
Chapter 1: 決断 (Decision) 


All the characters in this story are fictional. Any resemblance with existing characters will be a mere coincidence. My humble gratitude to the readers for reading this story.

Chapter 1:

In the world of vampires, witches, and werewolves...all three were known to be each other's biggest enemies. They couldn't even bear the sight of each other. So the elders made their decision by forming a union where all royal vampires' witches and werewolves were gathered to make important resolutions for their people. They allotted the three communities their lands wisely and the person to invade another's territory was to be punished. After some peaceful time, the first one to betray the union was werewolves. Betrayal as in killing innocent people by vampires and witches. Up until now, the two parties had been fighting those powerful creatures individually. But now the union thinks that it is an inevitable issue and should be solved together. The royal ones decided to get witches and vampires together.

''A vampire as an ally...huh! Worse than having them as enemies'', said a beautiful elderly witch. A reminder... vampires and witches are beautiful...Like always...wow.

''Why? Are you afraid that you'll fall for us?'', said a vampire not so old, in a naughty tone.

''Hah...what a great misconception you have! Go on...live in your fairyland boy..." the witch continued.

''Oh I will Elizabeth...but the problem is there are only witches in my fairyland.'', the man continued who was known as Duke Charles. some vampires smiled, laughed a little, and some ignored. It was a union meeting going on in the main castle-like building's main hall. All witches and vampire royals were gathered. They were giving each other cold glances or just empty stares.

''Stop it, Charles!! We are not in a situation of enjoying. We are facing a crisis right now!", said an older vampire.

''Werewolves have invaded our three lands in total so far. You know they are ruthless. They want everything by themselves and for themselves."

"So do we...don't we?" said a witch, actually a wizard. Some elders frowned at that comment.

''You vampires just want to stay powerful. This is it. You'll use us, our powers, our people, and then when you think that everything is OK, You'll ditch us. This is how you are.''

''YOU!!'' said Charles loudly,'' Stop accusing us vampires as if you witches are pure ones. I don't want to remind you what you have done to us back in time.'' his eyes were getting red and the wizard Antony's eyes and mind were getting one.

''Charles'', a cool and calm yet deep and dark voice came that made everyone look at the voice owner. He was a beautiful vampire with calmness on his face yet coldness in his eyes. ''That might not be a good thing to do here'' Then he looked at Antony...

''Antony, and all the royals! Our people...we are losing them.... their lives. The precious pure blood. They are getting eliminated by those wolves. No doubt, we are all monsters'', he paused and looked all around the members...they were all looking at him. There was something in his voice that made them just look at him....he was a man who could make anyone crazy for him.

''We have two options. One, live with this enemy relation for the rest of your lives, Lose your people, kill each other and get killed by each other, stay cursed....or.....''

He was more powerful even than the great elderly vampire.

''Stand together against our mutual enemy...live long....rise your nation.''

He stopped talking with a head tilt..as if saying that choice is yours.

''You are right. We should look after our people....but how can we do this??''

''Give us your intelligence and magic. We will give you protection and train your people'', said Duke William who lead the vampires on a warrior- ship.

''But before that...I have a question?'' said Elizabeth. 'You think our people will like it? This decision of getting them together...??''

''Oh please Elizabeth! Why are you acting insecure? ", it was none other than Charles. Elizabeth just sighed. She was not in the mood to play along.

''We'll make a special team...they will live together for one month...this is how we'll see the results. Then they will lead the forces against wolves. As we all know those wolves have someone's back, humans. They are using some kinds of injections to get more powerful and aggressive. So, it will be a fair fight. Get your well-known and trained vampires and witches ready...two days it is.'', by saying that he backed his seat and started moving towards the hall room door...the elder vampire repeated what he said and everyone agreed. They were convinced by him....by his words..by the person himself.

''Who is he, Duke Charles? 'Elizabeth asked Charles, still looking at the back of the man leaving the hall.

''You don't know....?.....''Charles said surprisingly. Then smiled while looking at the door where there was no one now...

''The only pure-blooded...Owen Liam!"

Hello there, It's my first time on webnovel. I hope you give my story the love it deserves. Thank you so so much for reading it.

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Anna_Jadecreators' thoughts
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