
Chapter 2

In the second week of implanting pseudo circuits into his body, Matou Shinji was pleasantly surprised to discover that a magical crest had appeared on the back of his hand. The shape of the crest was an irregular elongated hexagon, wider at the top and narrower at the bottom, resembling the design of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

Matou Shinji didn't make a big fuss about it; he had anticipated this outcome while accumulating magical energy in the process of creating pseudo circuits.

For the following period, he mostly secluded himself, devoting his attention to alchemy and the magic resources within the Matou household. He had ample material for research for quite some time.

He often wished there were forty-eight hours in a day so he could dedicate all his time and energy to magical research. In fact, he found immense joy in this pursuit, not just in magic but also in exploring the mysteries of his own origins.

In this world, life was a manifestation of the root, and magic was the rule that flowed from the root. The existence of the world was not coincidental; observation inevitably led to influence, much like the principles of quantum theory.

Time, space, rules, life—everything was inscribed within a certain system.

In the world of "Fullmetal Alchemist," getting started was relatively simple, but to master the truth and achieve a state of being like Homunculus Hohenheim, one had to pay a corresponding price.

Entering the Type-Moon world was more challenging. Learning magic had stringent requirements, but once one entered, there were numerous viable paths for development. The truth of the world was not elusive; even the Holy Grail War itself aimed to reach the root and achieve the Third Magic.

At night, once again, Matou Shinji depleted his magical energy and implanted the pseudo circuits into his internal organs. The sensation was akin to being boiled by intense flames.

"Sakura hasn't been around here lately; probably avoiding disturbing me while I research magic."

Matou Shinji wiped the sweat off his forehead with a towel that Matou Sakura had left on the table. The table still held a fair amount of food, enough to satisfy the appetites of two adult men.

As a certain doltish king once said, "Hunger is a formidable enemy!"

Now Matou Shinji understood the truth behind these words. One of the side effects of expending a great deal of magical energy was a profound sense of hunger. One of the functions of the pseudo circuits he had created was to rapidly digest food and replenish his magical energy. This was a feature not found in ordinary magical circuits.

Matou Shinji devoured the food on the table within minutes, then took a bath and went straight to bed, entering deep sleep to replenish his spent mental energy.



In the quiet darkness of the room, Matou Sakura lay curled up on her bed, closing her eyes and softly calling out to her sister. Tearfully, she lay there, feeling unhappy despite having Matou Shinji's company.

The Matou household was cold and eerie, devoid of any liveliness. Apart from Matou Shinji, she couldn't sense any warmth from anyone else.

Her memories of her family had been warm and joyful, which made her current loneliness and sadness all the more pronounced.

Holding the gemstone necklace around her neck, Matou Sakura felt a hint of warmth from it. It was her only source of comfort.

Suddenly, Matou Sakura's expression changed. She sat up on her bed and looked at her room's door, a mixture of confusion and alarm in her eyes. She felt something.

Holding onto the necklace more tightly, Matou Sakura approached the door cautiously. After a moment's hesitation, she opened the door and was startled by what she saw outside. She cried out in a trembling voice, "Grandfather!?"

A hunched and emaciated figure stood at her door, leaning on a cane. He looked like a mummy with both feet in the grave.

Matou Sakura instinctively recoiled from the odd old man before her. She sensed an indescribable discomfort from Matou Zouken. Her intuition told her that this old man was more terrifying than any wild beast.

Matou Sakura realized that Matou Zouken was the true master of the Matou family, the one with real authority.

Matou Sakura hesitated, then followed Matou Zouken down to the first-floor study. He moved aside a towering bookshelf to reveal a dark passage leading underground.

Matou Zouken went down first, his cane tapping the stone floor, the sound echoing in the quiet room.

Stopping at the entrance to the underground chamber, Matou Sakura widened her eyes, her legs trembling. She heard the strange sounds, a ceaseless rustling, like an incessant tide, a mass of creatures moving. For weeks, these sounds had kept her from sleeping.

Damp air wafted up from the underground, carrying with it a nauseating stench. The passage seemed like an entrance to hell.

"What's the matter? Come down." Matou Zouken's laughter echoed from the darkness. His voice was sharp and hoarse, harmonizing eerily with the strange noises.

Matou Sakura, clutching her necklace tightly, tentatively stepped down the stone staircase into the darkness. She followed Matou Zouken into the depths, guided by his unsettling laughter.

The strange sounds grew louder and more intense, like countless insects squirming, yet also reminiscent of the relentless crashing of waves against rocks.

Entering the underground chamber, Matou Sakura finally saw the source of the peculiar noises.

"Click, click, click, click..."

Innumerable insects, densely packed, each the size of a fist, wriggled and moved, their bodies stacking upon each other in a grotesque display. The ugliness of their appearance and the overwhelming number of them sent shivers down her spine.

The Nest of Insects—this scene was beyond what anyone with a sane mind could bear. It was a phenomenon more terrifying than hell itself.

"Ah..." Matou Sakura covered her mouth, stifling a gasp, taking a few steps back before collapsing to the ground. Her shoulders trembled, her small body seized by spasms of fear. Clutching her stomach, she dry-heaved repeatedly.

Just one glance at the nest of insects had stripped Matou Sakura of all her courage. After struggling for a long time, she stammered in a panicked tone, "G-Grandfather... what... what are these..."

Matou Zouken's wrinkled face twisted into a smirk, his laughter tinged with mockery. "Why be so shocked? This is a secret technique passed down in the Matou family."

Matou Sakura's expression showed her inability to accept it. "These... these are magic too?"

"Hehe, you're saying such things. Your father, Tohsaka Tokiomi, sent you to the Matou family so you could inherit our magic. Isn't that right? Magic is a path that deviates from the norm. No matter how astonishing or unsettling it might be, magic itself is an honor. Your father thought so too, which is why he sent you here." Matou Zouken's raspy voice was full of sinister amusement. Even when faced with a small girl like Matou Sakura, he derived pleasure from witnessing her struggle and suffering.

In his long life, only this hobby remained to stimulate Matou Zouken's numb and twisted heart.


In the underground chamber, the emaciated old man, Matou Zouken, stared playfully at the young girl sitting on the ground. He smirked, saying, "Aren't you going down yet?"

Matou Sakura vigorously shook her head and resisted fiercely, saying, "No! This thing is not magic at all! I don't want to go down!"

Matou Zouken walked to Matou Sakura's side, his hands on his cane, and quipped, "Well then, do you want to go back? Back to the Tohsaka family that abandoned you? Did you beg your parents to let you stay before they sent you here? The head of the Tohsaka family made up his mind before sending you here. You have nowhere else to go."

"There's nowhere to... go." Matou Sakura bit her thin lips, and the warm memories from before she came to the Matou family had long lost their color.

As Matou Zouken had said, before coming to the Matou family, she had tried to resist, but ultimately, she was brought here. She was a discarded pawn, unable to control her own fate.

Amidst the complexity of her thoughts, Matou Sakura's inner fear was diluted, and a numbness pervaded her. She huddled her body and murmured, "What should I do?"

"Accept the Matou family's secret magic and become the heir of the Matou family."

"No... I don't want to become food for insects."

"You have no choice."

"Why do I have to go through this?"

Matou Zouken continued to coax, "Sakura, you know no one will save you."

Matou Sakura raised her head, her eyes empty as she mumbled to herself, "Father... Sister... is this what they wanted?"

"Of course, this is your only refuge."

After a long silence, Matou Sakura propped herself up on the damp wall and stood unsteadily. Looking down at the nest covered by insects, she saw their grotesque and repulsive forms, unable to imagine what would happen if a person fell into such a nest.

Devoured by countless insects, one bite at a time?

With just a glance at the nest of insects, Matou Sakura lost all her courage. She hesitated but remembered the warmth of her family's faces and laughter. Her father's indulgent smile, her mother's warm hands, her sister's gentle voice—all those memories seemed like an impenetrable barrier preventing her from going back. She had lost everything and had been torn away from everything to be sent here.

She had no choice. Whether consciously or unconsciously, she was here, and that held some credit for the Tohsaka family.

This was the path her father, Tohsaka Tokiomi, wanted her to follow.

Matou Sakura looked back and gazed at Matou Zouken. Her voice was faint as she asked, "Grandfather, will I be eaten by insects?"

Matou Zouken's tone was sinister as he replied lightly, "You'll just feel a little pain. Endure it for a while."

"No... it shouldn't be like this..."

Matou Sakura wiped the tears from her face with her hands. She couldn't control her emotions and fears, and as she descended the stairs, she missed a step and fell toward the nest of insects.

"Ah ah ah!"

Matou Zouken chuckled, enjoying the sight of the struggling girl's despair. "I wonder how long you can hold on. A day? Two days? Your body will be played with, devoured by insects, and eventually become their breeding ground. You'll be my masterpiece, created for my pleasure. So delightful, so delightful. Can anything make me happier than this?"

