
CHAPTER 1- New Beginnings

??? pov:

 Panting hastily I found myself sprinting through the maze-like alleyways of the city's underbelly, my black hair moving freely in the wind, my breath now ragged, cut through the cold, unforgiving air like a desperate plea for salvation. Footsteps heavy and relentless echoed like a drum of impending doom as they closed in on me from behind.

 These streets were my refuge, a place or haven as others may consider it, built from years of surviving in the shadows of the world now shattered by a devastating war. I clutched tightly onto the stolen equipment in my trembling hands, this was my way of showing defiance against the now prominent force known as the Guardians–a faction under the government's iron rule.

 The Guardians were unyielding in their pursuit against me, their footsteps echoing even louder now reminded me that there was no escape from their grasp this time. The chase felt both endless and inevitable, like a relentless dance between prey and predator. My heart pounded in my chest as the weight of my actions now seemed to tear down on me. 

 This had been going on for quite a while, it was my way of survival, it was how i managed to get by on my own, i would sneak into the nearest Guardian headquarters and make away with what i could gather, but today was different, it were as if they had been waiting for me to come, as if to say "defy us again and face the consequences.

 At last I reached a narrow passage, with nowhere left to run. I set the beg of stolen goods down and decided to stand my ground as a last act of survival as I knew this would be my end. My small figure bathed in the glow of the flickering streetlight, casting long, haunting shadows that danced around me. There they were, emerging from the corner one by one they circled me and suddenly made way for a seemingly higher authority to step forward.

 A stern-faced woman whose eyes bore the weight of countless battles, closed in on me, her eyes piercing my dark brown eyes, "You've got two choices, kid," She finally spoke up, her voice commanding and unforgiving. "Rot in a cell or embrace a future worth fighting for, you're brave kid and I like that, join our ranks."

 At that moment, the weight of my decision hung heavy in the air. This was accompanied by a sense of shock, me, who stole from them countless times, offered a chance to live free. I Knew it was a choice that would change my life, a choice between captivity or the perilous path the Guardians' youth camp, I've heard that it's almost the same as being in prison but it was worth it.

 My eyes, wide with fear and determination darted between the imposing figures of the guardians and the dimly lit alleyway stretching ahead of me. The stolen loot behind me only felt like a heavy burden, only there to serve as a reminder of my defiance, as if it was telling me which choice to pick.

 "F-Fine, I'll… I'll Join" i Stammered as tears began to roll down my cheek unknowingly, the members of the guardians, ever so stoic, nodded in approval, they knew that in a world so harsh, no one would afford to pass on a chance of survival.

 "Welcome to the path of the Guardians, Kid," The stern looking lady replied, her tone softening ever so slightly. "It won't be easy, but it's the only way to make something of yourself in this world." 

 With that his fate was sealed, or so he had thought at that moment. As he followed the Guardians, his steps echoed down the desolated alleyway, but still, a spectre of uncertainty loomed large Within Ezra's heart.


Time had proven relentless. Now, at thirteen years old, Ezra stood in a long line, a sea of downtrodden faces stretching ahead of him. The fatigue etched onto his features spoke of years spent in grueling training within the Guardians' youth camp—a place that demanded efficiency and perfection above all else.

The line shuffled forward slowly, each step a reminder of the hardships endured and the sacrifices made. The government ration distribution was a grim event, where hope clung to the promise of mere sustenance. For Ezra, the years had aged him prematurely, turning the boy into a young man who had known little but the harsh reality of his world.

At the front of the line, however, a commotion erupted. Another young boy, around the same age as Ezra, stood defiantly before the food distributor. His name was Marcus, and his eyes burned with frustration and anger.

 "Is this a prison?" Marcus demanded, his voice trembling with righteous indignation. "You call this food? I've had better scraps!" He sent the metal plate clattering against the counter, with a frustrated sweep of his hand, spilling the meager contents it held. The clatter echoed like a gunshot in the silence, and a hushed murmur of disapproval rippled through the crowd. 

