
A little romance

After breakfast, Thea takes the plate from me and starts washing the dishes.

"Sir, your parents asked you to tell you that they will be staying in Germany for a couple of months." - Thea said without being distracted from her work.

"Yeah, thanks for telling me."

"This is my job. Sir, what would you like to do today?" - Thea said turning to me.

"First of all I'll go to the dojo and practice, then I would like to walk around the city, will you keep me company?"

"With joy, let me begin my duties," the maid said with a smile and bowed.

I was already starting to leave when I remembered something.



"You look cute as always" - I said cheerfully and continued on my way.

"Sir" - Thea shouted in embarrassment and covered her face with her hands, hiding her blush.

Upon entering the dojo, a fairly spacious room presented itself to my eyes. There was nothing superfluous in the room, only a weapon stand attached to the wall. Warm up before starting any workout. Each of my warm-ups is a set of exercises and muscle stretching. The first thing I do is squat 50 reps. The second is push-ups in the amount of 100 times. The next is the bar in which I have to stand for 10 minutes. After doing these exercises 3 times, I turn to stretching. After it comes the most interesting and most difficult, namely swinging the sword. Coming up to abovementionedstand and take a shinai. Having passed to the center of the hall, I stand up.

The stance looks like this: the legs are parallel to each other, however, the right leg takes a small step forward so that there is a fist distance between the legs. The next part of the stance is the correct holding of the hands on the Tsuka (handle). The main hand should be at the Tsuba (guard), and the secondary hand at the end of the handle. This is the end of the stand. Next come the swings. Swings should be done from the beginning of the head, that is, the hands should not be behind the head during the blow. This is the end of theory, and now back to practice.

At first glance, swinging is easy to do, but one must be able to keep balance after each swing, which is quite difficult because the fulcrum is shifting. And I had to make such 1000 swings. Only after 4 hours I finished making them. My hands ached terribly, my back could not be straightened, and my legs could no longer hold. Putting the shinai back in place, I leave the dojo and walk towards the bath. Along the way, I meet Thea, whom I ask to bring me a change of clothes. When I get into the bathroom, I take off all my dirty clothes and put them in a basket. Passing by the mirror, I stopped to look at myself.

The first thing that came to my mind when I saw myself in the mirror was that I looked very good compared to my past self. My raven hair and blue eyes attracted the attention of others, especially girls. Next came my body. It did not have overly huge muscles, it was only slightly pumped up. Lowering your eyes even lower, you can see the pride of every man - a member. In the arousal stage, my boyfriend is 12 centimeters long, which is very good for my age. Stopping looking at myself, I finally climb into a hot bath.

After 30 minutes of lying in a hot bath, I first heard the sound of a knock on the door, and then a woman's voice. "Sir, I brought a change of clothes."

"Can you please leave her on the chair." I asked her.

"Okay, sorry for the intrusion." The girl said and entered. Putting down a change of clothes, she went to the door separating the bathroom and changing room. and with a sarcastic smile she asked - "would you like me to rub your back?"

"For the time being, I refuse," I immediately replied.

"Ahh? Why? Am I not pretty enough for you?" Thea asked sadly.

"No, no, you are a very beautiful girl in other circumstances, I would agree, just now I am very tired and would like to rest in silence." I answered calmly.

"Really? You think I'm beautiful? I'm so happy" - the girl says with a smile with a slight blush. "Then I will not disturb you to rest, let me take my leave." – said the girl and left the bathroom. After lying down for another 10 minutes, I took a towel hanging next to the bathroom and wiped myself dry. Having put on new clothes, I get out of the bath and go to the living room to wait for dinner. Another 20 minutes later, Thea asks me to go to the table, which I do. Our dinner passed in cheerful and easy conversations. At the end of it, we went to change into street clothes.

Before leaving the house, I decided to ask Thea something - "Thea, do you remember what you should call me on the street and, in principle, outside the house?"

"Yes mast.. ahem Itsuki" Thea stammered.

"It's good that you remember, then let's hit the road" - I said and we left the house.

For 4 hours we walked around the park, the city, went to various clothing stores and just enjoyed each other's company.

"Onii-chanIsn't it time for you to envy your friends?" Thea asked unexpectedly.

'Onii-chanYes ? well, let him continue to call it that.' I thought.

"Why did you decide that I have no friends?" I asked.

"Well, it's just that kids your age usually hang out with their friends, but I've never seen you with your friends, you either read books or train at the dojo."

"You're right as I don't have current friends, but why don't you consider yourself my friend?"

"Do you consider me your friend? But the owner, I'm just your maid… Ai" - not having time to finish, she covers herself because of a small crack that sticks to her forehead.

" For what ?" – Thea asked dumbfounded.

"That's because you called me your master. Since you don't consider yourself my friend… can you be a future lover?" I asked thoughtfully.

With dumbfounded eyes, Thea says - "Are you still young, but already thinking about such things? You don't have a girlfriend yet, but you're already thinking about a mistress. "

"I don't argue with the girl I don't have yet, but I'm already thinking about having a harem"

"Harem? Will your girlfriend agree to this? Yes, and your love is definitely enough for everyone?

"We'll see in the future. And if you were my girlfriend, would you agree to a harem? "

"If you would pay a little more attention to me, I might agree."

"Oh I'm so happy you agreed," I say smiling.

"So you have already decided to make me your girlfriend and part of your harem without even asking me?" she asked me cheerfully.

"Will you mind?"

" Of course not "

"That's great, then how about we continue our date?"

"With pleasure" - said Thea and took my hand.

We decided to end our impromptu date in a cafe. The cafe was the most ordinary, but cozy + there were few people there. We decided to sit by the window. As soon as we sat down at the table, the waitress approached us and took our order. I ordered a Caprese saladspinach cream soup and orange lemonade. Thea took a risotto with chicken and mushrooms, Caesar salad, as well as honey raf. After enjoying the food and socializing with each other, we decided to head home. However, before that, I wanted to go somewhere, namely near the Tosoka mansion. The house itself was large, but smaller than the one I lived in. The mansion itself was no different from current ones, although it was made in the European style. Passing near it, I noticed a slight movement in the window. Looking in that direction, I noticed 2 people. Judging by the appearance 1, this is the owner of the mansionTohsaka Tokiomi and one next to himOf his daughters, who exactly is difficult to understand. Coming homeI immediately go to my room and sit down at my books.

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