After a brief silence, the ugly smile on Matou Zouken's face froze. He felt a strange aura coming from the multitude of insects covering Matou Sakura's body, sensing that many of them were losing their life force.

"What's happening?" Matou Zouken looked toward the center of the nest.

A faint light appeared there, quickly breaking through the blockade of insects.


The insects covering Matou Sakura's body were blown away by a burst of heat and blinding light. The insects, which were accustomed to living in damp and dark corners, were startled and retreated like a tide, unable to escape the light. They died within seconds of exposure.

Matou Sakura lay on the ground, her expression dazed. She had no visible injuries except for her disheveled clothes. The light emitted from the necklace around her neck had protected her momentarily.

"When did that idiot Tohsaka provide her with such a Mystic Code?" Matou Zouken's expression turned ugly. Cultivating the leeches and engraving insects in the nest was not an easy task.

The light emitted from the gemstone necklace was activated by Matou Sakura's overwhelming emotions, shielding her from the insects' invasion. However, it had limited functionality and would revert to its original state once the stored magical energy was depleted.

Due to the poor quality of the gemstone, this protection process couldn't even last for ten seconds.

"Brother..." Matou Sakura gazed at the glowing necklace on her chest, recalling the days she spent with Matou Shinji after being adopted by the Matou family. These memories became her only solace.

Matou Sakura hadn't expected Matou Shinji to come and save her. The one who brought her here was the one with authority in the Matou family. Even her brother wouldn't be able to resist that.

Matou Sakura held the gemstone in her hands, her only treasure left. She had promised Matou Shinji to cherish it.

"Thank you for being with me until the end..."

The light emitted from the gemstone gradually dimmed. The insects lurking in the shadows began to stir once again, swarming towards Matou Sakura's direction, ready to devour her once more.


Above the nest, Matou Zouken expressed surprise and suspicion, turning to look at the dim and damp underground passage behind him. "Who's coming in? Is it Byakuya... No, that's not it... Shinji!"

The one entering the Matou family's underground chamber was indeed Matou Shinji. As soon as Matou Sakura's Mystic Code activated, Matou Shinji sensed the fluctuation in magical energy and quickly found his way there.

Previously, Matou Shinji had used alchemy to discover the location of this insect-keeping underground chamber.

Matou Shinji hurriedly rushed into the underground chamber, his first priority being the collapsed Matou Sakura below. Stepping onto the stairs, he accidentally squashed several insects beneath his feet. He picked up Matou Sakura and asked with concern, "Are you okay, Sakura?"

Matou Shinji was grateful for his habit of being easily awakened by the slightest disturbances, a habit he developed from "Fullmetal Alchemist." Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to save Sakura tonight. Not only would his completion rate in the game not be good, but he would also feel extremely uncomfortable himself.

Matou Sakura, who was prepared for a fate of despair, looked up with her eyes brightening in surprise and suspicion at the approaching Matou Shinji. "Bro... Brother?"

Seeing Matou Shinji, much of her inner unrest and fear dissipated.

Why was her brother here? Was he here to save her?

"Shinji, what are you doing here! This isn't where you're supposed to be!" From above the nest, someone voiced the question on her behalf. Matou Zouken's hoarse voice couldn't conceal his anger.


Matou Sakura was determined to save, and the Lord of Insects was determined to kill, although not now.

Matou Shinji remained composed; it was time for him to shine.


Having traveled through many worlds, Matou Shinji was already accustomed to role-playing.

Matou Shinji looked back at his grandfather, his face unable to hide his anger. His appearance was still as emaciated as a mummy, with black eyes and white pupils, looking extremely eerie. Matou Zouken, originally named Makiri Zolgen, hailed from a prestigious magic family in Russia and had lived for at least five hundred years, defying death.

As a benchmark for humans or ideals, they had long been eroded by time. The present Matou Zouken was the remnants of Makiri Zolgen's obsession from five hundred years ago. In terms of personality, traits, and behavior, he resembled the worms he kept.

There was still a year left until the start of the Fourth Holy Grail War, and Matou Shinji didn't believe that he, who had just recently come into contact with magic, could contend with a five-hundred-year-old monster.

Before summoning a Servant, it was better to avoid direct conflict with Matou Zouken and play the role of a good older brother.

The damp and cold temperature irritated Matou Shinji's skin. The surging tide of insects surrounded Matou Shinji and Matou Sakura, a horrifying scene that made Matou Shinji shiver.

"I didn't even know that the Matou family had such an underground chamber. Grandfather, I should have been the one to inquire. Why did you bring Sakura to a place like this?" Matou Shinji protected Matou Sakura behind him and asked with a voice filled with reverence towards Matou Zouken.

With his position established within the Matou family, Matou Shinji had to appear natural and exhibit the appropriate attitude. Speaking in such a situation was already an impressive performance for a child who faced such a terrifying scene of the nest.

Behind Matou Shinji, Matou Sakura, who had stood up again, clung to his clothes, trembling in fear and hiding behind him.

Matou Zouken looked down from above, "Shinji, since you've seen the Matou family's precious secret scriptures, you can't possibly not know what kind of magic the Matou family excels in."

"Are you suggesting that you want Sakura to inherit the Matou family's secrets?"

"Otherwise, why do you think I made the request to the Tohsaka family to let Sakura be adopted into the Matou family?"

Matou Shinji took a step forward and strongly retorted, "I admit that Sakura possesses remarkable magical aptitude, but she doesn't have the bloodline of the Matou family. The one most suitable to inherit the Matou family's magical secrets should be me!"

Compared to protecting his sister, a qualified mage should consider how to obtain the legacy of a prestigious magic family.

Matou Zouken sneered a few times in disdain, "Shinji, why do mages place so much importance on bloodline?"


The thin and hunched old man walked back and forth on the steps, his cane making a dull sound against the bricks. The restless insects quickly grew quiet. He explained, "For an ancient and renowned magic family, the more ancient the lineage, the more precious the magical legacy. Magic Crests are one aspect, but they're not the key. Carrying magical elements and producing offspring who can manipulate magic is often a characteristic of mages with strong bloodline ties. However, Matou family is no longer able to produce offspring with the potential to become mages. The most important magic legacy of the Matou family is doomed to be lost. Leaving Byakuya aside, you don't even possess a magic circuit. How can you inherit the Matou family?"

Evidently, Matou Zouken was unaware of Matou Shinji's creation of pseudo-circuits.

Considering the year Matou Shinji had traveled from, if Matou Zouken hadn't detected anything unusual, Matou Shinji himself wouldn't believe it. Every month, Matou Zouken would manipulate insects to monitor Matou Shinji's movements.

However, Matou Zouken didn't probe further. The reason was simple: Matou Shinji, lacking a magic circuit, didn't even qualify as a pawn. Whatever anomalies might appear in Matou Shinji's body would only arouse his curiosity to a certain extent.

Moreover, due to Matou Zouken's worm-like nature, he spent almost all his time hiding in some dark corner of the Matou family estate. Going a week without showing his face was normal for him.

Matou Shinji lowered his head, still unconvinced as he answered, "I studied magic hard to overcome this."

The old man scoffed with a hoarse, unpleasant voice, "Haha, I didn't expect such childish words to come from a member of the Matou family. Struggling is merely a self-consolation for talentless mortals. No matter how hard mortals work, the threshold for magic will not lower in the slightest. You should know this if you've been studying magic for the past year, Shinji."

"Do you intend to do something to Sakura?"

"Just a minor procedure. The Tohsaka family has provided decent material. If you want to use it, you must process it, altering her magical attributes. This level of pain is negligible for a mage. Since you're born into a prestigious magic family, you must bear the corresponding cost." Matou Zouken lectured Matou Shinji in a matter-of-fact tone. Then, his tone turned cold as he questioned, "Do you want to stop it? Do you understand what this means for the Matou family? Byakuya's education is truly disappointing. The Matou family doesn't need a second Kariya."


Matou Sakura tugged at Matou Shinji's clothes, shaking her head as she urged him not to continue the conflict with Matou Zouken. Despite her terrified appearance, her pale face and slightly reddened eyes still glistened with unshed tears.

Matou Shinji held her cold little hand, comforting her in a soft voice, "You don't have to worry about anything. Leave it to your big brother. Otherwise, I won't have the qualification to meet with Rin."


Matou Shinji patted Matou Sakura's head, giving her a confident and reassuring smile. Then he turned to face the old man, realizing it was about time to get straight to the point and take control of the conversation. He said in a solemn voice, "You seem very eager to modify Sakura's body. Is it for the upcoming Holy Grail War in a year?"

