
Falling in Love with the King of Beasts

[COMPLETE] Reth stalked towards her, chin low so the shadow cast by his hard jaw cut across the thick fur collar of his vest. His hair had fallen over his eyes in the scuffle, so he peered at her through it like a lion in the grass. With each step, his graceful, rolling gait reminded her of a predator stalking its prey. Despite the forest floor littered in twigs and leaves, he didn’t make a sound. “Wh-who are you?” Elia stammered, backing away, her hands up. He met her step for step until she came up hard against the tree behind her—and didn’t stop until he loomed over her, so broad his shoulders and chest made a wall in front of her. She could feel the heat rising off his skin in the cool, night air. “I am the Leonine King.” His voice was a dark, husky gravel. Behind him a chorus of wheezes, howls, and chirps of agreement rose from the people watching. “And you are?” “Elia,” she breathed. “Elia,” he growled, leaning in closer, bringing with him the scent of pine and rain and the musk of something distinctly male. “I am Reth.” He said the name with a strange, guttural roll in his throat. “I am the King of Beasts. I am Clan Leader, and I am Alpha of WildWood.” Several snarls rose from the crowds behind him then, but he ignored them. Elia swallowed as he leaned in until the scruff on his jaw rasped her cheek. “I am the King,” he said, “And you will be my mate.” The forest behind him erupted. ****** Elia is a poor university student until the night she's taken to the world of the Anima—ruled by humans whose ancient hearts pulse with the blood of animals. There she's forced into a battle to the death. But when Elia survives, and refuses to kill her final opponent, the King must either kill Elia himself, or take her as his mate. Reth, the brutal King of the Beasts with the blood of lions, shocks everyone when he chooses the weak, human Elia to become his Queen. He promises her every comfort of his wealth and position—but he is clear: She will not warm his bed. He chose her to defeat those that were trying to corner him into blending his Leonine line with the Wolves. Elia needs the help of the Anima to become stronger and rule them well. But the vengeful Wolves see only a weak human that brought them shame. As Elia and Reth grow closer, the wolves are determined to destroy her. Will Reth and Elia admit their feelings for each in time to fight for the Kingdom—and their lives—against the villainous wolf-tribe? Or will the wolves kill Elia and steal the throne? [Mature content - no sexual violence] Cover Art used by paid copyright permission. Illustrated by Aenaluck--see more gorgeous art and support them on www.patreon.com/aenaluck

AimeeLynn · Fantasy
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699 Chs

The World Keeps Turning


Behryn disappeared into the trees and Reth turned his nose to the wind. Tensions were high indeed. He could smell it on every Anima on the breeze.

Even on Elia, though the scent of her was so sweet to him, it was near intoxicating. He'd never forgotten her smell, but now that she was no longer a child, the smell of her that he'd enjoyed as a cub—the smell that made him feel safe, accepted—had bloomed, from a single, frail flower, to an entire bouquet.

"What were you two talking about, flames and smoke?" she said cautiously. The fear in her voice broke through his thoughts and grated on him like fur rubbed the wrong way. No woman should be afraid to walk among the Anima—most especially when she was on his arm! But not only was it completely understandable that she was terrified, it would have been a lie for him to tell her the risk was passed.

His people were not yet satisfied. He ground his teeth but tried to keep his face relaxed so she wouldn't pick up on his tension.

"The mating ceremony, we call it the Flames. And the smoke… well, you'll see. It's quite enjoyable, don't worry. No more killing tonight." At least, he prayed that was the truth. The wolves had run off far too quickly for his taste.

"M-mating ceremony?" She looked up at him, her mouth open like a fish.

Reth nodded. "Whenever our people declare their intention to mate—as bonded pairs, not just for fun—we hold the ceremony. Tonight's will be special. A King only takes the mating ceremony once." Unless his wife died, but that didn't seem a wise point to make when she was already shaking at the knees.

"Is it like… are we getting married?" Her voice went up too high at the end and again he cursed the plots that had brought her here, now.

"I know this is a lot, Elia," he said quietly, calmly. "I know it's a shock. But I have to ask you to walk through this with me. For your own safety, and for the peace of my people. Anima is your home now, for better or for worse."

She turned her head away but didn't let go of his arm. He could see the tears in her eyes.

He sighed. "I was honest with you back at the Rite. I will never force myself upon you, nor create pressure to make you feel you must enter my bed. Your life will be peaceful as long as I am King. We will share a name, a tribe, a purpose. But your heart and body will remain yours unless you offer them willingly."

She chewed on her lip and stared forward into the forest, where the trees were beginning to spread out and the night air lighten as more moonlight filtered through. "I believe you," she whispered finally. "I don't know why, but God help me, I believe you."

"The Creator will bless you for it," he replied honestly. "Truth is always useful. And it is the one thing I guarantee you'll always receive from me: I will not pretend to be what I am not, and I will not ask you to, either."

"Yes, but—"

"Please, Elia, we are almost to the caves. When there is more time—tomorrow perhaps—we will sit down together, and I will answer your questions. I know you have many. It is unfortunate that your first night here must be so… eventful. But life is life, and the world turns. Tonight you will be called my Queen. Tonight Anima will make you one of us. Tomorrow we can worry about the rest."