
Part 1

Fantasy Hotel

Gavin Unako sat in a booth looking through the menu when a man dressed in a black cloak walked over holding a notepad.

"My name is Tenko, how may I take your order?" Gavin thought for a moment then replied: "I'll have a chicken tender dinner with fries" He nodded writing it down before heading to the kitchen. Just then a women came from the hotel lobby into the dinning area. Her body was surrounded by a violet aura.

"Who's that?" He said out-loud to himself.

"That's Othena, one of the top class heroes of our hero hotel" An employee that happened to be nearby answered. The dark-haired teen looked closely at her, she wore silver armor like a knight and had a large sword. Not a great sword but bigger than your average blade. After enjoying his food, he walked over to Othena. "I would like a small favor if you'd be ok with it"

"Depending on what that would be" She looked him in the eyes with a serious expression.

"I want to fight you and see how far from your level I am" She began laughing before saying: "Are you sure about that? I'm one of the top ranking heroes around"

"I'll wait outside for you" Many people looked at her in shock wondering if she'd take his challenge…

After about 30 minutes she met him outside of Fantasy Hotel in the massive lot. She put her hands out in a defensive position awaiting the boy's first move. Unako took in a deep breath, rushing his target as fast as he could. The young fighter threw his elbow toward her face, but she was gone just before they made contact.

"What!?" As he spun around, Othena back-handed him across the lot into a large oak tree. Gavin coughed from the immense pain. He fell off the tree with an outline of his body on it. "S-shit, this isn't going well. I thought I could at least land one blow on her"

"Have you noticed your flaw yet?" She questioned walking toward him.

"W-what flaw?" She laughed once more still walking in his direction. She replied: "You think too much when you fight. Using so much concentration in just attacks will only slow you down, keeping you from your full potential. It may put more force into each attack, but will slow you down and drain your stamina faster"

Gavin took a deep breath once more, taking off at half speed this time to save stamina. Once in striking range he threw a kick with all his might. Her eyes filled with surprised by the instant change in speed at the last second. Othena stopped it with her hand while the area shook from the force of his incredible kick.

"You may lack mental and strategic skill in battle, though your power and strength are impressive. If you can balance strategy with power, you may get much closer to my tier of power" A smile could be seen on the 20 year-old's face from getting a compliment from one of the top strongest heroes in the world.

Suddenly a sword came inches from his throat as someone stood behind him. "Also, you left your guard down and never realized I made a clone of myself. If this had been a real fight…you'd be on the pavement bleeding out" The clone vanished and the audience watching clapped for their honored hero. Unako fell to his knees breathing hard from the surprise  of her clone. A teen walked over lending his hand out.

"Don't worry, most wouldn't even have the guts to go up against her. So I'm impressed you did" Gavin looked up at him standing up.

"Thanks" He walked past the crowd of watchers back into his room on the 10th floor. After about a two hour nap, the warrior went to the 20th floor for battle training. Every few floors had their own training rooms, each higher one better quality and more useful depending on the type of fighting.

Gavin stood in a large flat metal room as battle cyborgs entered from automatic doors on the other side of the room. He put his fists up preparing for battle. Once they began their barrage of laser, he took off in the left directions hoping to reach any of them.

"Target acquired: Paralyze them" One commanded. They continued firing non-stop while the guy managed to evade each one before punching one head on, destroying it from the great force. But as the warrior dashed backwards away from the crowd before they could surround him, a green laser hit his right leg paralyzing it.

"Crap!" With one leg out of commission he was unable to move as fast or glide as far. He decided to just go for it and leapt straight at the remaining cyborgs. Covering his body with his right arm, Unako only had is arm paralyzed as well while throwing an all-out strike in their direction. The four robots slammed into the wall so hard they blew up with bolts flying everywhere.

"T-there" He fell to the ground out of breath. After a few seconds, a boy walked over to him.

"You ok?" He asked standing next to the drained fighter. Gavin looked up at him, he had blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore dark battle clothing. The tired fighter slowly got up still regaining his breath.

"Yeah I'm fine, just been training hoping to greatly improve my skills" He put Gavin's arm over his shoulder helping him to his feet. They went back down to the first floor for dinner. The boy explained to him that he was a novice fighter hoping to improve his skills as well.

"Maybe we can spare together once your leg is healed, or even you could train me" Gavin replied: "Sure, for now we can just spare. I'm only as good as about a B rank fighter which isn't much. If you want someone to train under, I'd suggest Othena, she is the top fighter in the area, maybe she'd take you under her wing. It's at least worth a try"

"Very well, I'll ask her next time I see her" That's when he heard a crowd making noise as the top warrior herself walked into the dinning hall. A large crowd of people took pictures and called-out her name but she paid no mind, making her way towards the food counter. That's when she spotted Gavin sitting at a table eating chicken leg.

Grabbing a plate of mashed potatoes, peas and salad, she hurried over to him. "Well, well look who's back. Looks like you were doing some intense training earlier" He nodded showing her his wounded leg from the laser. "Oh, you poor thing, how carless can you be to get hit by such weak projectiles"

"What's your point?" He commented brushing his dark hair from his hazel eyes. Meanwhile the boy hesitated to speak to one of the greatest warriors in the hotel. She laughed replying: "My point is that you're no where near your true capabilities and I find it sad that you would be wounded by mere A.I. So I personally will train you"

Finally the blonde teen spoke out: "I-I was actually wondering if you could train me as well" Othena looked him up and down then told him she had no need for a scrawny boy like him, he would just be a burden. "If you won't train him, then I won't accept your offer as well!" The crowd behind her were shocked to see a low-level warrior turn down such an offer.

