
Chapter Nineteen: Saber's Will

William POV

My bed alarm clock rang out signifying the start of a new day with a groan I slammed my hand down on the clock shutting it off I began to stand up. 

I stretched my arms outs bending slightly backwards to release the tension in my back reaching out to my nightstand I grabbed my shirt placing it on before heading out to brush my teeth and wash my face. 

Stepping out from the bathroom I started walking towards the dojo for my daily morning training of course I had forgotten Saber had made that place her resident spot so when I opened the door I was awkwardly greeted to the sight of Saber elegantly sitting on her knees my eyes linger on her form for a moment until Saber turns toward my direction opening her eyes slowly "...ah your up early William," she greeted. 

"I always wake up at this time to do a bit of training," I reply as I began walking towards the racket where the wooden swords were contained "would you perhaps like me to offer my assistance?" Saber asked standing up from her position. 

I glance back in her direction for a moment contemplating her offer and reluctantly, so I accepted "catch," I reply tossing her a spare wooden sword. 

Catching it midair Saber gets into a ready stance "When you feel ready William you may strike," a smirk settles on my face as I slid into a near identical stance with a single step, I went forward going for a strike to her side she blocks directing my blade downwards. 

I moved around the dojo striking any opening I could see my mind was in full drive recalling all of Saber's sword movements but then there was also Archer's sword movements that I recalled during the first night with Lancer.

The man used false openings in order to lure Lancer in so that's what I will do as well I thought pausing for a moment to catch my breath Saber stood still ready for battle. 

Gripping the blade a bit more firmly in my hands I pretended to go for a full out frontal assault Saber eyes widen for a moment probably at the fact that I was going for such a bold approach. 

She goes to strike the false opening that was I pretended to leave unguarded 'now!' I thought bending my body down to instead strike at her legs instead now normally it would be impossible to even react much less even block such an attack but with Saber being a servant and having such other worldly instincts she too suddenly turned at the last moment to block. 

I sighed at that "I think that's good enough Saber thank you for your assistance," I said turning my head around Saber gives a closed smile "you were not too bad with the use of a sword but." 

Saber paused for a moment "your movements were too predictable more so because you were using my own style that I was able to easily halt your strikes, but you did surprise me at the end when you pulled out that unfamiliar style against me," she complimented yet advised at the same time.

"I see," I replied with a look of contemplation suddenly without warning both of our stomachs grumbled in synch my cheeks dusted themselves a bit from embarrassment "ah perhaps we should go see if Shirou is already awake to make breakfast for us," I suggested Saber nods her head "yes..I quite agree we should after all having an empty stomach is an enemy that must be dealt with swiftly," she said as we left the dojo. 

Much to my inner relief Shirou was indeed already awake and had already made our usual amount of breakfast for the two of us from the corner of my eye though I could see Shirou's eyes had changed a bit no longer were they bright but rather they were a bit more mature, and he had developed two stress line underneath it reminded me of Kiritsugu a bit. 

(think of oath under snow's Shirou's eyes)

"Did you sleep well last night?" I asked after eating my last bowl of food Shirou nodded slowly "of course I did William you don't have to worry about me I am fine," he reassured with a wide smile I knew that smile it was one he used whenever he didn't want someone to worry or help him out with his problems I open my mouth to speak "ah we should probably go now William school starts in a hour or so," Shirou said rather abruptly grabbing our empty plates back to the kitchen. 

Why must you be so troublesome Shirou can't you see you can't deal with everything alone I thought going to the patio to go have a quick smoke taking a seat I attempt to light it up only for a hand to swipe it out from my hand "eh Saber?" I questioned seeing her snatch the cigarette from my grasps. 

She shook her head "I am afraid I can no longer allow you to inhale this substance into your lungs William I have quite recently been informed how this can affect your health I ask that you stop smoking these," Saber said in her usual firm tone that left no room for arguments except for the fact that I listened to no one "oh and who was it that told you about this?" I questioned with an irritated smile. 

She tilted her head sideways which for some reason made me feel very weird again "why of course Shirou informed me along with your guardian Miss Fujimura," she replied my right eyes twitches I move my hand to grab another only for that to be taken I repeat myself again bam there went my third cigarette I grab my fourth one "snatch!" my eyes twitches even more "perhaps you did not hear me William you will not be smoking anymore," Saber repeated with her arms crossed together. 

I could faintly hear snickering behind me I turned to see Shirou laughing a bit behind the window I gave him a stink eye in return turning back to Saber's expectant gaze "tch fine I won't smoke...for now," I murmured at the end.

Standing up I go back inside feeling my mood ruined "let's go Shirou," I said picking up my school bag while Shirou sent Saber a discreet thumbs up she smiled in response when my back was turned but when I did turn back Shirou quickly placed his thumb down giving a nervous smile off while Saber wiped the smile off of her face.

I glanced between the two suspiciously "well what are you just standing for let's go," I said breaking the awkward silence Shirou nods "right we'll see you when we get back Saber," he said placing his shoes on "I still believe that you two should not go by yourselves," she said following after us. 

"You're overthinking to much Saber we'll be fine and if were in trouble then I or Shirou will use a command seal to summon you to us isn't that right Shirou?" I asked giving him a side eyed look he proceeds to cough "ahem right for sure not to mention you gave the place your own seal of approval so going to school should be perfectly safe," Shirou replied. 

Saber places both of her hands on her hips "just because it was safe yesterday doesn't mean it's safe today," she said in a firm tone. 

"You're being a bit to paranoid Saber I believe your still exhausted from what we did last night why don't you just rest for now until we get back okay?" I asked which made Saber drop down in disappointment "sigh...very well master's I shall relent for now but-," she replied halfway before straightening herself back up and began walking towards me "but I request you give me the pack in your coat pocket William so that you are not tempted," she said referring to my cigarettes. 

I glared down at her "No" I denied in an instant her eyes narrow "I am afraid there is no room for negotiations," Saber said getting into my personal space our eyes connect into a fierce staring contest to the point it looked like lightning started sparking. 

Saber walked a bit closer into my personal space bringing her right foot on top of my left shoe covered foot quite hard I bit back the wince that was about to come out "Saber you're stepping on my foot," I pointed out "what of it?" she quickly quips back. 

"Tch fine if it will get you to stop bothering me here," I said clicking my tongue in irritation while handing her my pack she grabs it placing it inside the pockets of her blue skirt "thank you William you and Shirou can go now," she said walking back inside the house her blue skirt swaying slightly damn troublesome woman I thought. 

"Never before have I ever been this irritated do you perhaps have something to do with this Shirou?" I asked giving him a glare he starts to sweat "um well you see.." he begins to say nervously "don't even bother denying it Shirou Saber confirmed it back in the patio," I said in a cold tone. 

Shirou sweats even more suddenly though he points behind "ah look it's a Servant!" he exclaimed I deadpanned "did you really think I was going to fall for that?" I questioned Shirou sighs "well there's only one thing left to do...run away!" he screamed running away from me my eyes widen "Oi don't you run away from me Shirou Emiya you get back here this instance!" I shouted chasing after him. 

-end of chapter nineteen-

you thought I wasn't going to update but jokes on you I did update hahaha ahem anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'll probably post another chapter tonight or maybe tomorrow depending on my mood.

I've also kind of been contemplating if maybe when I do or if I ever eventually get to FGO should have all the other Saber/Artoria's be with William. I thought of not doing it and have even responded to someone asking this once but I figured I should ask for your guy's opinions. 

Next chapter