
Jormangunder: Battle of the Divine Beasts Part 1

The group watched in awe as the mountain that had flown into the sky began to rain back down. Some of the stone and dirt flew outward while the rest just fell straight back down.

They continued to hear the pained hissing of Jormangunder and the pained howling of Fenrir as the air slowly started to clear after the explosion.

"Beowulf, Karna, Artoria, Chiron, Medusa and Jack you all take Jormangunder. He will be the most dangerous due to his rapid movements and his body's length. Sieg I suggest you join them as well. This group has fought dragons and serpents before, therefore you all will have the greatest effect against the great serpent." Scathach issued her orders. The group nodded as they orientated themselves onto the Pegasi.

"Tama, Ruler, Frankenstein, Atlanta, Astolfo, Gramps, and I will focus on Fenrir." Scathach said as she prepared herself.

"Vlad, Nobunaga, Achilles and Mordred will stay with the Masters until the time for the three pointed lightning strike. After which Achilles and Mordred will join in attacking on which ever divine beast is struck." Scathach said finishing her orders. "Lets get this done people."

Mordred complained as she ranted, "I want to fight the beasts! Why do I have to wait?!"

"Your attack will determine our victory so calm yourself and do your job." Tama said side eying Mordred.

Mordred clicked her tongue while crossing her arms but stayed silent after that.

"Vlad. You and Nobunaga have the greatest direct fire power so be prepared to keep the beasts as stationary as possible." Scathach said as she flew past on her Pegasi.

Vlad nodded as he jumped onto the Chariot Achilles was riding. Nobunaga joined Jaune as he looked out towards the devastated mountain. Mordred stayed at the back of the chariot with the four other masters. Jack gave her mommy one last hug before she leaped away to one of the Pegasi with her battle group.

After everyone was in position they began to fly towards the smoking and glowing rubble that was once a mountain.

When they were getting close to the mountain there was explosion of air from the center of the dust cloud. A wave of dirt, stone, and ash was thrown out in a wave. Before the wave could hit them the heroes put up magical defenses to keep from being smashed out of the sky. When the air wave hit the Pegasi shuddered from the impacts on the magical barriers.

The barriers glowed before cracks appeared across them before the Pegasi pushed through. The wave was the air pressure the angry screams of the divine beasts. Jaune tried to keep his wits as his mind was scrambled from the loudest sound he had ever heard. But his mind was scattered. An unknown amount of time passed before Jaune recovered. It seemed they had gotten much closer in the time that he had been trying to recover.

Looking around Jaune noticed the other masters were recovering as he looked while the heroes looked on with grim expressions. From their expressions it seemed that the divine beasts were not as injured as we had hoped. Jaune gazed out over the lip of the chariot and looked at the crater.

The coils of the world serpent came into view first. It was hard to describe the sheer size of Jormangunder. He was just so large that a single one of his coils was like a solid lifted six-lane highway, that moved. The depression of the mountain was filled with his coils as he moved around in circles leaving the very center for Fenrir to stand.

Fenrir was the length of two football fields with a tail that went another 75 meters. His height was at least over 150 meters. His fur stood out with his hackles raised as he was preparing for a fight which did not bode well for anyone. His head raised as he looked at the Pegasi and the heroes riding them.

Another howl was shot out sending another air ripple towards everyone. The heroes prepared for another attack. After the ripple passed by everyone split off into three different directions.

Beowulf called out to Jormangunder. "Come snake! Prepare to meet your end by the Great Beowulf! You shall fall upon my blade!"

Jormangunder hissed as he lifted his head towards Beowulf and spoke in a great booming voice, "Grendal's killer. Dragon slayer. Monster slayer. Though you are mighty, but you are not Thor. You have no Mjolnir. You shall not kill me mortal!"

Jormangunder followed the Pegasi as they rushed to an open location. It seemed he wished to fight Beowulf if his rapid movement was anything to go by.

Another booming voice much darker and deeper spoke, "I see the Shadow Queen has been released from her long solitude. Oho is that the smell of the Nine Tailed Fox? Come god slayer! Come Demon Fox! Let me test your mettle! I need to stretch these bones after such a long nap. It will be a good warm up before I devour this world."

The bunching of his back legs was the only warning Scathach and Tama's group got before Fenrir was airborne appearing right before them. The Pegasi dodged and weaved their way out of the teeth of Fenrir's jaws. Scathach took this opportunity to send out her spear attacking the roof of his mouth. As they pulled away from Fenrir's maw Scathach left a long gaping wound that only seemed to be a paper cut across Fenrir's upper palate.

