
Prologue II

Germany, Einzbern Castle.

22 years old Emiya Shirou just got off his Kawasaki Ninja 400. Well, it wasn't really his, it belongs to Rider, but the money came from him so he can be considered as an owner too.

He took off his helmet and stared at Illya's mansion. It has only been a month since he's been here, but with him taking missions after mission, it feels like it has been years.

Speaking of years, Shirou has become more mature than the him during the Fifth Holy Grail War. Standing at 191cm, he has a very toned body with tanned skin, he wore a brown leather jacket, a white t-shirt, black jeans, and black and white sneakers.

His auburn hair has a streaks of white and his once bronze eyes became dull gray. He wasn't one to cause girls to go crazy over him, but he can definitely make them take a second glance.

"The girls should already be inside right?" He said.

Today's the first day of the month, which means it is the day they are supposed to meet up at Illya's castle. Though Shirou was a little bit late since his flight to Germany got delayed.

"Well, don't want to make them wait." Shirou sighed and went inside the house.


"Onii-chan's late~" Illyasviel von Einzbern pouted as she rolled around the floor.

Unlike her previous 8 year old, appearance. Illya now looks to be a 13 years old girl, wearing purple blouse and white skirt.

The reason why she grew, is because of Caster, who had "fixed" and "modified" her body to function as a "normal" human.

"Mou~! It's been a month since I saw him, and I can't wait to see him!"

"Shut it chibi, but you're right. Where the hell is Shirou!?" Tohsaka Rin grumpily stomped her foot repeatedly on the floor.

The now 22 years old young woman already abandoned the twin-tails she had during her younger days, letting her long silky black hair loose.

Her blue eyes stared at the girls present, asking them where a certain man is through her gaze. She was wearing a red coat over a white turtleneck shirt with a black skirt and a black stockings.

"Learn to have some patience, miss Gorilla. His flight just got delayed, he'll be here any second now." Said one Luviagelita Edelfelt, or Luvia for short.

She gracefully took a sip of tea as she turned towards Rin. Her bright blue dress was reminiscent of the color of the sky. A ribbon of the same color kept her golden blonde hair in ringlets, and in her face is a provocative smirk reserved only for her 'rival'.

"So says the barbarian." Rin crossed her arms and returned gave Luvia a smirk of her.

"Fufufu~" Luvia narrowed her eyes as she stared at Rin, "Would you like to repeat that again, you dirty mouthed pig."

"Why you—!"

"Alright you two, that's enough."

Before the argument between the two escalates, Caster already went between them. The woman still looked the same as the day she was summoned, but this time she was not so "dark" compared to the her five years ago, and she has this "motherly" feel around her.

Her waist-long light blue hair swayed as she move her head from left to right, alternating her gaze between Luvia and Rin.

She wore a blue denim jacket over a black shirt, and a white skinny jeans.

"Caster!" Rin pouted at her, "You're supposed to be my servant! You should be on my side! Don't tell me this nouveau riche bitch put a charm on you!"

The now Tohsaka head gritted her teeth seeing Luvia giving her a smug look. Her fist clenched and she barely held herself back from firing "Gandr". If Caster wasn't between them, she would have.

Caster, true name Medea, just release a sigh. "Technically I'm Sakura's servant, but that's besides the point. I'm not on anyone's side Rin, I'm just preventing your argument from escalating to the point you deem it fit to use Magecraft. Last time, the two of you destroyed half of the mansion that Luvia bought to stay in."

Rin remained silent for a moment before releasing a cold snort and turning her head away and mumbled, "Not my fault."

"Rin, please don't antagonize Luvia too much." said Saber, before turning towards Luvia, "You too. The two of you are no longer in your teens, please remember that."

True name Artoria Pendragon, Saber's appearance was the one who undergone a major change. From her 16 years old body, to a now more mature self.

Blonde hair tied into bun, and her stern green eyes stared at the two magus who were arguing. Wearing a white long sleeve blouse and blue skirt reaching her knees with a black stockings.

The reason for Saber's change was because her Lance was returned to her, through her descendant Gray that she met in the clocktower.

When she held the lance again, she kind of just merged with her Lancer self and her body grew rapidly. It took some time to get used to, especially in battle, but Saber liked the "perks" and trained hard to get used to her now more mature body.

"You are still as childish as ever. I believe it is in your nature to find fault and argue with each other," said the now 22 years old Caren Hortensia, "Be thankful that the Lord is forgiving, and he can cleanse that talking trashcan you call mouth."

Caren was sitting beside Artoria, her eyes focused on the TV, watching a cringe worthy soap opera. She was wearing a light purple blouse and a white lab-coat over it, she also wears a dark-blue pencil skirt, and a black stockings.

Her long silver hair was tied to a side-ponytail, and her yellow eyes stared unblinkingly at the TV.

Rin's cheek twitch as she glared at Caren, "Don't you go act like someone pure you sorry excuse of a nun! You're dirtier than all of us combined!"

"Incorrect." Caren took her eyes off the TV and stared at Rin, "I was merely following the Lord's order to 'go and multiply', and Emiya took advantage of my faith and tricked me into entering his den of debauchery. But I assure you, my thoughts is as pure and clear as the blue sky."

"As if! You crazy masochist!"

"Rin, Caren, please stop." Bazett sighed at the two. Not counting their Servants, Bazett was the oldest of them, and she took it upon herself to actually be the voice of reason.

But sometimes, she feels like she's too old to deal with this shit. At 27 years old, Bazett Fraga McRemitz can still be said to be in her prime, and for a reason, she could catch a magical equivalent of a tactical missile mid-flight and throw it back, and with her Noble Phantasm, she's more than enough match for some weaker Servants.

But when it comes to dealing with the childish banter of the girls, she could barely muster any strength.

Currently, Bazett was wearing a black skinny jeans, a black tank top connected to some sort of black opera gloves, she has a long red hair with a splash of purple tied at the back, and a matching eye color.

"Isn't it more interesting this way? I do enjoy watching them like this. It never gets old." Said Rider, true name Medusa.

She was holding a tray with snacks on them and placed them on the table. Her long purple hair was braided, and her eyes were no longer blindfolded. Instead, she wears a glasses that seals the effects of her Mystic Eyes.

She was wearing a simple long sleeve black turtleneck top, with a skinny blue jeans. Her purple eyes stayed at the now arguing Rin, Caren, and Luvia with amusement.

"Alright Nee-san, Luvia, Caren," Sakura came from the kitchen and smiled at the three she mentioned, "Senpai texted me that he's almost here. So please behave."

Sakura Matou, 20 years old and works as the Second Owner of Fuyuki City. Even as a teenager, she has a body that rivaled adults, and now her body became even more mature.

Unlike her sister Rin, she was more "meaty". With violet hair and a ribbon tied on the right side of her hair. Wearing a one piece, white short sleeve dress with brown belt and a black cardigan over it.

"Texted you? Why didn't he inform me?" Rin pouted and crossed her arms under her modest chest.

Sakura rolled her eyes and smirks at her sister, "Come on nee-san, we all know that only Senpai, Illya and I actually knows how to use Mobile Phones."

"Hmph!" Rin snorted, but did not gave a response. It was true after all. Even now, she just couldn't understand why those things were even needed.

It was at that moment that Shirou called out from the hall.

"I'm home! Has everyone already arrived?"

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