5 Chapter 5

I get out of the church, Ivan teleported back to home already while I go on a walk holding hands with Abigail beside me. It is good to have good luck sometimes, something that the two cards in my pocket prove quite well.

I look at Abigail beside me and feel that while this situation with the fallen is a lucky stroke the one I had originally with the ritual was even greater.

Not only did I got 14 peerage members of considerable power, but I also got 7 more... kinda. It was a mystery how as originally there should only be 7 but we found out that Valerie's sacred gear was in a constant state of Balance Breaker that divided her gear into three identical Sephiroth Graals, each summoning 7 Heroic Spirits.

Unfortunately, besides the 14 that were bounded to the Evil Pieces and thus gained their own bodies in exchange for becoming my servants the other 7 did not all quite turned into proper Servants. Of the Seven there were four were manifested in the form of Class Cards and of the other 3 who were properly summoned one of them bounded to Valerie as their master and the other two bound to me as I had more energy to use. However, they all focus on protecting Vallerie first and foremost as I did use my Command Seals to dictate that (I had an agreement with her that I would never hurt her nor allow others to hurt her again, and, as a Mammon, I intend to keep my word)

They are a constant drain to our energy, but totally worth it for many reasons besides protecting Vallerie.

I especially think so as the one bounded to me is EMYIA, an assassin who is great in so many ways during missions that it is not even funny, and another who really likes me since I used the Command Spells (which are replenished every day once a day) to break the curse on her. Not that I had much of a choice on that, but she likes me for it regardless.

Valerie bounded with Leonidas, who helps quite a lot and is reliable as long as you don't fall into the trap of accepting his training. If you do you are screwed over, simple as that.

Of the five remaining two are with me (Saber and Berserker) and three are with Valerie to use if needed (Archer and Caster, even if she only reliably uses Caster since the other is too hard to use for her to use normally and is all but impossible for me to use as the Graal in her helps mitigate the problems she faces when using them and is likely the only reason it works for her even if I am more compatible with it).

Abigail was glad and so I was I anyway, the rest can be thought about later so no need to bother for now.

"Big Brother, why did you let big sis Jalter do what she wanted in this street? A church should not be surrounded by such things." Abigail said as she looked at the businesses around. I just ruffled her head a bit to distract her, which actually seems to be appreciated by the little girl and spoke.

"Because, I wanted to build some businesses to invest while in town and Jalter did a bet with me and won for the rights of deciding the theme and place of the businesses." I said, hiding the fact I was actually amused by this action of hers and I didn't mind sticking it up to the Church. I hate those guys, last they hired me for a job they tried to backstab me in the end and refused to pay up. Well, I did destroy their little 'Holy Sword Project' and took those informations they had stored to myself for future use and Jalter was glad to burn priests and even my cute saint did not complain much about it when she saw what the church was doing.

I also got incriminatory information from the Church due to that and I made sure that their public image was ruined based on it. My family is mercenaries that work for money, we do virtually anything for the right payment but if anyone tries and screw us over about the payment after the work is done, well, I just didn't go further because it would certainly spark a new Great War if I were to take even one more step.

I do still feel a bit cheated, I only got to ruin the church's image, kill 5 bishops, 60 exorcists, burn about 66 churches, and broke an Excalibur Fragment. Tch, just remembering my family calling me soft afterward annoys me.

We enter a cafe and sit down to eat.

"Good evening, young master and mistress. It is good to see you in good health and Wellcome to Cafe De Chateau, what would you wish to order?" A maid said as we entered the shop. I and Abigail sat down and Abigail shot up her hand.

"Pancakes, lots of pancakes with a lot of syrup and honey!" She said happily and I chuckled.

"For me, you can just get me some black coffee and a slice of chocolate cake." I said and the maid nodded before going back inside.

I heard Abigail talk animatedly about her day, especially about watching Sponge Bob Square Pants and I laughed with her at some of the antics in the show.

After that, the food arrived and we ate a hearty meal which we quite enjoyed. It was a good day, that is for sure.


Returning home I can see that it is trembling already and I can only twitch my eyebrow. Seriously, I have to think if it wouldn't be best to just turn around and let my peerage sort out whatever problem they have amongst themselves, it certainly is not helping me.

