
Glee Second Season

Daniel Gouveia is a transfer student from Brasil. He is a good singer and dancer, but is better as a instrumentalist. He knows how to play basicly any instrument but specialize in piano and keyboards.

Daniel has traces of ASPD, so even though he can act normally, he has problem understanding other people feeling sometimes that causes some problem during the first meeting, though nobody knows about this condition.

First appearance is at the first chapter of the second season as a new student that wants to join the glee club, the only one to appear there by his one, He appears after the end of the episode saying that he saw the posters and wanted to know if they were still accepting new members.

"Hello, i'm new here. Can i still audition for this club?" Daniel enters the room, kinda embarrassed. Everyone turn around in shock, not expecting someone else to come.

"Of course." Says Mr. Schuester, breaking the silence with a smile.

He becomes a great friend with Kurt and Mercedes after passing the audition with a song by Pabblo.

(The music timeline between would be a little messed up during the history, since I would include artists from nowdays)

During the second episode, while everyone is fantasizing about brittney, Daniel is getting to know a new friend, Dave Karofsky in a Fliperama. They got to know each other through some games.

During the Third episode, Daniel says that he don't believe in God or any religion, that causes some shock since he is always wearing a necklace with a cross. He explains that he uses it because it was the last gift that his aunt gave him before dying. Daniel believe in Karma and its relationships, and he explain these beliefs during the episode. But he also says that he doesn't mind singing a religious song, since he knows that it can be very important for someone else. Daniel helps Kurt to understand that the praying is not for him.

During the fourth episode, he proposes for Kurt for them to do the duet together, but Kurt says that he wants to prove himself, so he gets together with Artie.

"I know the perfect song, if you don't mind. Your voice would be perfect!"

Daniel and Artie sings "Crazy in Love" together, after Artie saying he doesn't mind singing with a man. During the rehearsals, they find that they both are nerds, even more with games, and become close friends.

During the fifth episode, Daniel refuses to do the show, saying that he doesn't like it, but he agrees to help with playing and build the scenery and the costumes. During the rehearsals, he would sneak off to play in the Fliperama with Dave, but Dave was with his friends and said that he doesn't play with glee kids. Daniel didn't understood why but decide to just not come back to the fliperama again after getting slushied by Dave's friend.

During the sixth episode, because of the boys vs girls competition, Kurt and Daniel got upset. Daniel sees Dave harasing Kurt and intervenes telling him to get away. Dave gets angrier seeing that Daniel is close to Kurt and shove them both and goes away. Daniel tries to talk to Dave, but he can't find a moment alone with him and ends up getting hurt because of all the shoving. During this episode Daniel says to Kurt he is also gay, but he doesn't think he needs to be out about it since its something personal.

During the eighth episode, because Kurt is terrified of Dave, Daniel decides to talk it out with him, asking for him to stop harassing Kurt, but just ends up being beat up. Daniel also fights with Finn, calling him useless since he wont stand up for his brother.

When Dave is expelled, Daniel was waiting outside.

"I really don't know why i even bothered to befriend you..."

Daniel walks away feeling betrayed. Dave goes after him after asking his father to wait a second.

"Wait. I can explain-"

"Explain what? You threatening Kurt? I got it very well. I guess i was just waiting more of you. But i should have guessed..."

"What? Why?"

*smirks*"It's always like that. I just like bad people. Bye Dave."

"Wai-" Dave tries to say, but his father is already calling him.

During the wedding, Daniel still hurted, sings "Indestrutível" for Kurt, saying that even if they he should get the message. When Kurt goes away, Daniel runs out the choir room and shouts "I'm sorry" to him.

During the ninth episode, Dave starts to hunt Daniel around asking him what he means by liking and if he wants to go to the Fliperama.

During the tenth episode, Daniel helps everyone to get the gifts for the orphans, and is the most devasted after losing them. Later he reveals to Will that he actually helps around in orphanage all the time, and that he wanted to have a kid one day.

"You know, Mr. Schuester? I really wanted to be a father one day..." Daniel says during their visit to the orphanage.

"You will be one some day."

"No, i won't..."

"Why, is there something wrong?"

"Two man can't have a kid, Mr. Schuester. I learned a least that in my Sex Ed Class." Daniel says with a smile and tears in the eyes, coming out to Mr. Schuester.

