

This a story of another boy that had survived the Fuyuki Fire and was adopted alongside Shirou his name is William Emiya an American boy that was left in Japan due to his parents dying in the fire read on to find out what happens. -Author's Note- - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in the Saber Route, Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and a little bit of Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional - Next this is a fanfic things are meant to be changed so don't complain about it - No Harem - I will delete any comments and or reviews if they are unreasonable or are just plain out hate comments - I don't update frequently due to college and my focus constantly changing but I try

MidnightSpeedster · Anime & Comics
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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Let's Ride

William POV

I awoke after reliving the hell that had once threatened to consume me sheens of light sweat coated my skin the feeling of sickness had long since passed only a deep ache in my body now remained. 

I am not too sure about my magic circuits though, but I can guess I may have gone too far with the spell since a small tan patch is now covering my right hand it's small so it's not really all that noticeable. 

My hands try to move but there stuck holding onto someone else's slowly my eyes open to see Saber lying right next to me my hand in her grasp the memory comes back I asked her to stay with me...you know what I am just not going to think right now. 

Using the best of my stealth knowledge I got out of the room heading straight to the kitchen where my back up cigarette pack and lighter were I really needed one after what I went through if only Gaia wasn't such a bitch to humanity. 

Taking a stick, I head outside to the porch wincing ever so slightly "sigh that's much better," I exhaled after lighting the stick up. 

My gaze remains firmly at the moon I wonder what you were thinking old man I thought recalling the last moment I had with Kiritsugu. 

The tension in my arms disappear but my thoughts are racing wondering when Shirou would be back and if Ayako was safe the cig in my hand burns away to ash after I stopped smoking it 

Footsteps approach me "I take it I woke you up Saber?" I question maintaining my gaze at the moon she sits next to me, and I can practically feel the burning stare of disapproval honestly, I don't know why she's even bothering a tool shouldn't be caring about their user. 

Is that how you really feel though a deep part of me whispers in the back of my mind "you're not supposed to be smoking that William you've only just started recovering from whatever it was that caused you to get ill in the first place," she replied.

I shake my head "doesn't matter where's Rin and Shirou?" I ask attempting to steer away from her scolding "don't even try to redirect this conversation William you could have died today do you realize that! A human is not meant to combat a servant then you went ahead using some sort of spell that very well could have killed you if not for your incredible healing," unfortunately Saber was not going to let her master get away just yet. 

"I admit that I should have called you earlier with a command spell but by the time I had thought of it I was already stuck in combat and close to dying by the end that is until I used a spell that is still in much needed development," I relented closing my eyes. 

"Yes, the enemy did mention that you used a spell one that was on par with true magic but which one?" Saber questioned. 

"Well, I wasn't kidding when I said that death was coming for me...until I reversed the timeline in the area around me to reset everything back a few seconds before the enemy could pierce my heart," I explained. 

"Reverse time," Saber breathed out with a tone that I couldn't identify but none of the less I nodded "yest but it has a lot of flaws and limitations so it's not really true magic yet," I added opening my eyes once more I turn to face her "now answer the question where are they?" I asked again. 

"They are currently at the school with Archer to lure out the enemy master," she informed causing my eyes to go wide "It's Shinji of that I am certain come on we need to go as well," I declared already getting ready to head over to my workshop. 

"I cannot allow that master your still recovering!" Saber exclaimed following after me "I am perfectly fine now Saber just a dull ache remains," I reasoned back. 

Sliding open the secret shelf that hid my workshop I went inside and started suiting up my upper torso with a bulletproof vest, the hidden blade equipped onto my right arm, the utility belt is wrapped around my waist, the grapple hook gun is attached to my left waist, and lastly I place my custom altered sniper with a preloaded origin bullet onto my back. 

When I exit the shed, I went back into the house grabbing my coat and slid it back on with the Contender still in its place "come on Saber we have a worm to put down," I said hiding the winces that threatened to escape from the ache my body was still experiencing.

"I do not approve of this William but it seems nothing will deter you from this so I shall assist however when we return you are not going to be leaving my sight understand," she agreed with a fierce look in her eyes. 

Women I am never going to understand them, am I? "Great now going on foot will take too long so were going to use a vehicle of mine that I recently just repaired and modified," I replied placing my shoes on while she switched her armor on. 

Opening the garage, we were greeted to the sight of my father's old yamaha vmax Saber's eyes widen "ah I remember this fine vehicle I rode it once during the fourth grail war," she recalled with a fond look.

"Well, if you enjoyed using this the first time around then buckle up because you get to experience it a second time," I reply swinging myself onto the cycle with Saber sitting behind. 

Her hands snake their way around my waist, but I may no attention to it "lets ride," I said starting the engine and just like that we shot off into the streets of Fuyuki. 

There weren't that many cars out, so it was mostly trafic free the cold wind engulfed our bodies almost like a hug. Saber buries her face a bit more into my back due to the immense wind hitting our eyes. 

I had no problem with it though having ridden plenty of cycles during my time with Raiga-ojisan when we made it nearby to the front of the school, I parked it letting Saber get off "Go meet up with them Saber I'll be assisting from the nearby abandoned building over there," I instructed. 

"Wait but I thought we were to go together William!" she exclaimed but it's too late because I sped off the moment, she realized I wasn't going to directly assist.

I knew a lot of combat styles, weapon styles, and could easily assist with what amount of time alter spells I knew of but just because I could doesn't mean I should since my specialty was more of an Assassin based one a figure that strikes forth from the shadow when the enemy least expected it. 

Not to mention the fact that my circuits are still recovering so reinforcement and time alter were out of the book right now. 

-end of chapter twenty-eight- 

next chapter title: Little Worm Bites the Bullet. 

My apologies for the late update I was feeling a bit lazy to write yesterday hehehe. 

Reviews are very important please post one so that I may know how this fic is going and what more I can work/develop thank you!

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