She sighed responding: "Very well, if helping the runt will get you to train with me, then I will allow him to come along and train. But you will be the one battling him most of the way until I see he's worthy of fighting me" They shook hands in agreement before she took her plate proceeding to her table alone. "Oh and, we begin 10 A.M tomorrow, don't be late"

Both nodded to her as she left and the two went back to eating. "By the way, my name's Edith, please to meet your acquaintance" Gavin replied: "My name is Gavin Ogama and hope we both can learn much from her"

"After you've trained hard and reached new heights, do you think you may exceed even her power!?" Edith asked excitedly. He thought for a moment, then back at their battle…"No, even if I manage to reach a similar tier to her's, I doubt I'll exceed her power any time soon"

The next day, the pair of warriors entered the training arena where Othena was waiting for them. "Nice of you to show up. Let us begin our training" She moved at incredible speed, going right for  Ogama. The fighter threw his arm up hoping to block her incoming attack, but right as she went for a punch, she racked her attack, kicking the young  warrior in the gut, sending him into the wall.

"Crap, didn't see that coming. I need to take this more seriously" Gavin brushed his thick black hair out of his eyes, moving as fast as he could. The female warrior threw a punch right for her target, but missed by an inch. This gave the man an opening, striking her with all his strength.

She let out a groan as the wind was knocked out of her. She staggered back a few feet, managing to catch her balance. "Well done, you seem to big stronger than I originally though. However, you are far from your full potential but also my strength" She held her wounded abdomen with her right hand while firing a sphere of fire straight for the low-class warrior.

(Using magic? That's a bit unfair, but so be it) Edith watched as his ally moved out of the way just in time. The orb of fire went past him, blowing up against the wall. Ogama held his palm out, tempting to shoot a fire ball right back at her but only a faint flame came out.

"Looks like you don't know how to use magic…that'll really limit your success rate" At that moment, she created a clone of herself. "My clones may only have 50% of my power, but I'm sure they'll be enough to keep you on your feet" Her duplication rushed the boy with great speed, luckily Gavin could keep up with this one's movements.

That's when his partner Edith appeared between Ogama and the attacker. The boy had stopped Othena's clone by catching it's incoming fist. Gavin starred in aww by the speed of his friend. "Heh, I bet you though I was a low-level hero when in fact, I'm stronger and faster than the normal hero such as you Othena"

The girl frowned telling her duplicate to attack. Her clone began throwing a barrage of punches right for the her. Gavin could only watched as his ally evaded each strike before punching the clone in the ribs. The girl watched as her clone vanished like smoke.

"Nice work" Gavin complimented as both hero turned their attention to Othena. She sighed and dashed forward. Unako Was ready to counter the incoming attacker when she instantly vanished. (Crap, where'd she go!?) Just as the combatant reappeared, she prepared to strike her target in the back. However, Edith intercepted the coming attack by blocking with his left arm.

The force of her blow sent a wave of power throughout the fighting arena. "Impressive, I assumed your arm would've broke from such a strong blow" She smirked as she ascended up into the air, nearly reaching the ceiling. "Let's see you both evade this!" Both warriors watched as she held out both arms left and right as orbs of fire that looked like small suns, formed around her.

Edith clapped his hands together, creating a dome made of thick ice. "There, hopefully this ice barrier will take the blunt of her attack" Unako in surprise responded: "You're capable of using magic too!?" His partner nodded, telling him it was actually really common for people to use magic.

Both watched as their attacker sent multiple fireballs head-on for the ice barrier. The arena shook violently as her blazing projectiles impacted the dome. The pair could see cracks and melting ice above them. "I commend you Edith for your defensive barrier. However, I doubt it can handle a full power fire attack" She held her left palm up as she descended down onto the gray floor. Suddenly she created an orb of fire, 10 times bigger than the ones she original made.

Unako froze in fear as they watched still within the ice barrier. Othiena playfully took a deep breath, blowing the massive sphere from her palm, towards her target. It moved slowly, but gave off tremendous amounts of heat. Edith's ice was melting at an alarming rate. Once the projectile made contact, the ice cracked in half. Before the orb could hit them, the girl clinched her fist, causing the sphere to condense and blow up right in front of the duo.

Gavin along with his partner was sent staggering backwards, smashing into the walls of the training room. As she was about to say something, a loud explosion rang out from outside the hotel. Her teammates were down for the count so she left them there to go check on the disturbance.

As she came outside, she saw a tall man with white eyes. He wore a black royal cloak with red on the inside. His dark-brown hair slid to the right. "Mmm, yet another low-class heroine coming to fight me" She stared at him with a serious expression than asked: "Why are you here? My guess is you're just trying to get a laugh out of hurting those weaker than you"

"Hmph, not bad, to think you'd figure it out so easily. Why wouldn't I take down a few heroes? Villains are superior to you heroic maggots" In a quick move, Othena laughed a fire ball at full velocity. However, her opponent stop the projectile with one hand. The villain smirked as he threw it right back. Luckily she back-handed it out into the distance.

"Do you need help!?" A man called out as he came out from the hotel. I've got this, go check on the wounded heroes" She pointed to two men that were badly wounded a few meters away by a large tree. The hero nodded rushing across the large lot over to the wounded men. "You have no chance in defeating me, I'm Gonkaro Forsigh. I am a high tier warrior with great power"

"Nothing I haven't heard before" She commented. Gonkaro gave her an infuriated look before firing a violet beam from two fingers. Othena held her left palm out in front of her as the projectile soared right for it's target. Even in a small distance, the female warrior created an orb that absorbed her attacker's energy attack. The villain smirked, that's when she threw her orb right for her assailant.