Matou Zouken's eyes widened in astonishment and suspicion, "Oh? Shinji, it seems you really have been studying the Matou family's secrets. You're aware of the Holy Grail War, and just one year? However, just a year of instruction won't be enough. This Holy Grail War, the Matou family lacks suitable pawns. Leaving aside Kariya, even your father Byakuya can't control a Servant. The Matou family is at a dead end. That's why we need Sakura to inherit the legacy. With her potential, after undergoing the transformation of the Crest Worms, she will undoubtedly secure victory in the Holy Grail War sixty years from now."

Matou Shinji's face turned serious, "Grandfather, there's one thing you got wrong."


"The Holy Grail War is not unrelated to me." Matou Shinji raised his right hand, pushing up his sleeve to reveal a crimson Command Seal. When stimulated by Matou Shinji's magic, it emitted a faint red glow.

The Command Seal, the proof of being selected as a Master for the Holy Grail War.

Matou Zouken clenched his cane in shock, his mouth agape, "A Command Seal!? How is this possible? Why is it on your hand?"


Matou's family contributed the Command Seal system, the Tohsaka family provided the land (leylines) support, and the Einzbern family took charge of constructing the Holy Grail system. The three great families responsible for creating the Holy Grail War each have one participation quota. Out of the seven available seats, three have already been claimed, while the rest will be selected by the Holy Grail itself.

At present, Matou Zouken still holds the participation quota for the Matou family, meaning Matou Shinji was chosen as a Master by the Holy Grail system.

Matou Zouken, one of the founders of the Holy Grail War, understood its implications better than anyone else. The Holy Grail system deemed Matou Shinji to meet the minimum requirements to be a Master, recognizing him as a mage with the capability to command a Servant.

A six-year-old Master, who only a year ago was an ordinary child without a magic circuit...


Matou Zouken, who had lived for five hundred years, couldn't help but curse in his heart. He was the creator of the Command Seal system and could easily discern genuine from fake Command Seals.

The unique magical fluctuations of Matou Shinji's Command Seal on the back of his hand, along with the immense magical response, couldn't possibly be a forgery.

This situation was beyond his expectations.


Matou Zouken emitted a cold laugh, gazing at his unfamiliar grandson: "Shinji, do you want to commit suicide? Although I don't know why you've undergone such drastic changes within a year, a six-year-old child participating in the Holy Grail War is quite a ludicrous joke."

"If your goal is the Holy Grail War, then the fact that I now have the qualification to participate implies that I have the qualification to inherit the Matou family's secrets."

Matou Zouken shook his head, "It's too early to conclude now. Tell me, Shinji, what do you want?"

"I promised the eldest daughter of the Tohsaka family that I would protect Sakura, and this is also my responsibility as her older brother."

"Hmm, that's quite touching. For you, is someone who hasn't even been part of the family for less than two months more important than the Matou family?"

Matou Shinji answered the question indirectly: "Not exactly. I believe that I am more suited to inherit the Matou family's magical secrets."

Matou Zouken gazed at Matou Shinji for a long time before saying in a calm tone, "Alright, if you perform well in the Holy Grail War after a year, I might consider letting you inherit the Matou family. However, the transformation for Sakura will continue."

Matou Shinji's expression darkened slightly, "Can't you give me a year? I will win the Holy Grail War and prove that I am the most suitable candidate to inherit the Matou family's secrets. There's no need for Sakura to undergo any transformation."

Matou Zouken sneered disdainfully, "Haha, you're quite composed. A little kid who hasn't even killed anyone yet thinks he can win the war. Don't you find that a bit arrogant? No, that doesn't matter. Sakura's age is just right now. The younger, the better for the transformation. She's an excellent material, and it's unreasonable to waste the prime time for her training because of your arrogance."

Matou Shinji furrowed his brows at the words, inwardly cursing this old, detestable worm. The stubbornness was beyond his imagination. Even with Command Seals, he couldn't convince him. Continuing this conversation was inevitably leading to a deadlock.

Both of them were unyielding on the matter of using the Crest Worms for Sakura's magical alteration. Ultimately, Matou Shinji couldn't prove that he held more value than Matou Sakura.

In the original work, Matou Kariya agreed due to the condition of continuing Sakura's alteration, but in the end, he couldn't save her. Now, Matou Shinji didn't want to witness a repeat of Matou Sakura's tragic fate.

Should he start a fight with this old worm here? This was the scene Matou Shinji least wanted to see. The Matou family was Matou Zouken's lair, and every corner was filled with the insects he bred.

Continuing negotiations required precision. First, he needed to express his unwavering determination, and second, he needed to prove that he had the worth for the old worm to wait for a year.

Taking a deep breath, Matou Shinji's thoughts raced as he stepped forward, positioning himself in front of Matou Sakura. He looked up at Matou Zouken on the stairs and firmly stated, "I'm sorry, but I can't step back in my current position."

"Hmph, Shinji, do you think you can defy me with just you?"

"It's not defiance, it's proof."

"Heh heh, your personality is quite like Kariya's. However, he never dared to defy my orders even when he was a child, unlike you, who's still just a kid. It's quite endearing to have such an ambitious grandson at your age, Shinji. I'll give you a chance to prove yourself. If you can escape from the basement to the surface, I'll admit your capability. I'll postpone Sakura's alteration until after the Fourth Holy Grail War. How about that?"

Matou Shinji didn't hesitate and agreed, "I accept."

"This basement is a breeding ground for the insects of the Matou family. They won't give up hunting even when their master is gone. Make sure not to die here, Shinji." Matou Zouken coldly laughed as he left through the door.

Matou Shinji felt relieved. This reclusive, repulsive old worm had this kind of personality. From a mage's perspective, his treatment of family members might be considered lenient, but in the eyes of an ordinary person, he was utterly heartless.

If anything happened to Matou Shinji in his absence, he would undoubtedly stand by and watch with a smile, observing as the insects tormented him to death.

Once the master left, the insects in the nest grew restless. Some insects slipped into the shadows, while more emerged from all sides.

The buzzing of fist-sized mosquitoes filled the basement's air, their thin needles emitting a metallic sheen. Hundreds of black-red centipedes, as thick as an arm, wriggled out from the cracks in the bricks. Disgusting leech-like creatures emitted hissing sounds toward Matou Sakura.

"Bro... Brother!" Matou Sakura nervously tugged on Matou Shinji's sleeve, her young face clouded with anxiety and fear.

Matou Shinji cast an irritated glance around and had an idea. "This basement was designed to nurture insects and is quite damp, which makes it suitable."

With a clap of his hands, Matou Shinji activated an alchemical circle created through a pseudo-circuit construction under his skin. His palms emitted a pale blue glow.

Matou Zouken didn't intervene, as these insects alone were not a concern for him.

A proficient alchemist's combat capability is significantly greater than that of conventional mages in this world. A State Alchemist's level is generally comparable to that of a regular Servant. The Undying Alchemist, Solf J. Kimblee, is one of the best among State Alchemists, skilled in body reconstruction and well-versed in major alchemical techniques.

Alchemical abilities are activated through rituals that conform to the world's laws, with the alchemist's mana fused with the origin of their flowing attributes. This maximizes the power of alchemy, manipulating the flow of heat.

This was the freezing alchemy that the Freezing Alchemist, Isaac McDougal, excelled in.

Matou Shinji spread his hands, and white mist formed from condensed water vapor converged. The basement's humidity caused the temperature to plummet. The water in the atmosphere and the soil beneath the ground rapidly froze, creating layers of frost.

"Though I can't achieve the same level as Isaac, with the mana stored in my body now and the abundant water vapor in this place, freezing this basement is well within my capabilities!"

"I wonder if these magically cultivated insects can withstand the impact of ultra-low temperatures."

Satisfied with his solution, Matou Shinji felt relieved.


Matou Zouken, one of the founders of the Holy Grail War, understands its workings better than anyone else. The Holy Grail system recognizes Matou Shinji as meeting the minimum requirements to be a Master and acknowledges him as a mage with the ability to command a Servant.

Even Matou Zouken, who has lived for five hundred years, couldn't help but curse in his heart. He's the creator of the Command Seal system and can easily identify genuine Command Seals.

The unique magical fluctuations of Matou Shinji's Command Seals and the massive magical response could not be fabricated.

This situation was beyond his expectations.


Matou Zouken let out a cold laugh, gazing at his unfamiliar grandson: "Shinji, do you want to commit suicide? Although I don't know why you've undergone such a drastic change in a year, it's a ridiculous joke for a six-year-old child to participate in the Holy Grail War."

"If your goal is the Holy Grail War, now that I have the qualification to participate, does that mean I also have the qualification to inherit the Matou family's secrets?"

Matou Zouken shook his head, "It's too early to make a conclusion now. Tell me, Shinji, what do you want?"

"I promised the eldest daughter of the Matou family to protect Sakura, and this is also the responsibility of being an older brother."

"Heh, that's truly touching. For you, is someone who's been part of the family for less than two months more important than the Matou family?"

Matou Shinji answered a question with a question, "Not exactly. I believe I'm more suitable to inherit the Matou family's magical secrets."

