
1 - Direction

I can't believe it.

I really can't believe it.

I thought it all finally ended only but no, it only served to end me up in such a place.

Why is it so cruel?

For everything to be taken away but given a small hope at the very end.

I walked towards the white light in my afterlife.

Yes, I had died. I was sure of it. It was a heart attack which took me at my 40s.

I could still vividly remember the pain and a wave of relief after it was all over but also a overwhelming sense of regret since I finally knew what I wanted to do my whole life.

My life was very average. I didn't do many things, rather the things I used to do were really bad. I am not a very talented person. I even felt that I didn't have any talents or motivation to do anything. I just did things that was needed for my survival.

My parents had died in a stampede at the Monarch's Golden Statue at Prastinez Islands in the Prez Nations when I was 9 years old. It was a place located nearside Tornell Seas, the most violent seas in the world.

The Monarch's Golden Statue was considered a symbol for safety of the citizens there. It was a miracle that the storms of the Tornell Seas never affected the place and people even started worshiping the Statue.

As a result, it became a very famous tourist spot within a few years.

We had visited that year because of me. I suffered from lack of talents and purpose. My parents were very worried about what would happen to me in the future. Suddenly, one day a man who advocated himself as a astrologer, came to my house and advised my parents that should they bring me to Monarch's Golden Statue, my whole life will change and I will have a very bright future.

Turns out, he was partially right. My whole life changed!

That year, a huge tsunami hit the isolated Prestinez Islands. When the news came out, people panicked a lot since nothing had happened in past 200 years when the statue was first found.

Anyway, I got seperated from my parents in the croud and was rescued due to some very lucky coincidences. However, my parents were not so lucky and both of them lost their lives in the stampede, or so I heard.

Later on, I came to know that the guy who advised us to go there was a big fraud and was being executed for a murder charge. I searched up the whole story and came to know that the same guy had advised some bigshot CEO's son to commit suicide to have a better life. This was quite a popular case as the madman's last words on the death row was "It's not over yet. The death is not the end. It doesn't matter whether I die or not. My purpose is to bring salvation to everyone. I hope my words help you find your salvation. Hahaha."

The video had gone quite viral on the streaming platforms reaching viewership in the billions. But compared to the total world population, it was just a tiny sand grain on a beach.

I lived a hard life after the death of my parents. I used to work hard daily for survival. However, I never got a kick out of it. There was no purpose or direction in my life. It seemed empty and everything would seem worthless.

On earth, talented people were as numerous as grass in a grassland or trees in a forest. Those without talents, were always tossed to the side, even by their own family. I was really lucky to have a family who genuinely cared for me. Their death had always been a trauma to me.

I tried. I tried as hard as possible to do the jobs that were given to me but I always failed. Although everyone said I was talentless, I always felt that I didn't even gave 1% to the job and hence could not complete it. I needed a direction which I could never find in my life.

So finally, after years of living in suffering alone, I was finally relieved of my poor miserable life.

It was supposed to be a happy ending!

An end to a tragic story!

But I just had to receive an enlightenment at the end of my life. I finally knew what I wanted to do from all my energy. But a sense of regret immediately followed since I knew I would never be able to even work on it, much less accomplish it.

My heart stopped beating and I died moments later.