
Chapter 3

Ariana's POV

"Adrian." He says as we shake hands.

"Thank you for trying to protect me back there. Most people would look the other way." I say blushing

"What you did surpassed what I did." He says nonchalantly.

"It doesn't matter, a good deed is still a good deed no matter how small." I smile at him and he returns it and a nod.

I linger for a few minutes watching Joe enjoy the food I brought for him.

"Would you like a seat." He offers looking me directly in the eyes and for the first time I really look at him.

I almost gasped under is gaze. He had unusually beautiful eyes, they remind me of pools of liquid gold.

I try to cover up my surprise quickly but he only chuckles as I take a seat.

We sit there quietly watching everyone passing by.

"So what are you running from." I accidentally think out loud.

"My family." He answers looking just as surprised as me.

"What did they do?" I ask and he looks at me with a strange expression as if he's studying me.

"Am I over stepping my boundaries?" I ask quickly, me and my big mouth.

"If you can't talk to a stranger who can you talk to?" He says coolly and I let out light laugh.

"You just took me off guard with that question. People normally ask what did I do." He explains and I laugh, he gives me questioning look.

" if you met my parents you'd ask the same thing I did." I give him a warm smile.

"Sounds like we have a bit in common already." He says smiling back. "So what are you running from?"

"I wasn't running." I reply, "Well not today. I always feed him when I'm in town."

We talk for a while, just watching the snow fall.

What are the odds of me meeting someone who goes to my college back in my hometown.

Turns out he's a sophomore and he doesn't play any sports. That's probably the reason I haven't heard of him.

Its kinda weird but almost all of the athletes at OSU know each other and they always look out for each other too, that's one of the things I love most about being there.

"Its strange that you don't know me or know of me." He expresses his thoughts with an amused look on his face.

"Yeah, Im kind of a loner. Its cheerleading, assignments, study, sleep. That's my routine." I tell him with a blush and he looks even more surprised than before.

He looks at me his surprised expression never fading.

"That's strange behavior for a cheerleader." He smiles and I catch a glimpse of his pearly whites.

I sigh inwardly while returning his smile. Trust me, I know.

He'd be the perfect guy to bring home to my parents.

He's tall, handsome, protective and not a pervert. He hasn't checked me out once since I met him and he actually looks me in the eye.

Maybe he's a little too perfect.

Or just uninterested.

My subconscious adds rudely.

But I bet one of those alumni girls already scooped him up or legacy or whatever you call them.

Yup, ready to get married and start pooping legacy kids.

"So how's winter break treating you?" He asks suddenly.

"Exactly how I expected it to treat me." I say nonchalantly.

My parents keep asking about my boyfriend, which I don't have.

"And you?" I return his question.

"Same." He says with a wince and I almost laugh.

I check my phone and its already 9:50, I better get going before my parents get any ideas.

"I'll see you around." I say giving him a polite smile before getting up.

"Let me give you ride home." He offers.

"I actually drove here. But thanks."

Yup, the perfect guy.

"I'll walk you to your car then." He persists. Did I mention how sweet this guy was? And perfect?

I nod giving him the go ahead. When he stands I finally see how tall he really is and i suddenly feel like a midget at my height of 5 ft as we begin the short journey to my car.

"Here it is." I say motioning to my 2014 Honda fit.

"You drive this?" He asks failing to hold back a grin.

What's wrong with my car?

"Sorry I guess I was expecting something pink and girly." He confesses when sees my expression.

"Because I'm a cheerleader?" I ask raising a brow at him.

" I guess so, can't judge a book by its cover."

"Guess not." I say smiling and getting into my car.

I roll down the window and wave goodbye.

He's such a good guy, perfect for the parents.


I hear the buzzing of my phone as I run on the threadmil.

I've only ran 2 miles no way am I stopping to answer my phone, if I stop now I'll slack off.

I mentally block out the buzzing of my phone and continue my workout session.

When I finish my workout I see 5 missed calls from Marie and one from coach Holmes. She must be checking in on me.

I decide to call my coach fist and she picks up on the first ring.

"Good morning Ariana, how's your break." She chirps.

"Good morning Miss Holmes, its going great and you?" I ask trying not to sound too tired.

"Its going great thanks for asking. I wanted to tell you not to overwork yourself, your in good shape , perfectly healthy so just keep it moderate and stay on a balanced diet." She pauses to speak to someone, her husband I presume.

"She's sleeping don't wake her." She says to the person.

"Sorry about that, as I was saying remember to go out and have some fun. You work hard enough as it is, so take it easy." She scolds me.

"I promise I will coach, don't worry about it." I lie.

"Great I expect pictures, bye for now." She says and hang up before I can respond.

I call Marie to fin out what's up and it turns out she just wanted to go ice skating later.

This is great, I can just snap a pic with a bunch of random people and send it to coach. She'll never know.

As I enter the kitchen the delicious sent of backed goods waft through the air.

My dad pulls out a try of half read half green macaroons. Hmmm I can't wait to eat those when they cool.

Did I mention my dad was the cook in the family?

Oh yeah my dad cooks the best food and bakes the best cakes, my mouth is watering from the memories of last years ham.

Oh mom! You chose the right man.

I grab two cupcakes and head to my room.

I spend most of the day studying and completing a few assessments early.

For some reason my mind keeps drifting back to last week when I met mr perfect.

Danm, I need to find me a him.

When I look at my clock I realize it also 6, I quickly shower and get dressed for ice skating.

I grab a few cupcakes and jump in my car and speed over to Marie's house I blow the horn and Riley waste no time running to the car.

Shot gun she shouts as her big sister locks the front door. Marie just laughs it off.

She's matured so much.

"I brought cupcakes." I chirp and drive off.

We get there in no time, and get straight to skating.

This is our usual Christmas eve routine, go skating together. Our families always did it together I know my parents will be showing up later.

I've done this so many years I'm basically a pro and it.

We skate for awhile showing off a few skills we picked up from watching yuri on ice as kids.

When we finished a few persons applauded us and we bowed. We then proceed to skate like normal people.

A smile spreads across my face when I see Riley making a new friend and they attempt the moves we tired failing miserably. Marie rushes over to help but they are laughing.

Kids these days are so tough.

"Watch out!" Someone yells when I look who it is it's too late and a girl crashes into me.

I brace myself for impact with the ice but I'm greeted by firm strong arms instead. I am placed firmly on my feet but I keep my eyes squeezed shut.

"Um, I think your fine now." A familiar voice says and I open my eyes to see the one and only Adrian.

"Hi." He says smiling.

"Hi." I say blushing.

"Thanks alot for breaking my fall." A beautiful blond girl says smiling at me. And we just stand there awkwardly.

I take a moment to look at her and she's almost as tall as he is.

"You can let go of her now." She elbows him in the side and he instinctively let's go of me.

He glares at her for a second and I realize they know each other. She must be his girlfriend, just what I'd expect.

Can we borrow your boyfriend to trick my parents.

My subconscious says and I stifle a laugh and they both look at me weirdly.

"Nice seeing you again Adrian, thank you, and your welcome. " I say as calmly as possible and skate away.

For some reason she smacked him across the head and pointed at me while they were arguing.

He probably should have let go sooner.

Next chapter