1 Part 1

Shouts and laughter filled the air of a small village hidden deep within the mountains of Altara. Each house seemed to meld easily into the mountain itself, anything flying above would assume the hovels to be no more than part of the mountain, the only tell tale of life being the people who moved between the homes. Serene stood in the middle of the hovels, the square in which they all encircled covered in flowers and vines. It was the midsummer festival Serene that year's flower Queen. As she stood giggling in the middle of a group of people shouting suddenly silenced the merriment of the group. Rushing into the square a older man, looking to be about fifty fell at Serene's feet.

"Your mother… we need to warn her. Humans have entered the mountain."

The news caused panic throughout the crowd, many rushing towards their homes to hide from sight. Serene's mother, Marcella, strode forward.

"Calm! The humans cannot detect us. We are as safe in this village as we have been for the many 300 years past!"

"Mother humans! I wish to go see!" Serene begged

"We do not go near humans. We do not leave the village. They hunt us, they capture us. We cannot risk such for you little dove."

"Ari left…"

"And Ari has not returned home in many moons."

"Mother I'm 300"

"And too young to know the wars that many of us have been through. Do not argue with me Serene"

Irritation swept through her and Serene stormed off into the large nearly castle-like building that was carved from the mountain itself.

In her bedroom Serene paced anger swelling through her system.

"I may be the youngest here but I am no child any longer!" Serene cried out

She threw one of her pillows to the floor in her fit of rage and sighed sitting on her bed. Looking into the mirror across from her Serene stared at her own young face. She looked freshly twenty, shimmering green hues always shifting and dancing with a mix of shades. Her black hair flowed easily to her hips, and along the bed before she stood to step closer to the mirror. Twisting to look at the tattoo that her dress left exposed on her back, Serene watched it shimmer as if the wings that lay on her beach begged for life. There, in that tattoo she saw her freedom.

"Mother may be afraid of what the humans will do to us Dragons. But I am not" she stated with Vehemence.

As twilight darkened into night, Serene planned her escape. Changing into pants and a tunic, that as her dress did, opened at the back to expose her tattoo, she then began to pack a small amount of food. Serene grabbed the bag of money she saved over time from beneath her bed. Taking a last look to the room she had grown up in over these last many years, Serene took a breath preparing herself mentally for the trip ahead.

The moon shone bright above her as she left behind the village. It's light seemed a guide to the edge of the village, sticking to shadows to avoid the possibility of anyone seeing her. She traveled far enough out, not once looking back, until finally she could turn and see nothing but mountains instead of the village that lay concealed in them. Taking a deep breath, she went on her way, black hair easily merging into the darkness of the trees. She didn't dare shift forms and fly, afraid of getting caught by her people, let alone scaring any humans she might meet along the way. The forest seemed reticent, as if all sound had been vacuumed from the air around her, save her own movements. Each crunch of a leaf beneath her feet resulted in Serene's heart stopping for the short few feet she walked. As she continued her path forward however she began to calm down. It was a slow realization that Serene had successfully made her way from her home. No one would come after her now that she was far from the magic that protected her village.

The further the distance she put between her and the village, the more free Serene began to feel. No more rules, or constraints that her mother placed on her. The breath of the air made her close her eyes and Serene stood still a moment, letting herself soak everything in. Seeing between trees a meadow. She quickly made her way to it and looked up at the moon. Finally, she could shift with freedom. Setting her satchel aside and removing her clothes, packing them into the satchel, the very air around her buzzed with magic as she began her shift, shrouding her so that she could not be seeing, until in her place stood a large beautiful Dragon. Roaring happily in her freedom Serene launched into the air, massive wings pumping until she was high enough and she began to sore taking in the land beneath her. The very land she had only been able to see from afar.
