
1 month later.....

A whole month later The airport was under sige no supplies were coming in or out (like they would even want that.

The BoS was prepareing for a full assasult they were going to destroy the enemy donte just knew it. But shortly later when they had commenced the attck he was compelety dumb-founded as he realized they were 10 to 1 in scaler of power,troops,resources,and ammo. But the one advangte they had was weapons and armor. Here we are most of the airport was already taken over by the railroad forces. So they sent in theyre elite d

forces otherwise levi and donte.

Our story begins here. Levi and donte were in the outside of the airport theyre plan was to sneak out and come from behind as the infrantry flank left and right with the demolition sqaud and heavy in the front.

Well somehow this plan went wrong as Levi and, Donte were going in to enemy territory.They were coming a cross a patrol so the brothers hid behind a wall of the parking lot as the patrol went by but then they started to come to they're way the brothers couldn't escape with out being seen so Levi got the head start. They pulled out plasma grenade and threw them.

The patrol consisted of about 15 people it took out three. The brothers had laser rifles at the ready. They both ran out and misused almost all of their shots hit two of them they were down to ten.

Then out of no where they heard the stomp of mutiple feet about what 100 troops.

See what happens in the next chapter

I well make 1 chapter a day now (unless internets down)

Xedruscreators' thoughts
Next chapter