"Oh..." Will pauses for a moment with the news. "But maybe they will, in the future. You got believe! Adoption or artificial insemination will become more common."

During the eleventh episode, Daniel became friends with Dave after he insisting so much, but they fight again because of the presentation. When the girls decide to enter the team Daniel enters too, and he shows that he can play quite well even though he never played before. When Puck went to talk the rest of the team to go out in the field and only Dave stay behind, Daniel talks to him.

"So thats it? After trying so much to make me accept you as a friend, that's what you have for me? I shouldnt have been so dumb." Daniel shakes his head. "I will go out there and sing with everybody and dance with everybody. The day that you decide to man up and lose your fears from popularity, we can try be friends again."

Daniel didn't understand what is that he felt for Dave, but he really wanted to be close to him.

During the dance, Daniel sees that Dave is looking at everyone and smiling, so he makes a sign calling him over smiling back to him. But after the game was won, he saw that Dave got back to his way before.

"I'm stupid. I keep trying to keep next to you, but you keep going away. I really don't know why i keep doing it..." Daniel says to Dave. "I do that. I always ended up liking someone someone like you. Someone that will hate me. So let's finish this. I'm gay, Dave. And you can tell the whole school if you wants, and you can keep shoving all the time. But at least now that i told this you can jus-"

Daniel is silenced by Dave's mouth. He kisses him. Daniel gets shocked in the beggining, but a unpleasant memory makes him separate with a jump.

"No! I'm..." Daniel don't finish what he was saying before running away.

In episode Twelve, Daniel has been avoiding Dave because he doesnt know what he feels, but when Will gives the assignment about love songs, Daniel feels like he saw the answer. So he calls Dave to behind the field to talk.

"Look, if you say anything about that..." Dave starts, but Daniel don't wait for him to finish.

"I loved you. No, i think i should say that i love you. I don't like that you act that way, that you bully others to hide yourself. But i can't change the fact that i love you."

Daniel sings "Hate that i love you", for Dave and in the glee club afterwards. Dave and Daniel kiss, but Dave still don't change the way he acts, just stop bothering Daniel.

13 - Daniel is having problems with keeping in day with his meds. And since he doesnt want anybody to know he keeps hiding his illness. But one day, while he was visiting Kurt to ask opinions about anthems, Kurt leaves him alone in the kitchen while he goes in his bedroom to get some CD's. While Kurt is gone Daniel is looking through the kitchen when he sees a bottle of heart medicine, he doesn't think anything of it and just open the bottle and gets a cup of water. When Kurt comes back he sees Daniel putting a handful of capsules in the mouth. Kurt quickly stop Daniel, the noise attracting his dad to see what happened.

"What were you thinking?" Kurt asks

"Nothing really. I just saw it there and thought in taking some..." Answers Daniel, clearly not acting normal.

"Do you know what that is?" Asks Burt

"Of course. These are heart medicine, the normal dose helps to calm the heart, lessening heart problem, but a big dose causing the heart to stop."

Burt and Kurt was very worried, but Daniel insisted that he had to leave so they took him home, and went to talk with Mr. Schuester. Will asked Emma if she could get Daniel medical records and they find that he has traces of ASPD. Will asks the kids to pay attention to Daniel for a while, but since that day at Kurt's house, Daniel has been keeping his meds on his bag, and taking at the right time. But the kids thought he was trying to kill himself again, so they stop him, what brought them to a "intervention" in the choir room.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you before..."

"We are not angry that you kept secret from us about your illness, we are angry that you kept secret about how you were having trouble lately. Remeber? We are a family." Mr. Schuester says.

14 - Daniel doesn't like the situation with Dave, but he can't convice him. Even more when Dave says that he is in the closet too. In the party while everyone was playing with the bottle, Daniel admits to everybody that he is gay. Everybody says that they knew and Kurt congratulate him asking why he decided to come out. Daniel gets guilty about how Dave treated Kurt, so he decides to discuss with Dave about him apologizing to Kurt. The talk doesn't ends well, since they ended up fighting, with Daniel getting cut in the forehead by a fall. Daniel says to Dave never approach him again.

After the disaster of a presentation, Daniel call everyone of the Glee club to make a presentation outside. They call Kurt and Blaine to help too. They all make a presentation of "Gay or European" with Daniel as the criminal and Kurt as the boyfriend. During the questioning part, Daniel look to Dave for a second, but decides to go with the plan and says Kurt. After the presentation the bullys come asking if Daniel was finally getting out of the closet with his boyfriend.

