
Falling for the Omega Idol

Kang Haneul’s once-happy life was shattered by tragedy when his family was struck by a devastating traffic accident. His parents died and his sister fell into a coma. He worked himself to the bone to support his comatose sister’s medical expenses. Yet fate dealt another cruel blow. Just as his sister passed away from heart failure and he received a grim diagnosis of stage 4 cancer, he found himself in the path of an oncoming truck while saving a child. Facing death, he unexpectedly encounters the king of the underworld, who offers him a remarkable gift for his selfless act: a chance to rewrite the past. With determination burning within him, Haneul seizes this opportunity to change the course of his life and fulfill long-lost dreams. But wait- why do these people keep calling him an Omega? What the heck is an Omega??? #BL #Omegaverse #Idol #notsmut

Tyramisu · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
82 Chs


HANEUL walked towards the mirror in an almost robotic manner. He touched his cheek and the reflection on the mirror did the same, so he knew that the one he's looking at now was his own reflection.

Some might think that he was exaggerating. After all, this restroom was in his hospital room. Who else could be here but him? But if anyone from his previous life could see him now, they might also have the same reaction.

His face didn't exactly change, per se. All the features he was familiar with were still the same. His black hair had a standard cut, neither long nor overly short, something any student his age would have. His brown eyes had a lighter shade than normal, and would appear almost amber under the sunlight. The nose and the shape of the lips, as well as the teardrop mole at the corner of his left eye - they were still as he remembered.

So what exactly was the problem?

Well, for some reason, he now looked like a fox demon who's trying to seduce people so he could eat their liver. In short, he simply looked too... charming, to put it lightly.

The more he stared at his reflection, the more this 'charming' effect intensified. Although he knew his appearance was not bad, it was not to the point where he could consider himself a walking bottle of 'sex appeal'.

Since it hadn't even been a day since he arrived at this world and there wasn't a time for him to look at a mirror, it's understandable that he only now noticed this change. Especially since the people he had interacted with so far - his family and the doctor assigned to him - didn't really show any big reaction.

As he looked at himself in the mirror, he finally noticed something that could have caused this. The outer corner of his eyes was now slightly more upturned than it was before. With the long and thick eyelashes surrounding both eyes, the combination made his gaze appear very sultry. Anyone who he looked at could easily assume that he was seducing them just because of this gaze.

What kind of black magic was this? Surely, even with this slight change, he shouldn't have this kind of atmosphere. And yet, here he was, a moving, living proof.

It was then that he remembered what Yeomra said the last second before he disappeared from that white space.

[Oh right, I just gave you a blessing. Whether it becomes a gift or a curse is up to you.]

Was this what that guy was talking about? He might as well think that a black magic was cast on him. Because what kind of blessing was this?

Haneul opened the faucet and doused himself with cold water to calm himself down. He clenched the sink and gritted his teeth.

'That damn Yeomra, doing something unnecessary like this...'

Although he was thankful for the other for having this second chance at life, it didn't mean that he would just blindly be thankful. First, putting him in a world where there were secondary genders, and now this. If the other was in front of him right now, he would definitely not hesitate to punch him.

Yeomra said that what he gave could either be a gift or a curse. Right now, Haneul only felt that it was the latter. And for someone who was dreaming of becoming an idol, this was simply a disaster.

An idol should be able to digest any kind of concept. But with this atmosphere, he would definitely be boxed in a 'sexy concept'. And with him being an Omega... hah. Although he's not yet familiar with the changes in the idol industry in this world with the presence of Alphas and Omegas, it's easy to imagine some things.

He looked at himself in the mirror.

It's fine. This was fine. No matter what kind of challenge came along his way, it didn't matter. He just had to face it head on. It would not deter him from pursuing his dream. He would not waste this second chance just because of a few bumps here and there.

Besides, wasn't there a saying that 'a great artisan doesn't blame their tools'? He just had to make sure that this 'blessing' would be a gift and not a curse.


Haneul looking at himself in the mirror: What kind of blessing is this??? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Yeomra eating popcorn watching all of this from the underworld: („• ᴗ •„)

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