
Fate is a long road

Author: Nameiqo
Ongoing · 1.4K Views
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What is Fate is a long road

Read ‘Fate is a long road’ Online for Free, written by the author Nameiqo, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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她,是华夏第一兵王。铁血杀伐,肆意潇洒。一场意外的事故,让她化为一缕幽魂。 她,是九幽大陆万澜国凤家六小姐。天生痴傻,丹田尽碎。家人耻笑,未婚夫厌恶至极。 然,当她变成了她,星眸骤睁,从此,废物将不再是废物…… 炼、至尊丹药! 驭、上古神兽! 战、血尸沙场! 修、混沌神术! 一袭红衣,绝世之姿绽放万千风华! 他是神秘的腹黑妖孽,一场意外,遇到了她。从此,毒入心髓,绝不放手! 他说:“天地为证,日月为媒。吾以万里江山为聘,许你生世;心血为引,换你安好!你生,我守你永世无忧;你死,我灭天地、入黄泉,繁花碧落亦不负!” ****** 她说:我从无野心,只想保自身周全!奈何敌欲杀我,我灭之! 她说:我只求家人安康,奈何国将破、家将亡,我披甲杀敌,战之! 她说:吾生之愿,与云陌世世双人。奈何天欲灭我,我便——封天! 一袭红衣倾天下,染墨君心醉笑她! ****** 片段一: 某人埋头吃饭中…… “幽儿,这菜好吃吗?”云陌问。 某女拿着鸡大腿:吧唧吧唧…… “幽儿,想不想一直吃?”云陌摇了摇狐狸尾巴。 某女夹起鸡脆骨:嘎嘣嘎嘣…… 云陌优雅的伸过俊脸,指了指自己的脸颊,“幽儿,表示一下,以后天天做给你吃。” 某女迷茫抬头,看着含羞带臊的某男思索片刻,恍然大悟。 在云陌风情万种的小眼神中,她放下一锭银子,飘然离去…… 伙食费和某男人:…… 片段二: 某人很头疼,她从没想过自己有一天会被一只妖孽缠上。 “我是男的!”她皱眉,心念一动,翩翩贵公子模样出。 云陌勾唇一笑,沉声道:“我喜欢男的。” 某女眼睛一亮,青丝披散,一脸邪笑,“其实我是女的!” 云陌笑容涟漪,似妖似仙,:“不巧,刚改了胃口,女人也不错。” 某女磨了磨牙,眼珠一转,“我脾气不好,睡觉时说话放屁还梦游!” 云陌俊眉一挑,薄唇轻启,邪肆低沉的磁音流出。 “那就……试试吧!” ****** 公子安爷新作,一贯宠溺、温情、热血风格,欢迎入坑! 旧文推荐:《溺宠之绝色毒医》都市、异能!男女双强,温情热血无极限!

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The Great Mage from 5000 Years ago

Humanity was in a state of peace and people in this Days are living normal like working, and Having a family, But They never expect the day when They realized that they are not the one at the top of food chain rather they are at the bottom, People have discovered Monsters, Ancient beast, And Demons that lurks through the woods, people on that Era always got Killed or become a slave of the demons, humanity don't know what to do, People in earth are getting lesser and lesser every year that passed, but all of that change when A group of Friends have discovered a way to defeat this Monsters and make human rule the Earth again, and The leader of this Group was Karl Quail The First Mage and The Greatest of all Mages, they have defeated almost all the Demons and beast They have encountered Resulting humanity to once again rule the Earth, for the Earth to not be over ruled again, The Group of friends have teach the people how to defend themselves, They have teach them in a 4 Skill category and this are Being a Fighter, A witch, An inventor and lastly a Mage, This skills Can get stronger by the grade Level that has been reach of the person who was learning or Training it, the Grade level is from 1-20 Levels, and of course the lowest was The Grade level 1 who has the strength of an ordinary human, people has became strong and the Group of friends became a legend, But unfortunately Karl Quail suddenly disappeared resulting the group to fall apart, Making humanity once again in a reach of Vulnerability, But The Humans didn't give up and continue the legacy that the group of friends have made, through the years they have evolving their life style that it came to the point that people have became rude to people with lower grades, And the people with Higher grades and Rich Families has been treated like royal, But what Will happen if The Great Mage have reincarnated in a body of a lower grade? and it's been 5000 years and Everything change for are Great Mage,

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I Became The Mafia Boss Inside The Novel

[Heroes of The New Age] A novel that recently rose to the rankings due to its popularity among the readers. It was praised for its nuance, complexity and lovely characters. However, it also quickly fell of because of the author's decisions later on. Elias Roan or Eroan, the amateur author of the novel, couldn't help but scoff and laugh upon seeing the state of the novel. The novel was created by him during the worst times of his life. It was a work written of extreme negative emotions and anger, not nuance and complexity. It was bullshit and nonsense—although... that didn't mean he didn't put any thought to it at all. It's popularity is testament to how hard he thought to write it. It's popularity is just something he didn't expect. Regardless, it was still a novel he did not like at all, even if it brought him money. As a matter of fact, if someone asked him if he was willing to live inside the world... he would answer no without hesitation. After all, it was a world headed to destruction. However... “I'm fucked.” I, Elias Roan, am thoroughly, completely, overwhelmingly fucked by fate and my odds of living. He was transmigrated inside his own novel. “...What's this? I'm the successor of a Mafia family imprisoned? How am I supposed to enroll in the academy and kill that bastard?” Not as an main character, not as an villain. But a complete extra that does not even appear in the story. In the depths of prison, the foreign soul of crime awakens. This is the rise of the Extra, the Godfather of Crime. “No. I must escape this prison. No matter what.” Beware demons that lurk in shadows, the devil has arrived. *** Try daily updates. Magic, system and romance, no harem. But bear with me as I would like to make this story a thematic one. Thank you. Discord link. https://discord.gg/9KWap6YK *** The MC is a prick, asshole, jerk, spiteful unempathic person, so bear with it if he's not some sort of dude that can completely make everyone follow him.

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Bloody Burnt Feathers

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