

Lawrence Ranvil, second son of the Ranvil Family has lived throughout his whole life not knowing the secrets behind his family. He met with a powerful being named Zet (Arc Warden) who informed him of what he needed to know while releasing the power that was rightfully his. First Plot will be Kara no Kyoukai. For those who don't know Kara no Kyoukai, you people must be atleast familiar with the term Mystic Eyes of Death Perception right? This is the story where the original user of that eyes is the protagonist. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I own nothing of this novel except for the main character. They belonged to Type Moon and Kinoku Nasu, if you wish to know more about his marvelous story, please search on google! If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 37


-Town of Fuyuki.

 3rd POV*

Lawrence and his group immediately rushed to the specific place where they sensed the spike of aura. They are rather thrilled about watching this show. The previous one was utterly destroyed by Lawrence and they hope the same thing won't happen again. At least they should be the one who will do it if it does happen.

"Who do you think is calling out for opponents? Is it one of the knight class?" Shiki asked rubbing her hand. "Possible, because aside from those classes, it's impossible to taunt other servants freely" Bea answered Shiki's question using the knowledge she had obtain many years ago. "Hey, Berserker could also be a possibility you know? Most berserker are stronger than some knight class based on my experience" Lawrence said.

They were surprised hearing that, "Experience? Since when did you encounter other Heroic Spirits beside Nero?" Shiki asked squinting her eyes at him, she thought that he didn't invite her in the fun and just keep everything to himself. "Ah, not that kind of experience… nevermind. Just ignore what I said" he said sighing.

He knows it would be hard to explain that he saw them in his previous life. "We're here" Lawrence looked at the servant as he could not help but widen his eyes. It was a different servant from the original! "Hm, there are many servants here. Should we call them out?" Anastashia asked sensing the presence of other servants who are hiding themselves.

"Let them come out for themselves, I the Emperor does not need to call them over!" Nero proclaimed loudly. "Oh, someone is getting closer to that servant" Shiki said staring at the twin of Nero walking towards the white haired guy with a spear. "Oh! Is that the one you mentioned? She indeed looks like me however she doesn't emit the aura of Rome! Therefore she is unqualified to be compared to me!" Nero said her judgment.

The others were also baffled by how similar Nero and that girl is, they would indeed be mistaken as sisters if they are put aside each other. "Nero won't you mind getting close to her, I want to take a picture" Lawrence said smiling at Nero. "Huh? No way! An Emperor will only follow what he desires! Umu! That's right!" Nero nodded in satisfaction at her words.

"I'll give you one item later, so please?" Lawrence threw the bait which was immediately bitten by Nero, "Umu! It can't be helped if you wish it that much" she said before dashing to the place where the two servants are already having a standoff. She doesn't care if she is intervening their duel or something as none of that matters to her!


Nero landed with dust exploding around her. Her presence was instantly noticed by the two servants who ceased their hostility to each other, they wanted to know who this servant who dares to interrupt them. "Who are you?!" Saber asked pointing her invisible sword at Nero who just raised her chest. "Umu! I am the Great Emperor of Rome!" Nero said revealing a huge smile on her face.

She was happy with the attention she is getting. "Ah?" Saber voiced out a confused groan seeing the face of the newcomer. Because they exactly look too similar! Saber then remembered the meeting earlier with that strange girl, her guess was indeed right! There is no way that someone could mistake her for another person. This could only mean that someone in the past has the same features as her!

Saber grimaced realizing this face, she thought about what could have happen if she just dispatched that girl earlier… she immediately shook her head at the depraved line of thought. As a knight, it is morally wrong for her to slash a random person even if it's an enemy. It should be solved by duel or so.

"You have a sibling?" the other servant who was quiet finally spoke. He asked Saber with emotionless look on his pale face. "I believe that this person is not my sibling" Saber answered his question as they both warily stared at Nero. Nero ignored their hostile gaze and went closer to Saber, this made Saber cautious to what Nero will do but sensing no aggression from the other person, she didn't attack immediately.

"Umu! As expected, you do indeed look like me. Unfortunately, you do not have the spirit of Rome, that's what makes you below me!" Nero said shaking her head in disappointment. "Rome does not warrant my interest for Britain is greater than Rome" Saber won't let that insult pass by so she taunted Nero. "Hmm? Although I don't know where that confidence came from but if that is what you believe then I don't care! Rome is the greatest and that's the fact!" Nero shouted.

She then got closer to Saber and stood by her side. Saber tensed her muscle ready to attack once Nero try to do anything funny but to her bafflement, the Red Saber just raised her hand to form a peace sign and smiled at somewhere. "Huh?" even the other servant was stumped by this. "Did you take it master? You owe me an item later!" Nero shouted at somewhere forcing their attention there.

