

True Name;

-Shirou Emiya








-NP: ?~EX



-Magic Resistance(B); cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by greater magecraft and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.

-Territory Creation(A); a skill to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus, such as for the purpose of collecting mana. Muramasa's(Shirou) whole workshop just never stops following him. Senji Muramasa's own workshop acts with a smithy as its base. Obviously it's completely different from that of a mage, but apparently the class skill of Casters was given as an interpretation at the moment of manifesting as a Servant. As the most excellent of craftsmen, he has an exceptional Territory Creation ability.

-Appreciation of the Swords(A); a skill that with just one glance, he can grasp how to confront ordinary weapons that aren't Noble Phantasms. In the case of the rank being A or higher, it's possible to understand armament other than swords and blades. It works as accurate advice for allies, and perceives the weak points of the enemy.

-Contemporary III Omen(B); A skill derived from the legends revolving around the katana with the signature of Muramasa, the so-called "Wicked Sword Muramasa". The katana created by Senji Muramasa(Shirou) and his school are said to bring misfortune to the rulers of the Tokugawa family. It works as a "special attack against governors/kings".

-Sword Trial(B+); Trying out the sword. Test slashes, test swordsmanship. A method to measure the sharpness and performance of swords. Senji Muramasa(Shirou) can freely draw out the power endowed to a weapon. If he felt like it, he could even draw out its maximum power to the point of the weapon self-destructing in a single stroke.

-Eye of Karma(A); A dormant ability possessed by the body. A subspecies of the skill Clairvoyance. Improves both static and dynamic visual acuity. Insight specialized only for battle action. With this body he can't set his eyes on destiny like with Clairvoyance… Supposedly, but due to the values of Muramasa, who set his eyes on the "karma" within the flames during his lifetime, the hawk eyes pierce not only the prey, but also their destiny that lies ahead.

-Flame(Ex); Casting and forging with one's whole body and spirit, to the point of burning up oneself. "Every astrigency, every longstanding desire, every unnaturality―――  Everything in order to reach this single stroke".

-Clairvoyance(C); a skill that allows one to keep track of fast-moving object within a range of four kilometers.

-Mind's Eye(True)(B); a skills that allows one to have a calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament.


Noble Phantasms;

Unlimited Blade Works(?); It is a high-class thaumaturgy that embodies Shirou's internal world and imprints them upon the "World" as a "Bounded Field" or a short amount of time. In this internal world is a "memorial" for every heroes and historical and mythical figures in history.

Tsumukuri Muramasa(Anti-Reality)(Ex); A Noble Phantasm that creates the ultimate katana. After reproducing a world of countless swords due to the deployment of Unlimited Blade Works, all the swords break, scattering like snow crystals, and only one blade remains in Senji Muramasa's hands. One slash that severs time and space, fate, and the very concept of "reality".


True Name;

-Artoria Pendragon








-NP: A++~EX



-Magic Resistance(A); Cancel spells of A-Rank or below, no matter what greater magecraft it is. In practice, the Servant is untouchable to modern magi, so it would not be an exaggeration to title the Servant a "Magus Killer".

Riding(B); Most vehicles and animals can be handled with above average skill, even vehicles that did not exist in the time period one was alive in, for they are no exception. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasmal Species such as Monstrous Beasts.

Charisma(B); Having B Rank in this Skill is sufficient to lead a nation as its King/Queen. The morale of military forces he or she commands is extremely high.

Instinct(A); At Rank A, it is essentially in the realm of predicting the future. Through this ability, it is possible to negate the penalties inflicted by visual and auditory interference to a certain extent.

Mana Burst(A); At Rank A, even a stick can become a weapon of great power. A normal weapon that is not on the level of a divine Mystery can be destroyed in one blow. Can also raise one's defense several times over.

Protection of the Ends of the World(EX); ???


Noble Phantasm;

Excalibur(A++); Excalibur is a "sword that amplifies", converting its user's magical energy into offensive power and releasing it. It is a weapon of directive energy that converts the magical energy of the wielder into light by accelerating it with her 'factor of the dragon', intensifying the kinetic energy by convergence and acceleration, allowing for the use of Divine Spirit-level thaumaturgy. It is the "ultimate slash" that cuts through everything in the "area" the light goes through. Its enormous power heats space around the tip, and as a result, it is interpreted as a wave of light that mows across the surface of the earth. One could also call it a directed energy weapon. Even if it is dodged, those in close proximity can still be temporarily distracted by its intensity.