Matou Zouken stared at Matou Shinji for a long time before saying softly, "Very well, if you perform well in the Holy Grail War a year from now, I might consider letting you inherit the Matou family. However, the modification of Sakura will continue."

Matou Shinji's expression darkened slightly, "Can't you give me just one year? I will win the Holy Grail War and prove that I'm the most suitable person to inherit the Matou family's secrets. Sakura doesn't need to undergo any modifications."

Matou Zouken sneered, "Haha, you're quite composed. A little kid who hasn't even killed a person yet dares to dream of winning the war. Do you not find that a bit arrogant? No, that's not important. Sakura's age is just right now. The younger, the more suitable for modification. She's excellent material, and there's no reason to waste the prime modification period due to your arrogance."

Matou Shinji frowned at his words, inwardly cursing the old bug. The old bug's stubbornness was higher than he had imagined. He couldn't even convince him with Command Seals. If this continued, the conversation would inevitably break down.

Both of them were unwilling to yield on the matter of modifying Sakura's magical attributes. Ultimately, Matou Shinji couldn't prove that he had a value greater than Matou Sakura's.

In the original work, Matou Kariya agreed to continue the modification of Sakura's body based on certain conditions, but in the end, he couldn't save her. Now, Matou Shinji doesn't want to see Matou Sakura suffer the same tragic fate.

Should he go to war with this old bug? This was the scene Matou Shinji least wanted to see. The Matou family was Matou Zouken's lair, and every corner was infested with his cultivated insects.

Continuing negotiations required careful handling. First, he needed to show his determination not to back down, and second, he needed to prove that he was worth the old bug waiting for a year.

Matou Shinji took a deep breath and quickly thought. He stepped forward, blocking Matou Sakura, and looked up at Matou Zouken on the stairs with determination: "I'm sorry, but I can't step back in my current position."

"Heh, Shinji, you think you can resist me with just you?"

"It's not resistance; it's proving myself."

"Heh heh, your personality is much like Kariya's. But he never had the courage to defy my orders while still a child. It's quite endearing to have a grandson who's so promising at such a young age. Shinji, I'll give you a chance to prove yourself. If you can escape from the basement to the surface, I'll admit your ability. I'll delay the date of modifying Matou Sakura until after the Fourth Holy Grail War. How about that?"

Matou Shinji agreed without hesitation, "I accept."

"This basement is a breeding ground for the insects of the Matou family. They won't give up on hunting even after their master has left. Don't die down here, Shinji." Matou Zouken left with a mocking smile.

Matou Shinji breathed a sigh of relief. This isolated and repulsive old bug had such a character. From a mage's perspective, his treatment of family is lenient, but in the eyes of ordinary people, he's a complete heartless monster.

If Matou Shinji really encountered some accident here, he would definitely stand by and watch with a smile as Matou Shinji was tormented to death by insects.

After the master left, the insects in the nest became restless. Some of them retreated into the shadows, while many others emerged from all directions.

The buzzing of fist-sized mosquitoes filled the air above the basement, their tails gleaming with a metallic sheen. Thousands of centipedes as thick as arms crawled out from between the cracks in the bricks, and disturbing-looking leeches emitted hissing sounds toward Matou Sakura.

"Brother... Brother!" Matou Sakura nervously clutched Matou Shinji's sleeve, her small face shrouded in unease and fear.

Matou Shinji looked around in disgust, and an idea flashed through his mind: "This basement was created for cultivating insects, and it's quite damp. It's just right."

Matou Shinji clapped his hands together, activating the makeshift circuit he had constructed beneath his skin. Blue light radiated from his palms.

Matou Zouken didn't take action because these insects weren't a threat to him.

A qualified alchemist, in terms of combat ability, is much stronger than the conventional magi of this world. A State Alchemist's level is generally on par with a regular Servant. Alchemist and immortal Alchemist Hohenheim is even more exceptional, excelling in body transmutation alchemy while being proficient in various alchemical arts.

Alchemy is initiated through rituals that comply with this world's conventions. Matou Shinji's magical circuits fuse with the origin of his own flowing attributes, maximizing the power of alchemy by controlling the flow of heat.

This was the transmutation alchemy that the Freezing Alchemist Isaac McDougal excelled in.

Matou Shinji spread his hands, and white mist formed from condensed water vapor gathered around, lowering the temperature in the damp basement. The atmosphere and the moisture in the underground soil rapidly froze, forming layers of white frost.

"Though I can't reach Isaac's level, with the magical energy I've stored and being in a place rich in water vapor, freezing this basement is more than enough!"

"I wonder if these insects cultivated through magic can resist the impact of super-low temperatures."


The cold wave surged, and the temperature in the basement dropped by dozens of degrees in an instant due to alchemy, covering the ancient and damp walls with a layer of frost.


As the water vapor froze, the insects that sensed the temperature change became even more frantic. They tried to escape the center of the temperature drop, but were directly swept away by the cold, falling like hail from mid-air or the walls, struggling briefly before dying from hypothermia.

In a short time, the transmutation circle created an absolute zero space, robbing the temperature of the moisture within the organisms.

Matou Shinji took a deep breath, expending most of the magical energy stored in his body. He felt a sense of exhaustion after exerting all his strength. Alchemy performed through rituals in this world was more challenging than Matou Shinji had imagined.

In the world of alchemists, if they understood the principles and drew a proper transmutation circle, they could achieve the current effect with minimal physical effort.

Within the spacious basement, only a half-meter area around Matou Shinji remained unaffected by the temperature change.

Silence enveloped the area. The basement, which was just a bug-infested hell, was now completely covered in ice and snow. Not a single insect could survive in such low temperatures.

Matou Shinji patted Matou Sakura's head, who was still dazed, and smiled, "Let's go. We're leaving this place now."

The little girl came to her senses, her eyes brimming with tears. She replied with a light tone, "Okay, big brother."

The two of them carefully made their way up the stairs. The surface of the bricks was covered with ice, making it extremely slippery. As they reached the entrance of the basement, as expected, they encountered Matou Zouken.

The old man stood in the dim basement corridor, leaning on his cane. His wrinkled face remained emotionless, his bug-like pupils fixed on Matou Shinji as he said slowly, "Oh, you're becoming more and more surprising. You've even learned such magic. This doesn't belong to the Matou family's secret arts."

Upon seeing Matou Zouken's figure, Matou Sakura grew nervous again and hid behind Matou Shinji.

"It's true that it's not the Matou family's magic," Matou Shinji replied calmly.

This was a serious issue. Magic was a power derived from the root, much like tap water. However, the total amount of magical power distributed to each household was fixed. The more people knew magic, the less power each individual received.

During the Age of the Gods, because mage who knew the secrets of magic were rare, magic was indistinguishable from sorcery. If modern physicists were to travel to the Age of the Gods, they might become nuclear alchemists, capable of harnessing the power of the sun.

The nature of magic dictated that it had to remain a closely guarded secret. If an ordinary person learned magic, they had to be killed by a mage who leaked the secret to maintain the secrecy of magic.

Given this situation, for someone from a prestigious mage family like Matou to use magic not belonging to their lineage was a grave matter.

Moreover, Matou Shinji had eliminated the insects cultivated by Matou Zouken using magic that wasn't part of the Matou family's repertoire. It would be strange if Matou Zouken wasn't angry.

"Shinji, do you have any explanation for this?" Matou Shinji nodded, "Indeed, it's not the Matou family's magic, but it's not entirely unrelated to the Matou family."


"Von Hohenheim Paracelsus. You should know this name. There are records of his magic secrets in the study. The magic I used is based on the description in the books, imitating his magical philosophy. Originally, I didn't intend to use it. Incomplete magic is very unstable."

Upon hearing this name, Matou Zouken's expression changed significantly. He fell silent for a moment, lowered his head, as if lost in distant memories. He repeated the name Matou Shinji had mentioned, "Von Hohenheim..."

Von Hohenheim, anyone who has seen "Fullmetal Alchemist" wouldn't be unaware of his existence. He is the father of the main character, Edward Elric, in the world of "Fullmetal Alchemist," a prominent figure who played a major role in thwarting the Homunculi's plan for godhood.

Of course, this isn't a crossover story; the Von Hohenheim Paracelsus mentioned by Matou Shinji is the historical prototype of Von Hohenheim in the world of "Fullmetal Alchemist." He is one of the most famous alchemists in history and one of the creators of modern magic in this world. Moreover, Von Hohenheim Paracelsus was one of the few good friends of Matou Zouken five hundred years ago.

Many of the magic books collected by the Matou family were creations of Von Hohenheim Paracelsus.

Matou Shinji could confidently mention this name without fearing exposure. Alchemy also exists in this world, and the magic he used is indeed closely related to the magical heritage of Von Hohenheim Paracelsus. Unless confronted by the original figure in person, Matou Shinji believed that no one would be able to detect the differences between the two.