The jaws slammed shut behind them as they shot down towards the ground in an open area. A loud crash echoed in the area as Fenrir landed. A deep bellow reached the ears as Fenrir laughed, "It has been too long since I have tasted my own blood. To feel the pain of a blade open my fur. Ah the thrill of the hunt is so long in coming. I love it. Makes the food taste all the better at the end of battle."

"Seems you picked up more from the Norse than you will ever know. The Asgardians had the exact same response to battle. It seems your wolf instincts have been over ridden by your greatest enemies. Old one eye is one sneaky bastard." Scathach taunted Fenrir.

Fenrir roared in anger.

The attacking group separated. The Pegasi landed dropping the heroes off before they took back off to harass the overgrown wolf.

On the other side Beowulf had already jumped from the Pegasi towards Jormangunder. He had angled his fall so he landed squarely on the head of the beast. Beowulf began to slide before he planted his swords into the crevices in the scales. He was quickly jerked to a stop before he used the momentum to sent him shooting forward towards one of the giant eyes.

Karna flew up into the air he sent out his flames to direct Jormangunder's movements. He was somewhat successful since there is an instinctive fear of flame within all living things, but with his immense size Jormangunder was able to pass through and smother the flames it with little trouble.

Jack activated her presence concealment and the poison fog. The surroundings became hazy as fog billowed into the area. The heroes took this chance to move. Artoria after reaching halfway down Jormangunders length jumped from the Pegasi and became a missile. Falling straight down she pierced her lance into the body of the giant serpent. Settling her feet Artoria began to run along his body opening up a wide gash that would hopefully hinder his movement.

Jormangunder roared as he received the first injury in centuries. He flexed his coils in reaction nearly throwing Artoria from his scales. But due to her riding skill she was able to keep her stance and continue to run dragging her lance widening the injury.

"You little fleas I will devour you!" Jormangunder hissed as he began to emit a muddy light.

Stones began to float into the air as Jormangunder flexed his magic. Chiron who was on the Pegasi fired his bow at the stones to break them apart before they became a threat. Each exploded in flashes.

Sieg who had been waiting initiated his transformation. In a flash of blue energy Seigfried appeared on the field. Jormangunder was drawn to the light as it foretold of a threat even to him. "Fafnir's killer! You will die this night!" Jormangunder exploded forward even as Sieg jumped from the Pegasi.

Sieg prepared his sword and when he was about to be eaten he called out, "Balmung!" A blue wave of energy flowed from his sword slash hitting the side of Jormangunder's maw knocking him to the side enough to escape the immense mouth. With another swing of his Sieg planted his sword into the jaw and fell downward opening up a wide gash as he fell.

Jormangunder screamed in pain as his jaw was opened from the hated sword. "You will die for that!" In a flash Jormangunder flexed his body in such a way he sent the three heroes on his body to be flung off with immense force.

Each landed on the ground leaving crater before they bounced away. After a few seconds they stood up each having their own injuries. Blood flowed from multiple gashes from the three heroes.

Jormangunder coiled himself up. He raised his head into the sky at a speed that left the Pegasi flapping madly to escape the incoming hill sized head.

A split second passed before Jormangunder took a deep breath. The air in the surroundings was immediately sucking inward as the enormous lungs filled to capacity. The heroes plunged their weapons into the ground to keep from being sucked into the jaws of the gigantic beast.

Chiron noticed the danger first and he telepathically called for a release on his noble phantasm. A split second later he got it. Pointing his bow to the sky he began to incant, "This blow that pierces the stars of the Scorpion. My arrow has already been let loose. Antares Snipe!"

From the stars came a arrow like beam of energy that hit square center of the giant skull of the great serpent. With a loud boom the jaws of Jormangunder were forced shut even as his head was forced downward. An unearthly hiss came from the pain filled Jormangunder.

Sieg dient waste time as he rushed forward with the sword raised high as he got close he screamed out, "Fall Balmung!" A bright cyan blue energy wave rushed from the blade impacting into the first coil of Jormangunder. There was a crackling and a boom as scales were broken from the impact. A large section of the area was cut away from the energy wave.

Jormangunder screamed once again as he reacted. The coils spun taking the injured area away from the heroes. With a comtempuous flick Jormangunders tail impacted into Sieg sending his flying away punching through and unknown number of boulders.

When he stopped Sieg's transformation was broken even as he coughed up blood. He fell forward to land on his face unmoving.

"One down. Six left. Prepare to die humans!" Jormangunder screamed as his energy rippled out. In a flash the ground ripped apart leaving the heroes separated. A maze of raised stone walls appeared on the ground. They were wide enough for Jormangunder to flow between while also being curved enough to keep attacks from the sky from hitting fully.

