
Fated:- Unfortunately Fortunate!

Tara, the only heiress of TN cosmetics, a worldwide famous company, popular for its special and natural skin care products! Aryan, a psychologist, who is famous for his incredible skills in treating patients, analysing their problems and helping them heal! Everything about them, seems fine until when it comes to their personal life! A sufferer and a sufferer who is willing to help the sufferer! Their life took a twisted turn the time when they were young, long ago, when occured an accident! The time when one started to see the very unfortunate things from future and another who started to see the very hidden memories of others from past! Crossing paths, unknown of each other, unknown of their own past, what would their life and that meeting show them?? What would be their end?? Join me to experience their story, witnessing the blossom of a pure love among their inexplicable sufferings! Required love within the hidden mysteries! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
125 Chs

Sinking In Pain!!

Aryan had took the bunch of letters from the person who came to deliver him, thanking him he shut the door, they looked old, unopened, why had his parents never read them, and who had sent them? As he went through the track of thoughts, Tara came out of her room as well, asking "Those are it?"

He gave her a nod, "Seems to be!"

Aryan made his way to the dining table, getting seated, he placed the letters on the table, Tara came and took a seat as well. He slowly took the first one, opening it, she just stared him curious, he when took out the letter from the envelop which had no address, was surprised to see that this was from his grandfather! So probably the others were too! While the other way, Tara couldn't understand the expression that took over his face, he seemed calm yet thoughtful, silent yet so much on mind!

"Who sent those?" she asked calmly. Aryan looked up at her, he remained silent for a moment before he replied, "Grandpa!"

Tara was taken aback, she remembered how he panicked and was lost in thoughts about his grandparents, she though didn't understood why couldn't he remember anything about his grandparents, Tara hoped he could remember atleast something by reading those letters!

She just gave him a nod before getting up, but as she turned around to leave, he held her wrist gently, stopping her! She turned back to face him, still calmly looking him, asking him the reason to stop her, in silence!

"You don't have to leave!" he assured understanding her way of thinking.

She smiled, "That might be personal!" her hand which he held now reached up making him loosen his grip, her hand rested on his shoulder, "Take your time!" she said tapping, "I'll go pack my things for tomorrow!" said Tara before she gave him a nod and headed to her room!

Aryan watched her until her door got shut, he understood that she wanted to give him privacy, and may be he really needed it! The fact that he couldn't remember anything about his grandparents worried him, panicked him. He couldn't try to see through those letters infront of her as he did previously out of his thoughts, yet he wanted her to stay.

Why? He didn't know!!

He placed the letters on the table, reading them one by one, first he read everything, knowing what had his grandfather wrote about, without touching much, intentionally! They looked old yet he could easily say, it seemed royal, written with ink pen, handwriting was one of the...may be best of the one's he has ever seen!

As he read, he understood that those letters were about his grandfather requesting his father and family to return!

To where?

This was long back ago, and probably his grandfather would have stopped writing letters, or they might have....

A sigh escaped, if not, he wasn't an orphan yet, right? Then why had they never came to recieve him?

And why had his parents never replied to this letters? Or may be they did?! Can be a reason for no more letters?!

Aryan didn't know, and his focus was again back to the letters, now he touched them, as much as he could trying to see anything related, flashes of memories started to play in his mind!

Sunlight was peeking through the window, falling on the table and the paper as the hand of a man slowly dusted the white paper which now seemed to glow in golden as if the sun itself decorated it. The man's hand dipped the pen in the ink and he started to write!

Aryan shot his open and his head started throbbing, his hand reached up massaging his head while the other hand still was on table, even in pain his fingers reached to the letters, more memories flashed in his mind!

'Why do you insist on it Vikram?' a voice echoed in his voice as he saw a lady holding the letter, a voice which he recognised to be his mother's, tears streamed down his face! His eyes got closed soon, 'It is necessary Arshi! You know how much I love my sister!' another voice, he hears, which he remembered as his father's! Finally he had seen his mother's face!