Matou Shinji's explanation could also account for the anomalies happening to him. If he inherited the magical legacy of Von Hohenheim Paracelsus, it wouldn't be surprising no matter how he transformed.

In the dim and cold corridor, the atmosphere was silent. The minimal light illuminated the side of the old man's face, full of wrinkles. His expression changed repeatedly.

Matou Shinji subtly infused magical energy into the transmutation circle on his hand, ready to use the remaining magic to make a desperate last stand if Matou Zouken made any suspicious moves.


Matou Zouken cracked a smile and burst into laughter, "Interesting, truly interesting, Shinji. I'll acknowledge your determination and ability. I'll postpone the adjustments to Sakura's upbringing until after the Fourth Holy Grail War."

"I look forward to your performance, as a member of the Matou family, fulfilling the Matou family's long-cherished wish."

With that, the old man, holding his cane, slowly left the basement corridor.

What long-cherished wish? It was nothing more than a desire to obtain the Holy Grail and achieve eternal life.

Matou Shinji watched the old man leave, and the heavy burden on his heart was lifted. It seemed that he could safely make it through the time before the start of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

This way, Matou Shinji could free up more time to study magic and the Holy Grail system.

"Big brother."

A weak voice came from behind, and Matou Sakura, who had just experienced a nightmare, looked as pale as when she had first moved in. She slumped onto the icy ground.

Matou Shinji helped her up, "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, I can't exert any strength." Matou Sakura's anxious face seemed on the verge of tears.

Matou Shinji squatted down, soothing her gently, "It's okay now. Come on, let's get up. I'll carry you back."

"Okay." Matou Sakura's pale face rested against Matou Shinji's shoulder. She spoke in a soothing tone near Matou Shinji's ear, "This way, leaning on big brother's shoulder, I feel very safe."

The pure and innocent smile of the little girl eased Matou Shinji's mood. It was just this smile that made Matou Shinji feel that this adventure was worth it.

The two of them went to the bathroom to wash away the stench. After experiencing a nightmare, Matou Sakura and the Matou who had just moved in were in the same room, just as before, with Matou Shinji there to protect her while she reluctantly fell asleep.


The Eve of the Holy Grail War, Matou Shinji needed to make a lot of preparations, focusing mainly on two core points.

Firstly, of course, was the Holy Grail System. Although the Matou family's records about the Holy Grail System were not extensive, they were still enough to work with. In fact, there wasn't a single honest party among the Three Great Families in the Holy Grail War; everyone was trying to obtain the Holy Grail by any means necessary.

Not to mention the Tohsaka family. The Tohsaka family had colluded with the Church, acting as the overseer, and had even allowed their disciple Kotomine Kirei to play the role of a supervisor before secretly collecting information about Masters using the convenience of the Assassin class.

The Matou family's specialty was tinkering with the Command Spell system. They could grant their Servants the Berserker attribute through unique summoning incantations, allowing them to summon Berserker-class Servants.

In Matou Shinji's eyes, this decision was rather foolish. While the Berserker attribute could indeed strengthen a Servant's stats, it deprived them of their sanity and increased the burden on the Master's magical energy.

In the Fifth Holy Grail War, if Einzbern had summoned someone other than Berserker-class Heracles and had utilized Illyasviel's advantage as the strongest Master, they could have easily pinned down King of Heroes Gilgamesh.

The Einzbern family had been cheating from generation to generation. In the Third Holy Grail War, they had violated the rules by summoning the Avenger-class Angra Mainyu, which led to the contamination of the Holy Grail. In the Fourth Holy Grail War, they realized their inability to fight as a family of artificial magi and employed the magus killer Emiya Kiritsugu for their cause.

Everyone was cheating, but Matou Shinji didn't want to be the one with a broken leg.

The second point revolved around the Matou family's collection of magical secrets related to Paracelsus von Hohenheim. Although there weren't many practical ones, five hundred years ago, Paracelsus von Hohenheim and Matou Zouken had frequently exchanged letters, discussing their respective understandings of magic and achievements.

Paracelsus von Hohenheim was one of the most famous alchemists, and his research aligned well with the alchemy Matou Shinji was using.

Matou Shinji wasn't interested in the Matou family's magical secrets. He intended to use his own alchemy as the foundation, incorporating the magical secrets of Paracelsus von Hohenheim to create his own magical system within this world's rituals. This magical system wouldn't be affected by the various magical foundations of the world; it would be rooted in the Root itself.


In the early morning, Matou Shinji descended from upstairs, followed by Matou Sakura. The little girl was wearing a deep purple dress, her hair tied with a red ribbon. Her every movement was innocent and full of vigor. Her bright blue eyes were clear and lively, reflecting every hint of emotion like ripples in a pond.

Matou Sakura, who hadn't been influenced by the worm indoctrination, was a gem not inferior to Rin Tohsaka in any way.

Heading downstairs, Matou Shinji looked at the sofa in the main hall. He saw his father, Matou Byakuya, lying there asleep. His clothes were disheveled, and a faint smell of cheap cologne mixed with alcohol lingered in the air. He must have returned after fooling around outside until late at night.

A pitiable man.

Matou Shinji's gaze toward him was full of pity. This was the fate of an ordinary person born into a prestigious mage family. While Matou Byakuya's character was more laid-back, he couldn't handle the immense pressure. He would drown his sorrows in alcohol day and night. This was likely the best outcome for the original Matou Shinji as well.

Matou Shinji reached out and touched his father's right arm, activating a transmutation circle to accelerate his metabolism and absorb the alcohol.

Matou Byakuya was immediately awakened by an urgent need to urinate. He held his throbbing forehead in pain, sat up, and saw Matou Shinji and Matou Sakura in front of him. He forced a strained smile and said, "Shinji, is there something?"

"We want to go outside," Matou Shinji replied.


Don't just stand there, give me some money!

Matou Shinji was annoyed by his obtuse father.

"Go outside?" Matou Byakuya frowned and muttered, shaking his head, "If you want to go outside, you'll need Grandfather's permission."

"Grandfather has already allowed me to come and go freely from the Matou house."

"Really? Since he agreed." Matou Byakuya was astonished, shaking his head as if trying to clear his thoughts. He slumped back on the sofa with a feeble smile, "In the second drawer of the study's desk, there's some pocket money. You can use it whenever you need. Just don't come back too late, and be careful."

Letting two kids under six go out on their own, drunk and all, he really had quite the audacity.

"I understand."

Matou Shinji had a reason to go outside.

Matou Shinji had awakened his Origin, allowing him to perceive the flow of mana in all things, especially magical energy. He could easily investigate the leyline flow in Fuyuki City. Leylines were of immense help to magecraft. Additionally, some alchemical experiments were better not attempted under Matou Zouken's watchful eye.

As for Matou Sakura, after witnessing the Matou family's basement, she was too scared to stay alone in that underground horror.

Matou Shinji retrieved several ten-thousand-yen bills from the cabinet in the study, and with Matou Sakura in tow, he left the Matou house. They got into a taxi and headed towards Ryuudou Temple, the core of the Holy Grail System. It was situated in the largest of the Four Great Leylines of Fuyuki City and concealed the Greater Grail System in its underground caverns.

For magi, Ryuudou Temple was an excellent site to establish a base. The magical energy leaking from the leyline greatly amplified the power of magecraft.

As they embarked on this journey away from home, the taxi driver glanced at the siblings in the rearview mirror and curiously asked, "Kids, are you two alone? Where are your parents?"

Matou Shinji looked at the rearview mirror and calmly responded, "Our parents are waiting for us at the destination."

Matou Shinji's eyes glowed with a faint red light. After a moment of trance, the taxi driver remained silent, muttering to himself, "I see."

It appeared that he used the simplest form of hypnotism in magecraft, which could only influence normal people without magical circuits. Those with a slightly stronger willpower could resist it. This was one of Matou Shinji's few achievements in magecraft during this time.

After getting out of the taxi, Matou Shinji and Matou Sakura entered the deserted forest. Finding an open space, Matou Shinji drew a transmutation circle and conducted experiments. Matou Sakura sat on the side, reading a book she had brought, occasionally chatting with Matou Shinji. Magecraft experiments required a fair amount of preparation, so they weren't bored.

In the evening, Matou Shinji and Matou Sakura returned to the Matou house. They sensed an unusual atmosphere. The silence of the estate was disrupted by the sound of suppressed anger in a male voice, "Stop talking nonsense, vampire!"


Matou Shinji's face displayed an odd expression. He could probably guess who it was. It was the figure his original self admired, his dear uncle, Matou Kariya.

The most tragic character in the entire story, the man who would utter the famous line "It's all because of the hour."


"Sakura, you go back to your room and rest."


After taking a few steps, Matou Sakura turned around, her voice weak and uncertain as she asked, "Big brother, can you sleep with me tonight?"