Rhongomyniad(EX~??); ???


True Name;









-NP: A+



Riding(A+); All vehicles and all creatures up to the level of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast can be used as mounts. However, that does not apply to members of the Dragon Kind.

Magic Resistance(B); cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by greater magecraft and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.

Monstrous Strength(B?); a skill that temporarily grants a rank-up to one's Strength parameter for a time limit determined by the ranking of this skill. Medusa refrained from overusing this skill because the more she is under the influence of this Skill, the more she turns into the legendary monster Gorgon.

Mystic Eyes of Cybele(A+); Eyes that can petrify those who have been gaze upon by these pair. Medusa usually have her eyes covered to 'seal' them, but when Shirou mentioned how her eyes are 'too beautiful for a human to possess', she opted to use glasses that restricts them instead.

Divinity(E); Medusa was once a beautiful goddess, so she originally has very high Divinity. However, because she later became a monster, she is an unusual being possessing the "monstrous" attribute that is antithetical to normal Heroic Spirits. Thanks to this, Medusa manifests as both a goddess with Riding, and a monster possessing Mystic Eyes, Monstrous Strength and so forth. Nonetheless, her aptitude as a goddess Divine Spirit is mostly degraded. However, her Divinity has not been completely eliminated, and it appears that she still has it.


Noble Phantasm;

Bellerophon(A+); summoning a Pegasus, Medusa uses this Noble Phantasm to command it. Pegasus is already an exceptional beast, and directing it with Bellerophon removes its limiters, causing it to rage under Medusa's command. All of its abilities are increased by one rank, and its defensive power, already on the level of a dragon, is improved several times due to the protection provided by its massive amount of magical energy and divine protection. Once fastened, it allows for the mounted beast to use its most powerful charge to physically destroy the target, and it must be fastened after the mount is summoned or simultaneously as it emerges from the summoning circle. Compared to the golden flare of Excalibur, this arrow of light can be called a white comet.

Blood Fort Andromeda(B); By magnification of the Mystic Eyes' projection, a fixed conceptual field is substituted into "the inside of her eyes", and the life force of those inside it is plundered. An absorption power that literally "dissolves the body" of ordinary persons without any Magic Resistance. Even Heroic Spirits will have their life force plundered as long as they are inside the barrier.


True Name;









-NP: C



Item Construction(A); It is the Skill to manufacture magical items, from implements of war to items for daily use. Also, this Skill requires time to gather components and manufacture items. With this skill, Medea is capable of making potions that can grant limited immortality.

Territory Creation; It is the Skill to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus, such as for the purpose of collecting mana. She can create a temple which can allow her to have access to nigh-limitless amount of mana.

High-Speed Divine Words(A); is a Skill that assists with magical incantations via a power to activate Thaumaturgy without the use of Magic Circuits.The language of the Age of Gods, back when words played a heavy role in spellcasting. As such, it is a power long lost by modern magi. It is particularly useful for direct attack magic. Greater-level Magecraft can be casted at the speed of single-action spell.

Argon Coin; a coat of Golden Fleece that allows the user to summon a dragon by throwing it to the ground with the proper knowledge to summon a Phantasmal Beast.


Rule Breaker(C); A dagger that nullifies all effects created by magecraft, despite whether such an effect is an enchantment, a relationship formed through contact, or even life created through magical energy. Once it comes into contact with the ensorcelled item or person, enchantments, connections bounded through contracts, and creatures created and maintained by magical energy, they will all be returned to their original components in a state "before they were made."

The Golden Fleece(Argon Coin); ???


True Name;

Sakura Matou





MANA: ??

LUCK: ??



True Name;

Rin Tohsaka





MANA: ??

LUCK: ??



True Name;

Luviagelita Edelfelt





MANA: ??

LUCK: ??



True Name;

Caren Hortensia





MANA: ??

LUCK: ??



True Name;

Illyasviel von Einzbern





MANA: ??

LUCK: ??



True Name;

Bazett Fraga McRemitz





MANA: ??

LUCK: ??



Noble Phantasm;

Fragarach(D~A); It is the "Sword of Retrograde" and an indefeasible weapon of the gods, divinely protected by some malicious will, that works by using a conceptual curse to warp destiny and a divine trick that uses time as its blade. It warps causality to always strike the opponent in the heart with a needle thin concentrated blast right before they unleash their ultimate attack. The condition for its use is that the opponent must use their strongest attack, and Fragarach must be used directly after the enemy's strike.

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