
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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340 Chs

Chapter 266

Some things can only be understood by seeing and hearing them directly; Pandora was a perfect example of this.

Before meeting Pandora in person, Shinji had envisioned an ideal ending where she would firmly reject the mission that had been forcibly imposed upon her. This resolution would trigger a clash within the myth itself, ultimately bringing the myth to a harmonious conclusion through its inherent contradictions and distortions.

However, when he faced Pandora and felt her profound despair, Shinji abandoned this idea. The depth of her despair was something that only Illya's intervention, traveling through time to become her friend, could possibly alleviate. Apart from that, there was no other way to dispel it. Six thousand years of existence had cemented that despair so deeply that it was insurmountable.

Expecting her to abandon her mission was nothing but a foolish dream, so Shinji changed the script on the spot, crafting and performing a new one. With no one to interfere (like Gilgamesh or young Gilgamesh), the actors played their parts well, allowing the story to reach its conclusion smoothly. Despite having an actor (Julian) who was dissatisfied and skeptical throughout, the play was successfully brought to an end.


"By the way, about that... are you okay?" Rin asked, pointing at Shinji while turning her face away.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Shinji responded, puzzled.

"You know, that thing... about your life force that woman mentioned."

"Oh, that," Shinji realized, sighing deeply. "Yes, it did consume quite a bit of my lifespan."

Rin's heart tightened at his words, unable to hide her concern. She had initially assumed that life force was like a magician's vitality that could be replenished through eating or sleeping. But to hear that it was actually his lifespan being drained was shocking.

"How much... did you lose?" Rin asked, feigning nonchalance.

"Around fifty years, give or take."

"What?!" Rin was instantly alarmed, grabbing Shinji by the collar in her agitation. She wanted to scold him for not valuing his life, but the words caught in her throat. In the end, she just shook her head, muttering, "You idiot..."

"I didn't expect it to take so much either. I thought it would be about twenty years at most."

"That doesn't matter whether it's twenty or fifty years! That's your lifespan!" Rin yelled, shaking him.

"I regret it too. I guess I shouldn't have bothered. Now I can only live for about nine hundred more years."

"Wait, what?!" Rin looked up, stunned by the number. "How long did you say you have left?"

"Nine hundred years, give or take. Why?"

"Just making sure I heard right," Rin said, clutching her forehead. No matter how she thought about it, the idea of someone living nine hundred years was staggering.

"Rin? Are you okay?"

"Don't talk to me right now. I need to think."

"Were you worried about me just now?"

"I said don't talk to me! And who said I was worried about you? And why do you have such a long lifespan? What are you going to do with all that time? It's too much!"

Shinji crossed his arms, his tone infuriatingly logical. "Well, living, of course."

Rin: …Alright, I admit you have a point.

Aside from feeling a bit strange about it, Rin realized something else. If he lived that long, he would eventually outlive all his acquaintances, living on alone.

Thinking about this made Rin's heart ache. Living alone could be incredibly lonely and painful, but... if he had Rider, it might be a little better.

"What are you thinking about?" Shinji asked.


Rin turned away again, feeling a bit jealous. The idea of Shinji living a two-person world with Rider after she was gone irked her. Seeing through Rin's thoughts, Shinji smirked but didn't tease her. Instead, he changed the subject.

"Rin, to be honest, I'm a very selfish person."

"I already knew that!"

"So, for me, if there's someone I don't want to lose, I'll keep them around, unless they want to leave."


Rin stared at him, stunned. From her understanding, this meant he wanted to keep important people close forever. And somehow, this statement felt like a confession.

"Who would want to stay with you for so long? That's too controlling! I don't like it!"

"Really? That's too bad."

Shinji looked at a small bottle in his hand with apparent regret. "I was going to give you this elixir."

"Hmm?" Rin's eyes narrowed. "What is it?"

"It's an elixir that keeps one's appearance at the peak of youth and vitality forever. I accidentally made it while researching the best way to roast sunflower seeds."

"Those are completely different things!"

Rin quickly grabbed the bottle, realizing no woman could resist the temptation of eternal youth. "You're such a weirdo. First, the Third Magic, then the ring similar to the Second Magic, and now this god-like elixir."

Shinji fell silent, staring at the ceiling. "Sometimes I find it unbelievable myself. As if I can understand the essence of anything if I study it deeply enough."

Rin didn't catch the deeper meaning in his words and muttered, "This arrogance is what annoys me the most. If you're so great, why don't you help me complete the Jewel Sword?"

"If I helped you, wouldn't you feel your life's purpose and goals were meaningless? That's who you are, Rin."

Shinji understood her pride all too well. The Jewel Sword was something she wanted to achieve on her own, without relying on Archer's projections.

"Of course! Depending on others isn't who I am! I'll complete the Jewel Sword myself and bring honor to the Tohsaka family!"

"In that case, let me give you some advice."

Rin's ears perked up.

"What advice?"

"Stop trying to perfect the Jewel Sword using the ring. Although it's theoretically similar to the Second Magic, it's fundamentally different. In fact, it's not even magic, nor is it from this world."

"Not from this world?" Rin echoed, deep in thought.

"Alright, it's time to go back. I've had enough of this place."


Rin grabbed Shinji's arm, her expression serious again, pointing at the fading snowy screen.

"What was Miyu's wish at the end? Why did the screen cut off?"

"Do you really need to ask?" Shinji gave her a strange look. "A child's wish is always the simplest—she wished for everyone to be happy."

"Everyone to be happy? That's impossible, right? That world was nearly destroyed, and the Grail's power is limited..."

"Why do you think happiness has to involve the world? Personal happiness is also happiness."

"Can't you explain things clearly? Do you always have to be so vague?"

"It's very clear! She wished to stay with her brother and be happy with Illya and everyone else! Personal happiness! Got it?"

"Um..." Rin initially wanted to shake her head, but under Shinji's stern gaze, she nodded reluctantly.

"...I think I get it."

"Anyway, a child's wish is pure, so I believe the Grail will respond. Now, let's go."

"Wait! One last question!"

"You have too many questions."

"Just one more! Is that technique you told Luvia about, predicting movements by watching their chest, real?"

With a slight smirk, Shinji lied without hesitation, "Of course it's real!"




Rin's hand shot out, smacking him under the chin and sending him flying. "You never look at my chest when talking to me!"


As Shinji hit the ground, he instinctively defended himself, "That's because you don't—cough, that's because you're not my enemy! Trust me, it's true!"

"You pervert! Idiot! Jerk! Just die already!"

Rin pounced, raining down a barrage of punches. Just then, a voice interrupted them.

"Uh... do you need more time?"

Hearing young Gilgamesh's voice, Rin froze.

Scratching his head, Gilgamesh offered, "I came to reclaim my castle, but if you need more time, I can leave it for a few more hours."

Rin: "No, that's fine!!"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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