
Falling In Love With A Dragon

One year later...

Baby Qi, can you go out to the barn and do a head count on the cattle. Make sure they are all there. We had a 2 that went off into the hills last night. I want to see if they came back. It will be a great loss for us if they haven't. Yes, mom!

I go out to the barn. It's almost dark. My memory of that night a year ago plays in my mind again and again, like it's stuck on repeat. I'm really curious who that man is and why he marked my back with this dragon tattoo. I've had to keep it covered for the past year so no one would know. It would be hard to explain how this happened and my parents would not be happy about it if I did. I start counting heads of cattle. 1, 2 ,3... will that man show up in my life again? 7,8,9... just where did he go? It's like he just disapeared. 47, 48.. wait 2 are missing still. After counting heads a second time to confirm I went to the spot I was pinned and kissed.

As I sat there thinking about that man, how he looked, how that kiss was sudden but awaked desire for more. When suddenly, a blinding light of gold flashed and I fell backwards onto a grassy plain. Where am I? I see something up in the sky and it's getting closer. When I am finally able to make out what it is amazment kept me stuck right where I was. It landed right in front of me. A Dragon! A huge golden dragon! I have to be dreaming? Did I faint again? This can't be real. *pinches arm. ouch! This is real! *faints.

When she wakes up let me know immediately! Yes, master.

I awaken in the most luxurious room I have ever seen. Golden blankets, drapes and even the furniture looks gold in color. I sit up and a girl who looked to be not much older then me greets me. Hello Miss, do you feel well? Is there anything I can get for you? No, thank you. Uhhum, where am I? You are in masters manor. He brought you here. He said to let him know when you awaken. Since you don't need anything right now. I will go tell him you are awake. Wait. Who are you? Who is your master? Oh miss, he will tell you himself. I am masters maid. *door closes.

* knock knock. Come. Master the girl is awake. Go make her food. Yes master.

There is a knock at the door. Yes, you can come in. A man enters the room. I look up at him and I am in complete shock. He is the man I saved a year ago. I stand up and run to him. Touch his cheeks with my hands then I start to lift his shirt to check the bruises. I realize what I am doing and back away quickly as my face turns tomato red. He clears his throat. *uh hum. His ears start to turn pink as I stare at him. Do you remember me? Ye...yes! Good. You will become my wife in 3 months time. For saving the life of the prince of dragon's. This is the only way to repay you. My name is HuangDi. I am the prince of dragon's soon to be Emperor of dragon's. You will be Emperess of dragon's. I will be crowned the day before our wedding. *yelling from anger. What! Wait, I just got here and I don't even know where I am. Now, I'm supposed to just get married to you? Someone who was unconscious when I met him. Who took my first kiss and disapeared after leaving a tattoo on my back! What is that for? Then this same man disappears and it is a year later, then this! I am suddenly supposed to marry a man that I don't know? In a place that... I don't even know what! As I yell he slowly steps towards me unfazed by my hot headed temper. I start to quit down while puffing out my cheeks in anger. Do you feel better now that you let it all out? He asked as he sat next to me on the bed. No... yes. All questions will be answered in time.

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