Beowful was just about to jump up on top of one of the walls when he was met by the grinning face of Jormangunder appearing from behind him. Beowulf widened his eyes as he saw the giant serpent coming toward him. As he did Beowulf had a change of expression as he smiled widely, madly as he called out his weapon's name, "Naegling!"

The massive club like sword flashed with red black light as it expanded in size five times over. Beowulf smiled as he roared, "Iron Hammer: Snake Smash!"

With a massive crack, crack, boom Jormangunder's head was thrown to the side as he was clubbed by the massive noble phantasm. The first crack was the impact of the sword club. The second was Jormangunders Head crashing through the stone wall he had created. The boom was the sonic boom from the impact of the two immense objects. Jormangunder continued to move even as he tried to recover from the second strike to his head. He also hoped to crush Beowulf under his mass as he continued on.

It was not to be as Beowulf had jumped away after finishing his strike. His smile still present on his face a he rushed away.

Karna appeared over the maze of stone walls and called on his fire even as he was filled with the power of a command seal, "This is not an imitation of Arjuna... Beware the sky, I think it is going to get bad."

The Pegasi hearing these words felt danger as they flew away at the fastest speed they could.

Karna finished his incantation, "Brahmastra Kundala!" Pulling back his arm with his lance that burst into flames. With a whole body throw the lance disappeared as the flaming lance impacted the mid body of Jormangunder in the stone walled maze. A flash of light as flames filled the maze exploding into the sky. The wounds Jormangunder received were all scorched shut while the scales near the impact exploded from the extreme change in temperature.

Jormangunder screamed once again. This time with his scream his divine energy rippled out. Sea water flooded out from around his body, the stone in the area he touched melted into a swamp like consistency, darkness covered the area snuffing out the flames.

"You will pay for that Demi-god!" Jormangunder yelled as he disappeared into the liquid like ground.

The heroes jumped far away to escape the trap set for them. Artoria raised her lance into the sky and called out, "Rhongomyniad!"

A tower of light appeared erasing the darkness made by Jormangunder. The stone kept its liquid state as did the sea water caught within the maze. The ripples of the two liquids continued to move even as the heroes prepared their final attacks.

Jack seeing she was not needed at this point rushed to Sieg's side and checked him out. When she got there she saw the blood pooling under him. She was worried he was out of the fight. Placing her hand over his mouth she felt his wheezing breath. Good he was still alive. She had to bring him away from the fight so he wasn't caught up in the aftershocks of the other heroes attacks.

Beowulf, Karna, Artoria, Chiron and Medusa all prepared their final attacks. Artoria filled the other heroes with command seals. The heroes all gained a blaze of red energy as the prepared their next and most likely final attack.

They had been worried that they would have to sacrifice someone to finish off the divine beasts. But after the impact of the Hanging Gardens it seems they had been stripped of some of their divine power. It would also not be wrong to assume that their awakening was not enough to refill their immense reserves of magical energy.

For now they needed to bring Jormangunder out of the watery ground and attack him. Everyone looked at Beowulf. He looked back at each one of them before he sighed. "Alright. Just don't hit me when you guys go after him."

Beowulf called out a battle yell as he yelled at the top of his lungs. "Come to me you giant snake. I will finish this with one blow! You are a bastard of a god whore. Come to me so I can turn you into a nice suit of armor!

Beowulf jumped with all of his considerable strength to the central wall of the maze that still stood tall in the liquid ground. Beowulf scanned his surroundings as he sensed for Jormangunder. Since everything here was created by the divine beast there was little to no chance Beowulf would sense him before he was upon him.

A few seconds later the heroes noticed that the liquid was actually disappearing as it sank into the ground. The maze walls stood tall in the empty caver left behind. At the very bottom where the light could not reach, the slit eyes of Jormangunder opened. They were now far larger than they were before.

Beowulf cursed as he jumped away. Even as he jumped five times he was not able to fully escape the wide mouth of Jormangunder as he shot up into the sky. The walls of the maze were easily swallowed whole as Jormangunder regained his original size before he was put to sleep centuries ago.

Jormangunder was now ten times larger. His head was the size of a football stadium while his body was as wide and deep as the Nile river. Beowulf was caught by one of the massive fangs of Jormangunder. But due to his size the sharpness of the fang was not the same as one that was smaller. But that was voided due to the magical energy filling the whole of the divine beast. Beowulf crossed his swords as he was pushed upward by Jormangunder's movement.

