
Fate/Grand Order - Digimon

In the Digital World and the human realm, OmegaMon become one we he partner, also known as Yagami Kazuma, emerged victorious in a battle that determined the survival of both worlds. However, he sacrificed his life after that battle, having pushed his abilities beyond their limits as OmegaMon. Yet, just as he was about to completely fade away, Homostasis informed him of a crisis in another world. Unable to overlook the peril facing that world, Kazuma chose to fight once again, and his fading soul was reconstructed, reborn as OmegaMon. In the newly reborn world, he becomes the partner Digimon of Fujimaru Ritsuka, the master of Chaldea, who is engaged in the battle for humanity's restoration. Together, they embark on a new fight. This is the story of Fujimaru Ritsuka, the last master of Chaldea, and his Demi-Servant junior Mash Kyrielight, along with the former human Holy Knight, OmegaMon, as they join hands with Heroic Spirits and work together to reclaim the future.

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The Reincarnated Holy Knight

There was a person in a certain world. A young man who seemed to be anywhere. His name was Kazuma Yagami. He lived an ordinary life until his daily routine was destroyed by a demon named Diaboromon and he lost his life at the hands of the demon.

However, he managed to cling to life by merging with a certain holy knight, Omegamon. By defeating Diaboromon, his new life and daily routine began. He was scouted by the "Digital Phenomenon Investigation Security Bureau" and immersed himself in the days of battle from there.

"My life was saved by Omegamon. I should have died, but I have to dedicate everything to Omegamon. And I have to fight. To protect the lives and daily routines of all those who cannot fight."

While carrying a feeling similar to the concept of threat, Kazuma continued to fight. The first challenge he faced was the "Digital Quartz" incident. It was a different world called "Digital Quartz." The Digimon that got lost there amplified their own power using the darkness and desires of human hearts and caused various incidents in the human world.

The final battle arrived. With the combined efforts of everyone and the actions of Omegamon, they defeated the mastermind behind the creation of "Digital Quartz," Quartzmon. However, as a result of using Omegamon's special ability, Kazuma's body and mind turned into a "Digimon" and he became a complete Digimon.

Next, he faced the "World Tree War." The god of the "Digital World," Yggdrasil. One of the two personalities, Maki Yggdrasil, ordered the Digimon to slaughter the Royal Knights. They planned to destroy the human world, integrate it with the Digital World, and create a new world through the "NEO Project Ark."

To protect the human world and the Digital World, Omegamon and the others fought. They defeated all the Royal Knights and faced the final battle against Maki Yggdrasil.

In that final battle, it was revealed that Maki Yggdrasil had merged with a Digimon called "Millenniummon," also known as the "Thousand-Year Evil God." They eventually defeated Millenniummon and convinced Chifuyu Akiyama, also known as Millenniummon, bringing the battle to an end. They restored peace to the Digital World and once again saved the human world.

However, the price was great. Kazuma's personality and mind completely disappeared. But it didn't disappear immediately. A few days after the "World Tree War," Kazuma was surrounded by many people and Digimon in his own house.

"Everyone... Please don't make such sad faces."

On the lap of Homeostasis, the god of the Digital World, Kazuma addressed everyone with a sad face, but their expressions didn't change.

He, their comrade and the hero, was about to die. It was already known, but they couldn't accept it. They didn't want to accept his death.

"In this world... There are things that can't be helped, you know?"

"Hey, everyone, please smile. Otherwise, I'll leave with regrets. I don't want that..."

Is there really nothing else that can be done? When someone tried to ask, they quietly closed their mouths upon hearing Kazuma's words. They already knew. They knew that Kazuma Yagami was about to disappear from this world. His life had been consumed to that extent.

Kazuma felt that his final moments were approaching. He expressed his gratitude to Omegamon. The life Omegamon gave him had brought many things without him realizing it.

The bond woven between Kazuma and Omegamon was real, and the path they had walked was also real. Although their time together was short, there was a definite bond between them.

"Omegamon, are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Thank you for everything. If it weren't for you, I would have died a long time ago and I wouldn't have met various people and Digimon. I'm really grateful. Living as a human, dying as a human. Reviving as a Digimon, and then dying again. It was a strange life, but it's fine like this..."

Kazuma realized that his final moments were approaching. He expressed his gratitude to Omegamon. The life Omegamon had given him had brought many things.

"Now, it's time for me to go. Thank you for entrusting the realization of my ideals to you, Omegamon. I hope you can fulfill the ideal of a world where humans and Digimon can coexist. Thank you for everything. Let's meet again..."

Kazuma entrusted his wishes and ideals to Omegamon and expressed his gratitude, then closed his eyes. Along with that, his right hand fell to the ground. With a peaceful expression, Kazuma Yagami took his last breath.

The human world and the Digital World. He ceased to be human along the way, sacrificing his life to save both worlds. He was a hero. With many companions and his parents by his side, he departed from this world.

Everything turned pure white. In that world, a ray of pure white light appeared. That light began to take the form of Kazuma Yagami. He looked around, reminiscing about the moment of his death.

He could be called a reincarnated being. He had lost his life once when he was attacked by Diaboromon in his own world, then he merged with the power of Homeostasis, becoming Omegamon, and was reborn in his own world.

The human world and the Digital World. He had experienced two major battles there, but he "Digimonized" in the first battle and experienced a complete death as a human in the final battle.

With each improvement, drawing out and enhancing Omegamon's power, the existence known as Kazuma Yagami gradually approached death. Although his physical body and mind died along the way, he managed to barely hold on to his mind.

However, in the final battle, his mind vanished, and he experienced complete death. In terms of that, he had no regrets. It was the path he had chosen and pursued.

