
Chapter 1

Class always seemed to get boring quite easily with a teacher like mine. It seemed to be a skill . At some point in time, the future was always exciting. The mystery of the unknown, going on without knowing what was bound to happen, always got me going. But it was always the same thing after I tuned sixteen. Waking up to the same white ceiling, honking of passing vehicles and profanities from people's mouths right outside my hostel. It all got boring as days became weeks, weeks became months, and months to years.

It's the same robotic movement every single day, and you wonder if I am the only one who finds this to be wrong. I never got to answering that question. Now, here I am in class, my eyelids getting heavier with each passing minute as the balding man upfront keeps on talking to himself. ' I can't take it anymore. A nap won't hurt anyone,' I told myself as I fell asleep on my desk.

The stabbing on my back woke me up . I sat up, rubbing my back soothing myself from the pain left from lying on the ground. "Wait, wait, lying on the ground? was I not in... Where was I?where am I?" All I got was a throbbing headache. "Let's calm down and figure this out." I told myself as I held the sides of my head to stop the pounding sensation I was currently feeling.

"OK, what I do know is. My name is Eden Wright. I'm eighteen. My birthday is on the 5th of July, 1998. My parents are.....why can't I remember my parents?" It was all hazy like something was blocking it all off. "No point in stressing now. I need to figure out where I am working my way up from there. I looked around, and all I saw were trees as far as the eye can see . The moon and stars painted a canvas on the night sky coupled with the chirping of crickets was a sight to behold. "Now that's something you can't find in the city."

I went in my pockets and felt a pair of earrings and

a letter." What's this?" I asked myself as I looked at the white earrings on my hand. "Is this supposed to be a gift or something?" I opened up the letter and read the contents that read.

"Dear Eden,I know you must have some questions about where and how you got where you are with why you don't remember a bit of your past. But don't worry, all will be brought to light soon enough . If you're reading this, you must have found the earrings as well.If you would kindly look at your right hand, you'll see a red tatto it isn't anything to worry about but do keep it hidden lest you lose your hand . Now, what you need to do is to put the piece of parchment on the floor, chant the words below, and all will be well. I wish you the best of luck.


Kischur Zeltrech Schweinorg."

I stared at the parchment with the image I'm supposed to put on the floor "what the fuck is this supposed to be?" I read the 'chant' im supposed to say and this all just seemed to be Bullshit. "He can't possibly be serious, can he?" I have nothing to lose, so why not?" As I was about to put it on the floor, I heard rustling in the bushes. I froze as I looked at the direction the noise came from. I stood still, not wanting to make any sudden noises and alert whatever was hiding from sight. After a long silence, I sighed a breath of relief. "It looks like it's gone."I took a step back, snapping a twig in the process. I looked in the direction where the previous noise came from and saw a wolf walking out the bush.

I heard rustling all around me. I looked around, lo and behold. I was surrounded by what looked to be 6 wolves. "Fuck this shitty luck" I muttered under my breath. I lowered my stance and waited for one of them to make the first move. I ran away cause no way in hell am I dying from these bitches. The wolf in front of me jumped at me its jaws wide open, ready to tear at my flesh. I ducked and rolled, dodging its strike and ran away, hoping to find a place to hide.

I dodged branches and jumped over roots panting praying and hoping I can make it out of this alive cause when I do that fucker is going to get a piece of my mind. I was suddenly thrown on the ground by one of them lunging at me. "Fuck you get off me!"I shouted as I kicked him off. I quickly got up, and in the distance, I could see a shack. Regaining my strength, I made a run for the house and locked the door behind me.

I took a moment to catch my breath and looked around for anything something I could use to fight back . I remembered the paper in pocket taking it out and reading the bullshit written on it aloud , praying to whatever god was out there to help me out. I put the paper with the drawing on the floor and read the chant.

"Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation

Let the colour I pay tribute to be the ancestor

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

I hereby declare.

Your body shall serve under me.

My fate shall be your sword.

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail

If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!

An oath shall be sworn here!

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power,

Come forth from the ring of restraints,

Protector of the Holy Balance! "

As I said the last lines, it suddenly got windy. The door broke down, and I closed my eyes, preparing for what was to come. "Quite the place you've summoned me at, isn't it Master." Came a smooth and deep voice.

My first chapter ever tell me what you guys think. I'll write the second chapter in a few hours once I get the scene in order

Go easy on me will you and till next time.

Pandapastacreators' thoughts
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