Forsigh put his left arm up to block the coming attack, it impacted his arm with a powerful burst of light. The man watched from a distance as the explosion shook the parking lot with incredible power. "Whoa, maybe I'm not strong enough to help her" At that moment, Gavin and Edith came running outside to see their ally facing a man dressed in black.

"Should we try to help her?" Unako questioned. Edith suggested they should stay on the sidelines until she needs our help. The boy nodded as they stood by the hotel entrance, about 20 feet away from the rising conflict. Meanwhile, the woman moved at great speed, throwing a punch right for her target's face. Right as her fist was moments from hitting Forsigh's face, the man caught it with his left palm.

"Nice try, but not good enough" He pulled her toward him by her fist, head-butting her head with his own. The force of his blow caused Othena to become disoriented. Gonkaro laughed as he built up Ki in his hand. His left hand glowed pink from all the power he was focusing into that part of his body.

"Take this!" Everyone watched as his glistening fist went straight for her. Right as she regained her focus, she realized her combatant's attack hadn't made contact. She looked up to see Unako standing in the way of the attack. He had guarded Forsigh's coming strike with one of his own. The boy's arm shook from intense pain, he could feel as if his wrist were broken.

"Well, I have to hand it to you, protecting your friend even though you knew it could be risky. Gavin lowered his injured arm replying: "It may seem useless, but I will do whatever it takes to help my friends!" Their foe smirked once more, clinching his fist. That's when he threw yet another punch right for the young hero. However, just before contact, Forsigh struck an invisible barrier that took the force of his blow.

"This is becoming aggravating. It's time to end this" Othena stepped in front of Gavin while Gonkaro gained distance, preparing his final move. "Be gone!" With a fast hand motion, the tyrant fired a massive Ki blast head-on. Othena and the others quickly focused their power into three beams of light that synced into one large silver beam.

The unknown man had set the injured pair in a safe enough distance while spectating the rest of the battle. Their projectiles clashed, sending powerful waves of wind and light surging throughout the area. Suddenly Forsigh began to push them back at first, right as it was just inches from hitting them, the trio unleashed all their power, overwhelming their foe.

"Noo! You little shits!" Their threat was utterly destroyed by the vast power of all three heroes. All three of them were out of breath and slowly fell to their knees. "That took quite a lot out of me" Othena commented slowly regaining her breath. While all the injured were taken to the Infirmary, some wondered why Forsigh would just attack, most villains wouldn't attack without a good reason and yet he seemed to want to just for fun…

After a few days they were all treated for their wounds and nearly back to full health aside for some minor cuts. Gavin and Edith where in the large cafeteria enjoying their food when Othena came up to them and sat down. "You both did very well against Gonkaro, I'm sure if we continue to train you both will reach incredible new heights and new level of power"

Days went by, they used their free time to train and exceed their overall limits. That's when the owner of the hotel came into the training room to meet with them. "Hello fellow warriors. My name is Haroki Kenjen, the owner of this entire hotel. I would like you and your friend to be judges in a fighting contest I'm planning on having. It will be the heroes against the villains"

"Are you sure about that? What if one of the tyrants attempt to kill one of our warriors?"

"That's why I need judges, high class heroes capable of stopping any issue that may arise during each round" Unako hesitated for a moment before agreeing to the terms. Edith sighed a little annoyed and also unsure but also agreed to the terms.

The following week the tournament was finally ready to be held. Unako, Edith and Othena sat at a table that was just a few feet away from the large fighting arena outside the hotel in the back of it. Normally and Arena would be held inside a large dome, however this one was just outside all it was is the arena, the bleachers and the table where the judges set nothing was covering around it.

The three judges waited as the bleachers were beginning to fill up with the audience. After about 30 minutes, the crowd was all awaiting the first match. Finally two warriors approached the large arena. One was Ken Argamel, a high tier hero from the hotel. He wasn't as well known as Othena, but was definitely on par or even stronger than her.

His opponent was Novalel Kendu. Both were very strong fighters. However, most could feel a slight advantage with Argamel, his power was a little higher than his target's. Ken had dark-blue hair with gold eyes and white skin. While Kendu had black hair with green eyes. Both were dressed in a fighting uniform. With the hero dressed in dark-red while his foe was dressed in all black.

"Let the first round begin!" Othena announced. The crowd cheered with anticipation as both warriors faced one another. In an abrupt move, Novalel stepped forward, firing a thin red beam directed for his target's forehead. At the last second, his combatant deflected his projectile, sending it up through the clouds before blowing up an asteroid just outside their atmosphere.

"It'll take more than a mere surprise attack to take me out. Let me show you how a real warrior attacks!" All watched as Ken pushed off, rushing right for the villain. He moved at such an incredible velocity, most viewers were unable to keep up with him. As he threw his fist for a punch, he suddenly opened his palm at the last second, firing a large Ki blast right at the target. Novalel was sent backwards before hitting the edge of the stage. Luckily he managed to land within the border of the arena.

"Nice shot, I'm sure that was just a hint of what's up your sleeve" His opponent gave him a smirk. That's when they both charged at each other with incredible speed, both throwing a barrage of powerful strikes. Both the judges and the audience surprised to see such power between the two men, especially with it being only the first match.

"Seems the first match is going well" Unako commented. The others agreed but continued to pay close attention to each move the warriors took. That's when chains covered in red energy manifested around Ken. He found himself bound by them, wrapped around his arms and waist.

