
Chapter 215: Field Training Abroad


This is the place where Senichi was sent for training.

Because of his recent outstanding achievements in solving cases, Senichi's resume was quickly filled with excellent records.

So this time, he was supposed to go abroad for training, which is usually reserved for elite detectives with three to five years of service, but Senichi managed to jump the queue.

Although it's called training, it's actually just a bit of learning; essentially, it's a form of advancement, providing him with a reasonable excuse for promotion to a police inspector.

Of course, unlike some protagonists who force themselves into other people's territories and meddle in cases, Senichi didn't have such intentions to make others uncomfortable.

Even if a Tokyo Metropolitan Police detective went to another place and wanted to participate in an investigation, the local police would refuse them.

Even if there were orders from higher-ups, it would still be unpleasant, and locals would discreetly advise you not to interfere.

Not to mention that Senichi is now in a foreign country for training, without any orders from above.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a relaxing vacation? Besides, with his English proficiency, daily communication would not be a problem. He could go wherever he wanted on his own.

Why bother getting involved in cases and annoy others?

After getting off the plane and adjusting to the time difference at the arranged accommodation, Senichi woke up refreshed the next morning.

He started with a glass of freshly squeezed grape juice, followed by some bacon, sausages, and a serving of... fried tomatoes.

Yes, you heard it right, fried tomatoes.

When Senichi first saw this dish, he was puzzled. At first, due to England's notorious reputation for its cuisine, he thought it might be some kind of bizarre creation.

Although it felt different from the usual dishes. When you're in an unfamiliar place, you should be brave enough to try new foods you haven't eaten before.

As Senichi cautiously tasted it, he found that the unexpected flavor was actually quite good. Paired with freshly toasted bread and a cup of tea, he thoroughly enjoyed the taste of an English breakfast.

But just as Senichi finished breakfast and was about to go out for a stroll, his phone received a text message notification.

He picked it up and saw that it was a message from Haibara.

Senichi quickly checked the message.

Before leaving, Senichi specifically instructed Haibara to contact him promptly if any cases or similar incidents occurred.

Especially when working with the Detective Boys, She should contact him to solve the clues early, and then both of them would inform the police to put an end to the Detective Boys' reckless adventures.

In this way, even if he didn't appear in person, if he knew about the case's plot, he could reveal crucial information and obtain rewards based on that.

Even if he couldn't prevent the case in advance due to limited ability to take action, he could still earn some Fate Points. After all, even a tiny morsel is better than nothing.

Moreover, with just a little effort of speaking to solve the cases, he could get rewards. Why wouldn't he do it?

Before Senichi's departure, he made an appointment with Haibara and solemnly explained the risks and recklessness of the Detective Boys' adventures. With Senichi's proposal, Haibara firmly stood on the same front with him.

Having gone on reckless adventures with the Detective Boys several times, Haibara was well aware of their ability to cause trouble, including the seemingly composed but impulsive genius detective who thought reasoning could solve everything.

Speaking of this, Haibara expressed that she had some grievances to vent.

After all, just look at him, turned into a child, thinking that solving cases through reasoning alone would make the criminals surrender. If he hadn't turned small, he wouldn't have encountered danger from time to time.

All of this was because the little ones, including Conan, were so absorbed in their reasoning that they forgot about the vast difference in combat power between them and their adversaries.

Thinking back to the personal experiences from the "fake banknote case" on the first day they met to the recent "blue castle exploration case," Haibara couldn't help feeling a little sad.

During their last camping trip, because they didn't bring a tent, the Detective Boys had to stay in a castle.

As a result, due to their recklessness, Conan didn't even get a chance to use his soccer ball, and he got hit on the head by a surprise attack, putting all the kids in danger.

Even though they eventually discovered the culprit was a female housekeeper disguised as an old lady, Haibara could only helplessly take the hit.

So Haibara deeply understood that while intelligence was important, strength was even more crucial.

Without intelligence, at most, you couldn't solve puzzles and cases, but without strength, you might lose your life.

Comparing the way Senichi rescued her sister with the tricks and aces he showed, it becomes evident how different the two of them are.

Conan may seem wise and sophisticated, but in reality, he's a reckless guy who has no idea about his own combat power.

On the other hand, Senichi is truly brave, resourceful, and well-connected, capable of both fighting and strategizing before taking action.

So, after Haibara used her clever little brain to think and made some comparisons, she decisively chose to join Senichi's side and become a loyal henchman... ah no, a loyal spy for Senichi!

Even without these advantages, Senichi is a great benefactor to the Miyanos, and for Haibara, who has a sister complex, it's obvious which side she'd choose to support.

Sure enough, just a couple of days after Senichi left, as he had predicted, they encountered a case.

Glancing at the time, it was 9 o'clock in England. Since Japan is about 8 hours ahead of England, it should be around 5 o'clock in the evening in Japan.

"Is Haibara in trouble now?" With this thought in mind, Senichi didn't even bother to eat breakfast and quickly opened the text message on his phone.

The message roughly mentioned the situation they encountered today.

Firstly, it was about the series of arson incidents happening in Tokyo these days, and simultaneously, there were clues about Inspector Sato's father, "Masayoshi Sato."

While Inspector Sato was talking to Takagi on the phone, she suddenly stopped responding, and the situation became extremely urgent.

Seeing this, Senichi knew which case it was. He remembered this case because it was related to "Sato and Takagi's love story," and it was a subplot connected to the Main timeline.

Although Senichi regretted not being present, he could have captured the arsonist when the elementary school kids luckily stumbled upon them. But it was still fine as it is.

After all, changes in the timeline wouldn't always lead to better outcomes.

If Senichi intervened and ended the case early, Takagi wouldn't have had the opportunity to survive the fire and think about protecting his father's memento, thus earning the favor of Miwako Sato and going on their first date.

As they say, there's always a trade-off, and if Senichi had prevented the case, he might have ruined the relationship between the two.

That would be a big mistake, and he might even face punishment from the unknown higher power... ah no, from the wrath of a certain unnamed great will(Sato and Takagi ship fans)~


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