
Grave Casualties

Mash turns around and announces, "We have won the battle... are you hurt, Chief?"

Olga says while looking stunned, "… …what is this?"

Mash replies while looking confused, "Chief? …ah, it's me, I'm sure it's hard to believe but I-"

Olga cuts her off, "-fused with a servant; a 'Demi-Servant', right? I know that already."

She starts to get angry, "What I really want to know is how you won just now!"

Olga then turns towards Ritsuka and Gudako to say with more venom, "More than that, you two! You were the ones that came late to my lecture!"

Both Ritsuka and Gudako don't know how to react to her suddenly getting angry and yelling at them.

Olga continues her barrage of questions, "How are you a Master now? You need to be a mage to form a contract with a Servant!"

Olga goes off with even more venom than everything else she said combined so far, "You shouldn't be able to become a Master! Why does she recklessly go and do what she's told!?"

Gudako replies to her with her face turning red, "This is a misunderstanding!"

While Ritsuka mutters, "Even if you say that…"

Luckily right then Mash joins the conversation, "You're mistaken, Chief. If anything, I'm the one that pushed them into the contract."

Olga reacts with surprise, "What are you saying?! What?"

Mash takes a deep breathe then calmly says, "Let me explain. That way we can both understand the situation."

Mash then explains to her what she remembered of the explosion that happened in the command center, then she went on to explain that for some reason a rayshift started. She then goes on to explain how she discovered she was a demi-servant and re-established contact with Dr. Roman.

Mash finishes her explanation with, "…and that's it. To summarize we got trapped in a rayshift, and we ended up transferring here to Fuyuki. The other transferred Masters are not here. Chief, you're the first human we've met since we got here. But there's still hope. If you're here, then perhaps there are others who successfully transferred…"

Olga replies while looking stressed and depressed, "…there aren't any. Of that I am very sure. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I think I understand why I rayshifted to Fuyuki here with you."

Mash replies with expectation for finally understanding why they are there, "You mean how you survived in getting here?"

Olga, "The same way you did. We three never got into a coffin. Rayshifting without a coffin certainly reduces the chance for success, but it's not impossible. Besides, the coffins have breakers. If the shift success rate drops below 95%, it cuts the power. So those others likely did not rayshift themselves. We are the only ones here.

Mash replies back to Olga saying, "I see…as expected of the Chief.

Gudako whispers to Ritsuka, "When she's calm, she's quite reliable, isn't she?"

Ritsuka replies, "Yeah she doesn't seem the type to just calmly explain things."

Olga narrows her eyes and directs as much venom as she can into her next words, "What do you mean by that!? Are you saying I'm always agitated!?"

Ritsuka and Gudako both look down at the ground embarrassed at being overheard.

Olga then narrows her eyes takes a deep breath and exhales looking older than she should, "Well, that's that. I understand the situation. Gudako and Ritsuka. Since this is an emergency, I will acknowledge your contract with Kyrielight. From here on you'll be taking orders from me… First order of business, to build a base camp, I guess. Got it? In times like this, we'll need to find a leyline terminal with an abundance of mana."

Olga takes a moment to catch her breath then says, "From there we should be able to contact Chaldea. Then, we can figure out what's…"

Mash then interrupts her mid-sentence, "Chief, just letting you know – you're resting on top of a ley point."

Olga looks up at Mash seemingly surprised, "Eh? Ah…it seems so. I know that. I knew that all along!"

Olga tries to recover saying, "Mash, put your shield on the ground. I'll need you to use your Noble Phantasm as a catalyst to establish a summoning circle and to actually form it."

Mash looks a little hesitant when she replies, "…I guess so. Is that okay, Senpais?"

Gudako relieved to finally be at their destination replies, "Sure, go ahead."

Ritsuka appears to be a bit more stressed out and says, "I'm not a fan of dropping weapons, but…"

Mash Looks to both and says, "…Understood. Then I'll start."

Mash finished talking then places her shield on the ground and creates a Formal Craft circle designed for summoning back and forth to and from Chaldea. After she finishes a bright light appears making the world of fire and destruction disappear. What appears in its place is a holographic world of stars and blue lines.

Suddenly flickering into view is a man with messy orange hair tied in a pony tail. He's wearing a pure white uniform with green along the coattails and collar. He also has a lanyard with his picture and the name Dr. Romani Archaman.

Dr. Roman appears panicked and is furiously typing, "CQ, CQ. Hello-! Great, it connected again!"

Dr. Roman takes a moment and says, "Good work you two, I successfully locked in your spatial location. We should be able to communicate now, and even send supplies-"

Olga interrupts him mid-sentence with anger, "Haa!? Who put you in charge, Romani! Leff? Where's Leff? Go get him!"

Dr. Roman appears surprised to see Olga which makes him stop what he's doing, "Uhyaaaaa-!? Ch-chief, you're alive!? Even inside that explosion?! How in…?!"

Olga like a heat seeking missile locks onto him, "What do you mean by that! Whatever, where is Leff?! What is the head medic doing in charge?!"

Dr. Roman closes his eyes and looks morose, "Don't ask me why… I am fully aware that I am not cut out for this role."

Dr. Roman opens his eyes and looks resolved to say the sad news, "However, there's no other capable person here, Olga Marie. Currently, no more than twenty Chaldea staff members are still alive, including me. I am overseeing this operation because there is no staff higher ranked than me remaining. Professor Leff was in the control room directing the rayshifts. It's wishful thinking that anyone survived being in an explosion like that."

sorry for my long absence. there will be two chapters today with a few others coming in the following days

Yuto_mastercreators' thoughts
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