
First Day

Winter, ahead in all her classes despite the move, was still taking notes to appear respectful to her teachers. She had done independent studying since before she and her mother started moving around. It became more of a habit as she got older. Winter yawned as the next teacher came in for Advanced Algebraic functions and thought, "I can relax a little on the note taking now." Winter shut her eyes and allowed her mind to wander. A million thoughts filled her head. She thought of her old friends, her studies, and her mother. When Winter's father intruded on her thoughts, a headache developed. The second she opened her eyes, the lunch bell rang and everyone flocked to her like bees to honey. "She's gorgeous." "A new student in the middle of the year?" "Wow you're so pretty!" "Look at her eyes." "I wonder if she's a model." "Her hair is so long and shiny." "She looks like a princess." Winter studied all of them as she noticed one girl get closer. "I'm Layla. Winter, right?" Winter scanned her. The girl was a little on the taller side with wavy golden hair and forest green eyes. Winter nodded. "How come you moved schools?" Layla stared at Winter. Winter smiled, "My mom is an international aid for Universal Relief. Her job makes us to move a lot." A curly haired girl with golden brown skin next to Layla, giggled, "Wow! You must get to see a lot of different places then." Winter shrugged. The girl's light brown eyes danced around. "I'm Mandy by the way," she smiled. Layla looked at Mandy and then back at Winter, "Do you want to eat lunch with us?" Winter's eyes landed on Layla's, "Sure." Winter stood and Mandy linked her arm through Winter's, "Come on. We'll show you where the cafeteria is."

As they walked through the luxurious hallways, Winter noticed how close Mandy and Layla were. Winter turned to them, "What do your parents do?" Mandy answered politely, "My mom is the designer Elle Marinette." "Your mom is the number one fashion designer in the nation?" Winter considered Mandy. "That's the one. And my dad is mayor of the city." Winter watched as Layla flipped her hair, "What about your parents?" "My dad is the CEO of S.C. Group and my mom is the president." Layla preened. "Your parents are leaders of a top conglomerate?" She nodded. Winter hesitated a step and looked around as she felt someone staring at her. She locked on hazel eyes filled with something like anger. The girl with the dark bob cut turned away and disappeared around the corner. Winter tilted her head. They reached the cafeteria and Winter had to stop herself from gaping. Winter looked around at the marble floors, the heavy satin curtains, the crystal chandeliers, and the long, meticulously designed oak wood tables. Mandy looked at Winter, "Well? Let's go get our food." There were so many options and they were all beautiful. The lobster with caviar, the steak with skillfully made baked potatoes, the miso soup, the salad. Her mouth watered. Everything was gourmet, crafted perfectly by the world's best chiefs. Winter grabbed a salad and followed Mandy and Layla.

They sat down, and Winter scanned the cafeteria. She detected the hazel eyes on her again and ignored them. "Do you have any questions about us or the school?" Mandy daintily ate her soup. Winter looked up from her salad, "I have a few." She stared. "What's the story about this place?" Layla picked at her caviar, "Golden Academy High is an elite school that is extremely hard to get into. The students of this place are usually the children of important people. Business conglomerates, political leaders, actors. People with influence." Mandy's eyes narrowed, "The person who made this place is about as mysterious as they come though. All we know is that he's rich, he's strict and very secretive." Winter shifted in her seat, "The headmaster?" Mandy nodded. Layla leaned forward, "What I want to know is how you got in." Winter took another bite of her salad. Layla smiled, "You said your mom works for Universal Relief. So you're relatively well off compared to normal people but that doesn't earn enough money to warrant a spot here." Mandy choked and Layla continued, "What's your story? What does your dad do?" Winter swallowed, "My dad died when I was little. My mom and I have been on our own since then. And because we move around a lot, this is my fourth high school in two years." Mandy's eyes widened, "That's like every semester." Winter nodded. Layla sighed, "That's got to be tough." "I'm used to it." Winter's wandering eyes found hazel ones again and narrowed. Mandy's spoon clattered loudly against her bowl. Winter's eyes darted to Mandy, startled by the sound. Mandy smiled sheepishly, "Too hot." Winter rolled her eyes and smiled, "How long have you two been friends for?" Mandy and Layla looked at each other. Layla pushed back a loose strand of hair, "We've been friends since forever." Mandy smiled sweetly, "Our parents were friends. Because of that, we've been together for as long as we can remember. Practically straight from the womb." Winter's thoughts, again, drifted to her father and she shook her head. Mandy looked at Winter and then smiled deviously, "Winter, do you have a boyfriend?" Winter's eyebrows rose at the sudden change in topic, "No. I have never had a boyfriend before." Layla looked at her, "Never?" Winter nodded. "Well surely you've kissed a boy before." Mandy watched Winter in disbelief as she shook her head. Mandy and Layla both sighed simultaneously. "Our precious, innocent little Winter," Mandy pouted at her, playfully. Winter chuckled and the bell rang. 

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