
Fanfic [ Reader X Shoto Todoroki ]

Just fanfic I made in Wattpad that didn’t get popular and putting it here so that people can read my fun stories

Gray_Boster · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

I had always hated sleeping my at 3 am. Sometime, I stayed longer watching anime. Tonight or today, I don't even know since it's 3 am already, I finished watching season 5 of my hero academia. My hero academia has got to be my favorite anime. I get embarrassed saying it's my favorite cause of the fandom. I decided to sleep since it was getting very late and I had school in 4 hours.

*I slept*

I woke up in a very big bed. I sleep in a twin bed so it was unusual for me to wake up in a very big bed. I didn't really care. I went back to sleep.

*smack* *smack*

I woke up to a women smacking me. My mother never smacks me when I wake up in the mornings. She would always tap me gently.

"Get up Y/N!", the women said.

I had sleep masks on. Very unusual because I never wear them. I said, "leave me alone. I'm sleeping", I said.


"AHHHH!", I  screamed. As I was taking my eye mask out, I said, "Why would you do that?" "That hurt really bad".

The women looked at me and said, "Your first day at UA High and this is how you start your day". I looked at her confused and said "who are you?".


"AHHHHH" I screamed from the top of my lungs. "Stop doing that lady I don't know who you are" I said.

"Is this how you speak to your mother", she said smacking me. "Now get up, I don't want you to embarrass this family. Get dress into your UA Uniform and eat breakfast".

I thought to myself "UA" "UA high school", what was going on.

"Excuse me lady, I'm sorry but I have no idea who you are", I said to the lady. She looked at me with regarding eyes and said "Y/N are you okay? Did you stay up all night playing videos games?"


"Now get ready to go to your first day at UA High School. I don't want to hear anymore nonsense from you".

I didn't want to speak back to her. I knew she would smack me if I did. She kept calling me Y/N, Y/N. That's probably my name. "Wait! Wait! Wait!" I said to myself. "Hold on" "AHHHHHH" I  have read a lot of manhwa that make the female leads go into the novels they read. Maybe this is me in my hero academia I said to myself.

"AHHHHHH" I screamed so loud.

"Would you keep it down", said the lady.

I couldn't help it. She said UA which is literally my hero academia I thought to myself. "Maybe it isn't my hero academia" I said to myself after. Maybe I'm in a world that has UA as its school. "Hmmmm" I kept thinking.

"OH MY GOODNESS" I kept screaming.

"If you don't get ready in the next 10 minutes, I will through you out if this house" the lady said.

"Damn" I thought. She was very demanding. She probably is my mother in this world. "THIS WORLD", I shut my mouth closed in joy.

I go ready and had breakfast. My mother in this world name was Yuna Harima. The maids kept calling her that. I guess I am rich in this world. I also guess my name is Y/N Harima. "Ahh", I said in a relaxing voice. "You don't seem nervous at all" said my mother Harima. You were so nervous last night that you couldn't even sleep. "Oh no, I am very nervous", I said "haha...I just like the food". "That's weird" said my mother, "you never like what the chef cooks".

I was sweating so heavily. I know that she's my mom in this world, but I have trouble talking to people when they get suspicious of me. I can't even speak when they speak to me. This women was a stranger and my mother. I was sure I was in a different world. I can't mess this world up.

"I guess I like the food today....haha" I said.

"Well then let's get in the car. You have to be there early to show how great of a student you are".

From the looks of it, I am in a world where my character has strict, yet kind parents or just mother for now. I didn't care about that. I was just so excited to see my favorite characters from my hero academia. Especially "Mr.Aizawa".

*end of chapter 1*