"First, ruuuuude! Second, Kurt is not my boyfriend, even though he is a great husband material." Everybody laughs "And if you want to hit me, punch me, kick me or shove me, be my guest, but that won't change who i am or the fact that you all are just losers afraid of not being popular. You all will probably form just to end up working for your parents or in a minimal wage job in this same town. Sorry, it's just that a group of ignoramus like you will have no chance in life." Daniel says, looking specially to Dave.

The bullys stays quiet and Daniel turns to go away, but then they call him and when he turns, they slushy him.

15 - During Holly's class, Daniel runs away. Will goes talk to him, and he says that he hates sex and feels sick when they talk about it. Daniel passes everyday dodging the group because he is ashamed. Will decides to visit him home to talk. When he gets there he discovers that Daniel is actually living alone since he moved there. After a long while talking, Daniel starting crying and explain that everytime he starts to get intimate and someone touch him down there he freezes with fear. Will asks for the reason but just after Holly comes to help does Daniel opens up.

"Do you remember when i said that i moved here because of familiar reasons? The thuth is, my father is a politician's secretary. One day when i was helping in my father's office, that politician approached me and started to touching me. He said that he would kill me if i resisted or scream so i just froze in fear." Daniel stops to taking a trembling breath.

"My father day that he couldn't do anything." Daniel says with a sarcarstic smile. "Then my granparents "helped" me move away. Since they own this house, they decided to send me here, but they couldn't come, neither them nor my dad."

"That's awful" Will says

"Well, according to them, i probably enjoyed it..." Daniel says though clenching teeth.

Will conforts him through the night and helps him sleep. He gives him a week of vacation from school, but promises to come back everyday to take care of Daniel and offers to Daniel to live with him. Daniels says that he would love, but he can't change his home adress since it is registered under his granparents name as guardians. Will decides to just visit Daniel every day he can, and sleep with him when possible.

17 - Daniel comes to see Kurt and Blaine when they come to the Night of Neglect. He meets them some minutes before Dave appears.

"Dave?" Daniel stops after seeing him.

"Daniel..." Dave seems hesitant, like he has something to say.

Both look at each other for some moments. Daniel really miss Dave, but he still can't accept the way he acts. While Dave miss Daniel, but is too afraid to change and accept.

Their staring is interrupted by Kurt.

"What are you doing here?" Kurt asked

After a confrontation between Blaine and Dave, Santana appears to separate them. Even though Dave doesn't want to fight anymore he still looks over to Daniel.

"Just stop, please..." Daniel says, his voice very downcast.

Dave sees how heartbroken Daniel is with him and decides to retreat, getting depressed over it.

18 - When Santana blackmailed Dave to be together he resists, he hesitates after thinking of Daniel, but ends up giving in.

Then, when Dave appeared in the choir room and started to apologizes, Daniel got very happy, but when Santana appears and declares that they are together, even though everyone hesitate about if they should forgive him, Daniel just get up and goes out.

"If you want to keep lying, you can do by yourself." He says before leaving.

Everyone thinks it is about the bullying, but Dave know about what that is and goes after him.

"Daniel, I'm telling the truth! I will change!" Now alone, Dave says to him

"Change? Change to what? Now you got to the level of getting a lesbian to be your beard? Forget it Dave. In the end, that's what you will end up doing anyway." Daniel rebukes, with tears on the eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"You will grow up and marry a woman, and live a fake life, maybe even have kids. But I can't pretend, Dave. I love you. I hate that I love you, but i do. But I prefer to be alone and heartsick for you all my life, than live this life you will live." Daniel says crying already, so he finishes talking and turn around and goes away.

"Daniel..." Dave tries to call him, but he doesn't even know what to say, and just watch while Daniel goes away.

While both of them was discussing they didn't see Santana hear while hidden.

Daniel got confused by all the feeling he is having. He is angry and jealous and heartbroken. Because of this he stops taking his medicine so that he can feel less. And this work, but everyone realize that he is different. By the end of the week Will asks if he is ready to sing. He decides to sing one very worrying song: "Even shadows have shadows". He sings using a shirt he made written "Sociopath". Because of Santana, Dave ends hearing Daniel, that makes him so worry that Santana put two and two together about him and Daniel.

