
Apricots are ripe.

Apricots are ripe, Li Qing is in the apricot garden to help his sister-in-law Han Mei pick ripe rhubarb apricots.

Han Mei is only twenty-six years old this year, body slim, temperament between both the spirit of the girl, but also not lose the charm of a mature woman.

The weather is hot, Han Mei took off the outside shirt, only wearing a halter under the tree back and forth moving the basket.

Li Qing in the tree picking apricots, a low head will see the two rounded snow white tightly squeezed together, vaguely visible traces of sweat stains walked.

Li Qing looked dumbfounded for a moment.

So big!

So white!

Han Mei seemed to be aware of this, and when she looked up, she saw Li Qing's straight gaze.

With a yelp, she hastily reached out to cover the tender white gully on her chest.

"Brat, hurry up and find a woman, your eyes are falling out of the basket." She scolded with a blushing face.

Li Qing smiled awkwardly, "Finding one like sister-in-law, how can it be that easy? I'd better drop my eyes in the basket first."

Although Han Mei was already a woman, she was a lively person.

In the past, she often joked with Li Qing with a little bit of color.

Han Mei gave Li Qing a glance and scolded, "Lazy donkey with a general nature, still thinking of eating sister-in-law's tofu, not afraid of being seen."

Li Qing snorted, "Aren't my hands and feet not fast enough? When my brother was alive, he wasn't as diligent as me!"

"Speaking of which, it's been so long since my brother left, don't you have any other thoughts at night, sister-in-law?"

"Yuck, you can't spit ivory out of a dog's mouth." Han Mei was a bit mortified, "Who would want to marry a second-hand woman who is a husband-killer?"

"Hurry up and pick your apricots!"

Li Qing said in his heart, "I would be quite willing.

Who wouldn't love a woman who is both beautiful and virtuous?

Han Mei's reputation is not so good.

His brother died when he and Han Mei were having their wedding, and it is said that he was just about to do that when he died.

Since then, Han Mei has become an ominous person in the villagers' mouths.

Even if the long and beautiful, people are far away.

Thinking about it, Li Qing stole another glance and saw Han Mei let go of the hand that was blocking her body, the tender white hemisphere almost breaking free from the neckline, looking at Li Qing another burst of apathy.

"Hey, hell!"

Li Qing, who was full of charming distractions, stepped on an empty foot without noticing.

The body fell straight down, coincidentally smashed in the tree under the body of Han Mei.

Good thing that the tree branch is not high, but two meters or so, the two fell a seven and eight, but nothing serious.

"Really ... big."

Li Qing was currently lying in front of Han Mei in an extremely awkward position, his nose full of ethereal fragrance.

"Don't you move around, it seems like you're sitting on a tree branch, poking me with strange pain." Han Mei grimaced as she probed her hand down to touch it.

This touch, her face steeply reddened as if on fire, and she retracted her hand like lightning.

"You ... you ... that, you don't think nonsense! It didn't fall down, did it?" Han Mei's pretty face was covered in redness, somewhat flustered.

As soon as her hand touched it just now, she realized what that branch was.

That size, that blazing heat, all of a sudden stirred up her entire heart.

Li Qing hurriedly climbed up, looked down at his scratched and bleeding calf, and laughed, "Nothing much, just a scratch and pull, I'll just go back and wrap it."

Han Mei's face was scarlet, and when she got up to take a look at Li Qing's calf, she couldn't help but exclaim, "It's okay to have such a big cut? Hurry home, I'll give you a wash for the wound."

"O ... well."

Han Mei lived on the other side of the ridge, with a small courtyard of three brick houses.

Although she lived alone, Han Mei kept the small courtyard extraordinarily tidy.

"Quickly enter the house!" Han Mei lifted the beaded curtain and urged.


Li Qing had just taken a seat in the house when Han Mei hurriedly sought out gauze and hydrogen peroxide.

"It hurts a bit, bear with it."

As soon as she caught Li Qing's strong and powerful calf, Han Mei's heart suddenly rose and fell, remembering the fiery sensation that she had just caught.

Often heard what Pan Donkey Deng Xiaoyao, but did not expect to see the real deal on the little uncle.

She fixed her mind and began to treat the wound for Li Qing.

Hydrogen peroxide poured on the rolled up flesh, the pain of Li Qing violently sucked in a mouthful of cold air, right hand subconsciously grasped the thing in front of him.


Holy shit!

Li Qing fiercely lowered his head and the shy and angry Han Mei's eyes, and then looked at his own hand, which was grasping the proud fullness of Han Mei's chest!

It was soft and tender!

For a moment, Li Qing was simply in love!

"Don't let go yet!"

Han Mei bit her lip and glared at him with a red face.

Embarrassed, Li Qing hastily retracted his hand, "Sister-in-law, this ... I really didn't mean it."

"I think this hand of yours just owes it to you!" Han Mei crossed Li Qing's eyes and slapped on Li Qing's hand.

The flavor of this glance almost stunned Li Qing.

The small tent instantly stretched high.

Han Mei swept the corner of her eye and suddenly blushed her cheeks.

Her breath was uncertain, and she was a little flustered as she quickly helped Li Qing clean up the wound and wrapped it in gauze.

"Alright, you sit for a while and hurry back, I, I'm going to take a shower." Han Mei said hurriedly.

Li Qing covered his small tent with both hands and answered extremely unnaturally.

The sound of sparse water flow soon came from the courtyard.

Li Qing, who had just calmed his mind, inexplicably surfaced Han Mei's bathing appearance in his mind again.

The water flow struck the snow white enchanting body, points of pink in the water flower trembling ...

Just as he was thinking, a scream from Han Mei suddenly came from the simple toilet.

Li Qing turned violently, three or two steps and rushed to the door, "Sister-in-law, what's wrong?"

"The water ... pipe broke." The footsteps inside were messy, and Han Mei seemed to be jumping around.

"Let me do it." Li Qing shouted.

"No, don't, I ... I'm not wearing clothes." Han Mei seemed to have snapped out of it and shouted sharply.

This she hadn't finished speaking, Li Qing had already very violently pushed open the bolted door with one hand.

"Ah ... you go out."

Han Mei exclaimed in shock and hurriedly squatted on the ground, blocking most of her body.

Although he couldn't see the key, but the big half of his back was naked, and he couldn't help but see Li Qing's heart burning.

Especially that quite curved and rounded buttocks, it is to see Li Qing swallowed his mouth, if this is entered from the back, it shall not be stimulated to death ah!

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