
The Beginning

My mom helped me put my luggage on the concrete floor of the phoenix airport

"Do call me once you have reached forks, okay?" she said

"sure mum" I replied back .

She gently kissed me on my forehead and said "I'm just fulfilling my duties of being a mother to a daughter like you " , " ya right!" I exclaimed.

I picked up my bags and headed in the direction of the entry gate when suddenly behind me my mom shouts " don't forget to 'hi' to James from me !" .I flashed my thumbs up in the air - high enough for her to see it - assuring that I'll do it

I reached forks around 2pm and not to my utter surprise James-my dad- was standing there with a huge welcome smile pasted on his face

"So how is the daughter of a genius financial advisor doing?" my dad loves to refer himself as a third person , I just hate it

"I'm fine dad , how are you?" I replied.

"I'm....just like " he replied and started laughing.Oh why on earth does he has to be so lame!

" Okay so jokes apart, let's quickly go home also I've a suprise for you ! " my dad said

hey everyone how are doing? I know I'm writing very very very less please forgive me that , also do leave your valuable comments they mean a lot to me ,thank you

bookwork_for_lyfcreators' thoughts
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