

Neo is a cripple, a disgrace to his mage family, and hated by everyone, his father, his mother, and even his siblings. They hate him as he is a disgrace to his family, thinking of him as mediocre. However, what they didn't know he is a person who had reincarnated from a world where the current things can be said to a fiction that he read, saw, and watched with enjoyment. He knows how the future will play out, and he also has a golden finger, born with a cliche protagonist start let's see how his life plays out. Chaotic Neutral Protagonist? Checked Eventually big Harem? Checked Yandere and Goudere Harem? Checked Harem with development? Checked A Strong Mc? Checked An Mc who doesn't goes after a woman that doesn't suit his taste even if they are extremely beautiful? Checked Romance? Not Checked Wait what?! You are expecting a Romance focused fic without a romance tag? Tsk, Tsk. Slight Romance? Checked I mean I won't leave out the Romance part but it won't be that prominent. World Travelling? Checked A Constant Omniversal Power Setting? Checked A Bit of modified Fate setting to avoid Netorare? Checked What are you waiting for then?! C'mon go and give it a read!! Note: I know the start is a bit cliche and I have done a lot of mistakes for the Fate World, I was quite new to fate at that time, but it has been improved with chapters, and I have learned many things that an Anime or even a Manga Fate fan doesn't know.

Akros_Zero · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

The Day passes[Bonus Chapter]

Neo Pov

I yawned reading a book that Barthomeloi compiled for me, it was named how to be director of Clock Tower, at first when I saw it I was like seriously dude?! Why don't you call it for dummies as well?, but then again being a Director was difficult and even after her explanation I am still unsure of many things, so I guess it will be helpful and man let me appreciate that she did this all for me.

I was turning the pages and looking at the Book, sighing I closed it and then opened another book which was beside it, which contained all the information about the clock Tower from normal to Top secret, and just looking at its Mumbo Jumbo words my head has started aching, this f*cking writing style! The old writers weren't creative at all! They have just used the most difficult and old English, words to explain the clock Tower and there is barely any Graphical representation!

I guess next time I will be going for a cheap and Smart Character template that has Editec Memory and Genius level intellect and I can name a few who I might get cheaply, anyway just as I focused myself back on reading the books, the doorbell rang, I used my senses a bit and well found out who it was.

"Come in", I said, as Waver came inside he had an angry look on his face seeing which I asked," What happened?", he pouted a bit and replied," You left me in Japan! You could have at least brought me with you!", I chuckled hearing that, yes I left him back in Japan, I could have teleported him with me but I just didn't do since I was so focused on my Revenge and didn't want to scare him.

He pouted a bit more seeing me chuckling, What the Hell why he is showing Aqua symptoms?! Don't tell me her uselessness has transcended time and space and now is affecting even Waver?! I quickly used Mana surrounding me and Denied any unnatural effect on me, well nothing happened, I guess that wasn't the case, I shifted my focus to a bit amazed Waver.

"Wow! You can control surrounding Mana?! I guess expected of a Magician!", he looked at me in amazement, yes! See me in a better light and become my Eternal slave who will do all the paperwork for me! Muahahaha! Thus while I was inner monologuing poor Waver was just looking at the thin but Dense Magical Shield surrounding me in amazement not knowing my evil plans for him.

I tapped on the table and said," I thought you needed some alone time, and guess it worked", he became a bit embarrassed hearing me, and replied," Yes, I did need some time alone after the War and well-losing Rider", I just nodded and said," Anyway, here is the thing I want you to be my assistant but well you lack the capability to be so".

He became cheerful upon hearing my first half of the sentence but became a bit disappointed after hearing the later half and asked," Then what should I do", I replied," Go and complete your studies, after that I will train you and then you will become my assistant", ' Who will do all my paperwork ', I finished my words in my mind.

He just nodded and after a bit of chatting he left my room and I continued on reading these boring books, ugh, at least the one that Barthomeloi complied with has some Graphical references.


3rd Pov

In Edefelt Household,

Luvia was sitting on the chair tensed under her parents' gaze, finally, her mother spoke," Let me ask you how is your relationship with Lord Neo?", Luvia flinched remembering her meeting with him and thought,' Why is it happening with me?! I didn't know that waste was a True Magician! and now he has become the Director of the Clock Tower! I even made fun of him last time! If my parents were to know it ', she froze in fear, and looking at the scary cold looks of her parents she muttered," It- It is neutral".

