39 Chapter 39: Just One of Those Human Things, Part 4

The name echoed throughout the chamber, repeating until it fell into silence. Then, from perhaps twenty meters away, he heard a faint, muffled ping. He spun towards its direction.

The spotlight flashed on again, bathing him in white. "Oh," sang the chorus, "it's you. What are you doing away from your station? Are you sure that you're pure? You're acting like a purple fleshmucker apologist."

"Yes, sir," said Aloysius. "Sorry, sir. It's just, I was wondering, what does impurity look like? Just so I can make sure how to spot, you know, one of them." He weighted the word with as much venom as he could.

"Nothing here is impure," sang the chorus. "Are you trying to accuse us of not being inclusive? Impurity is not a thing of the form, it is of the mind."

"Of course," said Aloysius. "Then could you show me what your purity looks like?"


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