

Very loud noises can be heard in the distance, Actrus runs in the direction of the sound and it hides behind a large boulder, in a safe area of level 1, 2 hours close to the city, 2 monsters level 4 fight between them. a gold-colored cockroach level 4 and a praying mantis green level 4, with sharp sickles.

Actrus is full of joy if it gets 1 nucleus of the monster level 4 could become a Hunter, his biggest dream.

Actrus wait patiently the outcome of the battle, 2 hours later the mantis green with small wings and scythes is dead and the gold-colored beetle has a deep wound in the head.

Actrus approaches the golden beetle that is almost on the verge of death and sticks his pole in the wound and kills him.

With his old blunt knife, Actrus takes the two nucleus level 4 and he dismantles the bodies.

Two hours later Actrus return to its base.

A small fortified fortress 2 hours close the city it had been destroyed 300 years ago, he remained alone an underground chamber with a hidden hatch that only Actrus he knew, because he had removed the rubble and hidden the hatch.

Actrus he was thin, long black hair that covered the black eyes, he was 16 years old and he had never eaten meat, only nutritive solutions C a small vial with green liquid.

Actrus turns on a bonfire and roasts a paw of the beetle only the white internal meat, eating feels like a real hunter, the tears flow on his face.

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