"I entrusted the future world to Omegamon. They will definitely create the world of my ideals. No matter how difficult the journey and how long it takes, Omegamon will surely accomplish it. My role ends here. I will leave the rest to everyone and sleep."

"Here you are, Kazuma-san."

"Homeostasis-san... Was there something in my world?"

He intended to accept his death and fall into a deep sleep, believing that everyone would definitely fulfill his ideal and make it a reality.

However, a woman's voice echoed in the space, disturbing his intentions. She was a beautiful woman with brown bobbed hair. Homeostasis, the god of the Digital World.

"In your world, Omega Mon goes by the name Kazuma Yagami and is working on the restoration of the Digital World. In the previous war, many Digimon disappeared, and the world was left in ruins..."

"Oh, right, I remember. We talked about the restoration, but... in the end, we couldn't do anything. By the way, Homeostasis-san, what will happen to me?"

"Since you lost your human soul, you cannot go to the afterlife or reincarnate for a third life or be born as someone else... You became a Digimon, losing your human body in the process, and in the final battle, you lost your human mind and soul..."

"Oh... I see... What a predicament!"

As a result of giving everything to Omegamon, Kazuma faced a future where he would literally disappear. By offering himself to bring out Omegamon's power, Omegamon became capable of using even more tremendous power than before, and that power was passed on.

However, as a price, Kazuma "Digimonized" and lost his human body, and in the final battle, he lost his human mind and soul.

"But you were a human who became Omegamon. By using the data of Omegamon that resides in your soul, you can be reborn as Omegamon once again. However, if that happens, you will no longer be human but a complete Digimon..."

"That can't be helped. But... even if I am reborn, will there be a world that accepts me?"

"Actually, while I was coming to this world, I saw another world that is heading towards destruction. When I saw it, I couldn't just ignore it and thought I should ask for your help. I came here to tell you that."

"W-What!?" That's something I can't overlook!"

On the way to the space where Kazuma was present, Homeostasis saw another world on the verge of destruction. It was the human world, but as a god, Homeostasis couldn't overlook the world's demise. They decided to resurrect Kazuma as Omegamon and send him to that world.

Kazuma had no choice but to accept the proposal. Another world he knew nothing about was on the brink of destruction. He didn't have the courage or the audacity to ignore it. If there were voices seeking help, he would rush to their aid immediately. That's what it meant to be a Holy Knight like Kazuma.

"Homeostasis-san. I'm going. If my power can be of help to someone, I will do anything!"

"Thank you. That's exactly who you are, Kazuma-san. After becoming Omegamon, you can use the power you've had so far without any problems. You can fight with your own power."

"Thank you, Homeostasis-san. Please tell everyone. I'll be fighting in another world. So, they mustn't lose."

"Yes. Please don't lose either, Kazuma-san."

As Homeostasis, who was in front of Kazuma, disappeared, a sudden burst of light filled the space from above and enveloped Kazuma's body, transforming him.

Sensing that his personality and body were changing within that light, Kazuma headed towards the other world from that space.


In a certain human world, Fuyuki City, a naturally abundant regional city surrounded by mountains and the sea. It was said that the name Fuyuki came from its long winters, but in reality, it rarely experienced severe cold due to its mild climate, making it a very livable place. It was also known as one of Japan's spiritual spots, with numerous high-quality ley lines.

But now, Fuyuki City had turned into a burnt wasteland. Some major disaster must have occurred. It had become a battlefield, resembling scenes from movies, with ruins as far as the eye could see.

In the midst of the battlefield, there was a young man named Tohsaka Rin. With blue eyes and black hair, he was being approached by countless skeleton soldiers. Skeletons that continued to move even after death. He couldn't fight back. He didn't have the power to do so.

Looking at the red patterns, Command Spells, engraved on his right hand, Rin considered performing a Heroic Spirit Summoning. But he immediately dismissed the idea. In reality, he would need a summoning magic circle and a catalyst to call forth a Heroic Spirit. But there was no time for that now. Besides, he didn't even know the incantation.

Rin was a candidate for a Master, but he was a mere placeholder, so he hadn't received any proper training. As a result, he had no idea about summoning or the incantation. Under the circumstances, it couldn't be helped, but there was no time to dwell on such things now.

(It's hopeless...)

"Don't give up!"

Overwhelmed by the despair of a seemingly hopeless reality, Rin lost all strength in his body and collapsed to the ground. A horde of skeleton soldiers attacked him. Seeing this, Rin accepted his impending death and closed his eyes.

However, just as the young man's surroundings were filled with a voice and a sudden golden glowing egg appeared from above, the egg gradually vanished before their eyes.

A figure emerged from within the egg of light and landed in front of Rin. Struggling to speak with all his might, Rin faced the Holy Knight standing before him. There was no mistaking it, no matter how you looked at him. He was a top-quality individual, with an overwhelming aura and presence that was simply beyond compare.

"Ah, you're..."

"I am Holy Knight Omegamon. I have come in response to the summoning. Let me ask you. Are you my Tamer?"

The Holy Knight was clad in a pure white armor that covered his entire body, wore a white cloak with red lining on his back, had golden protrusions on his right shoulder, wore gauntlets resembling a blue wolf on his right hand, and equipped a golden shield with a crest on his left shoulder, as well as gauntlets resembling a golden dragon on his left hand.

This Holy Knight's name was Omegamon. He was the Digimon into which Kazuma had been reborn, the hero who saved the human world and the Digital World.

Omegamon noticed that he was looking down at Rin and, in a manner befitting a Holy Knight, kneeled with one knee and bowed his head. Then, he asked the young man if he was the one who had called for him, with a voice that carried both the tone of a young man and a dignified presence.

This encounter marked the beginning of their fate. It was the meeting that heralded Omegamon's battle for restoring the human order.

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