
the quirkless trainer

okay here how it go mc a 90 year old man who has earned the titles of the best in every martial art died due to one of his opponents who he killed accidentally son killing him.

after dieting mc is suddenly brought in front of a shining white god and a god so dark even the void around them seemed colorful.

mc then goes on to have a talk with the two women who introduced themselves as god and the devil.

mc Is given two missions one from both with a certain things to help them out.

god wants him to travel the multiverse and end magor injustices like racism, mass murder and government corruption.

mc will receive three powers and a system to keep track of his stats but no leveling up.

1. undying charisma witch allows user to charm anyone the user wants with when not activating will slowly make you more handsome.

2. robot creation allows mc to create robots to do certain task and to help fight with guns or clean.(call duty black ops 3 robots are what I'm think of)

3. abilty cancellation. allows user to stop a person from using there power ability for ten minutes and if user spread it out to more people it will be divided based on the will of the user. time grows with phiscal strenght and will be able to target more abilitys when a threshold is crossed

devil wants him to kill criminal and send there souls to her the more vile the crime the more money he will get for his system store she will add also by doing good deeds from simple picking up trash to stoping someone from suicide. devil will also give him three powers to him.

1. she saw that mc always liked dragon ball with the ultra instinct being his favorite so she decided to give him that but it won't give a strenght boast also she made it gettable by those who train hard and intensivly so mc not the weird when he reach that state in different worlds.

2. soul release allows mc to summon spirit's

of dead people to talk to them a gain information or to let people talk to loved ones

3. enhanced learning and teaching ability

self explanatory

after mc got his wishes he is dropped off outside of izuku city and after sorting out his new physical ability thanks to the gods making him 18 again.

mc then looks through the rough sack that contains everything he will need.

1. keys to large dog that was recently built along with the documents

2. all of his belts, medals and things to prove he has mastered all of his martial arts.

3. a credit card filled with about a billion usd

4. I'd and driver licence

5 other important stuff

mc quickly moves as he gets in his truck and starts to drive to his dojo that's on the edge of the city.

when mc reaches he figures put he is a week before cannon and not wanting izuku to listen to that hypocrite and take his quirk mc made a plan to catch izuku before all might and take him as his first student witch instead of becoming a hero mc will have him work with him to kill criminals and corrupt heroes.

mc after talking and convincing izuku to become his first student he started his magor search for quirkless, weak quirk or abused people to start to create his organization that will help end discrimination against quirkless or mutant quirks die some being treated as villains because of there looks.

mc makes thousands of them as he spreads them out throughout the city to find people he specified.

after a month mc has already found all of his targets. mc also invested in several business and made a few more billions. mc also understood he would need a bigger building to house most of them because 9 out of 10 people he found were being discriminated against and had a toxic home environment witch will turn them into villains if not taken away.

so mc makes a plan for a large building designed to hold ten thousand people no problem. he also set up lawyers so he can get rights over those kids who parents want to take them back after he has them.

mc then creates a robots to print out letters to all the kids he found to come to a certain locations like abandon warehouses or building where he will have his robots explain to them why there here and that he offer them a way out of it.

after mc does all of this he has the robots give directions to them to come to the main house witch was built in a month thanks to quirks and the several buildin companies he hired.

after he gets them settled in he has his robots forcibly take those kids who didn't agree because he knew those kids were going to commit suicide.

after he settled them in mc had bought more land around the main house as he set up stores and even had a school built for the kids he has so it can go from 1st grade to 12th grade.

mc now has his foundation as he begins his nightly patrol with his robots similar to the ones from call duty black ops 3 numbering in the hundred walking in the streets with the guns hidden in there body.

mc set them to go take down certain location of criminal activity. he also discover what happen if his robots are destroyed witch is they dont disappear unlessed willed to.

mc after this will keep doing this even training some of his kids to go to hero schools with izuku being his main focus.

after mc done with this world and taking it over and bring true peace to it he will leave to his next world witch is the mutant universe with wolverine's and storm and stuff.

hope you like the idea because I love it.

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