
Chapter 1: Tenth to the past

The most amazing and most incredible man alive was having a headache.

He was about to take the heart of a goddess with his hand, he just needed one-tenth of a second, but now, suddenly, he appeared in front of a strange-looking old woman.

"Who are you? Don't dare look at me like that!" He stood up and looked at the old woman.

"A-are you alright? W-we should go to the hospital." The woman said with concern.

"Shut up! I am the greatest! It was all the fault of that stupid jerk. Now I need to go back, or maybe, I am in an illusion?" He was pissed off.

"Son, are you fine? You suddenly passed out." The woman said with care.

"Who the fuck you call son?" He raised his hand and touched her forehead with his finger."Uh? Why didn't you die? Is this an illusion? For real? I fell into an illusion?" He was flabbergasted. Even if she didn't die, his touch should have hurt her.

"We should go to see the doctor! You are talking about a lot of things I don't understand, and you are acting weird. Maybe it's the stress, I don't know, but you are worrying me, son." She grabbed his arm and tried to take him to the hospital, but he remained immobile, looking at her with a shocked expression.

"Memories I maybe have forgotten, but now I am sure this is definitely an illusion, this is not real. Now then, how can I destroy this? I am gonna make them pay!" He clenched his fists and looked around the place.

He was in a living room. It seemed like it was night, the television was on, and only he and the woman were there. Nothing looked suspicious except all of it. How could a television work anymore? He didn't sense any magic, anything at all. Like it was before the catastrophe.

"Maybe... are you drunk?"

"I'm sober!!! Ah, Stop! Let me think!" Breaking illusions wasn't his forte, so he gave up. He would just let the others save him. Relaxing wouldn't be so bad, not at all. He now looked at the woman who said he was her son. He didn't remember his mother's face, so he wouldn't know. Is that how she looked?

"I am fine now." He smiled. "Maybe I am drunk, who knows? Well, now I am hungry. Give me food, woman!"

"Jeremias, stop talking like that! Puberty! Is definitely puberty!" The woman said with a voice of realization.

"My name is Tenth!!! Don't call me Jeremias!"

"Tenth is not a name!"

"Well, it is a name now! And it was given to me because I am the greatest of all times!"

"Then you would be called First and not Tenth!"

"Aaaagh, I am the tenth strongest. Not the strongest, but the most amazing and most incredible one!!!" He cried out.

"Who said that?!"

"I do! And now give me food, dammiiiiiit!"

* * *

A son and his mother were sitting face to face. Jeremias or Tenth was eating while grumbling. Meanwhile, her mother looked at everything related to puberty on her phone.

'They are taking a lot of time, I am weak, and I don't feel any magic in my body. This is too much for an illusion, but- but the other options are too much for me. This woman looks too weak also. And all this place, and the way she acts. All is weird.' He tried to think, but he wasn't calm. His rational mind told him he wasn't in an illusion but he couldn't accept it.

"Jeremias, puberty is worst than I thought. It causes aggressive behavior, anger towards parents, and trouble in school." She said worriedly.

"I am not in puberty! I was just hungry."

"But you don't call me mom anymore." The woman said sadly.

"...Mom, happy now?" He felt his pride being stabbed by calling a woman he didn't know mom. But if this was the past, maybe she really was his mother. He tried to remember at least his mother face, but he couldn't no matter how hard he tried.

"Said it again." She said smiling.

Maybe she was not his mother after all, she was annoying.

"Just joking, don't be that grumpy. It's really late already, you should go to sleep."

He felt like she was treating him like a kid. He stopped caring, whoever she was, right now she was the only help he had.

She took him to his room. She really thought he was just rebelling.

"Kids grow up too fast." She said before leaving.


He lay on his bed. He was tired. The fight took too much of his mind.

Was he really in the past? So his friends, his everything wasn't here. He was all alone in a place he didn't know. What more could he ask? To have some dragon come here and fight him?

Without knowing, tears start to fall from his eyes. Did he really lose everything? Did he really lose the fight? All the preparation they had was for naught?

Powerless, without his friends, no more than friends, his family.

Tenth was a simple man, after all. Everything he once loved wasn't here anymore, and the worst of all was that everything took less than a second. He didn't even know what had happened. Why was he here? In this quiet room, when the fight should still happening. When he should still be fighting.

"I am alone now." Tears running down his cheeks wet his shirt.

"First, Eleventh, Sixth." He said the names of his beloved friends.

"I lost all again. I- damn, but even so, I am Tenth."

He was Tenth. Nothing could change that. He was the greatest, the most amazing and most incredible man alive. He will get them back. He will get his friends back and beat the shit out of that god.

Tenth yawned, he felt his eyelids getting heavy. Soon fatigue overcame him and he fell asleep. The next day will be a better one, thinking that he relaxed.