 Ezra watched the unfolding scene with a mixture of annoyance and sympathy. He had seen newcomers react this way before, but he was wrong Marcus was no newcomer, in fact he had come in around the same time as Ezra. What caught Ezra's attention, though, was the flickering glow in Marcus's dark orange eyes—the unmistakable sign of one from the "Manifest Branch," a division within the youth camp for those who possessed abilities. 

The fight intensified, and Marcus unleashed his abilities—powers honed through years of training. Visible Manifested energy in purple crackled around him, and the very ground seemed to tremble. Ezra's eyes widened; he recognized those abilities, for he too was a member of the Manifest Branch. Though they had never exchanged more than the occasional greeting in passing, he knew Marcus by reputation, the embodiment of chaos itself, he was known as Marcus "Havoc" Chambers to those around him.

As the dust settled and the fight came to an abrupt end, Marcus emerged battered and bruised, his powers having taken a toll on him. His defiant stance had crumbled under the weight of experience, for the food distributor was no ordinary opponent. He was a man who had survived countless skirmishes, a testament to just how harsh the world was.

Ezra couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Marcus. After all, they shared the same division, the same hardships, and now, the same anger at the world that had brought them to this point. As Marcus struggled to catch his breath and regain his composure, Ezra stepped forward, offering a hand to help him up.

"Hey," Ezra said, his tone laced with understanding. "That was quite a show you put on back there. I've never seen anyone pull something like that. It's tough, but you'll get the hang of it. My name's Ezra, by the way."

Marcus took Ezra's hand, a mixture of surprise and gratitude in his eyes. "I'm tired of this, they serve us scraps like we're dogs, they're just trying to break us, aren't they?"

Ezra nodded. "That's how they operate here. It's harsh, but we've got to adapt. Maybe we can make it a bit easier by sticking together. By the way, you look around my age" he said, "I'm 14, came in around 3 years ag…" Marcus replied, but was cut short by a voice that called out from the crowd, breaking their moment of connection. "Ezra!" A young girl with striking blue eyes and dark hair came running towards them, her face lit up with a smile. "Ezra, there you are!"

Ezra's expression softened as he saw the newcomer. "Aurora," he said warmly. "Good to see you. This is Marcus. Marcus, meet Aurora. She's one of us, a manifest I mean." Aurora extended her hand to Marcus with a friendly gesture. "Nice to meet you, you handled yourself well back there. I've seen you use your abilities before, and I've gotta say, you're pretty good."

Marcus nodded in gratitude, shaking Aurora's hand. "Thanks. It's good to know there are still people like you in this…Dump." 

As they continued to chat and get to know each other, the camp's loudspeakers crackled to life, and a commanding voice echoed throughout the square. "Attention, all third-year trainees. Report to the front of the main square immediately."

Ezra, Marcus, and Aurora exchanged curious glances. What could this sudden announcement be about? They made their way to the front of the square along with the rest of the third-year trainees, their steps filled with anticipation.

Standing before them, the High Master, a stern figure with an air of authority, addressed the group. "You've completed three grueling years of training," he declared, his voice echoing through the square. "And now it's time for you to put your skills to the test in the field. For the next two years, you'll be assigned to teams and guided by experienced Masters."

He began to announce the team assignments one by one, and as the tension built, he finally called out, "Ezra Graves, Marcus Chambers, Aurora Grey, Dante Summers and Ryder Walsh, you 5 will be in the same team accompanied by your master Andrea Solomon."

Ezra, Marcus, and Aurora were surprised. They had just been thrown together with two other individuals they didn't know, and a Master with a Missing leg. The uncertainty of the future hung in the air and it was filled with questions, "Who are these two people?", "Are they strong?", "what's their personality?", "what of our master?", "Is she really handicapped like I've heard?", "How will she be able to lead us?", "Can she even fight?" These were the questions that juggled between all three of their minds.

The High Master continued, "You'll receive smartwatches for navigation, communication, and tracking. Use them wisely, for the field is unforgiving, all other information will be given by your respective masters. Best of luck, young Guardians. You'll need it."