But, if I do follow through with that simple desire, it would certainly end with me being homeless and, worst, my stuff inside would be damaged, especially the Hall of Treasures where I keep most of my valuables which I connect to in order to burn if I need a power boost. Losing it would be a giant waste and would make me weakened to the point I might not be able to use some of the cards on me, which is unacceptable.

I enter the house and see that somehow Jalter is with a glare that could make lesser man piss themselves aiming it towards my second knight, Artoria Alter. The two hate each other, big time, and they are seated in front of a screen of a clearly fighting game as it showed one of them beat the other in a perfect way.

"Cheater! You definetly cheated, you cold faced jackass cheater."

"Humph, I have no need to listen to the words of a loser." Artoria said with a look that I can only say comes close to disgust.

"Oh, you bitch. I demand one more, the Dragon witch will not lose to some 2 cents skank." Jalter said as she set to rematch with Artoria looking as stoic as ever.

On another corner, my second bishop was being looked over by my second Rook.

"Miss Martha, it has come to my attention that you have been suffering constant migraines. I have spent the last few days studying possible treatments and I believe I found a solution that might work perfectly to help you."

"Wait, please wait just a second. Why are you with a hammer and a steel needle so big in hand?"

"I found that the optimal treatment would involve one which would affect the brain. I thought of doing a minor surgery but miss Jalter mentioned how religion is a big part of your mind, thus to save you I decided that a lobotomy should be ideal."

"But that is too much!"

"Nonsense, it is a medical necessity. It is my duty as a nurse to do all I can, thus, even if it kills you I will heal you."

"Whaahhh, I don't want to die!"

And thus Saint Martha, my second bishop, began running away from Nightingale, my second rook. I wouldn't worry since Martha would be able to defend herself against Nightingale anyway and as long as enough time passes Nightingale would find another troubled person to help (or kill, it is sometimes hard to tell which with her).

In another corner of the house there were three more talking.

"And he then bend me over, it was truly intense as he was going so fast I am sure he was using some reinforcement technique to speed himself up. Not that I am complaining, of course. If one is having a day with someone like me then they should obviously do all in their power and more to impress."

"I see, it must have been quite nice. I wonder if he would like doing such a thing with me later tonight. Even though I would rather it be more of a romantic encounter instead of overly about physical pleasure." The second one said.

"Speak for yourself, in my experience only pleasure matters and that is all I need to care about. After all, with my past and being what I am, there is no need for anything more than that." The third one commented in a self-deprecating manner.

"Don't be like that, I have seen you try once to make some chocolate during the last Valentine." The second one said.

"And it tasted bad enough that even my soldiers felt no desire for it, but master still ate them." The first one said with a smirk.

"That, that was just me having too much time in hand and Master not wanting to waste the ingredients after I had already make use of them!" The third one said.

""Sure, sure."" The first and second said with smiles so fake that no one would believe them.

And thus the talks amongst three of my pawns, Medb, Mata Hari, and Kama, continued with an increased focus on my sex life after that. It would trouble me, especially with how a person was hovering over them with menacing eyes in the forms of one of my another of my Pawns, my self-proclaimed mother (who also said will give birth to many of my kids to have more kids o take care off, she made no sense or have any common sense, but I don't expect anything different from her anymore), Minamoto no Raikou, if not for the fact that Scathatch was teaching Valerie about fighting in the middle of the living room with Da Vinci going over everything being said to see what she can use on her next creation.

Scathatch was going relatively easy on Valerie, that I could see, but the simple fact she was teaching Valerie about magic combat in the living room was a problem, that Valerie was using the Caster Card to use the power of Medea, the witch of betrayal, to heighten her understanding of magic only makes things more complicated as any misstep results in an explosion.

I could see in the back Leonidas trying to convince EMYIA about going with him to 'train to test his body's limit and improve it further' which only seems to make the assassin to wish to put a bullet through Leonidas' head.

In another point of the house I could sense Ereshkigal showing her other half, I guess she is on her Ishtar form now as she is certainly feeling particularly greedy towards the gems I have in that box on her hand. I do have to wonder when the two sides of Ereshkigal/Ishtar will fully fuse together. It should be completely possible but they still are not quite joined as one right now.