"Time to win this battle!" Kendu declared. Clinching his fists, the chains tightened more around it's victim. Viewers could see the look of pain on Argamel but still the hero remained calm. That's when he gripped the chains around his palm. A look of surprise grew across the enemy's face when the chains abruply broke apart, all of the chains hitting the floor.

"B-but…how could someone break my bonds away so easily?" in his moment of confusion, Argamel reformed the chains, infusing them with his own power. Using them like a whip, he sent it soaring straight for his attacker. The glowing chains wrapped around Novalel's waist, sending a surge of lightning through each chain. The foe let out a loud yell of agony before the bonds shattered apart like glass.

Unako was tempted to stop their fight, but stayed silent and let the battle press on. Surprisingly, once Kendu's bonds were shattered he collapsed on his back laying there in pain. "D-damn it. To think I could be defeated by my own attack" The crowd cheered for their hero as he stood victorious.

"Bravo, Ken Argamel. You beat him faster than I was expecting" Othena complemented. He smirked before stepping off the stage while a few others helped the villain to his feet and into the clinic of the hotel. They soon prepared for the next round.

Next was Monagiya VS Raven. Monagiya was a villain with black hair, wearing a white cloak. His eyes were blue. Meanwhile Raven was a mid-class hero with purple hair and hazel eyes while wearing blue battle armor. "Let's see what you can do" She taunted. Her foe stood motionless with a plain expression. She formed a katana made of her Ki. It glowed made of pink mana.

She moved almost instantly, right up to her foe. As she unleashed a barrage of pinpointed slash attacks, she was shocked to see her target stop each one with just his index finger. She leapt back speechless. (How could he deflect each attack with a mere finger? A blade like this should be capable of slicing through nearly anything!)

"Come now, don't tell me that's the best you got. If this is your best, you might as well submit" Before she could respond, a barrier of dark Ki formed around her, trapping her. Some gasped at the technique. All three judges watched carefully to make sure Raven wasn't fatally harmed. She shot a pink beam from her finger. Sadly her projectile bounced off the barrier, shooting all over the small area before fading away.

"Damn it" She groaned. Suddenly her opponent clenched his fist, causing the barrier to Implode. She laid motionless on the stage. Edith rushed over to the wounded girl, placing his palm across the girl's pulse…"She's ok, just out-cold!" Again their crowd let out a roar of excitement as the villain walked off.

"Hold on Monagiya, I want you to stay for the next round" Othena announced. The white-cloaked villain sighed but remained where he was. Argamel came out from the entrance, stepping into the fighting area. "Hmph, I see…you want me to fight the previous champion for a good battle" A slight smirk spread across his face.

"Show me your power" Ken responses as he brushes the blue hair out of his eyes. Without warning, Monagiya released a surge of purple lightning. His target put up his guard attempting to block it, but could feel a great pain flowing through his body. Once more a large portion of the crowd gasped as the original champion fell to his knees.

"Y-you're holding a lot back aren't you?" Ken commented. Monagiya let out a slight laugh. "Was it really that obvious? seems I put too much power in my attack and revealed I have much more power than I've been showing" His armored opponent surprised everyone by smiling back at his foe.

"If you won't show me all of your power…I'll just have to go all out and make you!" A dark-blue eyes swarmed around him like a wall of fire, nearly engulfing his body. "I will show you 100% of my power!"

"Heh, here I thought it took all your power just to beat your last opponent" Without another word, Argamel threw his palm out in the direction of his target, a mist of blue light made it's way across the arena. That's when an aura hurricane formed around Monagiya, trapping him within the eye of the storm. The viewers cheered seeing such a powerful technique.

The combatant fired a Ki blast toward the spiraling wall of the hurricane. However, it had no effect. Instead it was absorbed within the storm. (Damn it, there's gotta be something to stop this barrier) With a groan he tossed his white cloak off himself. That's when the villain went into an offensive position, clinching his fists. His dark mana began expanding the hurricane even with it siphoning his energy. Finally Argamel's trap was pushed to it's limit, causing it to burst and fade away like a firework.

"Now it's my turn!" Monagiya announced. In an abrupt movement, he sealed his foe within a square barrier that covered a good amount of the arena. "Take this!" All watched as electricity shot out from each wall of the trap. The hero was stuck inside, unable to escape. Argamel was struck with immense power, tearing his torso and leaving him badly bruised.

Unako and his fellow judges watched closely as the warrior laid motionless in the soil. Their foe decided to take down his barrier. That's when Argamel quickly got up, charging the villain full speed. Just seconds before impact, the man threw his wrist up, stopping their attack. A shockwave of force went surging throughout the arena.

"Should've known you'd try something like this" Both combatants unleashed all their power in fierce blows. They were throwing non-stop punches when out of nowhere, Monagiya found an opening, striking his opponent right in the abdomen. The blow was so powerful, many saw a rush of wind rushing past Argamel's back, similar to a side-ways tornado.

Edith was worried about the participant taking such a tremendous blow after already being badly wounded. Their audience watched as he smashed into the wall of the arena. "D-damn" Finally Argamel collapsed, this time staying put. After about five minutes of silence with no movement from him, they finally gave Monagiya his win. While Unako helped the warrior to his feet over to the clinic…

With out warning, the villain grew a large smirk. Some grew uneasy by this when the man's Black hair turned white and long that reached his shoulders. His black long-sleeve shirt became royal armor that was white and gold. Othena quickly rose from her seat, aware of the possible danger.