Both servants saw a gray haired person waving at them with a cheery smile on his face. "Stop this farce! What servant are you?!" Saber finally snapped from this idiocy, she can't believe she is being treated as an entertainment here! "Me? I am a Saber class servant!" Nero making Saber shout in denial. "Ridiculous! I am the Saber in this war, it is not possible for 2 sabers to appear!" 

"Eh? But I am Saber though?" Nero also spouted devolving into a weird argument between the two. "Oh right, I used to be Caster but my Master changed my class" Nero then remembered something as she pumped her fist in realization. "Even more impossible, it does not make sense for such thing to happen. What class you have been summoned will stay till the end of the war!" Saber refuted Nero with that.

"Forget about it! Now show me what you two are made of!" Nero got tired of the banter so she just gestured to the two servant to fight her. Of course Saber won't accept such unfair proposition, confronting an enemy with two of them is against her morals. "No, let us have a duel instead. I refuse to accept such unreasonable fight" Saber said readying her sword.

Nero got grumpy about it but still accepted, "You servant there, if you wish to join then feel free! I can simply handle both of you!" Nero said brandishing her treasured sword. Saber dashed towards Nero wary of her abilities, she made a horizontal slash aimed at Nero's shoulder. Nero watched as the fast slash rushed towards her before raising her sword to parry it.

The invisible weapon collided with Nero's red sword causing spark to emerge from it. "Weak! Put more strength!" Although Nero said that, she was also surprised by the new increase in her strength, she concluded that it must have been the work of her new item raising her force to a new level. Saber ignored her comment as she just went to assault Nero, each of her slashes were calculated to corner Nero but the Emperor seemed to casually dodge them without a slight of effort.

This was an astonishing experience for Nero because from what she remembered, her real strength is lower than the woman she is currently fighting. "Then, take this" Saber said taking a small step on the side before flicking her wrist in an unexpected way that took Nero off guard, the sword reached Nero's cheek creating a small graze on it.

"Commendable! Here's a payback!" Nero pointed her sword at Saber focusing her attention on her speed. Nero's figure vanished only to reappear at Saber's side, Saber widened her eyes surprised by the attack. Saber immediately raised her sword over her head blocking the overhead strike that Nero released. "Guuh!" Saber grunted.

'Heavy..!' Saber thought before deflecting the attack to the side. She took a distance trying to regain her bearings only for Nero to launch herself at Saber again. Nero assaulted Saber again forcing the girl to take some step backs. She was currently being pressured on this fight, Nero was leaving her no air to control the battle.

The other servant who was watching the fight heard some voice entering his head, 'Kill them right now! This is a chance for you!' recognizing that as the voice of his master, the white haired step to enter the fight. He raised his spear and slashed it between the two interrupting their clash. "Come at me at once" he said infuriating his master. 'You fool! You should have taken them by surprise and take care of them' he heard his master's voice but he merely ignored it.

Both Nero and Saber were annoyed by how overly confident the guy sounded. He declared that he had no issue with facing both Servants simultaneously in utter calm. His words spoke volumes for his enormous self-confidence. He speaks not out of haughtiness nor arrogance, because for this person, it is simple truth that he cannot be defeated.

The servant has no issue with his mana consumption which is usually his problem because his master is a certified magus. Lancer delivered ferocious onslaught to the two not even holding back an inch of his strength. It is in his dictionary to end the battle with the first blow. Both Nero and Saber were blasted away from the power that the spear emitted.

The physical strength of their enemy was enough to send warning all over their head, he was simply too powerful! Saber slowly stood up looking at her wounded body, she can't believe that she was reduced to this state with just the casual attack of Lancer. Lancer firmly announced his strength right now, not falling behind the showcase of strength which Archer did day ago.

'78 strikes' Nero thought becoming increasingly cautious of this Lancer. That number was the amount of strike that the Lancer delivered within a simple second, most of it were parried by Nero but some managed to scratch her body. The shockwave of the high speed attack was the thing that blasted both of them.

Nero's grip on her sword tightened, she readied herself for the second round now taking this fight seriously. This lancer servant is too overpowered! Saber also prepared herself temporarily ignoring Nero to focus her attention on Lancer. Now that she managed to get a proper look of his strength, she was glad that she didn't initiate a duel before.

The two were tense staring seriously at the Lancer servant, they were about to use their mana burst when something suddenly descended from the sky. "HAHAHAHA! Amusing!" those words speaks of how confident this newcomer is. All 3 of them turned their attention at the large man riding chariot declining at their spot. They waited for his words and they were not disappointed. "I like you all! Come under me, we will conquer this world!" he exclaimed in arrogance shocking all people watching this scene.