"Daniel, are you ok?" asks Will. Everybody is so worried with Daniel that they don't realize Dave bursting through the door with a worried look too.

"I'm okay. I'm even better than before. I don't need meds. it's better to just forget about feelings." Daniel says with a empty smile.

Will brings Daniel with to his house, to help him get his meds and calm down.

Meanwhile, Dave asks Santana if Daniel was alright, feeling guilty. Santana decides to confront him about his feeling and he admits that he loves Daniel. Santana explains that Daniel has ASPD and comforts him that Daniel still loves him, if not he wouldn't be so devasted by they being together. But she threatens him that he can't get with Daniel before the prom because of the competition. Dave gets torn because of his fear for being outed and his love for Daniel.

Will helps Daniel take his meds and after calming down Daniel sleeps. In the next day he breaks in tears.

"Why do I have to have feelings? If I don't take my meds, I don't have to feel this way!" Daniel screams with Will that passed the night with him.

"You need them because they can be your strength. Feelings aren't burdens. Even the bad ones. They are tools to learn." Will explains. "Which feelings are you feeling now that are so bad to you?"

"I don't know. I think I'm angry!"

"Ok, angry with what?"

"I'm angry that Dave changed with Santana but not me."

"Dave?" Will whisper confused, but goes on. "That is more jealousy, isn't it?"

"Yes, I'm jealous, but I'm also sad that he couldn't do this with me"

"That's heartbroken."

"I hate it so much but i can't stop liking him. Even though I said I would forget him."

"And that's love. Don't you see? You are feeling so many things now."

"So what? What is so great about feeling so much"

"Because you can feel so much, you can decide better what to do. Think, but not with your mind, but with your heart. What does you want?"

"I... I love Dave, and I want to be with him. But he is with Santana now."

"So what will you do?"

"I will give up... I don't want to, but i don't want to feel this way again."

"But feeling aren't that easy to forget."

"So I will just take my time. That's what you taught before. That things take time. There's journeys in life."

"You got it." Will smile while patting Daniel's head.

Will explain to the other kids that Daniel was just out of his meds, and that he would keep a eye on him for a while so they don't need to worry. Daniel got better after a few days taking his meds normally. When it was the day of the "Born this way" presentation, he wore his shirt written "sociopath", but explain that even though he is not cured and will never be, he can accept this about himself. During the presentation, Dave watch Daniel with Santana and, though he didn't wear it, he made a shirt about being gay, though he didn't feel like he can accept this yet.

20 - Daniel passes the prom staring at Dave. He just can't forget, even though his reason tells him to do so. During a moment when Dave and Santana is dancing, Daniel gets so angry that he goes talk to him.

"Careful Dave, your inner diva seems to be coming out." Daniel says, his voice dripping with sarcarsm.

Dave is stunned by the bullying, but Santana defends him.

"Daniel, not everyone has yours and Kurt's courage."

"Well, this everyone seems to include you two. I really liked you, even with all the venom in your mouth."

"Daniel, just until the coronation, please." Dave implore.

"I don't need to wait anything, i already said my piece to you before."

"So why are you bothering us" Santana asks

"Because..." Daniel can't finishes and just goes away.

After the voting, when Kurt comes back and accepts the crown, Daniel is one of the first to applaud him, being proud of him. But when he hears that he will dance with Dave, he can't avoid a bit a jealousy. When he sees Dave running out he goes after him.

"Where are you going?" Daniel asks from behind. Dave don't respond, but stop. When Daniel gets close, he sees him crying.

"I can't" Dave says, pratically whispering.

"So you will just run?" Daniel asks, still angry because of jealousy.

"What will you do if you run? You can't run forever. You just need to face it. I will support you, so don't run." Daniel was feeling like Dave would disappear if he don't stop him.

"I'm sorry..." Dave says, before going out. Daniel hesitate going after him because of the shame he felt because of his jealousy.

Daniel was the first one to know that Dave transferred of school in the next school day when he went straight to the principal to ask where is him.

21 - Daniel has been angry because Dave went away and he doesn't know where, so when he sees everyone in the glee club acting so normal and fighting for a solo, he decides to leave the club, leaving the message in the choir room. The group decides to hide it from Will and resolve this themselves.

He still helps with the funeral, but doesn't speak with anyone besides calling Santana traitor when she tries talking with him, what makes everyone confused.

