
A new start II

*Chapter start*

'This place is truly worth being called a prestigious academy.'

While walking to the tracking field Artoria takes the time to admire the school scenery. As a famous British academy, the scenery that adorns it is magnificent. Being located in a small valley isolated from any big metropole, Orleans Academy is a place of clean and organized appearance while also maintaining a decent deal of greenery. Having a student population of almost three thousand, the academy is a fairly big place, or at least big enough that the great majority of the students had never even seen most of its facilities and buildings.

Orleans Academy is a private institution famed for the highest employment rate in all of the UK and also competes with several renowned educational institutions across the globe. Focusing on nourishing its students from middle school and high school, which has proven to be the correct decision as it massively reduced the costs of dealing with a university-sized budget and the many of the problems that come with dealing with it.

But the greatest insight of this academy's founders was its heavy quirkless-directed propaganda. Back in the time in which the academy was founded, during the times of the Great Quirk War, a period in which quirkless discrimination and hate crimes were at an all-time high, the academy advocated for equality and proclaimed itself as a safe haven to all the quirkless children that wished to learn in a safe environment.

Although it faced many difficulties the school survived and not long after it became the alma mater for many "war heroes" and one of the greatest symbols of quirk-quirkless equality on the British Isles. Even to this day, the school boasts the reputation of having the greatest quirkless student employment rate in all of Europe.

"I guess it also didn't fall for the hero academy trap." A lot of new schools and academies are being created all over the country with the intention to be the new U.A or A.H.U in America, in all fairness they were the pioneers of the new hero era, and if all many financially failed institutes that came after it can say something, is that a school like U.A is not easily replicable.

'Although I feel like it is thanks to them that heroes nowadays feel like some market product. Since the creation of the hero job, the word hero became extremely vague even in the dictionary. As of now, heroism has become an entire industry that in some cases like Japan is responsible for an entire portion of the nation's economy.'

"But who am I to criticize them? It is still leagues better than what I used to do in my past life." Letting her mind wander into her old memories of a past life, Artoria let out a small sigh."Haaah, it's been almost eighteen years since I reincarnated in this strange world, hasn't it?"

Yes, long eighteen years… but still not enough to give up on old dreams or forget the events of those two weeks it seems.

"Haahh, what are you even thinking about Artoria? Getting yourself all distracted like that in the middle of the day." Giving herself a weak slap on the cheeks Artoria takes her mind off those nostalgic thoughts. Redirecting her attention to the track field in front of her.

As if not forgetting its origins the school maintained its military-based looks, of course doing some renovations from time to time. Actually in several places of the academy one can see its rather simplistic and utilitarian design. While for most it's not the most beautiful of sights, to Artoria is rather nostalgic and somehow comforting, remembering her of her own bland design choices.

'Now that I think about it, the principal asked the committee to organize the track-field club members to participate in a sports-based commercial of sorts. I will send Alan later to talk to them. I think he has quite a few friends within the sports clubs.'

"Truly the early bird gets the worm." Hearing her friend's voice behind her, Artoria takes her attention away from more official matters."What a treat for the eyes."

Following her perverse friend's gaze Artoria finds a well-built handsome young man running along the track field.

"How can this be the first thing you think of in the morning Elise? It is no wonder you are still single when you just keep ogling your teacher. Actually no, it seems appropriate, you guys are rather compatible." Shaking her head in fake disappointment, Artoria gives a small jab at her friend's perverted comment.

"Hey, comparing me to him is a low blow." Elise retorts, looking genuinely angry.

"True, at least he gets the girl's attention." Artoria gives the finishing blow.

"You… says the singleton. I bet you never even hugged a boy that isn't Kay for your entire life." Replies Elise while opening her water bottle to take a sip.

"Oh? Mrs. Pendragon and Mrs. Orleans. Are you two also here for a morning jog?" Noticing the two girls talking by the side of the track field the young man approaches the duo with a beautiful smile.

"Good morning Mr. Harry, we are also here for a morning jog." Seeing Arturia's inattention Elise replies quickly.