Her father sighed and then looked at the maid beside him and said," Tell me Maria how did the meeting go?", the maid walked a bit forward and started narrating the event though she did lied a bit about how it was completely Luvia's fault and how she disdained Neo and insulted him, Luvia's face became paler with every word she uttered and by the end, she finished she didn't even dare turn her face up.

Miss Edefelt angrily stood up and questioned Luvia coldly," Is what she said True?", Luvia flinched and started trembling, tears started dripping from the corner of her eyes and she replied," I am sorry Mothe- Ahhhh!", she screamed as her mother used an Electric spell on her, electrocuting her, Luvia fell on the ground as her body flinched in pain.

"Sister!", shouted Lucia her younger sister ran up to her, her mother seeing this snorted angrily and said," Lucia don't dare go near her otherwise you will end up the same as her!", she stopped and looked at the cold look on the face of her mother, she then looked at the sorry state of her sister and then looked away with tears in her eyes.

Mr. Edefelt quickly ordered an Homuculi to take her away and soon she took away, then he focused on his daughter lying on the ground and seeing his wife who was about to kick her paralyzed body he shouted," Wait!", Miss Luvia stopped and looked at his husband who came near her and said," I think it is too much for her", he was a talented mage hailing from a new Mage family, thus he still wasn't like normal mages and loved his daughters a lot.

Miss Edelfet slapped his face and then shouted," You will tell me to stop dog?!!", she kicked him using Magecraft causing him to roll on the ground, then she placed her leg on his face and gave him a disdaining look she said," Do you think you are the Master?! Just because I became a bit lovey-dovey with you do you think you can order me?! You fucking piece of shit!", she kicked on his face.

Mr. Edefelt became unconscious due to her kick, then she spat on him and looked at Luvia who was looking at her in fear, Maria quickly came and bowed and said," Miss should I dispose of her?", Luvia looked in disbelief at how her personal maid whom she considered her friend even suggested that she was with her from her birth, Maria took care of her since she was a child and hence was the closest person to her.

She looked in despair toward Maria who gave her a condescending look, her eyes widened then they became hollow as she realized what kind of person Maria was, she closed her eyes preparing herself for the pain, and soon she felt pain on her stomach as her mother kicked her, tears dripped from her eyes as her paralyzed body flinched in pain.

Miss Edeleft spat on her as well and then ordered Maria," Go and lock her in the dungeon below, and also use a few potions to make sure she doesn't die", Maria nodded and took the paralyzed body of the Luvia to the dungeon, then Miss Edlefelt ordered another maid to take his husband to his room after which she returned to her room.


Miss Edefelt Pov

I bit my nails thinking about the current situation, my Trashy Daughter has made Neo, a true Magician an enemy by insulting him, this isn't good at all! I have just got the info in today morning about the fate of Mr. Dlsardius and Miss Dlsardius, how much they were tortured and then made slaves. I fear that might happen to me too.

This is all fault of that trash! Not only because of her I lost the opportunity to establish a relationship with a True Magician but angered him instead! This is also the fault of my Husband who pampered her too much! That dog has started thinking he is the Boss, I wouldn't even be married to him if not for reasons beneficial to me.

I thought I will have a talented heir if I mate with him, but in the end, I got a stupid daughter, it would have been better If I bore my Butler's child instead, that fucking bitch, anyway I should think of how to apologize to Lord Neo, I have left Luvia alive so I could give her to him if he wants to r*pe her, torture or kill her. That would solve the problem but if that isn't enough.

I bit my lips and then looked at my body, I moved to the mirror and looked at myself, I looked at my big breast and ass, I know for a fact that I am beautiful and very attractive to men, so I think I might be able to save myself by pleasuring him. I also have a lot of experience as I have slept with many men. Obviously to blow off my steam which my pathetic husband can never do.

Even my butler does better in bed than him! He is so pathetic! Anyway I am confident enough to please him in Bed, and well I guess it will be my first time to be submissive to a man, If I mess up this then I will end the same as the Dlsardius family, just thinking about it makes me shudder in fear, so I should practice it with my Butler first.

I gave a message to my Butler and he came, he gave me a bow and I moved towards him and kissed him on his lips, he became a bit shocked as I never have kissed him, after we broke the kiss he asked me," Master?", I snorted and said," Don't get the wrong idea, I need to practice to be submissive so help me with it and it's an only one-time thing so don't dare ask me for it again". He nodded nervously and then we proceeded with our love-making.

