
Chapter 2: New Identity

Beep, Beep, Beep

When I woke up I heard the beeps of a machine and savored the smell of the characteristic disinfectant of a hospital.

But, as I woke up and still couldn't recognize my surroundings, I remembered what I had been through, the hell I had walked through and I quickly became alert, got up a bit from the bed and looked around frantically, looking for any possible threat.

What I saw, however, immediately calmed my panic because I saw stretchers and medical devices, I even saw how there were other children on the aforementioned stretchers.

Some of them gave me a look of understanding, some of mockery, and a few with indifference. For my part, I could only see them with sadness because many of them showed bandages in some important parts, such as the head, legs and eyes, and some less fortunate even seemed to have lost a limb.

It was in moments like these that he remembered that life was terribly cruel if it wanted to. Sighing, I looked away from them to focus on my own situation.

Fortunately I did not lose anything important, I could move my whole body without difficulty and I even saw with surprise how there was no mark of having gone through that hell.

No bandage, no scar, that he had to admit was weird. I was sure when I was walking through all the mess I may have burned my arms and legs a bit.

Those scars would take a long time to heal, if they really did. Another thing that I noticed is that I felt good, tremendously good, I had never felt so incredibly good.

If it wasn't for the fact that I was in a hospital, I would already be jumping and running just to take advantage of this feeling of elation.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed down those cravings and finally took a second to ask myself what is most important to me right now.

'Because I am in the body of a child?'

That question had tormented me since I woke up in that great hell. I really couldn't even understand how the fuck it was possible for an adult to go back in time to childhood.

'Wait, is this even my body?' I tried to look for references in this body that would indicate that it was really me, you know, eye color, hair type, and I even looked especially for birthmarks and some moles that I always they had been with me.

spoilers! No, I didn't find them. In fact there were significant changes, the most striking and something I rarely noticed until I started looking, were the locks of red hair (if it was red now) and, if the brief reflection of the metal parts of the stretcher was any indication, my eye color had changed from a dark brown, to an almost golden brown.

That confirmed that I was indeed not in my original body and that confused me even more.

'How did I end up in this body?' I asked myself the question and thought deeply about how a change of body could be possible.

Fortunately my mind was imaginative and I quickly theorized about a possible kidnapping and experimentation by the government. That, or it was a transmigration like in those novels on the internet.

All things considered, I quickly dismissed the last proposal for 2 reasons, first, being kidnapped and being forced to be a central part of a body-switching experiment, it sounded much more plausible that a metaphysical being of near-absolute power would transmigrate me because I was bored. And second, my life was not a novel... was it?

Leaving my worries about me being a fictional character, I continued to think about that government experiment and its obvious results.

'Certainly they showed off, I didn't know there was already a technology capable of doing this' I thought, praising the government a little for such a magnificent project.

Why am I not angry? Well, honestly I was more shocked than angry right now and really, even if I wanted to, I couldn't do anything to change my current situation. It was shit, but it was shit I had to swallow even if I didn't like it.

"Oh hello little one, I see you're finally awake" surprised, I heard a female voice greeting me.

Looking at the woman who was speaking to me this was clearly a nurse so I nodded without committing too much.

The woman, understanding that she didn't speak much, went to review my condition and ask me some specific questions.

Really alone, he checks my vitals and then asks me if I feel any discomfort, and I tell him the truth about how I feel, unbelievably good.

Seeing that everything was fine, she gave me the go-ahead and made sure that when she called the doctor and he gave me a complete diagnosis, she could leave.

After that she got ready to leave but I stopped her. "Wait a moment, miss nurse" I said getting her attention because she had already turned to leave the room.

"Yes little one, what do you need?" she turned her gaze to me and asked with a kind smile.

"Can you please tell me where this hospital is?" I finally asked him wanting to know if he was in my hometown or in a completely different place.

"Oh we are in the fuyuki hospital, in the middle of the city of miyama" she answered me and I for her part was surprised to discover this.

'Fuyuki? North of miyama? That sounds terribly Japanese, am I in Japan?' I asked myself mentally, although I already knew the answer to my own question. I was actually in Japan.

'That would explain why I speak and understand Japanese so perfectly when I've never studied even a part of the language' I deduced, already solving one of the thousands of questions I had.

Although, more than surprised to be in Japan I was puzzled by the name of this city.

"Fuyuki" I mumbled savoring the name 'Isn't that the city where the events of fate stay night and fate/Zero take place' I asked when I remembered the fate stay night anime.

'Wait a minute' my eyes widened knowing the implications of what I had previously thought. A big fire? checked. A gloomy man saving me but actually looking like he was saving himself. Checked. Red hair and golden eyes? Checked.

'Fuck me, I'm in the universe of destiny?!' I thought deeply alarmed and solving the puzzle.

