
Chapter 43: Arrival at Celtic Age

(Titus's POV)

"Hmm? Hey, Sakura. Where's Shiro, Rin?" I walked into my home and spotted Sakura busy in the kitchen.

I approached the kitchen counter, where a variety of Japanese dishes lay.

"Ah, Titus Nii-san, hello. Nee-san and senpai are still out," Sakura responded with a polite bow. "Is the food ready? Would you like me to serve you?"

Sakura, although not a permanent resident, often came to prepare meals for all of us. Shirou and Rin's lessons with Aoko kept them away from home most of the time, so Sakura would step in to ensure we had something to eat.

"Nah, they should be back soon. Let's wait and eat together," I suggested, deciding to wait for the other two members of our crew.

My usual interaction with Sakura was in the presence of Shirou, out of respect for their relationship. But beyond that, we were close, like siblings, and not in a romantic way.

'Let's see if everything's normal,' I thought, as I engaged in conversation with her. As we talked, I scrutinized her behavior carefully, given the peculiarities of the current timeline.

"Hm, hm~," Sakura chuckled, her bright laughter filling the room. "Nii-san, you're so funny~!" Her genuine smile had a heartwarming quality to it.

We had been discussing a new skill I was developing, called 'head slicing,' which involved perfecting the art of decapitating my enemies. Sakura found it amusing, and her laughter made it all worth it, even though I didn't personally see the humor in it.


While I was searching for something on the shelves, two hands suddenly wrapped around my chest from behind, and I felt two soft mounds pressing against my back. The height suggested it was Sakura, but the aura she exuded was entirely of different entity.

My senses went on high alert, but I couldn't move. It felt like I was in a state of sleep paralysis, and there was a presence behind me, like a demoness.

"Hm, hm~, hm~! My dear Titus, it seems you're enjoying your time with those bitches, right? But what about me? Have you forgotten the pain I endured for you~?" A voice spoke, sounding far more mature than Sakura's.

I desperately wanted to confront this mysterious presence, but I remained immobilized. I checked my watch, which had stopped working. Could this be the work of the Whore of Babylonia? No, the atmosphere didn't match her. If you asked me, I wanted nothing more than to land a punch on this person.

However, her hands began to move lower, gripping my manhood and stroking it. My agitation grew as it was now a matter of my pride and no strange woman could touch it, but I remained powerless to respond. She leaned closer to my ear and whispered, "But if my dear Nii-sama desires it, I might make an exception for you~!"


She licked my ear and kissed my neck. I caught a glimpse of her tongue from the corner of my eye. It was unnaturally long for a human. At that moment, I reached my breaking point and broke free.

"Show yourself!" I spun around, ready to confront my unseen assailant, but there was no one there.

"What the...?" Confusion engulfed me. What had just happened?!

I was certain I had felt someone, but there was no one in sight, not even Sakura! Where had she gone? Just a minute ago, we were talking!

"Was I hallucinating?" I searched the room, finding no one. The dishes remained, but Sakura had vanished. I even used Odin's Eye but found no trace of her. I absentmindedly scratched my ear, still damp from saliva, confirming that I wasn't hallucinating.

"I should talk to Shiro," I thought. Maybe he was right; something was off about her.

Just then, a new system notification grabbed my attention.

\[The main mission is triggered.\]

\[Main Mission: "A warrior's regrets!"\]

[Destination: 215 BC Ireland, Scotland (Primary Dreamshift)]

[Quest 1: The child of light had two biggest regrets in his life. Find out what they are and solve this mystery.]

[Quest 2: The queen of Dún Scáith favors a chosen end. Grant her a simple wish.]

[Attempts: 1]

[Restriction: Unable to summon a servant.\]

[Rewards: EXPs, Abilities and [MAJOR] skills, Memory Fragment, ???, Moon Cell]

[Failure: No reward or opening of any new function.]

"Wait, so I'll be going to be with Cú Chulainn?!" Excitement bubbled within me. I'd have the chance to train under one of the best warrior teachers and level up my skills.

I dashed to my room and locked the door. Seated on my sofa, I reviewed the mission details.

Let's discuss the first quest. I knew the child of light referred to Cú Chulainn, and his regrets were killing his two closest companions: Ferdiad and his own son, Connla. He used his legendary spear only twice in his life, to kill his best friend and his son. Although these tasks seemed straightforward, I didn't dare underestimate them this time.

The other aspect involved the ultimate waifu of FGO, Scáthach. She was his teacher, teaching him the art of war and gifting him the legendary spear, Gae Bolg. I was a bit confused about her, given the disparities between her lore in proper human history and her lore in the FGO game. Nonetheless, I planned to use Odin's Eye to determine the best course of action once the mission began.

"Oh, right. I should consult with Merlin," I said aloud, opening Merlin's chat. I had banned him in my distress but forgot to unban him.

"Merlin, are you still there, bud?"

[Merlin: Absolutely not! Who is Merlin?! I don't see any Merlin!]

His anger was palpable, but he sounded oddly like a complaining girl.