Matou Shinji replied with a smiling tone, "I'll be by your side all the time."

"Thank you." Matou Sakura nodded vigorously and left, content.

"Now," Matou Shinji's expression quickly returned to normal. He glanced at the dim corner of the corridor, where a fist-sized insect flew to him and briefly stopped in front of Matou Shinji before flying upstairs along the staircase.

This was Matou Zouken's familiar, sent to summon Matou Shinji.

Silently, Matou Shinji went upstairs, pushed open the door to the side hall, and saw a young man inside engaged in a serious confrontation with Matou Zouken. The atmosphere was heavy and tense.

The man was naturally Matou Kariya.

Matou Shinji observed Matou Kariya, someone he had rarely met since childhood. His appearance was relatively handsome, though his hair was disheveled and his eyes lacked vitality. He emanated a gloomy and reclusive aura, clearly a man with a story.

"Ah, you're here, Shinji," Matou Zouken sneered while resting his hands on his cane. Seated in a luxurious armchair, he didn't bother to introduce Matou Kariya, who was standing before him, "You should remember him, your unreliable uncle. Even at this point, he shamelessly returns to the Matou family."

Matou Kariya turned to Shinji, and a forced smile appeared on his sullen face. His expression softened as he greeted, "Shinji, it's been a while."

"Uncle Kariya, are you coming back to the Matou house?" Matou Shinji calmly asked.

"Yeah, due to some minor matters. You go back first; I'll show you the gift I brought later."

Matou Zouken sneered and interrupted, "That's unnecessary. I called Shinji over to participate in our conversation."

"What's the meaning of this?"

Matou Zouken stood up, walked to Matou Kariya, and slowly spoke, "You mentioned earlier that you wanted to replace the Matou family in the Fourth Holy Grail War. Shinji will explain the reasons for my refusal to you."


Facing Matou Kariya's perplexed gaze, Matou Shinji inwardly cursed. It seemed the old worm had started one of his twisted games again. If he explained the reasons himself, it would surely provoke Matou Kariya's nerves even more.

Matou Zouken wished to witness Matou Kariya, who had betrayed the family, lead a miserable life full of guilt and anguish. He wanted Kariya's life to be marked by regret.

But this aligned with Matou Shinji's intentions too. He didn't want Matou Kariya to participate in the Holy Grail War either, as his fate would only be worse.

Matou Shinji stepped forward and revealed the Command Seal on the back of his hand, saying, "Uncle Kariya, I will represent the Matou family in the Fourth Holy Grail War."

"What are you saying..."

Matou Kariya was taken aback, then burst into anger, turning to Matou Zouken and shouting, "Bastard! Old vampire! What are you scheming? You're letting a child participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War? Have you gone completely mad after living so long?"

Matou Zouken calmly stated, "Are you blaming me? Do you even have the qualification to, Kariya? Do you think it was because of whom the Matou family fell into its current state? If you had honestly inherited the magical secrets and the position of the head of the Matou family, the situation wouldn't be this dire."

Matou Kariya argued fervently, "No matter how far the Matou family has fallen, what's the difference between sending a child to participate in the Holy Grail War and sending him to die?"

Seeing Matou Kariya's angry expression, Matou Zouken chuckled pleasantly, "Haha, Kariya, don't misunderstand. It's not me who wants Shinji to participate in the Holy Grail War; it's the Holy Grail that chose him. You're a coward, but fortunately, Shinji has some spirit. Being chosen by the Holy Grail at the age of six means he's a qualified magus. His understanding of magecraft is stronger than yours, who refused to learn magic from a young age."

"The Holy Grail chose Shinji... Magic truly is a twisted path! If you want a pawn, let me..."

"Hahaha." Matou Zouken's laughter cut off Matou Kariya's words.

"Vampire, what are you laughing at?"

"Even a child has more courage than you. Isn't it a bit late for you to say this now? And it's not me who wants Shinji to participate in the Holy Grail War; it's the Holy Grail that chose him. You should feel lucky. Everything you've evaded is being shouldered by others, including the delay in initiating the training of that little girl after she was adopted into the Matou family. It's all because of Shinji's request."

"What have you done to Sakura!"

"Kariya, spare me that expression. Do you hate me? Did you think you have the right? Do you think that we, the Matou family, have reached this point because of you? If you had honestly inherited the Matou family's magical secrets and the position of the head, the situation wouldn't be this urgent."

"Damn it!"

Matou Kariya clenched his fist, feeling deep anger and helplessness. As Matou Zouken had said, he couldn't do anything now.

He glanced at Matou Shinji and, through gritted teeth, declared, "I will replace Shinji in the Holy Grail War."

"Do you not understand what I said earlier?"

"I understand perfectly. But can a child win the Holy Grail War? Is that possible?"

Matou Zouken's voice dripped with disdain and doubt. He taunted, "Don't talk nonsense. A dropout who never engaged in any magic training thinks he can become a qualified Master within a year?"

Matou Kariya stood his ground, saying firmly, "You should possess the means to turn the impossible into reality. Your specialty, worm manipulation, implanting Crest Worms into my body."

Matou Zouken's expression froze. His tone turned unpleasant, "Kariya, do you want to die?"

"I should bear the responsibility I abandoned myself. Or are you worried about me, father?"

Matou Zouken sneered, then turned to the silent Shinji, asking meaningfully, "Shinji, what do you think?"

Matou Shinji pondered for a moment before replying seriously, "The Matou family's convictions should be realized by members of the Matou family. Uncle Kariya is no longer part of the Matou family. Moreover, I don't wish for Uncle Kariya to die."

"Shinji!" Matou Kariya looked at Matou Shinji in disbelief, unable to comprehend how such words could come from the mouth of his young nephew.

Matou Zouken was pleased with Matou Shinji's response. "You heard that, Kariya. Be grateful. You've saved your own life. You can leave, just like before. This is no longer your home, and we don't need someone like you."

"You damned old man!"

Ignoring Matou Kariya's anger, Matou Zouken said significantly, "I'm tired. Shinji, it's up to you to explain to the traitor of the Matou family from now on."

Holding his cane, Matou Zouken walked past Matou Kariya and left the side hall, leaving behind a quiet room.


In the side hall, only two people remained. Matou Kariya faced Matou Shinji with confusion. "Why are you saying such things, Shinji? Do you know what the Holy Grail War represents? You might end up dead."

Matou Shinji smiled calmly. "Of course, Uncle Kariya. It's a responsibility I can't avoid bearing as a member of the Matou family. And the fact is, I'm more suited to participate in the Holy Grail War than you are."

"You're only six years old."

"Even at the age of six, my qualifications as a Master are better than yours, Uncle Kariya. That's why the Holy Grail chose me. I'm also doing this to protect Sakura. You should also be aware of what outsiders who become members of the Matou family have to go through."


Matou Kariya was well aware that he had abandoned pursuing Tohsaka Aoi, his childhood friend, out of fear that she would be sent to the worms if she married into the Matou family. He had watched his beloved woman fall into the embrace of Tohsaka Tokiomi.

"Is Sakura alright now?"

"At least until the Fourth Holy Grail War begins, she won't be in danger. I understand your feelings, Uncle Kariya. The path you've chosen has no turning back. In exchange, I will shoulder the responsibility you've abandoned and protect Sakura."

Matou Kariya's face grew even more troubled, shaking his head. "Is this really appropriate? Both you and Sakura are people I want to protect."

"It's not about whether it's appropriate or not. We don't have a choice."

Matou Kariya crouched down, patting Matou Shinji's shoulder with a bitter smile. "Shinji, I haven't seen you in over a year, and it feels like you've grown up all of a sudden, like a little adult. But regardless of what you and Father think, I won't easily give up. Consider this my compensation to you. Children should act like children. I'll stay in Fuyuki City for a while."

"Uncle Kariya, don't you understand yet?"

Matou Shinji shook his head helplessly. If it were that easy to give up, it wouldn't be Matou Kariya.

However, since the path of implanting Crest Worms was severed, Matou Kariya was undoubtedly unable to participate in the realm of magi. With this in mind, Matou Shinji had another idea and tried to persuade, "Uncle Kariya, you should understand how stubborn Grandfather is. Staying in Fuyuki City won't be of any use. It's better for you to leave and find a way to help somewhere else. I can only protect Sakura until the Holy Grail War is over. If I can't win the Holy Grail War, Sakura's only reliance will be on you, Uncle Kariya."

Entice, then entice again. As long as Matou Kariya didn't participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War, everything would be fine.

Matou Kariya was taken aback, staring at Matou Shinji and thoughtfully considering his words. It was indeed the best advice for his current situation. The only thing that made Matou Kariya hesitate was Matou Shinji himself.

Matou Shinji saw through his thoughts, clapped his hands together, and easily conjured a splendid ice sword. "Don't worry about me. I'm more reliable in the realm of magecraft than you are, Uncle Kariya."