"Ishtar, no using my gems for experiments in the living room." I told my rook who pouted at that remark.

"But, if I can't practice or experiment how am I to improve my skills?" She said annoyed.

"You can go and do your experiment in protected places that do NOT risk blowing up the house." I told her who now smiled brightly.

"That is better, I may accept you as master but you do know not to get in the way between a girl and her jewels."

"Yeah, yeah, do as you please. Just remember that you can only continue to use the gems as long as you don't explode or damage too many of them and that you do work when required." I said and she gave a mock salute before laughing a bit and floating away, granting me a nice view of her taut ass. She does have a nice ass and body even if her boobs are quite lacking.

I turn to Medusa, who was sitting in a semi-curled form in a comfy chair reading a book, and ask.

"Where is her?" I ask, and despite not speaking who I was talking about.

"She is preparing dinner, especially for you." She said in amusement and I sigh.

Then it will include foods that are honestly terrible but that I will have to eat, great. If it was not because Brynhild was a great woman that clearly could use the connection, but why is it that she just imprinted herself to me?

I mean, yeah I broke the curse on her via using a LOT of command spells on her, it took the good part of a whole month for it to finally break with the help of some of my family's collection of items related to devouring or negating curses, but it worked. If before she was forced to kill whoever she loves, now she can do as she pleases. She is her own person, even her absolute love for Sigurd was broken, somewhat.

After she saw me using the Saber Class Card – Sigurd the King of Combat, she decided that I am decidedly the reincarnation of her love, if not even better as she no longer was under a curse to love and kill me.

The result was a Servant who was very clingy but that had some notion of personal space, she wouldn't get in the wat of me being intimate with other but she would definetly want me to pay more attention to her.

I sometimes have to wonder why couldn't the other Heroic Spirits be more like Abigail Willians, the witch of Salem and a person that connects to the Evil Gods and controls them? She is just so cute, the power to destroy the world and all.

I mean, just look at her, she is simply a treasure and, as a member of a clan known for their greed, of course, I like her this much.

I raise my voice to bring the attention of everyone in the room.

"Everyone, there is a slight change of plans." I say and, at once, everyone stops talking. Only the two alters don't give a flying fuck as they are both too into their game and rivalry to pay attention to anything else, which no one mind as the two would listen grudgingly to any orders later. "I have entered in contact with a group of fallen angels, they are in town and will be doing a small work for me in exchange for not being killed. As such, you all must not kill or attack them as well as try and not allow Rias or Sona to intervene. Those two should be smart enough to not do anything to fallen angels without knowing if this might spar a war or not, a stupid thought truth be told but those two would likely think so. Regardless though, they are hormonal teenagers who don't have any productive way to eliminate stress and that let their emotions take over much too quickly, they might act regardless and if they do you must interfere without injuring them to ensure that they will not get in the way.

"This is a mission, we are to not allow either party to attack, injury, or intervene with the other." I told them and they all nodded, they were used to much harsher missions so this much should be no issue.

Now it is just to wait for the mission to continue and do what is needed and more useful for me. Perhaps, depending on the prize, even killing the two princesses might not be impossible, I did not yet receive payment and they are already eating away at my patience anyway. But, hey, that is just a theory, a pure theory.



And thus the peerage is formed. This is how it looks:

King – Maximilian

Queen – Valerie

Rook 1 – Ereshkigal/Ishtar

Rook 2 – Nightingale

Bishop 1 – Abigail

Bishop 2 – Saint Martha

Knight 1 – Medusa

Knight 2 – Artoria Alter

Pawn 1 – Medb

Pawn 2 – Ivan the Terrible

Pawn 3 – Jeane Alter

Pawn 4 – Mata Hari

Pawn 5 – Kama

Pawn 6 – Scathatch

Pawn 7 – Leonardo Da Vinci

Pawn 8 – Minamoto no Raikou

And seven more exist, but three are proper servants and four are Class Cards which are the main form of attack for both Valerie and Max. Max has two (Saber - Sigurd and Berserker - ?) and Valerie has two (Caster - Medea and Archer - ?) and the three servants are Leonidas, EMYIA, and Brynhildr.