"What are you doing?" Othena questioned, not taking her eyes off the suspicious figure. He turned his attention toward her replying: "My name is Cearto Gonkai…the top ranked villain of the world. I disguised myself as one of the lower tier warriors to lower suspicion of an attack. I also concealed my real power to seem weaker. Now that I've studied these heroes' overall power, I'm confident taking over this area should be simple"

"I won't let you-" As she was talking, Gonkai made a punching motion, sending a powerful drill of force directed toward Othena. She put her guard up but was sent off her feet, crashing through the thick wall of the arena. When the dust cleared, she fell to her knees out of breath. "I…won't let you beat me that easily!" She covered her body with a thick layer of her Ki and charged her target as fast as she could.

"Hmph, seems you're stronger than I interspaced. But I'll ware you down soon enough. That's when she struck him across the face with violet electricity surging around her body. In shock Othena was staring at Cearto that hadn't moved from his spot even after getting struck across the face with all her stregnth.

"T-this isn't possible, you should've at least taken some damage!"

"You're giving yourself too much credit" Without warning, Gonkai struck her across the face as well with a plain expression on his face. She could feel her jaw shatter from his overwhelming strike. She laid there in pain as blood ran down her lips. (I can't do anything…But I'm the strongest hero in fantasy hotel!)

Just then Unako came racing over to Edith. "What's going on Edith? Why aren't you helping her!?" His ally replied: If she's getting smacked around by him, what could we possibly do!?" Gavin raced over to Othena, standing between her and her attacker.

"I was wondering when you'd come back. What can you do against me? You can't even beat her!"

"A true hero will fight weather it's possible or not!" Gavin stood ready for his coming opponent while Gonkai slowly approached him. Their audience evacuated the arena. Leaving only Edith, Unako, Othena and their attacker. Edith could do nothing but watch as Gonkai was mere inches from his friend. That's when the villain threw a devastating blow toward his young victim.

With nearly no time to react, Gavin put his left arm up to block the coming attack. An abrupt crack rang out from the two warriors. Both heroes watched as their poor ally's hand fell limp to his side, his bones broken to pieces. "S-shit, you may've broken my left arm…But it'll take much more than this to make me submit!"

"Don't worry…I intend to make you all either submit or die in the process" In that moment, he struck Unako across the face, sending him soaring across the battlefield, through the weakening wall. "You three are all ants compared to me. What can any of you hope to accomplish in such a fruitless struggle!" Othena managed to fight back once more, firing a barrage of pink Ki blasts. However, even as they made contact, it seemed as though none of them were having any effect on the tyrant.

"G-give me all your energy a voice called out. Both heroes turned to the large hole in the wall to see Unako step out of the gleaming sunlight, back onto the battlefield. He was hurt, his arm still out of commission, but a strong look of determination could be seen. The pair aimed their palms out toward their ally, a trail of pink and blue mana made their way over to the hopeful hero.

Cearto let out an amused laugh. "Please, you must be delusional if you honestly believe just combing the mere amounts of Ki you have left is enough to stop such a high tier warrior such as myself" A slight grin formed on the hurt youth. "I won't know unless I try now won't I?" An abrupt force begun shaking the entire arena as Unako's aura swarmed around him as a dancing flame. It soon mixed both colors into a fluent purple.

"This is the power of all of us, let's make this battle count" Taking a deep breath with his eyes closed, he took off at such speed that Cearto almost lost track of him, managing to block the coming blow just seconds before impact. "Hmph, you have gotten slightly faster, but don't let it go to your head" Gavin's grin grew wider as his foe threw a blow right back at such amazing speed. Surprisingly the youth evaded it just in time.

The force of the attacker's fist sent a fierce gust of wind past his target, toward Edith and Othena. Unako couldn't help but look back to see his friends getting pushed back from such a great current of wind. As he looked back toward his opponent, he saw Gonkai flying right at him. "You left yourself wide-open!" Grabbing him by the throat, they went smashing through another part of the wall, landing outside in the large grassy field of the school. "You're really testing my patience, but I gotta say…you're making this more fun than I was expecting this to be!" Gavin brushed his messed-up black hair back to the right-side of his face.

"Well the fun's about to end. I'll finish this before anyone innocent dies"

"Is that so?" Cearto spotted a civilian out in the distance on the phone. They wore a black jacket with blue jeans and had blonde hair. In an instant, the tyrant fired a red beam directed for the unaware man. A surge of rage built up within the youth as he moved faster than the beam, just in time to deflect it off-course. It was sent far out of the city until impacting an area out in the distance.

"Mmmm, be careful, if you're not careful you could sent the attack into another poor human and end their pitiful existence"

"Shut up, I know where most people populate this area, so I'm well aware where to send your projectiles!" That's when Cearto had an idea. "Oh you do? Why don't we test your gloating" Ascending into the sky, he aimed his index finger out toward a certain part of the city where humans could be seen going on with their day. "You said you can deflect my attacks for an unpopulated area away from any crucial amounts of life, now show me!"

Without another word, he fired his projectile toward the downtown area at incredible speed. Like before, Unako took off at great speed, reaching his location just in time to send Gonkai's attack up into space. "Not too shabby, but what will you do about this?" He then fired a beam in two impact point instead of one. Gavin was sweating from the thought of not getting them both. Reaching and deflecting attack number one. He was aware of the reality that he wouldn't reach the other one on nearly the opposite side of down.

