
Ambitious plan

The elven magicians' army march head-on through the streets of the capital under a shower of festive shouts of the population. Simon is horrified by the ease with which these people are strutting about a battle they have not even fought.

Convinced that he can ruin everything by expressing his thoughts, the young commander stops his mouth and concentrates on the stalls set up along the street of the parade. Among the thousand that sell jugglers of all kinds, some sell sweets and typical products of elven cuisine. He takes advantage of it by buying small sugary sticks.

"They are not bad but they have little flavor. They should put more honey." Simon says to his friend Desmond that impassive does not deign to answer.

After half an hour's march through the streets finally Simon accompanied by his bodyguard and Elder Cacam arrive at the Queen's castle.

To welcome them is Queen Fefel accompanied by Prince Colt.

"Welcome back my loved ones! I'm happy that everything went well. The messengers have already brought me your reports. I'm enthusiastic about the result and I tell you the truth, I'm glad that Commander Forb has astutely hijacked his new recruits far from here. I don't know how the people would react to their presence. "

The prince adds "In this way we have a powerful force on our side. I would say that it is time to talk about the alliance I have proposed to you and the future of the kingdoms of the north of the main continent. I'm convinced that if our forces were very strong, we would become an unchallenged power."

Cheerfully the small group moves inside the building up to a small terrace located on the highest floors. A small table carved in wood and comfortable armchairs are set among the myriad of small plants scattered throughout the terrace.

Once seated, Simon takes the floor "I have reason to believe that the giant half-blood tribe was maneuvered by a beast man. His goal was clearly an ancient demonic artifact hidden in the castle. Once again, the enemy managed to escape thanks to that incredible vehicle that flies and can become invisible. Unfortunately we could not stop him and that strange turtle man took a very old tablet away."

The worried queen answers "We have waited too long. If we had managed to intervene earlier we would not have allowed all this. It will not happen again."

Then she continues: "I believe that it is now in everyone's interest, after the war with Luberistan and after our defeat in the north to form an alliance as soon as possible to strengthen our positions and avoid problems with neighboring kingdoms. What are the terms?"

Colt with a mischievous smile answers "We have two possibilities but in my heart I hope you can take the second seriously."

The young man takes small pots of plants to simulate a map of the area and then resumes "This is the Olmaria kingdom with annexed the new province of Luberistan, then we have your elven kingdom of Seles to the north and the human kingdom of Cartam to the south. With your two kingdoms here and here we are practically closing the peninsula in the northernmost part of the main continent. If we are good at finding a point of agreement, we can open our borders by guaranteeing free movement of goods. A first goal that, according to our calculations, should bring enormous benefits to all three kingdoms. We can also enter into mutual protection agreements. Assuming that in this way our internal borders will remain safe we can guarantee greater protection at external borders and focus on a possibility of our borders expansion towards the islands of the sea and some small territories to the south. In this way I'm convinced that we could make ourselves ready for the unpleasant situations that my statesmen are assuming for the near future. Specifically we fear the war that is about to unleash between the heroine and the Monsters' Lord. Such an event will bring disasters and famines. But we also fear that the prophecy made by the divinity of Fate can be realized and that soon the demons will return to these lands."

Cacam pensively comments, "The idea seems promising, even if you can understand that it's obvious to everyone that Olmaria, being the biggest kingdom, will have more influence in all this. I think then that focusing on the possible war between monsters and humans is much more productive than thinking of vague premonitions."

Simon in a decisive tone answers "Obviously Olmaria will have a greater influence. On the other hand, our kingdom is the largest and the strongest militarily. But what we are looking for are not slaves but partners for everyone's greatest interest."

The prince confirms with a head movement and continues "Right! We hope that putting our strength at the disposal of the alliance is an investment that in the long run will repay us for everything."

Then the prince approaches the queen Fefel and after having moistened his lips takes up the speech "Let's not forget the second chance, my favorite. Lord Cacam, my words will surely make you shake, but I ask you the courtesy of not interrupting my explanation."