'This is not a government experiment, I have indeed been transmigrated!' I looked at my hands in a new light, a light of surprise and disbelief 'And in none other than Shirou, the future hero of justice' my memories supplied me kindly and that only made me scrunch up my face in disgust.

Because that meant my future in this world would suck for one reason only, the 5 damn holy grail war.

The fifth grail war was summed up for me as: A guy in blue spandex who loved to skewer people and always died on every route.

A psycho sister who intended to kill me by cutely saying 'Kill him Basaka'. Rider serving the idiot shinji and attacking the students, The witch medea doing her thing draining the mana from the city, a future "me" (archer) wanting to kill me, Gilgamesh and the shonen yorokobe wanting to destroy the world with the birth of angra mainyu.

And if the worst were to happen, the heavens feel route would happen with sakura becoming dark sakura and souken doing his thing.

But, that wasn't the worst, the worst thing is that he couldn't just avoid them. I couldn't just leave town while the war was going on.

I was the fucking lead, I was supposed to be the one to keep the world from going to shit. Well, if it were at least an anime scenario, if it were the visual novels... Better, better not say anything.

"Yes sir, the boy is already awake, miraculously he was able to heal from all his injuries" Overwhelmed, he barely listened to a conversation that was taking place just outside the hall.

Turning my gaze, I saw that it was a doctor from this hospital talking to what would be my future father, Kiritsugu Emiya.

Knowing what was going to happen soon, I lay back on the bed, and sighed. A little tired from everything that had happened to me.

I closed my eyes for a moment, while I listened as the conversation in the corridor ended and some footsteps came in my direction.

Sighing one last time, I opened my eyes again and found myself in the face of the notorious wizard-killer.

He smiled a little tiredly. Deciding to get this show going, he was the first to speak.

"You are the man who saved me" I said quietly while he lifted me up again to appear more presentable somehow.

"Yep, that's me, actually I'm surprised you recognized me" Kiritsugu widened his smile a little when he heard me say that he remembered him.

"Well, I don't think it would be difficult for me to remember the face of the person who saved me" I said with a bit of mockery "Anyway, thank you very much for saving me" I finally said genuinely thanking him for his help.

"I'm glad to help" kiritsugu replied simply before remembering an important fact, which had not been presented "By the way my name is kiritusgu, kiritsugu emiya, may I know yours boy?"

"It's…I-" for a moment I almost said my real name but at the last moment. "Shirou, my name is Shirou" I told him the name of this body, knowing that my real name would sound wrong for a Japanese child.

If Kiritsugu saw my hesitation, that it was crystal clear that he had seen it, he didn't show it and instead asked. "Without last name?"

I nodded as he replied not remembering anything before the fire. Try to make it as believable as possible and don't look him straight in the eye, instead lower my gaze.

I did this because besides adding drama, I didn't trust myself not to screw up and look like he was lying. Yes, as you can imagine I was never an actor, I had never even role-played as a character.

"Sorry for asking" Kiritsugu apparently bought the lie and apologized before sighing, knowing that what he was going to say was not going to please the boy.

"Shirou, I'm sorry to tell you this but unfortunately your parents could be dead, so you have 2 options right now, you can go to a local orphanage, or…" Kiritsugu paused for a bit, contemplating his decision to adopt Shirou one last time.

"Or you can be adopted by me," he finally said, determined.

Hearing his proposal I seemed to think about his proposal for a minute or 2 before finally pointing it out.

"I choose you" I said simply, I knew that the man was moderately respectable when it came to upbringing and the life he would give me would be at least calm.

Besides there was no second option, go to the orphanage? The orphanage controlled by kirei? If not thanks.

My decision which made kiritsugu who was a bit dull before become more energetic and cheerful.

"Well, leave all the paperwork to me, you get ready and wait for the doctor to come to check you, when he does we'll leave" Kiritsugu told me while he organized some things in his briefcase. He seemed like he was genuinely ready to adopt me.

"Oh and shirou?" He called my attention to him again. "I'm a magician," he revealed, and I stared at him blankly for a second. He was genuinely confused by the man's thought process, why reveal to a child that he was a wizard?

However, he quickly shook off those thoughts and returned to reality. "That's…great I guess" I said without much commitment.

"Hahaha, if you can see it that way, anyway I'm going to look for the doctor, wait here" the man told me before going out to look for the hospital staff.

As for me, I went back to bed with my arms behind my head.

'Well, that happened' I sighed 'I just hope this life is more interesting than the last one' I thought before taking a little nap.


Author's note: Hello people, how are you, here is my great self with a new chapter, I hope and enjoy it, as always if you see any errors, do not be shy and tell me so I can fix it, with all that being said, thank you very much for reading this, I say goodbye and have a nice day

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Bastian_0416creators' thoughts
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