With those words, the groups were dismissed, and they made their way to a quieter spot within the square.

Ezra, Marcus, Aurora, and Dante found themselves sitting in a circle, creating a makeshift gathering spot in the bustling square. The tension from the announcement had dissipated, replaced by a sense of anticipation and curiosity. They all knew that the next two years would bring new challenges and tests that they couldn't yet fathom.

As they waited, Marcus couldn't resist making a quip about their peculiar situation. "Well, this is going to be an interesting team. A thief, a brawler, and a mind reader," he said, nodding toward Aurora, "not to mention two mystery members and a one-legged Master. Quite the squad we've got here." 

"I'm guessing I'm one of the mystery members," Dante spoke up. "I mean yeah, the three of us have already been acquainted and we just met you..," Marcus added. 

Ezra chuckled. "Yeah, we're quite the mix, aren't we? But who knows, maybe our differences are what we need."

"I've Actually heard a bit about you Dante," Aurora chimed in, "You're the one who snuck into the main hall to demand extra food as the High Master right." "Great, So that makes it two thieves," Marcus chuckled and so did Aurora, "It was worth the try, I mean, I couldn't live on those scraps anymore," Dante added.

"So you can shape shift, that's hella cool" Marcus exclaimed. "Thanks man," Dante replied. "So…., we're a team now. It's going to be a wild ride. I'm Aurora, and as you may or may not know," She looked towards Dante, "I have telepathic projection. But let's hear about you guys. Ezra, you're up first."

Ezra smiled, appreciating the opportunity to share a bit about himself. "I'm Ezra Graves, and like most of us here. I've got some abilities too, but they're more on the physical side. Super strength and enhanced reflexes and just the right amount of speed."

Marcus raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Super strength, huh? That's pretty impressive, why don't you just punch your way outta here.". "You don't think i've tried," He pointed to the walls surrounding them and pointed out several badly patched up holes, "who do you think made those, once you get in here you can't leave man, it's like a high security prison."

Dante, leaned in. "Well, I'm Dante Summers. And as you've heard I can alter my physical form and appearance. I can change the way I look or even turn into someone else, animals aren't an exception, I can change from just my hand to my whole body. It's been handy for getting into tight spots."

Aurora nodded in approval. "As for me, you already know my thing—telepathic projection. I can communicate with others using my mind, and sometimes I can even influence their thoughts a bit."

Just as they were getting comfortable with each other, Ryder Walsh finally caught up to the group. He was breathing heavily, clearly exhausted from his rush to join the others. "Sorry, guys," he panted, wiping sweat from his forehead. "I'm Ryder, i know i'm late, but I've got a good reason"

Ezra greeted Ryder with a welcoming nod. "Na, it's calm. We were just introducing ourselves. You're right on time."

Ryder smiled, relieved that he hadn't missed out on the initial conversation. "Great to meet you all. I'm looking forward to this. It's going to be a whole new adventure."

The five of them continued to chat, discussing their abilities in more detail, sharing stories of their time in the youth camp, and making light-hearted jokes about their roles and nicknames. The atmosphere was one of excitement, despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

As they chatted, Andrea Solomon, their Master, finally approached the group. She had a mechanical prosthetic leg from her knee down, but her presence exuded authority and experience. She had short-cropped hair and piercing blue eyes, and she had seen more battles than any of her new charges.

"Good to see you've all started getting acquainted," she said in a firm but not unkind tone. "I'm Andrea Solomon, and I'll be leading you during your field assignments. I may have a prosthetic leg, but don't underestimate me. I've been through more than my share of battles, and I've trained many Guardians over the years. You'll find that the challenges ahead will test your limits, but with teamwork and dedication, I'm sure you guys will be just fine."

The team members nodded in acknowledgment, taking Andrea's words to heart. With their Master now present, their new adventure as a team of young Guardians was set to begin. Together, they would face the dangers of a world scarred by war, unearthing secrets, and discovering their true potential.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also, it's a short first chapter i know, bear with me :)

VONTcreators' thoughts