

Lucas lead them to an empty room. Jax put his foot against the wall, "What's the deal with your eyes, Knight?" Winter gestured for Layla to fill them in. She pulled out her notebook and handed it to Jax, "Her eyes change with her mood." Lucas read over Jax's shoulder. Jax ran his finger down the list of colors, "This power just unlocked?" Winter shrugged and Layla explained, "Her eyes only change when she doesn't keep her emotions in check." Lucas glanced at her, "Isn't that kind of disadvantageous if an enemy gets a hold of it?" Mandy glanced at them, "What enemies?" Lucas chuckled, "I get the feeling Winter will make lots of them, effortlessly." Winter grabbed the book from Jax, "Precisely why we won't give them the opportunity." She handed it back to Layla who tucked it safely in Mandy's bag.

Winter's hand suddenly shot behind while her magic did the same. Her hand closed around a shirt collar just as Michael came into view. Everyone's attention was on him. Jax came closer, "Looks like we have an unwelcome audience." One side of Winter's mouth lifted, "Just the man I wanted to see." He cowered in front of her as she let her eyes turn red. She felt them watching her, waiting to see what she would do. Winter tightened her grip, "I can guess why you're here. You can cut the act." His beige eyes met hers as he stopped shaking. Winter smirked, haughtily. He rolled his eyes, standing taller. His whole demeanor changed in an instant. She released his shirt and her eyes changed back to their normal ice blue. "Your powers don't just make you invisible. You can also manipulate images, create illusions. You're an Illusionist." M.J. crossed his arms, "Looks like someone's done their research." Winter undid her braid, "I need you to do me a favor." He glared at her, "Why should I?" Winter tapped her cheek, "You know, I never like using blackmail. It's not my thing. But let's just say, I know what you want more than anything." M.J., unimpressed said, "So?" Winter paced in front of him, "And I know how to get it for you." His eyes gleaned with something a little more than hope. It was hunger, greed, and desire all melded together. M.J. licked his lips, "What do you need me to do?" Winter counted her fingers, "First, I need you to keep what you heard in here to yourself." He lifted his head, "Of course. Wouldn't want that to get into the wrong hands." Jax cracked his knuckles, a threat. Winter put another finger down, "Second, I need you to do recon and tell me everything you know." He rolled his shoulders. "Last, when I figure out my plan, you do your part." He looked at her blankly until she said, "And I guarantee you'll get what you want." He nodded resolutely, saluting to her before he turned invisible again. They watched as the door opened and closed.

Her friends waited for her to tell them he was gone before Mandy asked, "What does he want?" Winter quirked her head, "The one thing that finds him incompetent." Layla linked her arm through Mandy's, "Brenna." Winter nodded. Mandy leaned her head on Layla's shoulder, "How are you going to get her to change her attitude towards him?" Winter's eyes hopped to each of their faces, "By taking away the one thing she craves." Layla finished the thought so they would understand, "Sam Tudor." Jax grimaced at the name. Lucas put a hand on his shoulder. Winter observed the interaction and her magic shrunk away. Lucas watched Winter tenderly, "You're unnaturally good at executing investigations." Winter smiled innocently, "I have no clue what you're talking about."

Jax eyed her, "Any closer to finding the answers you were looking for?" Lucas pressed his hand against Jax's shoulder, "One step at a time." Winter found herself attempting to understand the event that catalyzed the change in Lucas' temperament around her. Mandy rummaged through her purse, "How did you know that he was in here?" Winter squinted at her, "I sensed it at the same time my magic did. When my hand moved my magic disrupted his so that he became visible." She stroked under her chin absentmindedly as her friends shared a look, "Though it didn't completely eradicate the illusion. I guess I have to work on that." Lucas spoke up, "Can you do that to all magic?" Winter considered him for a moment, "I'm not sure. I haven't tried it on anyone aside from Leo and M.J." Jax ran his fingers through his hair, "The Mind Reader?" She nodded, "Oh yeah. I meant to ask you guys. Is that power really that rare?" Jax scoffed, "You did all this research but didn't brush up on the forbidden powers?" Winter narrowed her eyes, "I didn't see anything about them in my book." Lucas leaned in, "What book?" Winter waved her hand, "That's not important. What are the forbidden powers?" Jax played with Lucas' hand, "The forbidden powers are those deemed most dangerous to society." Mandy added, "There was a coup staged years ago, by a select group of magic users. Their desire was to dominate over all people." Winter interrupted, "The Attack on Fairy Bay." Layla nodded, continuing, "They went against every type of magic user and ended up failing. So Leo's power is indeed very rare. Mind Readers are nearly extinct, wiped out after that battle." Jax mumbled, staring at Lucas, "Not as rare as teleportation." Lucas flinched slightly when the words escaped Jax's mouth. He slipped his hand away. The bell rang and she said, "When I devise my plan I'll let you all in on it, if I need you." Jax clicked his tongue at her, "There's no 'you'll tell us if you need us.' Didn't I say it before? I want to join your world. Which means you tell us your plans in exchange." Mandy nudged her, "They want to help." Layla came up behind her, "This way you have plenty of back up when you find yourself in trouble." Lucas walked next to them, "Which you definitely will." Winter sighed, "I don't find trouble. Trouble finds me."

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