At the very top of his reach Jormangunder's head was at the height the Hanging Gardens was flying. With his head in the clouds Jormangunder looked down upon the tiny heroes with a sinister smile. The world shook at the voice of the Midgard Serpent. "I hope you heroes are prepared to die. I am now ready to defeat you all. You will not be able to harm me now."

Medusa seeing her best opportunity pushed her Pegasi to fly above Jormangunder. While she did Beowulf was picked up by a Pegasi to follow Medusa while Karna, Artoria and Chiron attacked Jormangunder keeping his attention.

Jormangunder laughed at the three heroes attacking him. "Your attacks don't even tickle." Opening his jaws wide a beam of rainbow colors formed before it was shot at the three escaping heroes.

The three we each hit by the beam. Each had their own injuries. But they stood once more as they prepared for their final gambit.

Medusa reached the point she had wished for. Looking down upon the giant head of Jormangunder Medusa prepared herself, "I will not kill you gently. Its finger is iron, its hair is a cage, its whisper is sweet poison! --- It is me! Caress of the Medusa!" Energy built in her eyes as her curse activated. Twin beams of purple energy fell upon Jormangunders skull each place hit by the beams turned to stone.

Jormangunder screamed as his head became heavier. Beowulf laughed as he jumped from his Pegasi again and yelled out, "Prepare yourself! This is the root of my conflict! The point is, I'm a guy who will stand and punch and kick my way to victory! Oraoraoraaa! Fly away!"

Beowulf became a maelstrom of fists, elbows, kicks, knees, headbutts. As he was slowing Beowulf called out again, "Hrunting! Naegling!"

Two swords burst into light as they impacted upon the now shattered stone that was Jormangunder's skull. The stone was blown away by the impacts of the weapons. Blood flew as Beowulf hit the tender muscle and bone underneath. He continued to hit the skull until it too broke apart leaving the brain open to the sky.

Beowulf jumped away as he did Medusa tased by him and from her small frame a word came from her that rippled through the area, "Harpe!"

With a swing of her purple glowing scythe Medusa hit the brain of Jormangunder. With a flash of golden light Jormangunder was stripped of his immortality.

For the first time in the fight real fear entered Jormangunders eyes. He bunched himself up preparing to escape but he was met by three attacks from the remaining heroes.

Medusa jumped and flew away on one of the Pegasi. The Pegasi turned into light as he flew with all his might disappearing from Jormangunder's body in a short instant. Even as the rest of the heroes did the same save for Karna.

Karna stood away with his lance pointed to the sky. Flames billowed as the armor he was covered in melted away as they formed upon the lance making the lance expand in size. With the new lance flames filled the sky as the ground below melted and billowed outward. The sky and ground flared with orange red and white of different flames. "On the battlefield there is no more weakness. My father, I ask for your forgiveness. For the first and last time. End Everything Vasavi...Shakti!"

"Rhongomyniad!" Artoria yelled as she sent out a light tower upon the Vasavi Shakti increasing the power and speed of the attack.

"This blow that pierces the stars of the Scorpion. My arrow has already been let loose. Antares Snipe!" Chiron yelled as he rode the Pegasi away from the battle while pointing his bow into the sky once again. The arrow beam hit the back of the lance increasing its speed and power by another factor.

The triple noble phantasm screamed as they impacted the skull of the divine beast, the Midgard Serpent, Jormangunder.

In a flash the attack caused Jormangunder's skull to explode from the steam explosion from his brain flash frying. The next few hundred meters of Jormangunder's body was evaporated from the attack. The remains hung in the air for a few moments before it began to fall.

The heroes escaped on the backs of the Pegasi. Karna was the only one who was not fast enough to escape before he was hit by one of the fangs of Jormangunder's jaws. His chest was punched through as his head and should were blown away by the magically enhanced bones.

Karna fell from the sky as his body evaporated into magical particles.

Chiron and his Pegasi received a similar treatment from the vertebrae that were hit by the noble phantasms. He fell from the sky as he cursed not being able to regain his immortality. He wished his master the best of her life as he fell with his Pegasi.

Artoria and Beowulf fell from the sky as their Pegasi were hit by the remaining fangs. They landed and turned to look at the last remnants of the other battle.

Medusa was the only one to escape without injury and headed directly to the next battle as she was the secret weapon that everything was set upon. Her child was injured but he was pushing through as he knew the danger the world was in. Even as his blood flowed from him he flew to the next battle to the end of this war.

Towards the Maw of the Devourer.

Hello Fellow Readers!

Hope your holidays have been good! Happy New Year! Hope you enjoyed the battle. I tried to give it the best service it deserved but I know it is lacking. I am hoping to have Fenrir battle be more everything. Tell me how I did! See you next time on Fate/Remnant!

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers!

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