(Author's Note: Guys Neo won't be having any relationship with this b*tch for a fact, he does like Milfs but won't be going for sluts like her, he will be having a relationship with Luvia instead, so no R 18 with her, anyway suggest me whether should I add Morded in the harem as well.)


3rd Pov

In Dlsardius Mansion on a bed laid the legendary King Arthur with a defeated look muttered," My Honor is gone", Medea chuckled hearing that and went through all the pictures she took and said," Dear is going to like these photos of yours so don't worry about it", Artoria stood up and glaring at Medea said," You monster! You made me wear those dresses that I didn't know even existed!".

Medea again chuckled angering Artoria further," C'mon Saber don't be angry, you do look cute and sexy in these photos I bet Neo will love these", Artoria blushed hearing that and asked," Really?", Medea then said," Though I am not sure about it", a vein appeared on Artoria's head as she looked at Medea," Do you think it is funny?! Tarnishing my Honor as Knight and then laying hands on the body that belongs to My Lord!".

Medea gave Artoria a deadpan look and said," Don't bluff too much saber I just made you wear some Dresses, and I can't help it okay?! You look cute like a doll!", Artoria became even angrier hearing that," I am not your Doll, my soul, my body belongs to My Lord, only he has the authority to use me as he pleases!", she said proudly.

Medea smirked and said," Like I would like even touching your body, for me you are unattractive, even a pat from Dear is better than you", Artoria fell on the ground as she lost her confidence," Do I really lack sex appeal as a woman?", she said depressed. Elsa entered the room and seeing Artoria's depressed look she asked Medea about what happened after understanding the situation she approached Artoria.

"Don't worry about it Saber, you are really attractive to Master", she said making Artoria regain her confidence, she then stood up and faced Medea she said," Indeed, My Lord said that he had a great night with me after he slept with me", she puffed her small chest with pride and Medea chuckled," What are you laughing about?!", asked Artoria angrily.

"Nothing, it's just master said the same with me, and don't forget I am higher in Harem hierarchy than you", she said making Artoria grit her teeth, she summoned Excalibur on her hand causing Medea to flinch and back away fear," Sa-Saber I was just joking", she said nervously as she felt huge Mana gathering around the Excalibur.

Elsa flicked her finger on Artoria's head and then on Medea, they held their head in pain and said simultaneously," What was that for?!", Elsa snorted and said," Now stop this fight! Do you think Master will feel happy if he knows you two are fighting in his absence?!", they both looked guilty hearing that, Elsa continued," Medea stop angering and making fun of Artoria", Medea looked down being scolded.

Artoria gave her a smug look only to see Elsa's cold look," Also Artoria! Why are you using Excalibur inside the Mansion?! You would have destroyed the whole Mansion!", she said causing Artoria's smug look to vanish and look down ashamed," I am sorry for my impudence, I didn't think consequences of my actions in anger", she said.

Medea seeing Artoria apologized too said," I am also sorry, I guess I took it too far", Elsa nodded and then said," Anyway who wants to help me with cooking?", both of them raised their hands as they wanted to make a delicious meal for Neo.


Neo Pov

I teleported back to Mansion and entered inside to be greeted by my three wives, Artoria who on seeing me leaped on me and then hugged me," My Lord you are back!*Sniff* *Sniff* How much I missed you", I patted her back and then said," Don't worry Saber I am back also Medea did you take it too far?".

She flinched at me questioning her and shook her head nervously, I sighed knowing that Saber didn't like that well I guess I should then let Saber out of this misery," Although I didn't want to stop you from doing your hobby, I guess it's better to stop it considering Artoria's situation", Medea became depressed hearing that and Saber rubbed her head on my chest, inhaling my scent she said," My Lord you are so nice to a mere Knight of yours!".

I patted her head and said," Artoria, I told you that you are my Queen as well right?", she nodded and then snuggling on my chest muttered," I am so lucky to have you", on the other hand, Medea looked at her with jealousy and then moved and hugged me as well," Hmph! Neo isn't just yours!".I looked left out Elsa who chuckled and said," Master you must be tired and hungry, all three of us have made food for you, so come and taste it!".

I nodded and after eating the food, which was like this, Elsa made delicious food, Medea's was good too, and well about Artoria's, it's better we don't talk about it, though I ate it all after denying my taste buds and then commenting Artoria that it wasn't good and she should learn it from Elsa, that's my strategy, if I had said it's bad then it would have hurt her, and If I have said it was good then she would have given the same type of food again.

So I took the middle route and told her the truth but in a way as not to hurt her and encourage her to do better instead and just like that my day passed.

To be continued...