[Merlin: Why don't you ask that pink-haired vixen?! After all, she lived for 1000 years. She'll help you with her lower body.]

Was he talking about Yae Miko? I did overhear her conversing with some foreign mage in her dream, but I didn't think much of it.

[Merlin: I heard you were touching her ass and boobs. Do you realize how jealous I am of her?!!]

"Okay, I wasn't doing any of that!" I retorted. I never squeezed Yae's bosoms; we just talked. Although, I couldn't say the same for her ass. And why was he jealous of her?! Was he some kind of jealous girl? Wait, maybe...

[Merlin: Anyway, I'm not helping you! That's the end of it! Humph!]

"Ugh," I frowned. He was starting to give me serious headaches.

"Fine then," I said, about to close the message panel when he bombarded me with pleas.

[Merlin: Wait, Mr. Titus, I'm sorry! Please don't ban me again.]

I smirked; he had finally come to his senses. "My next mission is taking place in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. Any advice?"

[Merlin: Yes, a few things. In addition to what Mr. Titus already knows, there are a few things you should be aware of. First, unlike the Rome and Japan timelines, the British Isles were different; the age of gods persisted until late King Arthur's era.]

The British Isles were one of the few places where the Age of Gods endured longer than any other mythology on the continent. Fairies and Gods still roamed the island, but King Arthur's death marked the end of the mystical era. Mages around the island united and established the Mage's Association to preserve the mystic arts.

[Merlin: You also don't have to be concerned with the Whore of Babylonia. I haven't detected any anomalies in the timeline. And since I wasn't even born at that time, I can't be of much help.]

"So, deities and fairies should be my only concern?"

[Merlin: Yes. Just remember one thing: avoid deities and fairies at all costs. If you kill them, they'll curse you. If the curse doesn't work, another deity will come for your neck, and it could escalate to chief entities.]

"It's like something out of a wuxia comic."

Kill their young master, and their father comes for revenge. Kill their father, and the whole clan seeks retribution. They're like a swarm of bees; you're either dead or victorious.

[Merlin: I don't know what these 'wuxia' are, but it sounds disappointing. Anyway, for now, this is all I can say. Since there haven't been any changes in the timeline, I can't offer more guidance.]

"That's okay. Thanks for the heads-up."

I didn't know if he was the real Merlin or someone else, but his intent to assist me seemed genuine. There were many questions I wanted to ask, like how Abe-no-Seimei was cursed by a fairy from the west, or if he knew something about it since he observed from Avalon. But I figured time would reveal the answers.

[Merlin: Last but not least, remember that legends and myths are just that—myths. They aren't records of human history.]

I smiled and nodded. I didn't fully comprehend at the time, but I had a rough idea.

I activated the mission application and pressed the GO button. I saw a clock start ticking counterclockwise, and then darkness enveloped me.


(???'s Perspective)


My vision shifted from absolute darkness to a young face hovering over me. He had vibrant blue hair, crimson eyes, and appeared to be around 16 years old, clad in a blue outfit with swords strapped to his back.

"Arg, what the..." I rubbed my head, feeling a sharp pain on my forehead. It seemed I had fallen, headfirst, onto solid ground. "Where am I?" I questioned.

The sky above was ominously dark, as if a storm was about to unleash its fury. The ground beneath me felt solid, and in the distance, I could make out the silhouette of a dark castle.

"We are in the land of shadows! Didn't you come here to train under the legendary warrior queen?" the boy responded to my query. "Oh, by the way, I am Setanta, wait, no. Call me Cu Chulainn!" he energetically introduced himself.

I widened my eyes in surprise. I hadn't expected to encounter the focus of my mission so swiftly, the greatest hero of Ireland, Cu Chulainn himself.

Cu Chulainn, also known as The Child of Light, was a hero from the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. He was a demigod, born to a mortal woman and the god Lugh, a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the gods of Irish mythology. He was akin to Heracles in Ireland, widely regarded as the strongest warrior ever lived. Despite being portrayed as a joke character in Fate/Stay Night, in these lands, there were few who could match his might. For now, he appeared as a mere teen.

"Who are you, by the way?" Cu inquired.

In response, I opened my status tab.



Name: Titus Dusklock (Temporary Name: Ferdiad)

Age: 17 (Ferdiad)

Elements: Light (Special), Fire

Level: 27



STR: 54

MAG: 340

END: 45

AGI: 52

LUC: 1510

Additional SPs: 0


HP: 406

MP: 1336


Passive Skills: (Imperial Manager A), (Saint's Golden Rule A), (Presence Concealment B), (Charmer C), (Amaterasu: 5 tails EX+)

Active Skills: (Force Control A), (Imperial Privilege A), (Odin's Eye EX)



[Illusionary Arts: Rank D]

[Miscellaneous spells]

LCs: 145,000



In legends, he was the foster brother and best friend of Cu Chulainn. In this world, you are possessing that role. Hailing from Connacht, Ferdiad also came looking for tutelage under the warrior queen of the land of shadows. She only accepts the finest warriors, so be prepared for the trial.]