Mr. Harry is the youngest teacher to ever get a full teaching job at the academy, he reached this position mainly thanks to his quirk that increases his thought speed, subject comprehension, and learning capabilities. Although he is without a doubt a genius and a very attractive man, his personality and overhaul disposition as a person leaves a lot to be desired. Harry Ottoni is a very popular teacher with the female population of the academy due to his handsome looks, charming smile, and courteous personality

'But if that were to be all then I wouldn't have as many problems with that person as I have. Despite his teaching position he clearly leads the girls in with his talk. Due to most girls not having any mature interaction with the opposite gender someone like Professor Harry can strike the mark pretty easily with them. But the most irking fact is that despite his perverted actions he has enough consciousness to not go all in and just satisfies himself with the power that he gets by manipulating those girls, with actions ranging from ordering them around to even public shaming them. For the less observant he is simply joking around and being playful, but if someone were to pay enough attention to it the maliciousness is rather evident.'

"Hmm, a morning exercise helps to keep the mind sharp and the body healthy." Mr. Harry says with a gentle smile, but when looking at his eyes you can see them slowly coming down to look at both Artoria and Elise's body.

"Yes, I agree with Mr. Harry. Now if you could excuse us." Not wanting to give the man more attention than he deserves, Artoria passes him and enters the track field stands.

"He would be a lot hotter if he wasn't such a jerk." Elise whispers with a slightly irritated tone."Can't we do anything about him?"

"That would be hard. He didn't commit any easy to denounce crimes despite his clear intimacy with minors, if we were to try to ask for his demission we would need to make a proper argument and present concrete proof as to why we are asking the school coordinators and principal to do so." Artoria shakes her head at Elise's inquiry." Moreover, to do so we would need the support of a significant percentage of the older student body to testify against him, but even then the school isn't going to just lay him off. They will do a proper investigation before making a decision, after all, that wouldn't be just a teacher and student issue, it would directly affect the school's reputation outside."

"Argh, why does everything have to be so complicated?"

"It's just natural. There are many different trapholes to fall into when dealing with the school's reputation, the school board doesn't want to make any mistakes that would cost them more than their student's mental health.." Artoria explains calmly while putting her bag and other things on the stand seats." Besides that, our term will only last a few more months, and then we will be graduating from this school. We already have enough on our plates to be dealing with, and that guy will naturally corner himself over time."

"It's weird." Elise suddenly says.

"What is?" Arturia asks after Elise's sudden statement.

"It's weird to think that this will be our last year at this school, right? I mean we spent most of our lives living here, it just feels wrong to say that after this year we are not supposed to ever come back here." Elise says with a somber voice while looking vacantly at the track field.

'This is the first time that she is dealing with growing up out of a place. It is natural for someone her age to feel this way, I think. I wonder what kind of thoughts I had back when I left my hometown, before taking that sword from the stone. Had I been the personification of the perfect king I chose to be or had I walked forward while looking back all the way, strangely enough, I don't remember what I was thinking at the time.'

Letting a weak laugh escape her mouth, Artoria says to Elise teasingly."Well if you are going to miss this place so much why not become a teacher? That way you can stay another five to six decades and see yourself becoming one of those old-hag-teachers that you hate so much."

Giving Artoria a stinky eye Elise replies."Hahaha, as if. But can you imagine? If I were to graduate and come back early enough I would be teaching those brats."

"Very improbable that you would be teaching high school students right off the bat, but that's true I wouldn't want to be Brendon's teacher during high school." Artoria says remembering a rather unfortunate event

"Right? But I have to admit that the stunt that he pulled at the girl's dormitory was kinda epic." Elise says with a grin.

"Have you forgotten who was responsible for supervising the cleaning? And we also had to share our dorms with the younger girls because of him. That place stank for an entire week." That was just a dreadful experience.

"Hey, we are kinda lucky. Almost no school can boast of having such a legendary event happening. I'm pretty sure in a decade or two everyone will start doubting it and start calling it some kind of school legend with only some of the staff remembering what actually happened." Elsie says with a smile on her face.

"Well, I guess in the future it may have an important place within my memories." Arturia says with a smile mirroring Elise's."But for now, all I can remember is that horrible smell."

"Hey, that's part of the charm."

*Chapter start*

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