1 The mysterious girl

Warning my English isn't good.

Thank you


In one of the kingdoms of mankind in the North, the kingdom of gold, as the names of one of the most famous kingdoms of mankind in trade suggest, is considered one of the richest kingdoms, which is famous for trade of all kinds, large buildings and crowding of people.

A huge mountain-surrounded castle stands in front of the huge gate, carts, horses of nobles and merchants lining up to enter their own high-end areas next to the King's Castle.

The guard screams at the top of his next voice.

A group of people wearing black robes covering all their bodies walk in a coordinated manner and stand by the guard.

The guard looks at the group strangely.

Take the lid off your head and find out about yourself.

But without a reply.

A guard screams.

Everyone turned to the group, and so did the guards.

Suddenly a little girl comes forward to cross from the middle, bowing their heads, the girl's progress among them, raising a certain slogan, all the people turned to the girl. They were stunned by those who saw him, the red cheek, the silver hair, the very pure blue eye, and the skinny white hand.

The guards looked closely at the girl, but the guard's attention was not impressed by the simple slogan, a slogan that is not impressive, just a word in a black stone. People look at the slogan and some despise the situation.

Captain? The guard asks the commander of

the wall the main gate, but the commander did not have to harden the body of the commander when he was looking at the girl's logo, yes, the real fear in the logo knows who they know, the commander jumped out of the wall quickly and pressed the slogan that next to his chest sent an urgent telegram to the leaders of the Royal Guard and said with fear the family of origin here.

The guard looks at the logo and remembers all the slogans of the nobles and the trade did not pass him like this simple silly slogan

A guard reads the word of origin written in stone and recalls his memories of anything related to the logo and did not

Any result of looking at the little girl.

Guard: Without a specific permit or a distinctive symbol of the person—-

Before he finished the word, I felt danger in the back, and he looked quickly behind his leader, running at full speed, hearing only one word. Shut up so strongly that most of the areas surrounding the castle are called by the astonishment of merchants and nobles from the presence of one of the most powerful and prominent figures in the empire and is considered the protector of the wall of the main gate.

Why did this come into everyone's minds?

They got him to get attention

The little girl changed her look from the commanding guard and raised a slogan for him wanting to pass without talking.

the leader looked at the logo and looked at the girl and looked at the group in the back he doesn't know what to do are they on a mission

the leader's thoughts turn quickly

The mysterious girl: No harm

Her soft voice is like music and a beautiful, strange melody, but it makes you bow respectfully to her.

The leader bowed: the passage of your happiness.

Shock once through all the attendees the leader who is considered an important pillar bends and addresses his child respectfully

The girl passes by and the group follows her.

At the King's Palace.

The King of the Kingdom of Gold hears the report in front of his leaders and a group of advisers.

Look at them.

With an old voice and authority he said: prepare the feasts to receive them

Then he stood from his throne and overtook the guard and left the hall quietly the audience who know who this family is sitting in their places and thinking and who did not know who they turn once right and once left to find out the reason for the gathering and who made the king come out of his isolation to meditate they did not get an answer.

‏An hour after the girl entered the capital of the Kingdom

‏The girl walks amid a bow from the guard and the leaders reached the reception hall did not raise her gaze at all and did not care and did not speak went directly to the chair on the right side of the king and sat and a group stand behind her with a bow did not show a little from their face or detail as if it was a veil gives to all the audience to see.

The King stood from his throne and received the girl sitting respectfully

King: Welcome to your happiness we had no knowledge of your presence (smiling)

The Girl : Thank you for receiving Willem

The king smiled.

King: I welcome you in my name and the name of the people of our kingdom.

The king is looking at his advisers.

Understand it.

The guard screamed Show off.

bustle in the hall of dance shows and drinking and laughing and a lot of anticipation and fear

During the hustle and bustle, the girl speaks.

The Girl: Willem, is there such a thing in your safe?

I pulled out a small black piece of weird-looking, halo fragment.

King: what a strange aura. I'm sorry, we don't have it, but I can look for it in all our kingdom's stores and give you the answer tomorrow your happiness.

Well, that's the mysterious girl's response.

After a while, the mysterious girl pauses.

I looked at the king: I need a room for me and my followers are quiet, away from intrusion and inconvenience.

The King stood up and all the activities stopped, he looked at the girl.

King: Well, Your Excellency, Commander, please bring her happiness to the hospitality room and assured all the servants and the guard not to approach the room.

The guest came forward and directed them to their room and ask if they had anything else.

Mysterious Girl: No

Guest room

A strange and bright light appears from nowhere, the light gradually disappears, appearing amidst a majestic sound light, just hearing the sound, the girl and the black group kneeled in one voice, Your Majesty.

Her voiceless look at the girl and the group: Ora, what happened?

Ora looked and said, "Your Majesty, we have reached the Kingdom of Gold."

She told her from the moment they got to her in the room

The owner of the voice: Ok, sir, he is accused of stone, do a good research, and don't let me down your chance to make him proud of you My little girl.

Ora : Ok mom I won't let you down and I won't come back until I find the piece.

ora was silent for a while: Mom, is Dad okay?

The owner of the voice in a mysterious tone:

Yes, sir, his strength will return in less than a week and he will regain his strength

Her voice's aura changed and overwhelmed a kingdom, all beings were terrified.

ora in a weak voice: Mom

The owner of the voice felt wrong: I'm sorry, little girl.

Ora thinks, Oh my God, what is this aura just a photogram, and I felt death, what is my father's power?

The owner of the voice understands what her daughter is thinking: No one knows my little girl

Ora with fear: I'm sorry, mom, I didn't tell -

The owner of the voice interrupted her with a laugh: No need to worry, my little girl, complete the task and make my master proud of you.

Ora : Your Majesty, I will make my father proud of me.

The owner of the voice while looking at the black group: Bye baby, rely on yourself on a mission

Ora: Your Majesty

Suddenly a light flashed and disappeared in an instant.