Cearto waited to hear an explosion along with faint screams, but were instead met with silence…"Could it be that one of the high tier heroes has intervened at just the right moment?" That's when a figure appeared across the sky facing their threat. "Well, looks like I made it in time. If I were just a moment off, a great amount of innocent lives could've been lost"

"Just who the hell are you?" Cearto questioned with his arms crossed. "Oh how rude of me…My name is Alex Golsen, one of the top five heroes of F.H and you my friend, are the next tyrant I take down"

"Yet another delusional hero that doesn't know the limit of their own power. I've already out-classed Othena, one of your hotel's most famous warriors and just a little stronger than that warrior who has the power of Othena and some unknown brat"

"I must say, you do sound like a very challenging foe. However, just because my sister is one of F.H's most famous heroes, that doesn't mean she's the best one. I try my best to stay away from fame so my twin sitter can have it, but I suppose it's time I use my abilities to protect those I love"

"What a heart-warming speech…they can read it at your funeral!" Suddenly his attacker fired a condensed orb of energy aimed toward the boy. But as it was about to hit him, Alex stopped it with his hand. He held it within his hand before it faded away into tiny wisps of light. "Being a good fighter isn't about pure power and brute force, it's about realizing your limits and thinking of ways to overcome them. Open the mind that you've kept closed for so long"

Unako watched from a far as Alex charged the tyrant, throwing a blow directed toward his skull, but made no contact. His fist stopped inches apart from the man's skull. As Gonkai was about to give a smart remark, his eyes widened as he felt something happening within him. Gavin could see something that looked like black mist leaving the back of Cearto's head.

"W-what…what did you do to me?"

"I destroyed all evil intention within your mind. You may think you can just go back to hurting others, but I assure you…your body and thoughts will keep you from doing anything deep-down you know is morally wrong" Without another word, Golsen created a rift behind his target that pulled him through before closing…

CHAPTER 2 Fight From Within

As he regained consciousness, Gonkai found himself in his large bedroom of the Darkness Hotel, a hotel that kept all the villains of the world. Getting out of bed he walked over to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror. He could feel as though something about him had changed but from his outside appearance, he couldn't see anything different.

He brushed it off and went out into the hall. His room was on floor 31 which was the top floor. The hall was like your average hotel hallway, straight with a door on both sides of the hall. The floor was covered in a red carpet with a symbol of a red fist with blood dripping from it's grasp. Gonkai made his way over to the elevator. As he waited for the elevator, the CEO: Kaioda Namakaze, he was also the creator of Darkness Hotel and the 1st rank warrior out of the tons of villains that live within the hotel.

"Glad to see you're up and moving around. We're having a meeting soon so I'd make sure you're mentally prepared" Cearto was unsure but nodded as their ride opened and they stepped inside. Kaioda had short red hair that was brushed to the right. His eyes were dark-blue and his skin was pale. He also wore all white, a hoodless cloak and pants. Even his shoes were white.

Gonkai followed his boss into the briefing room where six others sat around a large round table. Namakaze sat in a chair on the left center-side while Gonkai sat beside him. They began going over what's happened so far…

"Welcome members of "Disillusion Seal" So far we've lost our 4th member of our guild, Forsigh…He may've been over his head, but he still was a fierce fighter. The fact we've lost him is a big hit to our overall power. Never the less, eight of us still remain. Watching Cearto's performance against Fantasy Hotel was impressive. He may've lost, but we were able to wound one of their strongest heroes, along with some brat that tried protecting her. I'm confident we can plan something good enough to take down all those imbeciles for good"

"Do you have a plan already sir?" One of them asked across the table. Kaioda let out a slight chuckle responding: "What kind of leader and 1st class warrior would I be if I couldn't plan for something in a limited amount of time? To lead, you need to see every detail and outcome of a situation, carefully look at your resources and decide when and how to use them to your advantage"

"That's basic knowledge" One of them blurted out. Their leader glared at him angary. "If you'd like to be sent to the infirmary, be my guest and keep talking" The others sat silent watching them stare at each other. With a sigh the man crossed his arms leaning back in his chair.

"That goes for any of you. I can take a dumb idea but not smart remarks" All of them but the other man nodded showing respect for their leader. "Now then, anyone have an ideas that may have some significance?" After some mumbling around the table, one man spoke up: "I suggest we use "that" technique and disguise ourselves like new heroes at the hotel"

"Hmm, at first when you mentioned our technique I was a little doubtful. Especially since Cearto already disguised himself therefore giving away the fact some of us can change our appearance. But I suppose with that other ability, we might be able to change our energy feel so no one grows suspicious of us…Very well, Zaiben…we'll go with your plan. With our high amounts of power, the ability should remain stable long enough for our plan to work"

Kaioda stood up from his chair while the others placed their hands upon his shoulder and back. Light filled Darkness Hotel as all of the men fused within Namakaze. Their powers were added to his own, but their personalities evaporated within his mind. As the immense light cleared away, only two figures remained, the merged being and Gonkai who had pulled his hand away just moments before.

"Cearto, why have you not merged with the rest of my followers?" The figure questioned with a deep menacing voice. His follower dropped to his knees responding: I'm sorry my lord, I mean no disrespect. I just don't have the dark drive to hurt those that don't deserve it" His lord grew infuryated by this, he slowly approached him with an emotionless expression.

"I'm sorry Cearto, but you have no further use to me if you can't fight along side me or follow a simple order" In an instant, Kaioda placed his hand upon his follower's abdomen. A red light flashed for a moment before the warrior erupted in an explosion completely destroying him. He closed his eyes and stood motionless for a few seconds to morn his deceased ally.

