
Falling in Love Under the Blue Sky

Sheena has always been a responsible youngest daughter of the Esquivel Family. All throughout her college life, she never knew and expected that she would experience betrayals that only happened and that she only encountered in novels. Everything that took place during her internship was like a drama that could only be seen at television. Sheena never knew that for once before her graduation, her world and perception of life will change with a roller coaster ride-like experience. People say, time will come where everything's gonna happen in the most unexpected time. Friendship. Family. Career. Love. Betrayals.

lsscssndr · Teen
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1 Chs

Chapter 1:

Sheena's POV:

Have you ever been tired of life? Every day, everything passed by in a routine. Where from the day I woke up, preparing for school, going home, doing school works then to preparing for sleep because there would be another day.

Hoping for another day. A routine that I've been coping up for the past five years since my late father left us. A nightmare that I've been wishing to wake up for several years but always finding myself failing up.

I've always been doubting my life. Will I end up with the same routine all throughout my life? Will I always end up with helping myself by myself everytime I feel like I'm drowning in a vast ocean alone and feeling cold?

Life, it's always been fascinating but behind the beauty and the mesmerizing view and magic, is a life full of challenges and nightmares. Where I could always find myself in a blissful happiness and at the same time in an endless darkness.

Where I could faced some troubles with the people I cherished or I'll just find myself battling life alone, as if no one's there ready to fight with me such grievances and or save me from thornful maze that seemed to be a place where there's no exits and entrances. Like it's always been a magic, why I ended up alone at the middle of nowhere.

For you? what is life? are you with people whom you cherished? or are you alone? drowning and fighting those silent battles?