I frowned, realizing I had once again assumed a well-known identity from the Ulster Cycle, someone who would soon meet his end at the hands of this blue-haired youth.

"I am Ferdiad from Connacht," I introduced myself with proper manners. Honestly, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of conversing with one of Ireland's greatest warriors. Cu Chulainn might not have been an English warrior from my home country, but he was as close as my neighbor.

"Oo! You sound like some kind of king's man! Oh, I am from Ulster!" Cu mentioned his homeland. "Say, would you like to spar with me? You look strong!"

Was he Goku? I chuckled internally. His eagerness for a fight was palpable, and truthfully, I was eager too. However, there were other matters that needed my attention first.

"I don't think it's a good time, kid," I pointed out, nodding toward the other warriors making their way towards the castle. "We both wouldn't want to be left behind, would we?"

"You're right! Let's see who can complete the trial first! The loser will call the winner as the boss!" Cu suggested, extending his hand.

"Sounds good to me!" I exclaimed with equal enthusiasm, shaking his hand.

And so, we embarked on the trial, facing various challenges like climbing rocky hills and traversing scorching sand roads. Cu and I effortlessly overcame these obstacles, utilizing our skills to their fullest extent. I employed Imperial Privilege, gaining a unique skill called [Celtic Warrior], enhancing my abilities as long as I remained on Celtic Lands. Cu, being a demigod, showcased his immense prowess. However, his youthful overconfidence led him to falter in some tasks, and I aided him when needed.

Finally, we reached a wide, seemingly bottomless pit. Its darkness seemed endless, and many participants had already turned back. Now, only Cu and I remained, standing alone before this intimidating challenge.

I mustered my strength and jumped from one end of the pit. Aware of my limited leg strength, I used my (Force Control A) skill to propel myself midair, landing flawlessly on the other side.

"I'm coming too!" Cu shouted, following my lead, but as he landed, the ground beneath him slid. He was about to fall when I caught him, preventing his descent.

I then pulled him and we both took a moment to catch our breath.

"Thanks, boss... Without you, I would have failed several times over," Cu expressed his gratitude between gasps for air. He had already taken to calling me 'Boss' or 'Aniki' (Big Brother).

"Nah, you would have completed it anyway. I can tell," I said, smiling, also trying to regain my breath.

We shared a laugh, fist-bumped, and then resumed our walk towards the main castle of the Land of Shadows. Since we had successfully completed the trial, we continued for a few more kilometers before coming to a stop.

Standing before us was a woman adorned in armor, wielding a crimson demonic spear. Though she stood at a distance, her dark purple hair and crimson eyes hinted at her striking beauty.

(AN: Consider her design from Fate/Empire of Dirt.)

However, her most imposing feature was her powerful aura. Even without using Odin's Eye, I could sense her strength, making her the most skilled warrior I had ever encountered. Her thirst for battle and war radiated from her very presence.

"I am called Scathach of the Land of Shadows, also known as the ruler of Skye," the woman introduced herself, her tone firm. "Since you have completed the trial, I will hear the reasons for seeking tutelage. Convince me, or return without honor."

Sheesh, she was vastly different from what I had known her as in the game. She wasn't the teasing and caring teacher I knew.

"I am Cu Chulainn from the country of Ulster, and I wish to become a warrior so that I..." Cu began his introduction with the excitement of a student on the first day of school.

I largely ignored him as I approached the woman. I walked until I was just a foot away. Scathach and Cu noticed my approach and turned their attention to me.


The words escaped my mouth involuntarily as I gazed upon the epitome of beauty before me. Her long purple hair and crimson eyes hinted at her divine origins as a god slayer. Her aloof countenance held an underlying warmth, and her figure, dear god, I had never witnessed such a perfect embodiment of grace. Her body proportions could only be described as "just about perfect." Even though her chest area was shielded by armor that hadn't appeared in the game, I could discern the outline of her trademark leotard beneath it.

My heart nearly stopped beating when my eyes fell upon her thighs. Suddenly, a romantic melody filled the air, and flower petals danced around us. Amidst this surreal ambiance, her thighs seemed to beckon me, inviting me to reach for the heavens.

In that moment, I fell to my knees and looked up at her, my voice quivering, "I love you. Please, marry me."

Cu, "…"

Scathach, "…"


Cu Chulainn stood in stunned silence. Scathach regarded me with her usual aloof expression. I attempted to gauge her reaction, but her face remained impassive, as if she didn't know how to blush.

"So, you desire my body, huh?" she finally said, her tone unchanged.

I panicked, attempting to clarify my words. "No, wait, I mean, yes, but specifically your thighs," I stammered, trying to salvage the situation with a gentle smile.

But as I reconsidered the atmosphere and my words, I realized my mistake. I wasn't some suave aristocrat or a confident government official; I was just a simple teenager who had attempted to woo the strongest woman on the planet.

"Fuck." was all I managed to utter before I saw the back of her heels, and everything went dark.

For the first time, my rizz did not work and I screwed.

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