After Will resolves the problem with the solos, he realize that Daniel hasn't been in the club lately, what makes everyone reveal that he got out. Will decides to bring everyone to his house to talk to him.

At first he doesn't want to talk to anybody, but Will convinces him to give them a chance. While everybody starts a big confusion about why Daniel got out, throwing the blame around, Santana gets their attention with a shout.

"Shut up! It's my fault he got out." She shouts at first but practically murmur the rest.

"I knew, what did you do now? Did you bully him into give up?" Rebukes Rachel

"That's no it. Let just speak with him for a minute." Santana speaks feeling quite ashamed. "Daniel, I'm sorry. I know why you got out. It's because of the prom, right?"

While everybody is confused about that, Daniel finally speaks.

"Why did you do it?" He asks with a subsided voice. "I really liked you, I thought we were friends, even though you are a bitch everytime and with everyone. It's your fault this happened. He went away. Did you even care about it? Did you even realized he went?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. You know that that wasn't my plan."

"But you still got him."

" I didn't knew you liked him... Not at first."

"Wait, are you guys talking about Dave" Asks Kurt after understanding the situation.

"I... I love him ok. And you all didn't even realized he is gone now."

"Gone?" Kurt asks confused

"He transferred. In the next day after prom." Answers Santana, what surprises Daniel.

"You knew?"

"Of course I knew. How would I not realize he was gone?" Santana pauses to let it sink in. "I went to the principal soon after you have gone out."

"Ok, someone needs to explain what's happening." Quinn interrupts.

Then, Daniel explained how he has been liking Dave for a long time. He avoid talking about they being together and about Dave being gay, but talks about how he got so angry with Santana getting together with Dave. And Santana explained that she had agreed with being together with Dave only until the Prom. Santana and Daniel made up after the explanations, but everyone just got more confused. Except for Kurt, that guessed something after the conversation, everyone couldn't understand much without being in the known about Dave.

Since Daniel, Santana and Kurt didn't feel like they should talk about Dave's sexuality, everyone had to accept how things were.

22 - While everyone was enjoying New York, Daniel was still sad about Dave so he went to pass the time at a cafe.

"I still need to find some better resources, if I use the default ones the game will look cheap and poorly made." Daniel took the time he was alone to work at the game he's been making. He was just finishing the last touches so he could go to the test phase.

While Daniel was making a few adjustments in the code a man saw him and approaches.

"Hey, i couldn't avoid hearing, are you making a game?" He asks with a polite smile.

"Who are you?" Daniel reacts defensively.

"I'm sorry, I should have introduce myself first. I'm Jonathan Michael. I'm the organizer of the Indie Game Designer Workshop. We are organizing one Indie Games Jam and I heard you talking about resources and thought if you would like to participate."

"A game jam? Can I get graphic resources there? What's the catch?"

"The catch would be that you have to credit the workshop in the game and pay a percentage to us."

"Doesn't seem like a bad deal, but I'm still in High School, so it can be kinda hard to participate..."

"No problem. The jam will happen during school vacation since a lot of participants is students like you. If you want more information, and to prove it's not shady, you can access our site." Jonathan says giving a card. "And after that, if you decide to participate, give me a call."

Jonathan let Daniel with these words to think. As soon as Daniel got back in the hotel, he went straight to a pc to check the site. But even after confirming that everything was like Jonathan said, Daniel still was kinda uncertain, even more after seeing that the workshop would be in New York. Going would mean to be in New York all the vacation, away from his friends.

Since Daniel couldn't decide, he opt for focusing in the choir contest for now.

After the lost at nationals, while everyone was angry with Finn and Rachel, Daniel was just a bit envious. He couldn't avoid imagining Dave doing the same. But then he realized what he was thinking and made the decision of going to the game jam.

Though his decision has a bit to do with he wanting something to do during the summer so he could forget Dave, it's also because he thought that it was a great chance to learn more and get better at developing games.

So a day before going away for the jam, Daniel could be seen tapping away in his computer completing the preparation for the game jam in a cafe while Kurt and Blaine talked and Mercedez and Sam entered the cafe.

I will be adding more of the story while i think.

If somebody wants to pickup the story, i don't mind just notify me so i can read. Since i'm horrible in dialogues, i'm probable take a while to write this.

Twilightcreators' thoughts
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