"In agreement with my father, King of Olmaria, we have a second proposal much more attractive than the alliance and in my opinion much more appealing to me. An idea, perhaps difficult to digest at first, which will bring much more stability.

The title of heir to the Olmaria's throne will be granted to my sister Vivien, so I will renounce all rights to the crown."

Shocked Simon observes the prince helplessly talking about nonsense. Queen Fefel intercepts Simon's gaze and both discover they are unaware of everything.

"My sister will be given in marriage to my friend here present, Simon Forb, making him absolutely right King of Olmaria and supreme head of all our military forces. As you will have understood, he is a blessed by the goddess of Fate and his skill affects anyone who swears loyalty to him, granting his subordinates unparalleled strength. With him as king, even the smallest peasant can plow a field with one hand!"

Simon with his eyes out of their sockets does not know how to stop Colt's rant.

"In fact, the inhabitants of Olmaria will all become superhumans. Now you are wondering why I am telling you the secret of the strength of our army. I do it because I want you to be part of it and enjoy its fruits too. That's why I want to ask for the hand of Queen Fefel, I would like to become her husband. Obviously the kingdom would remain in your hands! But in doing so we will unite our two families and the two kingdoms. If your kingdom of Fefel joins Olmaria, not as an ally but as a province of the new empire, elves will also benefit from divine blessing. At this point it will be up to Caltram to decide whether to follow us spontaneously or otherwise. With the war force in our hands we will not only be able to resist any wars on the continent but if the demons really reappear, we will be able to wipe them out!"

Cacam with red face screams "How can you think to propose to sell off our kingdom?!"

Fefel with one hand tries to calm the elf elder "I hope you understand that the first proposal was easily digestible, while the second is rather ... how can I say ... bold. I immediately understood that the Baron Simon is a unique character that is rare, besides you know well my feelings towards you, but it is a decision that concerns all my people. I cannot decide easily."

Simon with a clumsy voice adds, "It would have been polite to inform me of this decision, too. Up until now I have simply been a commander, I can't improvise myself as a king. And then would you give me your sister without even thinking about it or asking her?"

Colt embarrassed responds to Simon as a child "First, my sister would be so happy with the news to risk fainting. Secondly, it would be Vivien, who grew up as a child for this purpose, to manage the kingdom. Your duty is still to be the commander but of the whole army!"

Fefel, on revs, resumes the speech "What you propose is the foundation of an empire. Four kingdoms fused under a single emperor, Simon Forb. You and I would be viceroy of Seles, your cousin from Luberistan, and perhaps the current ruler of Caltram could hold on to his role. That said, it does not seem to change anything from the people's point of view. The only thing that changes is that over the queen there will be an emperor. Many advantages and many disadvantages. Every decision must be shared by the central government."

The prince hastens to reply "In reality we would like to continue with a separate management. In this way, trade can continue as now, but we will have the advantage of a single currency and a single army. The security of the cities will be left to the provinces. The imperial army will have the sole purpose of protecting and expanding the borders. Obviously we do not consider the idea of leaving the peninsula. The eventuality would bring only disorder and the possibility of unleashing enemies along the border. We believe that unifying the peninsula, which is essentially to be considered as a mere ten percent of the continent, is beneficial for all of us."

Cacam impatient replies "It will never happen that our ancient kingdom ends up under the miserable wing of a human kingdom!"

But the sentence does not have the desired effect and the queen answers "We elves are weaker and we risk at any moment to do the same end of the dwarves. Once a powerful race, now segregated in some small village. I think the idea of the alliance was good but I am convinced that the idea of empire will bring greater stability and will prevent someone taking advantage of our momentary weakness. Re-training all the wizards we lost will take a long time. While at the baron Simon one day was enough to transform the weak magicians we gave him in deadly weapons. I have decided! Give me ten days to carefully examine all the pros and cons, then I will give you an answer."