(Time to proceed with my plan) He looked in the mirror, his aura was swarming around him as different colors such as blue, purple and gold. His eyes were also multiple colors. He took a deep breath and shape shifted into a normal looking man with black hair, a little facial hair and blue eyes. He wore a black jacket with blue jeans and black shoes.

"There, hopefully this will work. I'm normally good at concealing my power" Kaioda now disguised as a normal looking man made his way for Fantasy Hotel…

Meanwhile the others were resting in the hotel's clinic. Gavin was healing relatively fast since his abilities were boosted, while Othena was still badly hurt. Edith and Alex kept them company until they were able to leave their rooms. After almost three days, they were up and ready to continue training.

"Glad to see you're doing better" Alex commented, standing out in the hall with Edith. Finally ready to leave the clinic, they headed to the lunch area in the hotel to eat together. While they ate, Kaioda entered the hotel. "Welcome to Fantasy Hotel, state your name and reason for coming" Kaioda looked up to see a women sitting at a desk with a large binder with the list of people in the hotel.

"Kando Sakada, I'm here to train and stay" The women brushed her blue hair out of her face as she wrote his name down. He made his way past the check-in desk where he saw dozens of heroes running around and talking with each other. (Hmmm, this must be all the low-class heroes, I have to find the first class area and study them in case I'm found out ahead of time)

Walking further through a hall, he saw an index of where everything was on each floor. "Let's see…high-rank briefing room: top floor. I should have expected as much. At any case, let's see what happens if I try to go up there" He made his way to the elevator, he watched as the floor numbers lit up. After a minute, Kaioda found himself in the top floor's hallway.

As the villain made his way through the hall, a man dressed in a black elite uniform. "State your business" The disguised warrior looked into his eyes intensely, his eyes glowed pink as he took control of the man's mind. "I'm a new 1st class hero and have been given permission by…Othena" The controlled guard nodded and stepped aside with an expressionless face.

Kaioda went through an audomatic sliding door, into the high-class briefing room. There he found multiple heroes standing around a large table. "What are you doing here?" Alex Golsen commented. Namakaze smiled replying: "I'm a new high-class hero and I've come to see how it works with fellow 1st class warriors"

"Do you have proof of your promotion?" He questioned with his arms crossed. Kaioda couldn't think of something to say, instead he threw an instant punch aimed toward Alex. The other heroes watched as the wave of force launched toward his target at great speed. Putting his arms up to block, Golsen was sent crashing through the wall of their top floor, staggering across the air before stopping just a few feet off the ground in the parking-lot.

"Great, another villain trying to steal our info and probably destroy our hotel" Just then the top floor erupted in a powerful explosion. Looking back up, he saw the entire top floor wiped away leaving only the floor. All of the other heroes landed next to Alex covered in burns and bruises.

"H-how strong is that guy?" A hero commented unsure if they could win. "Heh, don't worry…He just caught us by surprise. I'm confident we can beat one villain" Alex responded. As the smoke cleared, they could see their attacker standing there watching them.

"My original plan was to hide among you all until I had enough info on all the best heroes, but seems I have no choice but to hurry and wipe you all out!" As all the heroes poured out of the hotel, the one's who were 1st and 2nd class stayed and prepared to fight while all low-class warriors were to get far away for their own safety. Alex flew at incredible speed right for the villain. "I've had enough of your chaos!" Alex clinched his fist going right for his target.

As the blonde warrior threw a blow right for the villain, Kamakaze caught it just seconds before impact. A shockwave rushed through the area from their immense force. "It's gonna take a lot more than that to stop me!" Right as Alex attempted to jump back, Kaioda took hold of his opponent's arm slamming him into the floor of the destroyed hotel's top floor.

Golsen smashed through the decimated floor, crashing into the long hallway of the hotel. "Damn it, to think there's a foe even stronger than myself" That's when Othena and the others raced down the hall over to him. "Alex are you alright!?" His sister cried out worried. Rising to his feet he asured her that he was ok, just a little bruised.

Kamakaze desended down into the hallway where he saw the other three. "So you three were the ones who gave my follower so much trouble. However, I'm far stronger than your other foes. Along with a strategic mind to match" Suddenly both Othena and Unako charged their assailant, flying full speed. As both fierce warriors threw a powerful blow directed right at him, he caugh their fists simoltanously. "You poor weaklings. Why would you think a plain attack like that would do anything?"

Quickly Kaioda pulled them forward, kicking both heroes across the hall. They were hurt but not out of the fight. Meanwhile Edith had finally had enough pain and attacks from the villains. He unleashed an onslaught of Ki attacks just a few feet away from him. "Leave us alone!" Once the hall was covered with smoke, Edith finally halted his attack.

Out of the smoke came a fast moving beam of red light. It struck the poor hero right through his abdomen. Alex and the others watched as Edith fell onto the long red carpet, dead. "Edith!" Tears ran down Gavin's face as he was filled with both rage and sorrow. "You won't live to regret that mistake" The assailant let out a laugh from the hero's idiotic comment. "Very well, then show me the error of my ways if you're so confident" With a look of resolution on his face, Unako charged him once more. This time when he went for another attack, Kaioda motioned a blow in the boy's direction.

Instead of getting sent backwards however, he felt an abrupt surge of pain within his body, mainly near his heart. Alex was unsure of what action to take. Charging their target would just end like the last two times. If he fired an attack, again wouldn't work. So what strategy would work against such a powerful foe…

With a sigh, Alex decided to use the forbidden technique as well. "Gavin, I need you and her to merge with me!" This left Unako speechless. He had never heard of multiple people literally fusing together. "Snap out of it!" Othena shouted as she raced over to her brother, placing her hand upon his shoulder. Their ally still in pain, made his way over to the pair.

