people in this sect, tell me something, the family that benefits the most from the sect bursary if yours yet you're so calm"

Feng Qiao smiled calmly.

"Are you insinuating that i stole the money?"

"No, I'm saying act like your family won't have food to eat tonight, i will have my eye on you"

Feng Qiao glared at him.


Wang Zunyan watched him storm off, he chuckled.

"The rest of you are dismissed, get back to work"



Zhang Wei sheathed his sword, the spirit beast besides him purred at him, he sighed and sat in the lotus position, his Qi immediately connected with the tiger's Neidan.

"Show me the dragon" he said to it, he could see the tiger going into the deep forest, in a bottomless pit were two glowing stones. The stones were orange and had some sort of strong energy around it, the tiger growled and something popped out of the pit, those were not stones, they were eyes, the eyes of the dragon.

It was white and big, it was wet meaning it was a water dragon, the dragon opened it's mouth and he opened his eyes with a gasp.

He took deep breaths and stood up, he walked inside the Zhengyi Palace and drew his sword.

"Stop right there"

Zhang Yong and Zhang Min were shocked, their son holding the blade of his sword at the neck of the sect elder made them feel uneasy.

"Zhang Wei what are you doing!" His father roared in anger.

"This man right here sent his dragon to attack Li Xiwang and his friends, why?"

Zhang lei Wang shook his head.

"I didn't, maybe they interrupted it's nap and got attacked"

"Oh really? Then why is it living in a bottomless pit?"

"The dragon is too big for my home so i feed it whenever i come to the pit, Zhang Wei I'm really innocent"

"See he's innocent put your sword away"

Zhang Wei looked at the elder, his hazelnut eyes starring into his soul, he scoffed and walked away.

Zhang Yong stood up from his seat and went to comfort Zhang lei Wang.

"Are you alright? Forgive my son, he's a bit short tempered"

"It's okay" he said and left. Zhang Min sighed.

"Why did Zhang Wei do that, that's not the behaviour i taught him"

Zhang Yong looked at the door, his eyes turned to a full glare.

"I will have a talk with the boy"



Li Xiwang and his father joined Li Na at the lake, her eyes held a known emotion, sadness.

"Mother...are you alright?"

She turned to them and blood was dripping form her lips.

"What happened?" Li Jie asked in worry.

"Liu Wei betrayed us, he.....he"

Anger was taking over Li Xiwang.

"He what? Tell me!"

"He was the one behind the creatures and attacks, he told me he won't stop until he has my sect, he....he locked my spiritual power"

The grip on the hand fan tightened, Sect elder Liu Wei is traitor? Does that mean....he stormed off.

Li Jun and Liu Yang were in the gardens picking flowers.

"Liu Yang!"

Startled by the loud shout, they turned around and saw Li Xiwang walking over to them, his face in an expression they've never seen before, hate.

"Li Xiwang what happ-"

Liu Yang was sent flying backwards by the water whip around Li Xiwang's hand, she stood up and looked at a shocked Li Jun..

"Where is that traitor you call a father!"

"You....what did you call my father?"

Li Xiwang flicked his hand again, the water gripped on Liu Yang's body, the cold water making her gasp.




Zhang Wei paused, his heart had just skipped a beat, why though? He looked around and saw nothing. He whistled a high sharp tune and his spirit beast came running to him.

"Go inspect, kill any threats"

He drew his sword and walked as softly as he could. The snap of a twig and the glare of a sword made him duck.


It was Zhang Yong, he tripped the man and aimed the sword at his neck.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Yong scoffed.

"Trying to teach you some manners"

"Hump! That old fart deserved it, he hurt my friends"

"He's a sect elder, if word gets out that you attacked him what will people say about our sect"

"Is that all you care about? Your precious sect? My friends were hurt, Madam Li Na and her husband know who owns a dragon spirit beast and if Li Xiwang died, war would've broken out"

"War? We are cultivators we do not indulge in petty wars"

Zhang Wei was lost for words, he sheathed his sword. Zhang Yong got to his feet.

"Cultivators are taught not to befriend the evil and yet you eat and dine with him every day!" Zhang Wei erupted.


His cheek tingled and was starting to become a crimson red. He chuckled.

"What kind of cultivator are you? Raising your hand at your own son, pathetic" he said and stormed off.

Zhang Yong was left there staring at his reddening palm.

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