
Fate brought us back

He is cool with no heart. She is warm with a happy-go-lucky personality. Both have hugely different personalities, meet in a nightclub and had an unexpected one nightstand. ... ... ... "Hey handsome, what do you think we went upstairs and spend the night with pleasure" "I hope you will not regret this," The man said in a dangerous tone. ... ... It is simple actually after the incident, what you need to do after one night is to forget about it... move on...unless it is goooood... However, neither do they expected that fate has brought them back campus. One appears to be her professor and the other one is his students. This surprised them both. It is just amazing how both of them seems to sync in not to mentioned anything about that 'night'. But the chemistry and the attraction to each of them are clearly there. Are they able to restraint themselves from their lust for each other?

Haley_newwriter · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 1 (The Bet)

*Hey guys, please be reminded that every single event, places, and characters are to remain fictional in this story.


For a very long time, I thought that I would never ever be one of those female characters in the movie to fall in love with a guy. I mean how lucky they are to ever find their own soul mate. I know it's fake, illusional, and girly fantasy. However, I did not expect that I will turn into one of those lucky women in the movie one day.

It's all started on an enchanted night, in a nightclub…

… … …

"Aubrey, are you done; we're going to be late" shouted Giana from downstairs.

"Coming…!" Aubrey replied, still wearing her boots at her door frame.

"Wow, you are so hot, gurl…" Giana eyeing Aubrey naughtily and teased her to which Aubrey rolled her eyes.

"Where's Jacky?" Aubrey asked immediately, ignoring Giana stare. Pulling Giana to her and walked to the club opposite their hotel.

"He's at the club" Giana replied and pushed Aubrey hands aside.

Today is their second day arriving in Massachusetts, so before they moved into their official apartment near their campus, they decide to relax in a local nightclub.

'I guessed the business here is good though by looking roughly at it, it is crowded with young and rich people every single corner of the club.' Aubrey thought quietly.

The line was so long that it will take forever to get in the club, but they are lucky enough to have Giana here to help us to reserve our place early in the club.

Before we went deep into this, allow me to introduce my two best friends. Giana and Jacky or to be more specifically Jacquie Orlando. Well, cut it short, they have known each other since forever. They went to the same kindergarten, elementary, high school, and now the same campus with different majors. They do fight against each other, but they will eventually get back together like a family. Anything about family, well that's another story next time. What you need to know is that money means no value to them.

"Oh my gosh, looked what I've found here?" Giana said, pouring her drinks into her glass.


"A hell lot of sex god, gather in here. I think I have made a wise decision to come here" Giana said sneakily.

"Hey that's my line" Jacquie argued whereas Aubrey rolled her eyes to both her crazy plus horny plus perverted friend.

"Hey, don't you dare to roll your eyes to us, virgin girl" Jacquie comment.

"How about we made a bet?" Giana added.

"Bet what?" Jacquie replied, interestingly.

"We bet on either she will pop her cherry tonight?" Giana said and pointed her finger at Aubrey. Aubrey's eyes grew wider at their conversations.

"Wow, this is big." And they began to discuss their betting. Aubrey was like, excuse-me-I'm-still-here. She stops them both by pushing them back to their seats.

"Oh no, big Missy is angry here" Giana teased, Jacquie gives her a look to make her shut up. Aubrey took a long breath and sipped on her tequila.

"So, what's the betting?" Aubrey asked and eventually eased the situation.

"Well, if you lose, you'll have to give me one of your condos in Beverly Hills," Giana said, excitedly.

"Sneaky" Aubrey laughed.

"As I, I want your customized Lambo, how about that" Jacquie said.

"Even sneakier" Aubrey shook her head in annoyance, she knew they have been wanting it for quite some time and she just did not want to let it go easily, even they offered a higher price for it. Well, unfortunately, they did not know that she plans to give it to them as their birthday gifts.

"What if I win?" Aubrey smiled devilishly to which Jacquie and Giana had a bad feeling about their bet.

"Anything you wanted, as long as I am able to get it for you," Jacquie said in confidence, but deep down he feels uneasy about this. Giana nodded at Jacquie's sentence.

"Alright, no birthday gifts for this year then," Aubrey said quickly before they even change their mind. Jacquie and Giana frowned at her request.

"Ouch, Aubrey… you know we've been looking forward to your presents" Giana whine a bit.

"Go away you spoiled brat; Aubrey is mine" Jacquie pushed Giana away.

"Go away you both" Aubrey laughed at them.

"Never mind, I'll go hunt for my prey now," Giana said sassily and walked off.

"Good luck Aubrey" Jacquie smirked.

Audrey arched her eyes, questioning herself.

'Why are they so confident? Hmph, never mind I'll prove you guys I will get laid tonight' Audrey smirked and gulped down the entire glass.

… … …

Ok, Aubrey is completely wasted. She began to stumble around when she walked out of the club. How did she even arrive at the hotel; she did not remember how the hell she managed to do that. Her mind was so blurry, the last thing she remembered was her bets with her friends.

Again, before she happened to come to the elevator, she tripped herself. 'Oh no, this is going to be the most embarrassing moment of my life.'