
Their Spot

At 5 in the afternoon

"H-hey wait for me!" A girl said as she keep running towards her friend whom won't even slow down to keep up with her

"You're too slow" Said the boy whom The girl considers her best friend and Ran even faster to their spot

"Hey not fair!" She shouts at her friend while trying to catch her breath meanwhile her friend seemed to be laughing at her struggles

"Hurry up already" he says sarcastically while laughing

"Yes I will since I'm not obviously slow" she says while rolling her eyes at him

And with all their sarcastic conversations and making fun of each other they finally reach their spot

Where there was a big tree holding two swings for each of them, A lake where in ducks tends to stay there and bushes where in it surrounded the area they like to call their spot

"We're finally here" Says the boy in relief while slowly walking towards the tree

"Y..yea" The girl said as she ran to the swings to sit down and catch her breath

All that could be heard for a minute or two was there huffing,the ducks and the wind

It was such a peaceful sight

"Hey you know my birthday is right around the corner" Said the boy while smirking proudly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) <—

"So?" Says the girl teasingly

"Oh cmon don't be like that" Says the boy with his puppy eyes

"Fine" Says the girl in a lazy tone

"Hey let's meet up here on my birthday"

"Hmm sure but what time"

"The usual"

"I see"

"Duh cause ur not blind"

"Haha. Very Funny"

"I know right I'm such a funny person"

With that the girl rolled her eyes and changed the subject

Note: I need names just comment name ideas since I can't think of a good name TvT

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