'Alright but I hope you won't drag it long honey!' she said, still holding the letter!

Aryan's other hand now reached up too, holding his head as though it's going to burst, his pain increasing with every second that's passing! More memories now flashed while his eyes were now closed again, even without touching anything, he started to have every memory that he spent with his parents, in his mind! His head paining like it has never been, some flashes of his grandparents were also seen but, not clear, some whispers started to echo in his ears, which weren't clear as well! More tears streamed down his closed eyes, he wasn't sure anymore of what was happening with him, he felt like he was drowning in pain, slowly but surely, deeper and deeper!

His left hand forcefully got placed on the table in pain, making the jar of water fall down making a noise, he not being able to bear the pain anymore stood, but as he tried more images flashed, his mother's smile, his father's caress, and those whispers weren't helping either, intolerant to his increasing pain, he fell on his knees, holding his head.


Tara while packing her things kept thinking about Aryan. 'You don't have to leave!' she recalled what he said! His eyes said something in unison and not as well! She clearly saw, he wanted her to stay, but for some odd reason, thought he really needed some space! May be it was just her thought, which seemed to be right! If she was in his place, she definitely would be wanting some space and so she just offered him that! Yet she still wondered what was going with him!

Everything about him from the beginning seemed strange! He strangely always understood her, and supported her! Was it because he was a psychologist? Or is it just him?

She zipped the suitcase, standing she reached out her hand for a glass of water, but even before she could take the jar on the table, she heard a cracking sound out from the living room! She frowned, what was happening?

She made her way out of her room, and as soon as she opened the door, she was taken aback when she saw Aryan kneeling down, his face wet with sweat and tears, eyes closed! Her eyes widened when she saw him in such a state, his hands covering his ears as if someone was shouting right in his ears!

Tara hurried to him kneeling down, but as she tried to calm him down not knowing what else to do, her hand resting on his shoulder, within a second, he slapped her hand away, without even trying to look at her!

"Don't touch! Stay away!!" he yelled, Tara was taken aback!


Aryan was not in control anymore, he felt like his ears were about to burst with the increasing noise which seemed like only he could hear! Nothing was clear anymore, track of images kept playing in his mind, with the speed where he couldn't even identify whom he was seeing! Images went black now and whispers heightened! Even in that black view, he could see shadows with white outline, moving, fast as well!

He wasn't sure who had placed a hand on his shoulder, but when the person did, he got to see Tara's younger self he had once saw, suffering with a severe headache as well, which seemingly increased his headache. The image of her standing alone, on the railing flashed now, emerging with all the other images, he saw tears streaming down her cheeks, soon his closed eyes shedded tears! It was becoming unbearable, "Don't touch! Stay away!!" he yelled, slapping her hand away, now exactly knowing it was Tara who was infront of him! He just wanted her away now, away from him! He didn't want her to see him in such a state which was new to him as well, explaining her still seemed hard!

"Aryan!" she called out softly! He shook his head, his hands still covering his ears!

Tara wasn't sure what was happening with him, and how to calm him down, but he seemed to be in a turmoil! Something was hurting him badly, she was sure of it though she didn't know if it was mentally or physically! But she can't leave him just because he said! Not when he was the one who stayed with her, and supported in every way he could!

Tara's hands reached his shoulders, holding tight, totally ignorant to his warning, she shook his shoulders letting his hands fall down, "Aryan!!" she called again but a bit loud this time!

"Look at me damned!!" she yelled, forcing him to open his eyes, and as he did, his wet eyelashes blinked as he took a look at her!

"Everything is alright!!" she assured cupping his wet cheeks now, though she didn't know what exactly was bothering him!

He stared her in silence, the noise in his ears was decreasing slowly, yet tears still streaming down his face!

It was first time for Tara to see him like this, wiping away his tears with her thumb fingers, she caressed his cheek, "It's alright!" she repeated!

Despite her wiping away, few more tears fell down his cheeks, his pain vanishing slowly as his eyes kept staring her in silence, without hesitating he pulled her closer into an embrace!