
Chapter 33 : Board Meeting

Rose POV

Aaron pressed his lips together, and a look of irritation flashed briefly over his face.

“You ask a high price, Cayden Colbert,” Aaron said eventually. “But under the given circumstances,” Aaron grinned then, winking at me. “You have been given permission by the board to bring Miss Kinkaid into the meeting. She will have to sign an additional NDA, and there will be some more formalities that we will attend to after.”

Cayden nodded firmly, and then turned to me.

“Is that acceptable to you?” he asked.

“Yes,” I told him. There wasn’t much else that I could say. It was, after all, the only way that I would get to be in the meeting.

And a part of me was concerned for the case, truly. But another part of me thought back to an earlier conversation that Cayden and I had had with each other. Where he had told me that in order for the board to overlook our relationship, I would have to be important enough to them for them to do that.