Matou Shinji raised his hand and pointed at the wall. The ice sword shot out like a charged arrow and embedded itself in the interior of the wall.

"This is magecraft..."

Matou Kariya was astonished by the scene, pondering for a while before saying, "I'll seriously consider your suggestion. I'll leave Sakura in your care. I'll be back before the Holy Grail War starts."

"Alright." Matou Shinji smiled.

The next day, after meeting with Matou Sakura, Matou Kariya left the Matou household. As for where he was going, Matou Shinji didn't know, but it seemed he had avoided the tragic fate that awaited him in the original story.

With this, Matou Shinji dispelled all his concerns before the start of the Holy Grail War and became more immersed in his magical studies.


A month later, in the deserted backyard of the Ryuudou Temple, Matou Shinji stood alone in the center of a drawn alchemical array. One eye was open, the other closed.

The alchemical array lit up with blue light. Matou Shinji slowly opened his right eye, blood streaming from it. Intense pain caused his face to twitch uncontrollably.

After fully opening his right eye, a lifeless gray-white color filled his pupil. His right eye had been rendered useless.

Matou Shinji didn't mind much, wiping the blood from his cheek and muttering to himself, "Improving a Mage Eye is indeed not something that can be rushed."

Mage Eyes were among the most powerful abilities in this world. They came in different types. One type involved the transformation of one's own eyeball through magical alteration and implanting magical circuits. This converted the organ's natural function of receiving external information into actively influencing the outside world. It was a testament to a top-tier magus.

For instance, Asagami Fujino's Mystic Eyes of Distortion were created through magical alteration, known as Magecraft Eyes.

The second type, known as Mystic Eyes, were innate superhuman abilities possessed by very few individuals. Examples included the Mystic Eyes of Direct Death possessed by Tohsaka Rin, and the Mystic Eyes of Paralysis possessed by Shallow Blue.

Comparing the two types, the latter held a clear advantage in terms of abilities.

Mage Eyes were categorized into different levels. The most basic were Magecraft Eyes, which were similar to Magecraft Mystic Codes.

Next were the innate Mystic Eyes, referred to as "Noble Color" eyes, followed by Golden-tier, Gem-tier, and Rainbow-tier Mystic Eyes. The tier of Mystic Eyes corresponded to the color descriptions of the tiers.

As a side note, Medusa's Petrification Mystic Eyes were at the Gem tier, while the true Mystic Eyes of Direct Death were at the Rainbow tier (owned by Balor, an evil god from Celtic mythology and the ancestor of Mystic Eyes of Direct Death).

The value of Mystic Eyes was distinctly measured in the mage world. In the work "Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II," a Noble Color-tier Flame Mystic Eye was valued at ten million dollars.

A Golden-tier Plundering Mystic Eye that plundered from others' Mystic Eyes was valued at forty million dollars.

A Gem-tier Pseudo-Shutdown Mystic Eye that caused illusions was valued at five hundred million dollars.

The secular valuation alone could testify to the value of Mystic Eyes. The Origin Awakening had given Matou Shinji a Noble Color-tier Mystic Eye named "Flow," aligned with his own Origin. It enabled him to see and influence the flow of magical energy. It also granted Matou Shinji extremely precise control over magical energy.

Furthermore, Matou Shinji believed that his Mystic Eye might lean more towards the concept of a Pure Eye. The difference between Mystic Eyes and Pure Eyes lay in the former being a genetic trait and the latter a spiritual inheritance.

Through the awakening of his Origin, coupled with his strong spiritual nature, Matou Shinji could potentially trigger a Pure Eye awakening. Pure Eyes had a more singular ability, usually involving the ability to perceive aspects not normally visible to humans, similar to Yin-Yang Eyes.

Matou Shinji's understanding of Mystic Eyes was limited. He considered them one of the magical challenges he needed to overcome in the past year. The reason his right eye had lost its physiological function was due to the magical alteration he had performed on it, which conflicted with the pseudo-circuits he created and the magical circuits inherent to the Mystic Eye itself.

Fortunately, the issue wasn't overly severe, and Matou Shinji, with his understanding of the human body, could easily repair it.

As Matou Shinji pondered how to enhance the abilities of his Mystic Eye, he considered embedding alchemical arrays into his eyes, allowing him to trigger alchemy through visual observation. The irises were the ideal circles for constructing the alchemical arrays.


In Fuyuki City, there are a total of four leylines: at Ryuudou Temple, Tohsaka's residence, Fuyuki Church, and Shinshinkai Hall. After the Fourth Holy Grail War, due to the descent of evil upon Shinshinkai Hall, it was burned down and transformed into the central park of Fuyuki City.

Ryuudou Temple was the original site where the Holy Grail descended. Tohsaka's residence was the location for the second Holy Grail's descent, Fuyuki Church for the third, and naturally, Shinshinkai Hall for the fourth Holy Grail's descent.

The changing of these locations was due to the immense magical power required for a Holy Grail War, which is beyond the estimation of magi. One Holy Grail War is enough to exhaust the magical energy accumulated in a leylines for decades or even centuries, hence the need to change leylines for each Holy Grail War.

For magi, leylines are the most precious resource. Tohsaka's family being able to produce two magical geniuses can be attributed to their excellent magical leylines, in addition to Tohsaka Aoi's exceptional physique.

Ryuudou Temple's leylines saved Matou Shinji a lot of effort, as the overflowing magical energy from the leylines filled the gaps in his ritual materials.

"It's almost time."

Matou Shinji surveyed the quiet forest, his Mage Eye able to see the threads of magical energy converging towards the alchemical circle he had prepared.

Around him, Matou Shinji arranged an alchemical array to gather magical energy, allowing the drawn-in energy to further refine itself at the center of the alchemical circle.

This was a type of alchemy Matou Shinji learned from von Hohenheim Paracelsus's magical notes, detailing the original process for creating the Philosopher's Stone.

The Philosopher's Stone in this world is significantly different from the Philosopher's Stone in the world of "Fullmetal Alchemist." It doesn't require human transmutation as a base material; however, humans can still be used as materials. The Philosopher's Stone in this world is a highly dense crystallization of magical energy, with humans being one of the best materials for creating magical energy crystals.

Creating the Philosopher's Stone is also a type of gem magic, with the refinement level determining the grade of the Philosopher's Stone produced.

The Philosopher's Stone isn't a physical substance but rather a unique technique for refining magical energy crystals, pioneered by von Hohenheim Paracelsus.

Of course, the technique Matou Shinji possesses is incomplete. The quality of the Philosopher's Stone he produces can't even compare to naturally occurring high-quality gemstones.

"Gems are the best materials for making low-grade Mage Eyes. While the refinement level isn't high, the Philosopher's Stone should be able to modify the magical circuits of the eye."

Matou Shinji covered his face, blood seeping through his fingers, and his right eye, despite being nonfunctional, continued to act due to the activated magical circuits within. When stimulated, it rapidly activated, resulting in the eye decaying further, almost as if struck by an Origin Bullet.

As for Matou Shinji's left eye, its iris shone with a splendid blue, resembling a brilliant starry sky, reflecting the threads of magical energy converging at the center of the alchemical circle.

Soon, even without the Mage Eye, the center of the alchemical circle lit up with white light, and the gathered magical energy refined itself into a magical energy crystal the size of a rice grain.

"Finally, success!" Matou Shinji let out a sigh of relief.

The alchemical circle continued to operate, and the magical energy crystal gradually grew larger. As the alchemical circle's effects faded, the ground at its center grew a magical energy crystal the size of a finger, resembling a regular crystal but with a pure white appearance, containing misty water vapor within.

Matou Shinji approached, picked up the Philosopher's Stone, and with the help of his Mage Eye, observed its internal structure. He muttered to himself, "The gem magic that powered the alchemical array was completely consumed to create this low-quality Philosopher's Stone. I hope it wasn't a losing deal."

The gem used for the alchemical array was brought from the Matou family. Gem magic isn't exclusive to the Tohsaka family; it's a commonly used magical material.

Studying the magical energy crystal in his hand, Matou Shinji thought about how Caster's behavior in the anime was somewhat amusing, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "This Philosopher's Stone I spent half a month creating might not even be as good as the trash Caster casually made. Comparing with the mage of the Age of Gods is futile. Well, it's enough for my needs."

After some further preparation, Matou Shinji placed the Philosopher's Stone into another alchemical circle, forming a Taiji-like symbol. Both the Philosopher's Stone and Matou Shinji were positioned at the core points of the alchemical circle.

Infusing magical energy, activating the alchemical circle, blinding blue light covered Matou Shinji's vision. The Philosopher's Stone quickly dissolved, transforming into a massive surge of magical energy flowing towards Matou Shinji's right eye.

Prepared for this, Matou Shinji severed the nerves connected to his right eye, closed both his eyes tightly, losing all sight. His Mage Eye, however, could now more clearly perceive the movements of magical energy.

