
Fated Bride

Pamela_Lijing_Zhou · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

"Come on Kate! It'll be fun! You'll see people you can't usually see even if you try! Also….you HAVE to come to keep me company…" Julie gave me her puppy eyes before continuing to speak "it just won't be as fun without you.."

I sighed. I wasn't going to win this one.

After ten hours straight of work, the last thing I wanted to do was to go to a stupid high class party where I would stick out as a sore thumb. But I just couldn't say no to Julie. Not after she and her family gave me, an orphan, so much. They treated me as family and always stood behind me. Believing me even as no one else did. But I tried one last time to refuse.

"I don't have anything to wear Jules. And your dresses certainly won't fit me!"

And I wasn't using it as an excuse either. I really didn't have anything to wear to such a high class party where every influential person would come. And Julie had a totally different physique. She was tall and slim whereas I was short and had much more pronounced curves.

She gave me a sly smile. "Don't you worry your pretty little head over something so trivial…my mom already has everything on order!"

I looked at her horrified. If even Ms Cameron was involved than I had no escape. If Julie failed her mother would probably order her chauffeur to come and drag me to their mansion even against my will.

"I didn't have a choice from the beginning right?" I asked defeated.

She just gave me a bright smile and linked her arm with mine dragging me toward the door of my small apartment.

"Your carriage awaits my dear princess. Let's make hast or the evil queen will torture you all day!"

I shuddered knowing she was telling the truth and meekly followed her lead toward the car waiting downstairs.