As both heroes had their hands upon Golsen's shoulder's, their bodies slowley began to break apart like sand, turning into wisps of blue energy. "With my friend's power and the desire to avenge Edith, I will stop you right here! With such a collosal amount of power, I'm sure you're the leader of all the villains that have been attacking us"

"Hmph, then told hold back" A smirk spread across his face moments before both fighters took off at an insane velocity. They moved so fast, none of the heroes that watched from a few meters away could see them clearly. Most just saw abrupt shapes and shockwaves that shook nearly the entire city. Some heroes were so scared of the two's power, they began to run or back away further from the clash.

That's when the pair came into view, the crowd of super-humans dispersed as Kaioda held Alex by his face, sliding his head across the cement parking lot into the grasslands. All were shocked to see a trail made by Golosen getting dragged across the hard ground. "Poor fool, you should've given in to my superior power so you wouldn't have to suffer"

"Please get up!" A young girl cried out, tears flooding her eyes. Her mother hid the young blonde-haired girl behind her as Kamakaze turned his direction toward the girl. "So, you want to speak out against me? Very well, you shall take this man's penatley as well" Just as the tyrant aimed his index finger toward the girl and her mother, Alex rose to his feet. Blood ran across his face from all the trauma he had just endured.

"Leave that poor girl alone, remember your fight is with me" Without a word, Kaioda fired yet another beam directed toward the innocent pair. Her mother held her daughter tight as they closed their eyes. All of the crowd gasped as Alex was in between Kamakaze and his allies. The attack had gone through his right shoulder as blood stained his clothing and dripped onto the cement. "Is-is that all you…got?" Their assailant was amused by his opponent's determination to succeed. "Heh, seems your capabilities have multiplied greater than I anticipated. Never the less, you're still not good enough to beat me" As Golsen was about to respond, a surge of excruciating pain rushed through his body.

Looking down he saw a palm in the position of a dagger straight through his chest. He could feel himself beginning to lose consciousness. Turning around, Alex saw a duplicate of his foe standing right behind him. "Y-you won't get away with this" All of the crowd let out cries of horror at the sight of Edith and Alex dead, along with Unako and Othena that had merged with him.

"Would anyone else like to appose me?" All of them just stood close together in fear as Kaioda slowly approached them. "This fight is over" With a snap of his fingers Kamakaze created a massive dome made of dark Ki, trapping everything in about 20 miles. Several super-humans flew right up to the darkness and struck it with all their strength. Out of nowhere a brutal shockwave sent the trio of heroes backwards, impacting nearby the others.

"You all can keep trying to escape, but you're all too weak to even to even pierce it" While the heroes were freaking out, thinking of ways to escape, Kaioda rebuilt the fantasy hotel. Instead of a normal welcoming hotel, it became a tall tower made out of black steel with red lights that gave off an evil feel. Kamakaze set up his throne, forming guards made out of his own Ki. They looked like faceless knights with buff armor. Meanwhile the heroes took refuge in the buildings that were caught in the tyrant's barrier…

"What are we gonna do!?" A young boy said with a look of fear on his face. One of the adults walked over and slapped him across the face. "Stay calm Mark. You're not going to help anyone if you're just being paranoid. Are best option is to stay here and plan something. If he comes to kill us, our best chance would be to stay together"

Mark took a deep breath and sat on a bench outside the casual office bulding. All of them spent hours planning a strategy when a loud boom rang out. They turned to see one of the dark knights standing a few meters away. "You have been given plenty of time to make your decision. Will you obey our lord Kaioda or would you rather be annihilated?"

Most of the large group of people fell to their hands and knees to surrender to their new lord. But four heroes remained standing to rebel. "My name is Kyle Usa and we won't let you take one of the last things we have left!" Two men fired repeated blasts of energy from the back while Kyle and a girl launched a head-on assault. Both warriors struck the figure's abdomen with all their strength but to no avail.

The pair were lifted up by their throats as their assailant proceeded to steal their energy. Gold light drained from them, flowing into the creature as an outline of gold light appeared around his body. Kyle and his ally's body had grown pale from their low Ki levels. With two of the rebels out of commission, the improved creature threw both heroes across the air, landing in front of the worshiping crowd.

"If you two are the last of the rebels, I shall do away with you quickly!" Both long-range warriors focused their power into a condensed energy attack. "Get back!" The duo shouted, shooting an immense projectile in sync as they merged into one massive blue sphere. The dark figure stood motionless as their attack hit him head on. In a colossal shockwave of light, the group watched as the light cleared.

The tyrant walked towards them with a dull expression on his face. Raising his left arm up, the shadow knight transformed it into a large blade. With an instant movement, their assailant was standing inches from the left man with his blade inches from his target's throat. "Are you done?" With a gulp the rebel fell to his knees in surrender.

"No! I won't just throw away our chances of freedom!" The right male shouted, his black hair covering his hazel eye. "I may be the last one standing, but I won't back down!" Before the rebel could even react, the shadow knight decapitated his opponent's head without hesitation. "I'm done here. Shall any of you try to rebel once again, I will not hesitate to end each of your lives" With that the villain ascended into the air, flying back to Kaioda's tower…

"Astounding work my fellow knight, I knew I could entrust you with such an important task. Serves those whelps right to think they could defeat someone as powerful as me. I've taken over this part of the area, but I deserve more. There's an entire world to be under my rule!" All of his knights knelt down before him as an evil smirk spread across his face…