Matou Shinji, like an artist, employed alchemy as his chisel, magical energy as the blade, and his eyeball as the material. He followed a pre-designed blueprint to engrave.

"The Elemental Swords of the Magus."

The ultimate Mystic Code mentioned in von Hohenheim Paracelsus's correspondence with Matou Zouken, its blade composed of an ultra-dense Philosopher's Stone. Integrated with artificial spiritual technology, it became a spiritual computer. Its true function was to analyze magic and calculate the path to the Root.

This was the true purpose behind von Hohenheim Paracelsus's creation of the Philosopher's Stone. Moreover, based on the magical theory of creating "The Elemental Swords of the Magus," it formed the foundation of Matou Shinji's idea for modifying his Mage Eye. He supplemented the incomplete parts of his technique with alchemy already accepted by the Root.

"Activate Body Refinement Magic."

"Reconstruct Magical Circuits."

"Embed the Ritual."


At the moment of magical circuit connection, Matou Shinji felt his consciousness as if breaking free from his physical body's constraints. He found himself in a strange space, a realm of stars twinkling, nebulae shifting, converging into streams of starlight spreading far, far away.

It felt like an eternity, yet also like an instant. When Matou Shinji's consciousness returned to his senses, the surroundings were shrouded in darkness, with the expanse of stars above when he looked up.

"How long has it been?" Matou Shinji was momentarily puzzled, looking around. Strangely, he hadn't felt the passage of time.

Matou Shinji hurried down the mountain, finding a car parked at the roadside. The rearview mirror reflected Matou Shinji's current appearance: a pale-faced young boy with traces of blood on his eye sockets and cheeks, one eye blue, the other eye displaying a gorgeous silver-white, transparent and clear, just like the Philosopher's Stone he had just created.

Oddly, Matou Shinji felt that he had lost the magical power in his left eye. Theoretically, his right eye, now fully modified, should have no difference from his normal eye.

"Do I need to explore this on my own?" Matou Shinji muttered to himself. Focusing his mind, at the moment his consciousness shifted, he suddenly felt a violent spinning sensation, losing control of his body and collapsing.

"Damn it! My magical energy was drained!" Matou Shinji lay on the roadside, cold sweat forming on his forehead. He concentrated his mind and used self-hypnosis, imagining a switch and turning it off, symbolizing the closing of the Mage Eye's ability.

After a while, Matou Shinji regained enough strength to get up from the ground.


In the following days, Matou Shinji gradually familiarized himself with the abilities of the Mage Eye. There were three main abilities: the first strengthened his perception and manipulation of mana based on the flowing Mage Eye, the second allowed him to activate alchemy through visual observation, and the third was the Spiritual Computation function which analyzed, corresponded, corroded, or destroyed magic released, while also aiding Matou Shinji in casting spells.

Besides the fundamental ability, both the activation of the second and third abilities had their own limitations and conditions. Using alchemy through visual observation consumed more mana, and the analysis of magic through the Spiritual Computation function largely depended on Matou Shinji's understanding of magic.

If Matou Shinji had only a vague understanding of a certain magic, the analysis would inevitably be extremely difficult.

Matou Shinji was already quite satisfied with the abilities of the Mage Eye, particularly valuing the Spiritual Computation function. It assisted him in deciphering magical secrets recorded with codes, greatly accelerating his progress in magical research.

Matou Shinji rapidly digested the Matou family's magical secrets, spending most of his time in research. Occasionally, he would accompany Matou Sakura outside to breathe in fresh air.

Matou Sakura had adapted to the environment of the Matou family. She occasionally acted coquettish towards Matou Shinji, but had grown accustomed to solitude.

Matou Zouken remained the same, lurking in the shadows and appearing only rarely.

On the surface, the head of the Matou family, Matou Byakuya, continued to lead a dissolute life, paying little attention to Matou Shinji and Matou Sakura.


Time passed, seasons changed.

A year later, in the underground basement of the Matou family, the dim space was filled with a foul stench. No insects were in sight, no chirping of bugs could be heard. On the ground, a complex ritual summoning circle was drawn with fresh blood.

There were only two individuals present: one was the hunchbacked old man, Matou Zouken, and the other was Matou Shinji with a serious expression.

Matou Zouken chuckled, "Is it really fine? Grandfather went to the trouble of acquiring a rare relic as a reward for you, but you've squandered it."

Matou Shinji shook his head, "The strength of the Servant isn't my primary concern. I value compatibility with my Servant more."

"Even though you obtained that guy's magical secrets, it doesn't necessarily mean he will answer your summons. Before his death, he went to great lengths to curse his spirit to prevent magi from interrogating his soul with necromancy."

"I believe he will respond. As a magus, he has yet to reach the Root, and the Holy Grail War is his best chance to fulfill that desire."

"Suit yourself. I don't have high expectations for you anyway. My focus lies sixty years from now." Matou Zouken walked aside, observing coldly.

The basement fell silent. Matou Shinji took a worn-out notebook from his pocket and placed it in the center of the summoning circle. It was the gift that Paracelsus von Hohenheim had given to his old friend, Marjorie Zolgen.

"Let's begin."

Matou Shinji closed his eyes and stretched his hand toward the summoning circle. When he abruptly opened his eyes, the pupil of his right eye turned silver-white, emitting a dazzling light. A large amount of mana poured from his right hand into the summoning circle in front of him. With a young and tender voice, Matou Shinji chanted the incantation, "Announce! Let your body heed my command, let my destiny be entrusted to your sword. As the destination of the Holy Grail is obeyed, follow this intent, the one who reasons, respond!"

Summoning a Servant didn't actually require complicated incantations. The so-called incantations were spoken for the Servant to hear. Even without chanting, if a Servant wanted to respond to their Master, they would respond. Using a Holy Relic on a Servant that doesn't want to respond would also be futile. Thus, different Masters would have different incantations.

As the chant finished, Matou Shinji felt the mana within him pour out. The summoning circle's radiance surged, engulfing Matou Shinji.

Soon, his vision was restored, but he was no longer in the Matou family's underground basement. He found himself in a place between doors, a large stone door and a smaller one stood, and besides Matou Shinji, there was another guest in this space.

"Success!" Matou Shinji's face lit up.

The guest was a young man with long hair, handsome features, and dressed in a white robe. He looked around with a puzzled expression before fixing his gaze on Matou Shinji, asking curiously, "Excuse me, did you summon me?"

"Of course." Matou Shinji answered with a smile, "I made some modifications to the summoning circle, so that's why we're here, Paracelsus von Hohenheim."

"Master, you're younger than I expected. Servant Paracelsus von Hohenheim responds to your summons. Please allow us to become friends."

"Of course, my friend. I have a favor to ask of you."

"You're my Master and my friend. Feel free to give your orders."

Matou Shinji solemnly inquired, "Do you know what Possession Summoning is?"

This was a seemingly worthless question. Paracelsus von Hohenheim was the greatest alchemist. When summoned, he also gained some knowledge from the Holy Grail. There was no way he wouldn't know.

Rubbing his chin, Paracelsus von Hohenheim thought for a moment and then realized, "I see. You want to borrow my power, not have me become your Servant."

"That's correct. The situation is not optimistic, and words alone can't explain my current situation. Nor do we have time for explanations. I can share a portion of my memories with you. You can take a look and decide afterward." Matou Shinji extended his right hand to Paracelsus von Hohenheim.

Surprisingly, he hesitated for a moment before approaching Matou Shinji and performing a formal bow, saying, "Your determination is beyond my expectations. However, hasty decisions will only lead us into precarious situations. So, please allow me to express my respect for your resolution."

Paracelsus von Hohenheim grasped Matou Shinji's right hand and through Matou Shinji's consciousness, he accessed the memories Matou Shinji allowed him to see.

This included the truth behind the Holy Grail War, the contamination of the Holy Grail, the downfall of his former friend into a creature that needed to consume humans to survive, and some events that would occur in a normal timeline, as well as Matou Shinji's intentions.

Matou Shinji didn't reveal his identity as a traveler. Sharing memories was more like bringing Paracelsus von Hohenheim into the audience's seat.

"Well, what do you think?"

Paracelsus von Hohenheim was silent for a long time, his face showing bitterness. "Is reality always so painful..."

He took a step back, then eased up a bit. "Your proposal isn't a bad thing for me. I've committed unforgivable sins before. If I can help in this way... No, it's nothing. That's a different world, a memory like a dream."

He bowed to Matou Shinji with respect. "Offering you the blessings of Ether, my Master. May your salvation encompass all, may the world be filled with blessings, no matter when, no matter where."

Matou Shinji deeply bowed. "Hohenheim, thank you very much for your assistance."

Within the world between doors, Paracelsus von Hohenheim's form dissipated into light.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Bro_Herocreators' thoughts
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