
Fated:- Unfortunately Fortunate!

Tara, the only heiress of TN cosmetics, a worldwide famous company, popular for its special and natural skin care products! Aryan, a psychologist, who is famous for his incredible skills in treating patients, analysing their problems and helping them heal! Everything about them, seems fine until when it comes to their personal life! A sufferer and a sufferer who is willing to help the sufferer! Their life took a twisted turn the time when they were young, long ago, when occured an accident! The time when one started to see the very unfortunate things from future and another who started to see the very hidden memories of others from past! Crossing paths, unknown of each other, unknown of their own past, what would their life and that meeting show them?? What would be their end?? Join me to experience their story, witnessing the blossom of a pure love among their inexplicable sufferings! Required love within the hidden mysteries! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
125 Chs


Aryan after returning to the hotel, kept reading the book!

He went on reading, and every page just left him wondering! How had she handled all this, all by herself, and for how many visions did she collapse? As he went through, every vision was a misfortune, seeing her parents die, seeing her dog die, seeing herself in hospital, seeing her company's once fall down, and so on! There were even some faded yet visible marks of water droplets, tears?! His hand went to caress the page unintentionally, but he happened to see the child again!

She wrote down, "I saw snoopy dying!", tears fell down her cheeks, falling on the page! "Even you left me now!!" she sobbed!

He sighed, and kept turning the pages until he reached the last one, which he saw himself too!

He recalled her words, 'The last vision I had was myself kissing someone'

He had to ask specifically no one to know that she is wanting to hide it from him, of course it might be embarrassing! For a moment, when he recalled how they two reacted that night cause of that vision, it felt funny!

He almost smiled but it faded even before it could appear as he recalled what she said again, 'Every vision I had till now....came true!!' What did this mean? He swallowed, it couldn't be!

He shook his head, what was he even thinking about?!

Aryan closed the book, and decided to study more about her from now, only then can he come to a point which can justify her having this fate!


Deep just drove back to home while the woman just stayed in his mind! Aarohi! That was her name!

The woman in the church, he had really hardly managed to get out some information about Aarohi from her!

He had said that she missed her purse on the road and he followed her to return it, only then was the woman satisfied to answer, well fool enough to not to ask him to show her the purse! He shook his head, shouldn't make fun of someone as great and good as a church mother!

According to what she said, Aarohi was an orphan who was adopted when she was seven! She now has a beautiful family, yet she keeps visiting orphanage!

Aarohi! What a beautiful name!

Even after reaching home, he just thought about her, white, that suited her well, very well, she really looked like a fairy!


Aarohi reached home, and her sister-in-law welcomed her with a smile, as they embraced! "Brother?" she questioned pushing herself away!

She smiled, "He isn't home yet!"

"It's already evening!"

Soumya shrugged, "You know he is a busy person!"

She smiled, "Of course! Of course!!" she shook her head and they both went in! She got seated at the dining table and Soumya offered her some water, Aarohi sighed and had some water for herself while she kept remembering what happened today! Soumya who now sat across her cutting vegetables, noticed her, "What are you thinking about?!"

She gulped down the water, and looked up, "Something very weird happened today!" Soumya frowned! "What happened?!"

Aarohi couldn't find words to keep up, what would she explain? Well how actually?

Her frown deepened, "What is it about?"

She sighed while shrugged, "A man!"

Soumya stiffened, left the grip over knife, and looked up, with a knowing smile, she pushed everything aside, cupping her cheeks, propping up by elbows rested on table, "Who is he??" her brows raised.

Aarohi rolled her eyes completely understanding her sister-in-law's unnecessary curiosity. Ignoring it, she shrugged again, "I don't know! He kept on following me, and when I confronted he confessed!"

Her mouth made a '0', "What did he say??"

"I like you!"

"Finally!!" she suddenly hit the table excited, "How was he? What did you say? Do you really don't know him? How many days was he following you from? Come on tell me more! Everything!!"

Aarohi shook her head, "Are you even my sister-in-law?"

Soumya smiled, "I am your friend first!"

She nodded, "You always are interested in things like this! No wonder you succeeded making my brother fall for you!"

Soumya just rolled her eyes, "It was your brother who ran behind me! Anyway, we are talking about YOU here, not about me!"

Aarohi sighed, "Answer me!!" she urged.

"I don't know! Really! I am sure he never saw me nor did I! I still wonder on how he just said so, out of blue!"

Soumya kept smiling, "According to what you said, he is straight forward! Uhm....I like it!!"

Aarohi frowned and gave a shook, "What's there in it to like?"

Soumya shook her head, "Just tell me what did you say?"

"What will I say? I avoided of course! Pervert he is!"

Soumya almost facepalmed, but just a sigh escaped, "You are hopeless!"

"What's wrong in it? Why don't you try, who knows?! He might be the right one!"

"Sister-in-law, do you really suggest me that? Ah! I need to tell this to your husband! I am just wondering what would he do if he gets wind of this!!"

"Who fears him?" She waved her hand! Aarohi frowned!

"Are you both talking about me?" suddenly a voice interrupted them!

Their eyes widened as they both stood at once!

"You haven't ringed the bell!" said Soumya.

"Cause you left the door open!" he shrugged while placing his bag on the couch and taking a seat beside where Aarohi stood. "Well what were you both talking about?"

They both exchanged glances, Aarohi smirked, "Brother.... actually we were talking about you!" He frowned and gave them a look of 'What is it?'

While Soumya gave her a look of 'Don't you dare do it!!'

Aarohi gave her a wicked smile, and was about to say something but her lovely sister-in-law had said instead, "We were just thinking if you could spend the weekend with us! We both had decided to go out and shop for a while! Will you join Rithik?"

He shook his head, "Don't involve me in that! It takes hours!!" he said while having himself some water and then he stood, "I'll go and fresh up!" he smiled and headed to his room.

"Who fears him?!!" Aarohi teased!

"I just wanted to make things clear before we say him! See for yourself, at the end, it will be me who will be discussing about your marriage cause he ain't gonna do that with his busy schedule!"

"Oh marriage! My god! You are taking it seriously!" she shook her head, "I'll help you have them cut!" she got seated again and did what she said so, Soumya just shrugged while they both worked together!


A new morning it was, Tara got up, after a deep sleep! Weirdly, she rested for long yesterday! She didn't know why but she did, and this time there were even no nightmares! A peaceful one! When she was about to open the front door, she heard the bell ringing! She opened the door only to see Aryan standing infront! She frowned, but said nothing and moved away welcoming him in! She thought of going to company but...well he is here now!

As he got seated, she took a seat facing him and waited for him to say something.

"Where were you heading to?"

She frowned, what did that have to do with him? "Work!"

He nodded, "From today, I will be assisting you in everything you do and everywhere you go!"

She raised her brows, she could understand, but the problem was, how could she explain it to others? Her consulting a doctor, if everyone in the company gets winds of this, then it will be a chaos! More reasons to corner her, more questions and those weird looks which she damned so hated!

"Is it necessary? We can have a meeting daily!"

He frowned now, "I said! I will be with you every second!!"